Ted Nugent to be guest of Rep Steve Stockman at Obama's State of the Union speech

Nugent is going to shriek about Obama coming for your guns, and Stockman is going to beam and waddle like a Mongoloid idiot. It's going to be a real freakshow, ladies and gentlemen. They should charge the rubes admission to come and see the mutants perform. I can't believe they are giving this shit away for free.

The more I ponder this whole thing, the odder it seems. The GOP just had their retreat, right? Didn't they hatch some kind of a plan to be more inclusive and less strident in the process? I know that was what I had heard, and it certainly seemed like a lot of the rhetoric (at least from some quarters) had changed. As recently as just this weekend, Eric Cantor was singing the praises of granting citizenship to illegal immigrants who arrived here as children. That was a total reversal of his previous statements. So, what is going on when one Congressman, elected after years of not being a House member invites someone to the SOU who's antithetical to their new approach?

Karl's going to root out the nutcases from the party isn't he?

Karl Rove is also a nutcase - he just wants "electable" nutcases.
Texas has some "special" reps. Louie "Gomer" Gohmert (1st district) is one of my favorites. He's nutty as a fruitcake.

Like Democrat Shelia Jackson Lee?
She thought NASA astronauts landed on Mars.
Real special fruit cake she is.
On the batshit crazy meter ....who ranks higher

Stockman or Nugent?
Nugent is going to shriek about Obama coming for your guns, and Stockman is going to beam and waddle like a Mongoloid idiot. It's going to be a real freakshow, ladies and gentlemen. They should charge the rubes admission to come and see the mutants perform. I can't believe they are giving this shit away for free.

On the batshit crazy meter ....who ranks higher

Stockman or Nugent?

Stockman called out the failures of deficit spending while in the Reagan administration.
Man had balls.

Are you sure you have the right Stockman? I believe you're thinking of David Stockman - not Steve Stockman.
did anyone see him? I listened to the first half of the SOTU on the radio. Was he wearing business casual camo?
Yes, I'm QUITE sure that Ted Nugent will have plenty to say after the President's State of the Union speech. I guess the question is whether or not this invitation and Nugent's subsequent statements are more likely to help the GOP or hurt the GOP.

I would have to guess the latter outcome is far more likely.

While other members of Congress are hosting gun-control advocates for Tuesday's State of the Union address, Rep. Steve Stockman has given one of his visitor's gallery tickets to Ted Nugent, the conservative gun-rights supporter.

"I am excited to have a patriot like Ted Nugent joining me in the House Chamber to hear from President Obama," Mr. Stockman said in a statement announcing the choice. "After the address I'm sure Ted will have plenty to say."
To the Republican USMBers...what do you think of that move by Mr. Stockman?

Looks like creepy Nugent was in the peanut gallery.
I was hoping they wouldn't acknowledge his existence. Was he a part of the press corp?
Actually, he sorta looked like he was a part of the janitorial crew.

He sure didn't look like the rock star of yesteryear.

Well, he, like all people, get older.

Getting older is the least of Ted Nugent's problems. He looked like a bum in that suit and he has never had much common sense at all. Did they think placing him in the room was going to make the president feel nervous? Why would anyone invite that slug?

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