Ted Nugent to be guest of Rep Steve Stockman at Obama's State of the Union speech

I'll be watching the SOTU address - but mostly I'll be looking forward to the rebuttals:

Marco Rubio - For Republicans (today voted "NO" on the Violence Against Women Act)

Rand Paul (Aqua Buddha) - For Tea Party/Libertarians

Ted Nugent - For Assorted Nuts

It should be an "interesting" night...
Chickenhawk website. Every time you people post your garbage you make yourself smaller.

Oh and Sarah Palin said I can see Russia from my house.

Cripes. You belittle yourself for the lie.
Ted has re-told his draft story many times, so don't blame the website.

Why do you admire such an anti-American pervert and creep?

She is Canadien and probably likes his anti-American rants.
She's a Canuck?!?!? And she's arguing with Real Americans™ about American politics????

Of all the nerve.

Go back home, White Witch Of The North!!!!
Similar to the left putting Jane Fonda up as their poster child.
And the Dixie Chicks and other clowns.
Last time I looked Nugent did not go to north Viet Nam and assist the enemy.
On the turd factor Teddy is a 3 and Fonda is a 10.
Add in how many other Hollywood crazies that worship the Democrats?


Similar to the Right putting Jane Fonda up as the Left's poster child.
Similar to the left putting Jane Fonda up as their poster child.
And the Dixie Chicks and other clowns.
Last time I looked Nugent did not go to north Viet Nam and assist the enemy.
On the turd factor Teddy is a 3 and Fonda is a 10.
Add in how many other Hollywood crazies that worship the Democrats?

Jane Fonda? Is she also giving a rebuttal tonight? I didn't know that...

Nugent is giving no rebuttal for the Republicans. He is just going to be there.
Marco Rubio, the next President I hope, is giving the rebuttal.
Similar to the left putting Jane Fonda up as their poster child.
And the Dixie Chicks and other clowns.
Last time I looked Nugent did not go to north Viet Nam and assist the enemy.
On the turd factor Teddy is a 3 and Fonda is a 10.
Add in how many other Hollywood crazies that worship the Democrats?


Similar to the Right putting Jane Fonda up as the Left's poster child.

Correct because she WAS the left's poster child.
Yes, I'm QUITE sure that Ted Nugent will have plenty to say after the President's State of the Union speech. I guess the question is whether or not this invitation and Nugent's subsequent statements are more likely to help the GOP or hurt the GOP.

I would have to guess the latter outcome is far more likely.

While other members of Congress are hosting gun-control advocates for Tuesday's State of the Union address, Rep. Steve Stockman has given one of his visitor's gallery tickets to Ted Nugent, the conservative gun-rights supporter.

"I am excited to have a patriot like Ted Nugent joining me in the House Chamber to hear from President Obama," Mr. Stockman said in a statement announcing the choice. "After the address I'm sure Ted will have plenty to say."


Oh, yeah! He's that dumbshit that said Obama was going to write unconstitutional gun-grabbing EOs and he would impeach the President for it.

A few sandwiches short of a picnic, this guy. Of course he's the one who invited Nugent! "Let's get Nugent to tell us how Obama's coming for our guns! Let's completely blow our credibility in the gun debate so the Left can win this round! Yeah! I'm too stupid to debate the actual issues involved!"

Brilliant tactic. Just brilliant. I guess the voters in his district like having a retard in office.
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If Nugent was honest, he'd show up dressed like a Nascar driver, with his suit plastered with decals from all the businesses in the gun industry that bankroll him.
Nugent is going to shriek about Obama coming for your guns, and Stockman is going to beam and waddle like a Mongoloid idiot. It's going to be a real freakshow, ladies and gentlemen. They should charge the rubes admission to come and see the mutants perform. I can't believe they are giving this shit away for free.
I could care less if politicians from EITHER party get their panties in a bunch over somebody they don't like.

Ted Nugent is a great American. SCREW the GOP and SCREW the Democrats!

If Ted Nugent is a great American, the standards have been lowered considerably for Ted to qualify as one, considering that previously it was men like Dwight D. Eisenhower who most Americans would say belonged in such a group.

And don't even get me started on radio hosts who throw that description around in reference to themselves.

Compared to the Politicians, Ted Nugent is a great American.
The standards have been considerably lowered for politicians.
If Nugent was honest, he'd show up dressed like a Nascar driver, with his suit plastered with decals from all the businesses in the gun industry that bankroll him.

Seriously...... that is an old joke about politicians..
If you were to compare Ted's sponsors with your average politician's, Ted would look like he was unfunded.
Texas has some "special" reps. Louie "Gomer" Gohmert (1st district) is one of my favorites. He's nutty as a fruitcake.

Yeah, they're all finding a way to get their 15 minutes of notoriety (thought I was gonna say fame, didn't cha?).

Paul Broun from GA is another guy who's recent comments have raised his profile when he said that the sciences of embryology, evolution, and the Big Bang are "lies straight from the Pit of Hell ... lies to try to keep me and all the folks who are taught that from understanding that they need a savior."

But as nutty as that is, at least it's true that he was elected. Can you imagine a majority of people in ANY district voting to put Ted Nugent in Congress?
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Yes, I'm QUITE sure that Ted Nugent will have plenty to say after the President's State of the Union speech. I guess the question is whether or not this invitation and Nugent's subsequent statements are more likely to help the GOP or hurt the GOP.

I would have to guess the latter outcome is far more likely.

While other members of Congress are hosting gun-control advocates for Tuesday's State of the Union address, Rep. Steve Stockman has given one of his visitor's gallery tickets to Ted Nugent, the conservative gun-rights supporter.

"I am excited to have a patriot like Ted Nugent joining me in the House Chamber to hear from President Obama," Mr. Stockman said in a statement announcing the choice. "After the address I'm sure Ted will have plenty to say."


Oh, yeah! He's that dumbshit that said Obama was going to write unconstitutional gun-grabbing EOs and he would impeach the President for it.

A few sandwiches short of a picnic, this guy. Of course he's the one who invited Nugent! "Let's get Nugent to tell us how Obama's coming for our guns! Let's completely blow our credibility in the gun debate so the Left can win this round! Yeah! I'm too stupid to debate the actual issues involved!"

Brilliant tactic. Just brilliant. I guess the voters in his district like having a retard in office.

He's been here before, too:

...his reelection should be taken as a sign that certain areas of Texas are still bitter at Somalia's success, and even more bitter that they can't just elect outright crooks like Tom DeLay anymore. Mostly known for being a nutcase one-term Congressman back in the nineties, Stockman made a brief name for himself with Waco conspiracy theories, gun fetishism, gun fetishism about Waco conspiracy theories, and a relationship with the NRA and anti-government militias that even for the 1990's was fairly goddamn nuts.

Meet Rep. Steve Stockman, the moron who thinks Ted Nugent is a 'patriot'
Yes, I'm QUITE sure that Ted Nugent will have plenty to say after the President's State of the Union speech. I guess the question is whether or not this invitation and Nugent's subsequent statements are more likely to help the GOP or hurt the GOP.

I would have to guess the latter outcome is far more likely.


Oh, yeah! He's that dumbshit that said Obama was going to write unconstitutional gun-grabbing EOs and he would impeach the President for it.

A few sandwiches short of a picnic, this guy. Of course he's the one who invited Nugent! "Let's get Nugent to tell us how Obama's coming for our guns! Let's completely blow our credibility in the gun debate so the Left can win this round! Yeah! I'm too stupid to debate the actual issues involved!"

Brilliant tactic. Just brilliant. I guess the voters in his district like having a retard in office.

He's been here before, too:

...his reelection should be taken as a sign that certain areas of Texas are still bitter at Somalia's success, and even more bitter that they can't just elect outright crooks like Tom DeLay anymore. Mostly known for being a nutcase one-term Congressman back in the nineties, Stockman made a brief name for himself with Waco conspiracy theories, gun fetishism, gun fetishism about Waco conspiracy theories, and a relationship with the NRA and anti-government militias that even for the 1990's was fairly goddamn nuts.
Meet Rep. Steve Stockman, the moron who thinks Ted Nugent is a 'patriot'

The more I ponder this whole thing, the odder it seems. The GOP just had their retreat, right? Didn't they hatch some kind of a plan to be more inclusive and less strident in the process? I know that was what I had heard, and it certainly seemed like a lot of the rhetoric (at least from some quarters) had changed. As recently as just this weekend, Eric Cantor was singing the praises of granting citizenship to illegal immigrants who arrived here as children. That was a total reversal of his previous statements. So, what is going on when one Congressman, elected after years of not being a House member, invites someone to the SOU who's antithetical to their new approach?
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Oh, yeah! He's that dumbshit that said Obama was going to write unconstitutional gun-grabbing EOs and he would impeach the President for it.

A few sandwiches short of a picnic, this guy. Of course he's the one who invited Nugent! "Let's get Nugent to tell us how Obama's coming for our guns! Let's completely blow our credibility in the gun debate so the Left can win this round! Yeah! I'm too stupid to debate the actual issues involved!"

Brilliant tactic. Just brilliant. I guess the voters in his district like having a retard in office.

He's been here before, too:

...his reelection should be taken as a sign that certain areas of Texas are still bitter at Somalia's success, and even more bitter that they can't just elect outright crooks like Tom DeLay anymore. Mostly known for being a nutcase one-term Congressman back in the nineties, Stockman made a brief name for himself with Waco conspiracy theories, gun fetishism, gun fetishism about Waco conspiracy theories, and a relationship with the NRA and anti-government militias that even for the 1990's was fairly goddamn nuts.
Meet Rep. Steve Stockman, the moron who thinks Ted Nugent is a 'patriot'

The more I ponder this whole thing, the odder it seems. The GOP just had their retreat, right? Didn't they hatch some kind of a plan to be more inclusive and less strident in the process? I know that was what I had heard, and it certainly seemed like a lot of the rhetoric (at least from some quarters) had changed. As recently as just this weekend, Eric Cantor was singing the praises of granting citizenship to illegal immigrants who arrived here as children. That was a total reversal of his previous statements. So, what is going on when one Congressman, elected after years of not being a House member invites someone to the SOU who's antithetical to their new approach?

Karl's going to root out the nutcases from the party isn't he?

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