Ted Nugent Suggests He's Ready For Armed Revolt Against 'Evil, Dangerous' Obama

By Nick Wing

In his interview, Nugent went on to accuse Obama of having communist ties, suggesting that gun-owning Americans needed to do something to "fix" the fact that he was president.

"The president of the United States goes to the Vietnam Memorial Wall and pretends to honor 58,000 American heroes who died fighting communism and then he hires, appoints and associates with communists," Nugent said. "He pretends to pay honor to men who died fighting communism, and then he hangs out with, hires and appoints communists. He is an evil, dangerous man who hates America and hates freedom. And we need to fix this as soon as possible."

Yeah... Nugent is another war hero, like the freshman senator Cruz from Texas
Michigan nut, meet Texas nut.
Let's see..................Nugent said that if Obama was reelected, within 6 months, he'd either be dead or in jail.

May 6th can't get here soon enough...............................................
Ted Nugent being dead or in jail Countdown Clock | CountingDownTo.com

"On April 12th, 2012 the Motor City Meathead promised us: ”If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will be either be dead or in jail by this time next year.”

I assume he was trying to get out the vote for Obama. Anyway, here is a helpful reminder to him. Do the right thing Ted"
Nugent may be the craziest person alive living outside an institution. Even Charles Manson never threatened the life of a president.

Dude's not crazy. He knows what he's saying and its all geared to keep his name in the news. Nothing more and nothing less.

I am a 20 year vet and I say this, I don't blame him for.getting out if nam. I really don't but to be a flag waving 'patriot' after what he did is wrong. Really look into WHAT he did to stay out of nam the next time he screams how much an American he is and how much he loves his country.
Nugent may be the craziest person alive living outside an institution. Even Charles Manson never threatened the life of a president.

Dude's not crazy. He knows what he's saying and its all geared to keep his name in the news. Nothing more and nothing less.

I am a 20 year vet and I say this, I don't blame him for.getting out if nam. I really don't but to be a flag waving 'patriot' after what he did is wrong. Really look into WHAT he did to stay out of nam the next time he screams how much an American he is and how much he loves his country.

Actually, I DO blame him for what he did to get out of 'Nam. It was his choice to make, and he chose a shitty one.

I also find it abhorrent that he considers himself a "patriot" after ducking military service.

You know who I consider more of a patriot than the screaming idiot known as the Motor City Madman? A friend of mine that I'd served with, who got his U.S. citizenship about 6 months before I transferred (it's kinda cool to congratulate a brand new U.S. citizen), and he'd earned his by serving in the U.S. Navy.

At least Cas was willing to defend this country, he'd served more than 2 enlistments.

The "Nuge" sadly is a coward that wants the benefits of living here, without actually having to risk his ass.

And......................fwiw........................I've served in 4 war zones.
Dude's not crazy. He knows what he's saying and its all geared to keep his name in the news. Nothing more and nothing less.

I am a 20 year vet and I say this, I don't blame him for.getting out if nam. I really don't but to be a flag waving 'patriot' after what he did is wrong. Really look into WHAT he did to stay out of nam the next time he screams how much an American he is and how much he loves his country.

Actually, I DO blame him for what he did to get out of 'Nam. It was his choice to make, and he chose a shitty one.

I also find it abhorrent that he considers himself a "patriot" after ducking military service.

You know who I consider more of a patriot than the screaming idiot known as the Motor City Madman? A friend of mine that I'd served with, who got his U.S. citizenship about 6 months before I transferred (it's kinda cool to congratulate a brand new U.S. citizen), and he'd earned his by serving in the U.S. Navy.

At least Cas was willing to defend this country, he'd served more than 2 enlistments.

The "Nuge" sadly is a coward that wants the benefits of living here, without actually having to risk his ass.

And......................fwiw........................I've served in 4 war zones.


And to caveat off your post, what really makes Nugent a hypocrit and a complete assclown in my estimation is that in interviews he's talked big shit about what he "would have done" and all the ass he would have kicked had he gone to Vietnam.

Hell, you had you chance and you took the pussy way out. Admit you're a coward and drive on....
I am a 20 year vet and I say this, I don't blame him for.getting out if nam. I really don't but to be a flag waving 'patriot' after what he did is wrong. Really look into WHAT he did to stay out of nam the next time he screams how much an American he is and how much he loves his country.

Actually, I DO blame him for what he did to get out of 'Nam. It was his choice to make, and he chose a shitty one.

I also find it abhorrent that he considers himself a "patriot" after ducking military service.

You know who I consider more of a patriot than the screaming idiot known as the Motor City Madman? A friend of mine that I'd served with, who got his U.S. citizenship about 6 months before I transferred (it's kinda cool to congratulate a brand new U.S. citizen), and he'd earned his by serving in the U.S. Navy.

At least Cas was willing to defend this country, he'd served more than 2 enlistments.

The "Nuge" sadly is a coward that wants the benefits of living here, without actually having to risk his ass.

And......................fwiw........................I've served in 4 war zones.


And to caveat off your post, what really makes Nugent a hypocrit and a complete assclown in my estimation is that in interviews he's talked big shit about what he "would have done" and all the ass he would have kicked had he gone to Vietnam.

Hell, you had you chance and you took the pussy way out. Admit you're a coward and drive on....
It's like o.j. in a sense. You did what you did, got away with it but can't keep your fucking mouth shut. Nug, shut up and go away. Your spitting on real patriotic Americans when you say anything about nam or when your flag waving. Fuck you Mr. Shooter. The thought of someone shooting back at you made you literally shit your pants.
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ted nugent is a giant, ironic pussy. he's a walking caricature. a cartoon. he's the kind of guy who talks like a bully until someone sticks a foot up his ass and he wilts on back home to shoot varmints and other non-threatening creatures who can't shoot back.

and, let's be honest... his music sucks a hairy beanbag.
Yanno...............the only 2 songs that I liked which were wrote and sung by this cocksucker were "Great White Buffalo" and "Free For All".

Other than that? Uncle Ted suck ass.
Yanno...............the only 2 songs that I liked which were wrote and sung by this cocksucker were "Great White Buffalo" and "Free For All".

Other than that? Uncle Ted suck ass.

The only one I can think of is his early music - Cat Scratch Fever. I liked the song and didn't know who was singing it. I was busy back in those days.

I've never given Ted the time of day, but his position is biased and leaves you to wonder if he's nuts or just playing the game.

Right, Ted doesn't do drugs, because he says so!

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