Ted Nugent Suggests He's Ready For Armed Revolt Against 'Evil, Dangerous' Obama

This arm revolt by the losertrians would last all of two fucking days! They don't have the military!
This arm revolt by the losertrians would last all of two fucking days! They don't have the military!

Nugent didn't defecate in his clothes on purpose to avoid Vietnam, the thought of somebody shooting at him made him poop his pants. He makes treasonous yips, others laugh; he is caricature of a tough guy. His greasy looking scraggly hair, and body, are a form of conservation. He always looks like his last bath was months ago.
"Nugent suggests"? Nugent "will say anything"? What does that say about the hate speech propaganda fed to low information lefties? When the left wing calls for the indictment of the Attorney General for his part in the killing of two Border Patrol officers and a couple of hundred innocent Mexican civilians as a result of the insane gun running plan we will know that they are serious about curbing gun violence.
This arm revolt by the losertrians would last all of two fucking days! They don't have the military!

Nugent didn't defecate in his clothes on purpose to avoid Vietnam, the thought of somebody shooting at him made him poop his pants. He makes treasonous yips, others laugh; he is caricature of a tough guy. His greasy looking scraggly hair, and body, are a form of conservation. He always looks like his last bath was months ago.

You may be right. I guess that the Motor City Madman (known as Ted Nugent) was too much of a pussy to be willing to fight for his country when called.

Me? I volunteered in 1982, and served in no less than 4 war zones (even got fired at by heavy artillery) and never crapped my pants.

Too bad the 'Nuge is such a pussy, yet thinks he's a lion because a lot of other assholes who have never served, yet got a position in politics because they lie really well, support him.

I used to like his music, and I thought he might be a decent human, but after listening to him over the past few years, I know he sucks as a human, and am starting to realize his music might not be that good, because he's a hypocrite.

I mean.....................someone that talks bad about Native Americans, yet writes a song (and gets a lot of money) from a song like "The Great White Buffalo"?

Sorry..................but Ted Nugent is a has been, and is almost as stupid as Palin.
Ted Nugent Suggests He's Ready For Armed Revolt Against 'Evil, Dangerous' Obama


Armed revolt? Yeah, right. I thought Nugent was supposed to be dead or in jail by now.


Is it just me, or has anyone else here noticed the irony of a Native American's making fun of Constitutionalists who are talking about a Second American Revolution?

I would think you would be the one guy here on this board who's most in favor of seeing us Americans go "mutual-assured destruction" on each other, Lakhota.

Divide and conquer, yes?
Too bad the 'Nuge is such a pussy, yet thinks he's a lion because a lot of other assholes who have never served, yet got a position in politics because they lie really well, support him.

A Navy guy who claims he isn't a pussy and that Kerry and Obama aren't the biggest pussys known to mankind?
I am an Army Vietnam vet who was awarded a Combat Medical Badge while my Mechanized Infantry bn. was awarded a Valorous Unit Citation for it's combat operations in Cambodia. You sure you wanna get in a pissin' contest Swabbie?
I say that Ted is a patriot and Mrs. Palin should be our next President.
Anyone who voted for Obama anytime for anything should be required to finish grade school before voting again.
This arm revolt by the losertrians would last all of two fucking days! They don't have the military!

Forget the military. They don't have the people. We'd end the 'revolutionaries' killing our cops and soldiers long before the military was called in. I suspect that the 'revolutionaries' would be begging the military for protection from the rest of us the same day they started their revolution.

As the American people just won't put up with these idiot's shyte.
"Nugent suggests"? Nugent "will say anything"? What does that say about the hate speech propaganda fed to low information lefties? When the left wing calls for the indictment of the Attorney General for his part in the killing of two Border Patrol officers and a couple of hundred innocent Mexican civilians as a result of the insane gun running plan we will know that they are serious about curbing gun violence.

The 'insane gun running plan' that just happens to mirror the State laws of Arizona?
Too bad the 'Nuge is such a pussy, yet thinks he's a lion because a lot of other assholes who have never served, yet got a position in politics because they lie really well, support him.

A Navy guy who claims he isn't a pussy and that Kerry and Obama aren't the biggest pussys known to mankind?
I am an Army Vietnam vet who was awarded a Combat Medical Badge while my Mechanized Infantry bn. was awarded a Valorous Unit Citation for it's combat operations in Cambodia. You sure you wanna get in a pissin' contest Swabbie?
I say that Ted is a patriot and Mrs. Palin should be our next President.
Anyone who voted for Obama anytime for anything should be required to finish grade school before voting again.

You've done it! You've managed to make others not give a shit about your service. Nobody likes a self congratulating vet. Real men don't need to talk about how wonderful they are. And.....they don't support traitors, either.
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Too bad the 'Nuge is such a pussy, yet thinks he's a lion because a lot of other assholes who have never served, yet got a position in politics because they lie really well, support him.

A Navy guy who claims he isn't a pussy and that Kerry and Obama aren't the biggest pussys known to mankind?
I am an Army Vietnam vet who was awarded a Combat Medical Badge while my Mechanized Infantry bn. was awarded a Valorous Unit Citation for it's combat operations in Cambodia. You sure you wanna get in a pissin' contest Swabbie?
I say that Ted is a patriot and Mrs. Palin should be our next President.
Anyone who voted for Obama anytime for anything should be required to finish grade school before voting again.

Yes................if you're going to support some idiot asshole who definitely pissed on our flag by wanting to go ahead and try (and succeeded) to get out of service, go ahead and support that same racist idiot who happens to be a racist dirtbag.

Yeah.......................I've got a lot of fruit salad on my chest (and if you're part of the military you know what that means), but yet I can't have any feelings for some idiot who has never served.

Fuck Ted Nugent, fuck his songs, and fuck whatever place he claims to be from.

Ted isn't a patriot, he's just another loudmouth, and Palin (aka the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil), and she's just another talking head.

If I had any control, not only would the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil be extinct, but so would her running mate known as John McCain (aka as I call him John McStupid) be shown the back door and relegated to the tombs of time.

McCain (aka McStupid) needs to be voted out of office.

We don't need more McStupids, we need more of those that can compromise.

McStupid needs to go home and leave his office alone.
still with Nugent, they dug up a seven month old thread

damn that's some butthurting
Too bad the 'Nuge is such a pussy, yet thinks he's a lion because a lot of other assholes who have never served, yet got a position in politics because they lie really well, support him.

A Navy guy who claims he isn't a pussy and that Kerry and Obama aren't the biggest pussys known to mankind?
I am an Army Vietnam vet who was awarded a Combat Medical Badge while my Mechanized Infantry bn. was awarded a Valorous Unit Citation for it's combat operations in Cambodia. You sure you wanna get in a pissin' contest Swabbie?
I say that Ted is a patriot and Mrs. Palin should be our next President.
Anyone who voted for Obama anytime for anything should be required to finish grade school before voting again.

You've done it! You've managed to make others not give a shit about your service. Nobody likes a self congratulating vet. Real men don't need to talk about how wonderful they are. And.....they don't support traitors, either.

Don't flatter yourself into thinking that anyone gives a shit what you think about service or that you would know a "real man" if you tripped over one. Swabbie implied that those who have served do not consider Ted a patriot and my purpose was to present facts to show him his error.

"And.....they don't support traitors, either"

Bullshit. They most certainly do if they support our current government.
By Nick Wing

Rocker-turned-gun rights provocateur Ted Nugent is willing to say just about anything to attack President Barack Obama and his administration for what he believes is an imminent effort by the government to snatch up guns. During a recent interview, Nugent again raised the bar, invoking a Revolutionary war milestone to suggest that he and his "buddies" were prepared to fight such an effort at all costs.

"I'm part of a very great experiment in self-government where we the people determine our own pursuit of happiness and our own individual freedom and liberty, not to be confused with the Barack Obama gang who believes in we the sheeple and actually is attempting to re-implement the tyranny of King George that we escaped from in 1776," Nugent said in a recent interview with Guns.com at the NBC-sponsored Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade Show. "And if you want another Concord Bridge, I got some buddies."

Nugent appears to be referring to the beginning of the Revolutionary war, when colonial and British troops assembled at the North Bridge in Concord, Mass. in 1775 broke a standoff when one soldier opened fire. While it's still unclear which side fired the first shot, it was later immortalized by poet Ralph Waldo Emerson, who suggested that "the shot heard 'round the world" was fired by an American.

In his interview, Nugent went on to accuse Obama of having communist ties, suggesting that gun-owning Americans needed to do something to "fix" the fact that he was president.

"The president of the United States goes to the Vietnam Memorial Wall and pretends to honor 58,000 American heroes who died fighting communism and then he hires, appoints and associates with communists," Nugent said. "He pretends to pay honor to men who died fighting communism, and then he hangs out with, hires and appoints communists. He is an evil, dangerous man who hates America and hates freedom. And we need to fix this as soon as possible."

More: Ted Nugent Suggests He's Ready For Armed Revolt Against 'Evil, Dangerous' Obama (VIDEO)

Nugent At Gun Industry Trade Show: "If You Want Another Concord Bridge, I've Got Some Buddies" | Blog | Media Matters for America

Sarah Palin Issues a Challenge to Liberal Media

The list of Obama abuses and impeachable offenses is long. I challenge you to lift a finger and help protect democracy, allow justice for all, and ensure domestic tranquility by doing your job reporting current corrupt events fairly. If not, you prove yourselves incompetent and in bed with Obama, not caring one iota about media integrity.

Those running the Washington Post’s show now, compared to those during the Nixon era, are too afraid of being uninvited to the permanent political class’ cocktail parties and petty gossip fests, making you all a bunch of wusses. I challenge you to get to work.
Sarah Palin Issues a Challenge to the Washington Post
Too bad the 'Nuge is such a pussy, yet thinks he's a lion because a lot of other assholes who have never served, yet got a position in politics because they lie really well, support him.

A Navy guy who claims he isn't a pussy and that Kerry and Obama aren't the biggest pussys known to mankind?
I am an Army Vietnam vet who was awarded a Combat Medical Badge while my Mechanized Infantry bn. was awarded a Valorous Unit Citation for it's combat operations in Cambodia. You sure you wanna get in a pissin' contest Swabbie?
I say that Ted is a patriot and Mrs. Palin should be our next President.
Anyone who voted for Obama anytime for anything should be required to finish grade school before voting again.

I salute your service - However your military prowess does not entitle you to special privileges - it entitles you to additional respect. If you were an illegal alien who wiped his ass with our Flag, or a Liberal scumwad who spit on our returning GIs back in the Vienam Era - then my friend - under the current state of things - you could get special Privileges.

Anyone who voted for Obama anytime for anything should be required to finish grade school before voting again.

I voted for Obama ,The first time , NOT THE SECOND TIME - fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me. [And I was also a "Swabbie"] - but I respectfully request I be excluded from going back to grade school - the only thing they Teach in Grade School nowadays is how to be a good little socialist and salute the Furhrer -Heil Obama.
You've never seen him hunt have you? Or what he has faced have you?

Look you little menopausal douche aka tampon of a lifetime who pretends to be an Indian, you really should witness what thwack masters can do.

A gun is nothing. You should see us on bow. And you can't legislate that. :lol:

You fool.

OOOOOOO! I'm a REAL man 'cuz I can whack Bambi from 300 yards.

Come on Ted...and you...let me show you what it's like to do REAL hunting. Come with me as we follow this blood trail into the elephant grass, knowing it's an injured and frightened armed man on the other end.

Ya up to it, hero?

Hey asswipe. These people live right around the corner. I don't visit the wilderness. I live it daily.


Now, blood trails, all my catahoulas were trained on blood. They've all passed now but I'm looking to pick up a black and tan coon hound in the spring. But both of us can follow a blood trail on our own.

I'm a woman asswipe. Both my husband and I hunt. Bow and percussion on top of standard.

Fishing is awesome here as well. I'm on the edge of a major provincial forest. Got it all.

Now Teddly is beyond an exceptional hunter for decades. Don't even try to make yourself out to be more of a man than he is.

Now get a grip.




Go down my road and hang a right.

I don't have to use them. I live here too. KC caters to fly in hunters.

Sports hunters, people that tear down fences, and have to be shown game, cannot find it themselves. Silly ass, grew up with people that hunted because that meant meat on the table for their families. I have zero respect for sports hunters and their fancy outfits.
Quick question.................if Ted Nugent is really interested in an armed revolt, then why did he crap his pants and ask to be let out of Viet Nam?

Me? I served. And was in no less than 4 war zones.

Nugent hasn't done anything to help this country.

I might like some of his songs, but as a human being he leaves much to be desired.

He's a total piece of shit, and doesn't deserve to be listened to.

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