Ted Nugent Suggests He's Ready For Armed Revolt Against 'Evil, Dangerous' Obama

You gotta love Ted, he seems to live in the liberal head and drive them bat shit crazy..

good job:clap2:
You gotta love Ted, he seems to live in the liberal head and drive them bat shit crazy..

good job:clap2:

Are you kidding me? Having Ted on your side is the gift that keeps on giving to everyone on the other side of the political spectrum. The actual possibility that you and others in the GOP fail to grasp that fact will likely baffle social scientists for decades.
You gotta love Ted, he seems to live in the liberal head and drive them bat shit crazy..

good job:clap2:

Are you kidding me? Having Ted on your side is the gift that keeps on giving to everyone on the other side of the political spectrum. The actual possibility that you and others in the GOP fail to grasp that fact will likely baffle social scientists for decades.

you see here folks, they speak with the, it's us against them..
If that's the case your side is damn lucky to have Bill Maher, that million dollar donor to Obama who goes around calling women Vice Presidential candidates, CXXTS
Alot of stuff we are seeing in this country today is direct and clear provacative behavior by our government. They are clearly trying to provoke an incident from some hard right malitia group and then will paint anybody anything right of center as a fringe nuttter.

Gun grabbing......zero for jobs.......higher taxes.......war on small business.......Sandy Hook........drones........and next up, climate legislation and amnesty. Oh.....and Homeland bought another 21 million roounds of ammo ( AGAIN) last month.
You gotta love Ted, he seems to live in the liberal head and drive them bat shit crazy..

good job:clap2:

Are you kidding me? Having Ted on your side is the gift that keeps on giving to everyone on the other side of the political spectrum. The actual possibility that you and others in the GOP fail to grasp that fact will likely baffle social scientists for decades.

you see here folks, they speak with the, it's us against them..
If that's the case your side is damn lucky to have Bill Maher, that million dollar donor to Obama who goes around calling women Vice Presidential candidates, CXXTS

I never made reference to anything regarding "US against THEM".

Since YOU are one of the people who comes across as either a Nugent supporter or someone who's just a little bit giddy that he seems to rile the opposition (in your mind, at least), that's why I said "your side". But I made no reference to MY side. I clearly stated the "other side of the political spectrum".

As for ME, I may be one of his biggest fans since I think he only hurts your cause. I'm just mystified as to why you can't see that. Perhaps you have an ulterior motive cuz all I know is that as far as PR is concerned, Nugent can only manage to help pork rind salesmen, chaw enthusiasts, or Big Pharma representatives interested in convincing people that anti-psychotic drugs can better help people function in an integrated world. But in the supposed new post Obama election win world where the GOP is trying to appeal to a more diverse electorate, Nugent is a PR disaster!
Are you kidding me? Having Ted on your side is the gift that keeps on giving to everyone on the other side of the political spectrum. The actual possibility that you and others in the GOP fail to grasp that fact will likely baffle social scientists for decades.

you see here folks, they speak with the, it's us against them..
If that's the case your side is damn lucky to have Bill Maher, that million dollar donor to Obama who goes around calling women Vice Presidential candidates, CXXTS

I never made reference to anything regarding "US against THEM".

Since YOU are one of the people who comes across as either a Nugent supporter or someone who's just a little bit giddy that he seems to rile the opposition (in your mind, at least), that's why I said "your side". But I made no reference to MY side. I clearly stated the "other side of the political spectrum".

As for ME, I may be one of his biggest fans since I think he only hurts your cause. I'm just mystified as to why you can't see that. Perhaps you have an ulterior motive cuz all I know is that as far as PR is concerned, Nugent can only manage to help pork rind salesmen, chaw enthusiasts, or Big Pharma representatives interested in convincing people that anti-psychotic drugs can better help people function in an integrated world. But in the supposed new post Obama election win world where the GOP is trying to appeal to a more diverse electorate, Nugent is a PR disaster!

who cares what you think, and I don't have a cause...The SECOND Amendment of the Constitution isn't A CAUSE..Abortion would be a "cause".... what Nugent says has no effect on anyone but HIMSELF
GOOD gawd you people are so full of yourselves
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Nugent went round the bend long ago. The boy behaves crazy because he thinks it scares people.

Problem is... he doesnt scare combat Vets... something he had a chance to be, but ran from.

Bluster is not courage, acting crazy does not instill fear, and sedition is sedition, a line he has already crossed. Nugent is fortunate to live in a liberal/libertarian country. if this was, (as he claims it is), a totalitarian state... the boy would have been in a gulag years ago, and the people who adore him would be in mental institutions for being totally controlled by behavioristic, mind control, techniques.

For you who would actually answer Nugents call to arms... dont count on him being with you in the front ranks. If he is all that important to your revolution... maybe you will find him hiding some where in the vast forest of upper Michigan.
Listening to the SOTU - Obama doesn't sound "evil, dangerous" to me.
Has anyone heard anything out of Nugent since the SOTU? I haven't heard anything from him...
Ted Nugent Suggests He's Ready For Armed Revolt Against 'Evil, Dangerous' Obama


Armed revolt? Yeah, right. I thought Nugent was supposed to be dead or in jail by now.
I got a message on my secret decoder belt buckle. I can't tell you without having to kill you.

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