Teen arrested for defending him self against the mob!

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How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!

he willingly went to another state with a loaded weapon to hunt brown people.


& his mama drove him.

Now all you have to do is prove it, and feelz aren't proof.

he cannot claim self defense when he actively took a gun that he is not allowed to own because he is a minor - crime #1.

he actively crossed state lines with said gun - crime #2

he killed 2 people & maimed a 3rd - crimes #3, 4,& 5.
Lol democrats are suddenly taking away our right to self defense .. lol hahah Major derangement
These Biden voters make up shit as they go along then act like its true. Don't be surprised to see ballistics show a second shooter.
How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!

he willingly went to another state with a loaded weapon to hunt brown people.


& his mama drove him.

Now all you have to do is prove it, and feelz aren't proof.

he cannot claim self defense when he actively took a gun that he is not allowed to own because he is a minor - crime #1.

he actively crossed state lines with said gun - crime #2

he killed 2 people & maimed a 3rd - crimes #3, 4,& 5.
He never had a gun
He never crossed state lines with a gun or any firearm
He is entitled to use deadly force to defend himself.

we already know you live in bizarro world. no need to prove it yet again.
The facts are bizarro to you because you completely fabricated the whole thing in your head. Meanwhile, the case against this kid is disintegrating.
How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!

he willingly went to another state with a loaded weapon to hunt brown people.


& his mama drove him.

Now all you have to do is prove it, and feelz aren't proof.

he cannot claim self defense when he actively took a gun that he is not allowed to own because he is a minor - crime #1.

he actively crossed state lines with said gun - crime #2

he killed 2 people & maimed a 3rd - crimes #3, 4,& 5.
Lol democrats are suddenly taking away our right to self defense .. lol hahah Major derangement
These Biden voters make up shit as they go along then act like its true. Don't be surprised to see ballistics show a second shooter.


How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!
Yah, lets get him out of jail, else that young ripe ass ho is gonna be a meal for somebody someday..... :abgg2q.jpg:
How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!
Yah, lets get him out of jail, else that young ripe ass ho is gonna be a meal for somebody someday..... :abgg2q.jpg:
This kid right here.
Yes, this kid.
This kid saw an American community being destroyed, businesses broken into, windows smashed, buildings burned and looted, peoples livelihoods being ripped out from under them. He saw fellow citizens beaten, robbed and brutalized.
He grabbed a rifle, filled a bag with medical supplies and went to help. He knew the risk he was taking when he made the decision. This kid decided to go and help anyway, as a trained medic with just a rifle and a first aid kit. This kid was willing to put his life on the line to protect fellow Americans.

This kid was berated, called a racist, a Nazi and a fascist. This kid was pepper sprayed, chased and cornered by a violent mob, had a Molotov cocktail thrown at him, but his resolve wouldn’t budge, this kid was there to help. Even as the mob turned on him Instead of standing his ground he fled, he tried to escape, he did not fire a shot.
Not until his life was in imminent danger did he defend himself and only fired when he had no choice. The men he fired on were attempting to take his life, make no mistake about that. One threw a Molotov cocktail at him, the other two beat him with a skateboard, stomped on his head, and pointed a gun in his face while attempting to take his rifle, his liberty, and his life. There is video evidence of ALL OF THIS.

He’s now facing the consequences of his actions. He’s been charged with first degree murder. He almost had his life taken from him several times that evening. He knew these were the risks going into it, this kid went anyway.
That’s what service is. That’s what being an American is about.

Kicking people from their homes, burning, looting, attempting to kill police officers, assaulting innocent bystanders, destroying your community? That’s not American. That’s not patriotic. It is cowardice.

This kid is more of a man, more patriotic, more American than most of us, (including me) could ever hope to be.

This kid.
. Trumpsters don't care about states rights,
prove it.
Can't prove a negative.

Have you ever stood up for states rights when it conflicted with your dear leader's commands?
The question you should be asking has Trump ever fought for something that doesn't help out the US? And since the answer is no-----why would we stand against a president who is actually trying to help america?
How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!
Yah, lets get him out of jail, else that young ripe ass ho is gonna be a meal for somebody someday..... :abgg2q.jpg:
This kid right here.
Yes, this kid.
This kid saw an American community being destroyed, businesses broken into, windows smashed, buildings burned and looted, peoples livelihoods being ripped out from under them. He saw fellow citizens beaten, robbed and brutalized.
He grabbed a rifle, filled a bag with medical supplies and went to help. He knew the risk he was taking when he made the decision. This kid decided to go and help anyway, as a trained medic with just a rifle and a first aid kit. This kid was willing to put his life on the line to protect fellow Americans.

This kid was berated, called a racist, a Nazi and a fascist. This kid was pepper sprayed, chased and cornered by a violent mob, had a Molotov cocktail thrown at him, but his resolve wouldn’t budge, this kid was there to help. Even as the mob turned on him Instead of standing his ground he fled, he tried to escape, he did not fire a shot.
Not until his life was in imminent danger did he defend himself and only fired when he had no choice. The men he fired on were attempting to take his life, make no mistake about that. One threw a Molotov cocktail at him, the other two beat him with a skateboard, stomped on his head, and pointed a gun in his face while attempting to take his rifle, his liberty, and his life. There is video evidence of ALL OF THIS.

He’s now facing the consequences of his actions. He’s been charged with first degree murder. He almost had his life taken from him several times that evening. He knew these were the risks going into it, this kid went anyway.
That’s what service is. That’s what being an American is about.

Kicking people from their homes, burning, looting, attempting to kill police officers, assaulting innocent bystanders, destroying your community? That’s not American. That’s not patriotic. It is cowardice.

This kid is more of a man, more patriotic, more American than most of us, (including me) could ever hope to be.

This kid.View attachment 381638

cool story that you c/p, bro.
. Trumpsters don't care about states rights,
prove it.
Can't prove a negative.

Have you ever stood up for states rights when it conflicted with your dear leader's commands?
The question you should be asking has Trump ever fought for something that doesn't help out the US? And since the answer is no-----why would we stand against a president who is actually trying to help america?

donny has fought against our own intel community - - - 17 agencies - - - that has been telling us how russia interfered in & is continuing to interfere with our elections.

he actually took putin's word over 'ours' on foreign soil, in helsinki - cause 'vlad said they aren't ' very strongly & forcefully '

oh ok. well then, he MUST be telling the truth.... right?

btw - our (R) chair controlled intel committee just released their 5th volume of intel evidence that russia is still very active regarding our elections...

huh; imagine that.
riots, certainly minors must stay home. The last thing they shoild do is take any weapon to a riot of hundreds.

It may be self defense, but only after he stupidly put himself in a situation he could of avoided.
. Trumpsters don't care about states rights,
prove it.
Can't prove a negative.

Have you ever stood up for states rights when it conflicted with your dear leader's commands?
The question you should be asking has Trump ever fought for something that doesn't help out the US? And since the answer is no-----why would we stand against a president who is actually trying to help america?

donny has fought against our own intel community - - - 17 agencies - - - that has been telling us how russia interfered in & is continuing to interfere with our elections.

he actually took putin's word over 'ours' on foreign soil, in helsinki - cause 'vlad said they aren't ' very strongly & forcefully '

oh ok. well then, he MUST be telling the truth.... right?

btw - our (R) chair controlled intel committee just released their 5th volume of intel evidence that russia is still very active regarding our elections...

huh; imagine that.
Do you really want to try to spin some lies--------even with all the evidence out there about the FBI breaking laws trying to frame trump and LYING THEIR ARSES about Russia helping trump, when they were actually trying to help Hilliary you think Trump should be taking our INtel communities word on anything? Really?

OH fyi pumpkin, even before Trump came to office our fbi/cia had been up to their eyeballs in corruption and not reporting the facts---while at times even Russia was more honest about the truth. Take for instance the Marathon bombers------which Russia warned they had accepted intel of these foreigner immigrants plotting to murder americans while the FBI and CIA ignore their terrorism under the Obama/clinton regime.

Oh and one other thing...our intel committee RINO L. Graham was just out on the talk show circuits baby-------------he is saying that the intel evidence clearly shows that there was collusion from a former government to steal our election--------------------it was to help HILLIARY btw and he wouldn't name the country BUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT since the 90's the Chinese have been helping the clintons steal elections and have been snagged multiple times arranging illegal donations to the clintons not to mention their DONATIONS to the Clinton foundation as well. Remember it was the slime of the world--the CHINESE, the RUSSIANS< and the SAUDS who all just threw millions $$$$$$ to the clintons via the foundation.
riots, certainly minors must stay home. The last thing they shoild do is take any weapon to a riot of hundreds.

It may be self defense, but only after he stupidly put himself in a situation he could of avoided.
We have a right to walk freely and we have a right to bear arms
How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!
Yah, lets get him out of jail, else that young ripe ass ho is gonna be a meal for somebody someday..... :abgg2q.jpg:
He's not in jail.
If you look at the law you will see that it is so vague that any lawyer could drive a truck through it. Kyle has a dream team legal representation. Just ask Nick Sandmann how good they are. I contributed to his defense yesterday. All Americans should.

If he is somehow guilty of possessing a gun that he should have been carrying because of his age that "crime" sure as hell ain't murder. The killing of the Communists was clear cut self defense. He never should have been charge. The Moon Bat DA is an asshole for charging him. Shame on her!

There's a big difference between shaking down a media company to end a nuscience lawsuit and defending someone for murder when you have a slam dunk case against him.
How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!
Yah, lets get him out of jail, else that young ripe ass ho is gonna be a meal for somebody someday..... :abgg2q.jpg:
This kid right here.
Yes, this kid.
This kid saw an American community being destroyed, businesses broken into, windows smashed, buildings burned and looted, peoples livelihoods being ripped out from under them. He saw fellow citizens beaten, robbed and brutalized.
He grabbed a rifle, filled a bag with medical supplies and went to help. He knew the risk he was taking when he made the decision. This kid decided to go and help anyway, as a trained medic with just a rifle and a first aid kit. This kid was willing to put his life on the line to protect fellow Americans.

This kid was berated, called a racist, a Nazi and a fascist. This kid was pepper sprayed, chased and cornered by a violent mob, had a Molotov cocktail thrown at him, but his resolve wouldn’t budge, this kid was there to help. Even as the mob turned on him Instead of standing his ground he fled, he tried to escape, he did not fire a shot.
Not until his life was in imminent danger did he defend himself and only fired when he had no choice. The men he fired on were attempting to take his life, make no mistake about that. One threw a Molotov cocktail at him, the other two beat him with a skateboard, stomped on his head, and pointed a gun in his face while attempting to take his rifle, his liberty, and his life. There is video evidence of ALL OF THIS.

He’s now facing the consequences of his actions. He’s been charged with first degree murder. He almost had his life taken from him several times that evening. He knew these were the risks going into it, this kid went anyway.
That’s what service is. That’s what being an American is about.

Kicking people from their homes, burning, looting, attempting to kill police officers, assaulting innocent bystanders, destroying your community? That’s not American. That’s not patriotic. It is cowardice.

This kid is more of a man, more patriotic, more American than most of us, (including me) could ever hope to be.

This kid.View attachment 381638
All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Kyle Rittenhouse did something. His parents should be proud.
If you look at the law you will see that it is so vague that any lawyer could drive a truck through it. Kyle has a dream team legal representation. Just ask Nick Sandmann how good they are. I contributed to his defense yesterday. All Americans should.

If he is somehow guilty of possessing a gun that he should have been carrying because of his age that "crime" sure as hell ain't murder. The killing of the Communists was clear cut self defense. He never should have been charge. The Moon Bat DA is an asshole for charging him. Shame on her!

There's a big difference between shaking down a media company to end a nuscience lawsuit and defending someone for murder when you have a slam dunk case against him.

LOL....Weak tactic my left wing friend....Trying to catagorize the case as open and shut before any investigation, let alone a trial is the folly of a loser.
How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!

he willingly went to another state with a loaded weapon to hunt brown people.


& his mama drove him.

Now all you have to do is prove it, and feelz aren't proof.

he cannot claim self defense when he actively took a gun that he is not allowed to own because he is a minor - crime #1.

he actively crossed state lines with said gun - crime #2

he killed 2 people & maimed a 3rd - crimes #3, 4,& 5.
Oh brother---minors can have guns. They just need adult supervision which he had. Why is this such a hard concept for you to get? His mom drove him and the gun to the car dealership, and at the car dealership, there were adults to supervise.
If you look at the law you will see that it is so vague that any lawyer could drive a truck through it. Kyle has a dream team legal representation. Just ask Nick Sandmann how good they are. I contributed to his defense yesterday. All Americans should.

If he is somehow guilty of possessing a gun that he should have been carrying because of his age that "crime" sure as hell ain't murder. The killing of the Communists was clear cut self defense. He never should have been charge. The Moon Bat DA is an asshole for charging him. Shame on her!

There's a big difference between shaking down a media company to end a nuscience lawsuit and defending someone for murder when you have a slam dunk case against him.

The legal team will be fine. Don't you worry your little Moon Bat head. We got this.
How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!

he willingly went to another state with a loaded weapon to hunt brown people.


& his mama drove him.

Now all you have to do is prove it, and feelz aren't proof.

he cannot claim self defense when he actively took a gun that he is not allowed to own because he is a minor - crime #1.

he actively crossed state lines with said gun - crime #2

he killed 2 people & maimed a 3rd - crimes #3, 4,& 5.
Oh brother---minors can have guns. They just need adult supervision which he had. Why is this such a hard concept for you to get? His mom drove him and the gun to the car dealership, and at the car dealership, there were adults to supervise.

Oh and Fyi, at 17 and even younger at times people join the military and are issued guns.

Oh and another---say I was jaywalking also a misdeamor--------this does not mean that I don't have the right to defend myself as I jaywalk if I am attacked by someone else.

Whether the kid had the legal right to have a gun is meaningless------he still had the right to use the gun in self defense after was attacked by Joe Bidens violent criminal voters.
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