Ted Nugent: 'Slaughter' Medicare, Medicaid, SS, Revoke Welfare Voting Rights

Ted Nugent Wants Those On Welfare To Forfeit Right To Vote

Are you sure it was.....


Never mind.​
Look what happened to the housing market when it was thrown wide open to the players with no skin in the game. I remember driving home after a long day of standing up forty foot long walls and fourteen foot high by thirty two foot wide gable end frames listening to the radio adds for no money down, no income documentation, interest only, come and get 'im while they're hot mortgages and thinking "Are these people nuts?" The first thing that hit me was the memory of a friend home on 30 day leave from the Air Force saying he had to go off to Minnesota for a few days to visit a friend who had flown his plane under some high tension power lines and "Given the plane back to the taxpayers". Nice euphemism there, because that is exactly what happened to the housing market.
The founders restricted the right to vote exclusively to the property owners because they had the most to lose, so they were going to have the most to say. Somewhere along the way to this new era of egalitarianism we lost our way and our minds. The people who now hold the balance of power have everything to gain but absolutely nothing to lose like the barefoot panhandler sitting on the NYC sidewalk with his ever ready tin cup. When a compassionate bystander provided him with some covering for his bare feet, he immediately exchanged the foot covering for a cocaine hit. People like him have little intrinsic value and worth, except for their vote. But that's the field the Democrats have chosen to sow, cultivate and harvest, making their indolence and sloth as comfortable as possible. If you somehow managed to circumscribe the Democrat's and Barack Obama's joint panderpalooza, the Democratic Party would shortly be extinct. NY Democrat Charlie Rangel said a mouthful he described his and his other Democratic colleagues political philosophy "We have to tax more so we can spend more"
The Founders were exceedingly worried about a man like Barack Obama arriving to subvert their little experiment in self governance. Jefferson considered the ideal citizen to be a farmer who read Homer in the original Greek at night, not someone like Barack Obama, Francis Fox Piven, Van Jones, Al Sharpton, or Jesse Jackson.
Men fainted and women had orgasms when Hitler spoke, and we all know how well that worked out.

Unhinged Van Jones: Obama’s “Treasonous” Opponents Want To “Let The Bodies Pile Up On The Beach”… | Weasel Zippers

Just yours, Van, just yours.
If they dont pay anything in, why should they have a say in who spends it?
I think we need a basic IQ and political knowledge test to be able to vote. When people voting for president don't even know who the VP on the ticket is, we have a problem.
The right wingers seem to vote more for their VP candidate than their pres candidate.

I personally think the Pres and VP should be seperate campaigns and elected seperately from the president.
He asserts:

Let’s also stop the insanity by suspending the right to vote of any American who is on welfare. Once they get off welfare and are self-sustaining, they get their right to vote restored. No American on welfare should have the right to vote for tax increases on those Americans who are working and paying taxes to support them. That’s insane.

In addition to suspending a welfare recipient’s right to vote, we also need to get our voting system straightened out and eliminate voter fraud. We need to ensure that only Americans vote by requiring polling places to validate the identification of each voter.


(I think that mic should be snatched out of His hands and shoved where the sun don't shine.)

What I think is that Ted Nugent is supposed to be dead or in jail. Did he not make the promise that if Obama was re elected that he would turn himself in or off himself?
Look what happened to the housing market when it was thrown wide open to the players with no skin in the game.

.....Compliments o' Phil Gramm!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKKvMJeBBSA]Q&A: Leslie & Andrew Cockburn - YouTube[/ame]

See: 5:00 thru 12:00
man, some sick stuff

What I think is that Ted Nugent is supposed to be dead or in jail. Did he not make the promise that if Obama was re elected that he would turn himself in or off himself?
Who cares what Sit-n-Shit has to say.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvB5dQHvRSc]Frank Zappa - Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar - YouTube[/ame]
Evidently a lot on the left cares what he has to say..

this is the SECOND thread on it:lol:
Nobody gives a shit about Nugent's opinion.

Nobody even gives a shit about Nugent's music.

There is no reason to mention him at all.

Ted's music had it's place and he drew the crowds.
Heis music is what gave him his platform for his politics and his hunting.

Yes. Again why are right wingers obsessed with what entertainers say?
Because you left wingers believe the theater script shit is really true when your parents told you it wasn't a long time ago.
Got anything to back that up? I'm sure plenty of those on welfare, section 8, food stamps etc. voted for Romney.

Well that's why you're an Obamabot, you're stupid...

Especially those in the red states with an overabundance of poor people that think republicans are their good buddies.

You of the 47% went for Dear Leader in a big way. Even in the most "red" state in the union, Arizona, 43% voted democrat - and yes, that would be the portion on welfare.

Don't forget corporate leeches and people like Dubya that made big money on the eminent domain deal to build the stadium in Texas.

Bush made money on the Texas Rangers?

My, you do lie a lot, don't you? Well, leftist are devoid of integrity - it's part of the disease.

Or Bush's medicare part D giveaway to big Pharma. Lots of leeches everywhere.

Now we have Obama's fascist care which makes that boondoggle look downright sane.
I like Ted because of Stranglehold, or a number of his old songs. For political opinions not so much......

And for political reasons, you're more than willing to tell all sorts of lies about him - or any enemy of the party.

Yep, if anyone ever wonders how Pol Pot got away with it, they just need look at you....

Baloney, terrible Sits-n-Shit told that story all by himself as you well know.
Got anything to back that up? I'm sure plenty of those on welfare, section 8, food stamps etc. voted for Romney.

Well that's why you're an Obamabot, you're stupid...

Especially those in the red states with an overabundance of poor people that think republicans are their good buddies.

You of the 47% went for Dear Leader in a big way. Even in the most "red" state in the union, Arizona, 43% voted democrat - and yes, that would be the portion on welfare.

Don't forget corporate leeches and people like Dubya that made big money on the eminent domain deal to build the stadium in Texas.

Bush made money on the Texas Rangers?

My, you do lie a lot, don't you? Well, leftist are devoid of integrity - it's part of the disease.

Or Bush's medicare part D giveaway to big Pharma. Lots of leeches everywhere.

Now we have Obama's fascist care which makes that boondoggle look downright sane.

Not too quick on the uptake, oh yeah your a con, nevermind.

Essentially, Mr. Bush and the owners' group he led bullied and misled the city into raising taxes to build a $200 million stadium that in effect would be handed over to the Rangers. As part of the deal, the city would even confiscate land from private owners so that the Rangers owners could engage in real estate speculation.

A copy of the secret agreement among Mr. Bush and the other Rangers owners shows that they intended to make money not just by running a baseball club but also by land speculation.

Horace Kelton, for example, owned land that the Rangers wanted. The owners got Arlington to seize it, with the city paying less than $1.50 per square foot even though it had previously paid $10 a square foot for other land nearby.

his $14 million profit on the Rangers financed his entry into politics.

But it's also a sordid tale of cronyism, of misuse of power, of cozy backroom money-grubbing -- a more pressing threat to American business than outright criminality.

Bush and The Texas Land Grab - NYTimes.com
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