Teen arrested for defending him self against the mob!

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Your idea of what men do is sucking cock in prison?? Thst's what that little terrorist is gonna be doing for the rest of his life.
You wish to see a 17 year old boy forced to suck cocks.
There are words I could use to describe what you promote and the loathing I feel, but I cannot use them here.
You must an imbecile if you don't know that's what goes on in prisons.
I'm not the one promoting the rape of children, here.

You are.
More nonsense. He'll be an adult when he goes to prison.
He's not going dear----------

The DA and cops in Illinois are protecting him and the charges are only meant to do so at this point.

secondly, do you really think Trump or the trumpers and soccer moms would allow the beasts to lock up this sweet boy who cleans up graffetti and carries around a med kit and wears patriotic clogs. HUn, the boy signals you goofy anti american communists/anarchists end----he is a rallying point now.
He killed people. And one of those people was a citizen trying to disarm a shooter, someone you normally support.

Creates an ethical dilemma a doesnt it? One person, wh would be considered an shooter shooting in self defense and another citizen trying to disarm an active shooter, gets killed.

If the politics were reversed, you would defend the citizen trying to take down a shooter. At the time no one could he wasnt just some militant nut.
you would think after you were so wrong about the mccloskeys you would know to keep your mouth shut until all the facts are out,,
sadly thats not the case,,,
Wut? Did the McClownskey prevail in their case?
The governor pardoned them. End of story.
the ag dropped the bogus charges,,,
I don't think either has happened yet. Can you link to an article?

just checked google and they arent giving anything current,,will try firefox later,,
from what I heard the state AG stepped in and had the charges dropped,,
Maybe this is what you're talking about ... ?

Editor note: A previous version of this story suggested all charges were dropped against the couple. Now legal sources in the city say that is not yet formally the case. The Missouri AG is still seeking to dismiss the case. We’ll be sure to keep you updated on this breaking story as new details become available.​
The skinny on Kyle Rittenhouse's involvment in Kenosha Wisconsin................the truth you have not heard elsewhere....certainly not from the MSM who are doing their best to assasinate his character.


So says his lawyer.

Meanwhile, despite his lawyer's claim the rifle was not his and not carried across state lines, there's video of the RW teen terrorist stating it was his rifle.

typical leftwinger....take something out of context and twist it to fit your fallacious allegation....and where is this video you refer to?
I twisted nothing. His lawyer is claiming it wasn't his gun but there's video of the kid saying it was his. WTF do you think I'm twisting?
Post a link to it.
Already did.
You're a lying weasel.

No, fucking moron, I'm not lying. I posted it here ...

Post #2148

"People are getting injured and our job is to protect this business. And my job also is to protect people. If someone is hurt, I’m running into harm’s way. That’s why I have my rifle; I’ve gotta' protect myself, obviously. But I also have my med kit."

... but I see now that video clip, which I transcribed, has since been taken down by youtube. Here it is again [for now] where someone else posted it...

"That's why I have my rifle" would be true if it was a rifle that someone loaned him. He never said he owned the weapon.

You're lying, as usual.

Fucking moron, if not his, he would have said, "a rifle," not "my rifle." As he continued to state "But I also have my med kit."

Imbecile. It was just explained to you that "my rifle" means only the rifle currently in your posession. It doesn't necessarily mean you are the legal owner.

Your idea of what men do is sucking cock in prison?? Thst's what that little terrorist is gonna be doing for the rest of his life.
You wish to see a 17 year old boy forced to suck cocks.
There are words I could use to describe what you promote and the loathing I feel, but I cannot use them here.
You must an imbecile if you don't know that's what goes on in prisons.
I'm not the one promoting the rape of children, here.

You are.
More nonsense. He'll be an adult when he goes to prison.
He's not going dear----------

The DA and cops in Illinois are protecting him and the charges are only meant to do so at this point.

secondly, do you really think Trump or the trumpers and soccer moms would allow the beasts to lock up this sweet boy who cleans up graffetti and carries around a med kit and wears patriotic clogs. HUn, the boy signals you goofy anti american communists/anarchists end----he is a rallying point now.
He killed people. And one of those people was a citizen trying to disarm a shooter, someone you normally support.

Creates an ethical dilemma a doesnt it? One person, wh would be considered an shooter shooting in self defense and another citizen trying to disarm an active shooter, gets killed.

If the politics were reversed, you would defend the citizen trying to take down a shooter. At the time no one could he wasnt just some militant nut.
you would think after you were so wrong about the mccloskeys you would know to keep your mouth shut until all the facts are out,,
sadly thats not the case,,,
Wut? Did the McClownskey prevail in their case?
The governor pardoned them. End of story.
the ag dropped the bogus charges,,,
I don't think either has happened yet. Can you link to an article?

just checked google and they arent giving anything current,,will try firefox later,,
from what I heard the state AG stepped in and had the charges dropped,,
Maybe this is what you're talking about ... ?

Editor note: A previous version of this story suggested all charges were dropped against the couple. Now legal sources in the city say that is not yet formally the case. The Missouri AG is still seeking to dismiss the case. We’ll be sure to keep you updated on this breaking story as new details become available.​

so hes trying,,,thanks for the update,,,
At the 1:22 mark on the video...Colin Noir is a lawyer...

He doesn't sound very optimistic about it.

I expect him to be in violation of this law.

If you look at the law you will see that it is so vague that any lawyer could drive a truck through it. Kyle has a dream team legal representation. Just ask Nick Sandmann how good they are. I contributed to his defense yesterday. All Americans should.

If he is somehow guilty of possessing a gun that he should have been carrying because of his age that "crime" sure as hell ain't murder. The killing of the Communists was clear cut self defense. He never should have been charge. The Moon Bat DA is an asshole for charging him. Shame on her!

What's vague about it? The law seems perfectly clear on that infraction. "Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor."

"that 'crime' sure as hell ain't murder"

Who said a class A misdemeanor is murder? Of course it's not the same thing. I think he's going to get a relatively light sentence of 9 months.

most likely just a fine and a slap on the wrist,,,
and then he can sue the city for allowing violent riots to happen unopposed,,,

And...with Nick Sandmann's lawyer...sue all of the news networks who called him a racist and white supremacist..........

Which networks called
Update: Here's the suspect:

It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Liability would be very high for police if found to be giving right-wing militia members the right to kill. But let's not rush to judgment.
Details should be revealed soon:
Geez...he is just a kid. And he is going to have to live with this the rest of his life. Where the hell were his parents?
More kids need to do what this kid did.. he’s a hero
Murder does make a hero.

No 17 year old should have been put in that position or allowed to bring a gun that to a protest, you sick ****! They are not mature, they do not have good judgement, he got in way over his head, and ended two lives and ruined his own forever. And from all accounts he doesn’t seem like a bad kid! Where in the hell were his parents? How did he get a gun?
If you had watched the videos and read the articles you would know the answers to those questions. He works In Kenosha was helping clean graffiti after work, he also had plans to provide medic assistance to protesters. He and friends were asked to guard the business he was at,and was provided the gun by his friend. He was targeted And attacked by the rioters because he was protecting a business they wanted to destroy.

At least 16 shots were fired during said attack not from his gun...including the first shot that started the whole thing.

I already pointed out he was carrying a medic bag. Like I said, I don't think he is a bad kid. But a lot of idiotic decisions were made by "adults". He should NOT have armed (that was illegal) and should not have been guarding a business. He's a minor.

And there are more questions.

There was a curfew. That is usually a pretty good tool in preventing riots.

Why were the demonstrators out there after the curfew?

Why were armed citizens out there after curfew?

Why were the police out there - doing nothing to disperse the crowd, but passing out water to this private militia?

Why did the police allow an armed suspect (and, if you watch one of the videos, it shows demonstrators calling to the police that Rittenhouse had just shot someone) - walk on past and go home?

There was a lot wrong here that could have easily been prevented if people did their jobs, and that doesn't even touch on what happened with Blake. Heads ought to roll.
you called him a murderer now youre calling him a good kid,,,

And you are overly literal when it suits you. I said from the start I don't think he was a bad kid, but killing those people should not have happened and he should not have been there. Your main tool in defending this is to shred the characters of the dead folks so as to justify killing.

Maybe if those criminals...and yes, at least two of them were convicted criminals...hadn't tried to attack him they would still be alive...that's on them, not him....

That's an unproven claim so far. One, from what I read (the first guy he shot who was unarmed) had a 2002 conviction for statutory rape. Do you have something more definite and provable, like maybe a mainstream (even Fox) article showing they were convicted criminals? Haven't seen it, so I'm asking seriously because there is a lot of fakery flying around.

When someone guns down a person what does a crowd usually do? Run and scream, go after the shooter, attempt to subdue the shooter (and it's noteworthy that the police appeared to be doing NOTHING other than letting him walk away).

If someone has any sort of criminal record, does that in and of itself make them a legitimate target in your eyes? Does political ideology in and of itself make them a legitimate target? (lots of accusations flying around calling them commies yada yada as if that means it's ok to kill).

back to twisting the facts I see,,,

Which "facts"?

he didnt gun someone down for starters,,,he killed a guy that was chasing him trying to take his gun and when he got cornered he fired in self defense,,,

same goes for the other two,,

now stop lying,,,

Stop lying. He wasn't cornered. He was running between parked cars.

You mean till he tripoed and one of them ran up and hit him in the head with a skakeboard and another tried to pull a gun as he was trapped on the ground----he didn't look like he was between cars to me. And don't even get me started on the first---the child didn't fire the first shots----who did is the question is who did. Was it the pedo midget who was the first killed, was it his buddy the skateboard dude, or was it the one armed bandit who was trying to hide the gun in his wasteband.......maybe dippy didn't realize how to aim gun which is likely since he couldn't even get the kid as he laid on the ground.

Try harder to pay attention -- we were talking about his first murder.

I've seen the video dozens of times. You're lying.

Slobbers the USMB fucking moron.

It all on video ... Rosenbaum chased across the front of a boarded up auto shop. The teen murderer ran in between 2 cars where Rosenbaum followed and got shot as he got near the teen murderer. It was then the teen murderer shot Rosenbaum and then continued walking between those same two cars, emerging past them and then circling around the car on the left. That shows he was not cornered. He just stopped running.

He was def cornered.. it’s a figure of speech .. don’t get hung up on speech .. it was self

Lying Russian troll, "cornered" means no other means of escape. He clearly had another means of escape as he continued walking between the cars, emerging on the back side of them, just as I said and just as you were too retarded to understand.
The skinny on Kyle Rittenhouse's involvment in Kenosha Wisconsin................the truth you have not heard elsewhere....certainly not from the MSM who are doing their best to assasinate his character.


So says his lawyer.

Meanwhile, despite his lawyer's claim the rifle was not his and not carried across state lines, there's video of the RW teen terrorist stating it was his rifle.

typical leftwinger....take something out of context and twist it to fit your fallacious allegation....and where is this video you refer to?
I twisted nothing. His lawyer is claiming it wasn't his gun but there's video of the kid saying it was his. WTF do you think I'm twisting?
Post a link to it.
Already did.
You're a lying weasel.

No, fucking moron, I'm not lying. I posted it here ...

Post #2148

"People are getting injured and our job is to protect this business. And my job also is to protect people. If someone is hurt, I’m running into harm’s way. That’s why I have my rifle; I’ve gotta' protect myself, obviously. But I also have my med kit."

... but I see now that video clip, which I transcribed, has since been taken down by youtube. Here it is again [for now] where someone else posted it...

"That's why I have my rifle" would be true if it was a rifle that someone loaned him. He never said he owned the weapon.

You're lying, as usual.

Fucking moron, if not his, he would have said, "a rifle," not "my rifle." As he continued to state "But I also have my med kit."

Imbecile. It was just explained to you that "my rifle" means only the rifle currently in your posession. It doesn't necessarily mean you are the legal owner.

its like a racecar driver saying my car when its not his car but just the car hes been given permission to drive,,,
At the 1:22 mark on the video...Colin Noir is a lawyer...

He doesn't sound very optimistic about it.

I expect him to be in violation of this law.

If you look at the law you will see that it is so vague that any lawyer could drive a truck through it. Kyle has a dream team legal representation. Just ask Nick Sandmann how good they are. I contributed to his defense yesterday. All Americans should.

If he is somehow guilty of possessing a gun that he should have been carrying because of his age that "crime" sure as hell ain't murder. The killing of the Communists was clear cut self defense. He never should have been charge. The Moon Bat DA is an asshole for charging him. Shame on her!

What's vague about it? The law seems perfectly clear on that infraction. "Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor."

"that 'crime' sure as hell ain't murder"

Who said a class A misdemeanor is murder? Of course it's not the same thing. I think he's going to get a relatively light sentence of 9 months.

most likely just a fine and a slap on the wrist,,,
and then he can sue the city for allowing violent riots to happen unopposed,,,

And...with Nick Sandmann's lawyer...sue all of the news networks who called him a racist and white supremacist..........

Which networks called
Update: Here's the suspect:

It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Liability would be very high for police if found to be giving right-wing militia members the right to kill. But let's not rush to judgment.
Details should be revealed soon:
Geez...he is just a kid. And he is going to have to live with this the rest of his life. Where the hell were his parents?
More kids need to do what this kid did.. he’s a hero
Murder does make a hero.

No 17 year old should have been put in that position or allowed to bring a gun that to a protest, you sick ****! They are not mature, they do not have good judgement, he got in way over his head, and ended two lives and ruined his own forever. And from all accounts he doesn’t seem like a bad kid! Where in the hell were his parents? How did he get a gun?
If you had watched the videos and read the articles you would know the answers to those questions. He works In Kenosha was helping clean graffiti after work, he also had plans to provide medic assistance to protesters. He and friends were asked to guard the business he was at,and was provided the gun by his friend. He was targeted And attacked by the rioters because he was protecting a business they wanted to destroy.

At least 16 shots were fired during said attack not from his gun...including the first shot that started the whole thing.

I already pointed out he was carrying a medic bag. Like I said, I don't think he is a bad kid. But a lot of idiotic decisions were made by "adults". He should NOT have armed (that was illegal) and should not have been guarding a business. He's a minor.

And there are more questions.

There was a curfew. That is usually a pretty good tool in preventing riots.

Why were the demonstrators out there after the curfew?

Why were armed citizens out there after curfew?

Why were the police out there - doing nothing to disperse the crowd, but passing out water to this private militia?

Why did the police allow an armed suspect (and, if you watch one of the videos, it shows demonstrators calling to the police that Rittenhouse had just shot someone) - walk on past and go home?

There was a lot wrong here that could have easily been prevented if people did their jobs, and that doesn't even touch on what happened with Blake. Heads ought to roll.
you called him a murderer now youre calling him a good kid,,,

And you are overly literal when it suits you. I said from the start I don't think he was a bad kid, but killing those people should not have happened and he should not have been there. Your main tool in defending this is to shred the characters of the dead folks so as to justify killing.

Maybe if those criminals...and yes, at least two of them were convicted criminals...hadn't tried to attack him they would still be alive...that's on them, not him....

That's an unproven claim so far. One, from what I read (the first guy he shot who was unarmed) had a 2002 conviction for statutory rape. Do you have something more definite and provable, like maybe a mainstream (even Fox) article showing they were convicted criminals? Haven't seen it, so I'm asking seriously because there is a lot of fakery flying around.

When someone guns down a person what does a crowd usually do? Run and scream, go after the shooter, attempt to subdue the shooter (and it's noteworthy that the police appeared to be doing NOTHING other than letting him walk away).

If someone has any sort of criminal record, does that in and of itself make them a legitimate target in your eyes? Does political ideology in and of itself make them a legitimate target? (lots of accusations flying around calling them commies yada yada as if that means it's ok to kill).

back to twisting the facts I see,,,

Which "facts"?

he didnt gun someone down for starters,,,he killed a guy that was chasing him trying to take his gun and when he got cornered he fired in self defense,,,

same goes for the other two,,

now stop lying,,,

Stop lying. He wasn't cornered. He was running between parked cars.

You mean till he tripoed and one of them ran up and hit him in the head with a skakeboard and another tried to pull a gun as he was trapped on the ground----he didn't look like he was between cars to me. And don't even get me started on the first---the child didn't fire the first shots----who did is the question is who did. Was it the pedo midget who was the first killed, was it his buddy the skateboard dude, or was it the one armed bandit who was trying to hide the gun in his wasteband.......maybe dippy didn't realize how to aim gun which is likely since he couldn't even get the kid as he laid on the ground.

Try harder to pay attention -- we were talking about his first murder.

I've seen the video dozens of times. You're lying.

Slobbers the USMB fucking moron.

It all on video ... Rosenbaum chased across the front of a boarded up auto shop. The teen murderer ran in between 2 cars where Rosenbaum followed and got shot as he got near the teen murderer. It was then the teen murderer shot Rosenbaum and then continued walking between those same two cars, emerging past them and then circling around the car on the left. That shows he was not cornered. He just stopped running.

He was def cornered.. it’s a figure of speech .. don’t get hung up on speech .. it was self

Lying Russian troll, "cornered" means no other means of escape. He clearly had another means of escape as he continued walking between the cars, emerging on the back side of them, just as I said and just as you were too retarded to understand.

You also claimed Kyle shot Rosenbaum when there's no way you can see that in the video.
At the 1:22 mark on the video...Colin Noir is a lawyer...

He doesn't sound very optimistic about it.

I expect him to be in violation of this law.

If you look at the law you will see that it is so vague that any lawyer could drive a truck through it. Kyle has a dream team legal representation. Just ask Nick Sandmann how good they are. I contributed to his defense yesterday. All Americans should.

If he is somehow guilty of possessing a gun that he should have been carrying because of his age that "crime" sure as hell ain't murder. The killing of the Communists was clear cut self defense. He never should have been charge. The Moon Bat DA is an asshole for charging him. Shame on her!

What's vague about it? The law seems perfectly clear on that infraction. "Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor."

"that 'crime' sure as hell ain't murder"

Who said a class A misdemeanor is murder? Of course it's not the same thing. I think he's going to get a relatively light sentence of 9 months.

most likely just a fine and a slap on the wrist,,,
and then he can sue the city for allowing violent riots to happen unopposed,,,

And...with Nick Sandmann's lawyer...sue all of the news networks who called him a racist and white supremacist..........

Which networks called
Update: Here's the suspect:

It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Liability would be very high for police if found to be giving right-wing militia members the right to kill. But let's not rush to judgment.
Details should be revealed soon:
Geez...he is just a kid. And he is going to have to live with this the rest of his life. Where the hell were his parents?
More kids need to do what this kid did.. he’s a hero
Murder does make a hero.

No 17 year old should have been put in that position or allowed to bring a gun that to a protest, you sick ****! They are not mature, they do not have good judgement, he got in way over his head, and ended two lives and ruined his own forever. And from all accounts he doesn’t seem like a bad kid! Where in the hell were his parents? How did he get a gun?
If you had watched the videos and read the articles you would know the answers to those questions. He works In Kenosha was helping clean graffiti after work, he also had plans to provide medic assistance to protesters. He and friends were asked to guard the business he was at,and was provided the gun by his friend. He was targeted And attacked by the rioters because he was protecting a business they wanted to destroy.

At least 16 shots were fired during said attack not from his gun...including the first shot that started the whole thing.

I already pointed out he was carrying a medic bag. Like I said, I don't think he is a bad kid. But a lot of idiotic decisions were made by "adults". He should NOT have armed (that was illegal) and should not have been guarding a business. He's a minor.

And there are more questions.

There was a curfew. That is usually a pretty good tool in preventing riots.

Why were the demonstrators out there after the curfew?

Why were armed citizens out there after curfew?

Why were the police out there - doing nothing to disperse the crowd, but passing out water to this private militia?

Why did the police allow an armed suspect (and, if you watch one of the videos, it shows demonstrators calling to the police that Rittenhouse had just shot someone) - walk on past and go home?

There was a lot wrong here that could have easily been prevented if people did their jobs, and that doesn't even touch on what happened with Blake. Heads ought to roll.
you called him a murderer now youre calling him a good kid,,,

And you are overly literal when it suits you. I said from the start I don't think he was a bad kid, but killing those people should not have happened and he should not have been there. Your main tool in defending this is to shred the characters of the dead folks so as to justify killing.

Maybe if those criminals...and yes, at least two of them were convicted criminals...hadn't tried to attack him they would still be alive...that's on them, not him....

That's an unproven claim so far. One, from what I read (the first guy he shot who was unarmed) had a 2002 conviction for statutory rape. Do you have something more definite and provable, like maybe a mainstream (even Fox) article showing they were convicted criminals? Haven't seen it, so I'm asking seriously because there is a lot of fakery flying around.

When someone guns down a person what does a crowd usually do? Run and scream, go after the shooter, attempt to subdue the shooter (and it's noteworthy that the police appeared to be doing NOTHING other than letting him walk away).

If someone has any sort of criminal record, does that in and of itself make them a legitimate target in your eyes? Does political ideology in and of itself make them a legitimate target? (lots of accusations flying around calling them commies yada yada as if that means it's ok to kill).

back to twisting the facts I see,,,

Which "facts"?

he didnt gun someone down for starters,,,he killed a guy that was chasing him trying to take his gun and when he got cornered he fired in self defense,,,

same goes for the other two,,

now stop lying,,,

Stop lying. He wasn't cornered. He was running between parked cars.

You mean till he tripoed and one of them ran up and hit him in the head with a skakeboard and another tried to pull a gun as he was trapped on the ground----he didn't look like he was between cars to me. And don't even get me started on the first---the child didn't fire the first shots----who did is the question is who did. Was it the pedo midget who was the first killed, was it his buddy the skateboard dude, or was it the one armed bandit who was trying to hide the gun in his wasteband.......maybe dippy didn't realize how to aim gun which is likely since he couldn't even get the kid as he laid on the ground.

Try harder to pay attention -- we were talking about his first murder.

I've seen the video dozens of times. You're lying.

Slobbers the USMB fucking moron.

It all on video ... Rosenbaum chased across the front of a boarded up auto shop. The teen murderer ran in between 2 cars where Rosenbaum followed and got shot as he got near the teen murderer. It was then the teen murderer shot Rosenbaum and then continued walking between those same two cars, emerging past them and then circling around the car on the left. That shows he was not cornered. He just stopped running.

He was def cornered.. it’s a figure of speech .. don’t get hung up on speech .. it was self

Lying Russian troll, "cornered" means no other means of escape. He clearly had another means of escape as he continued walking between the cars, emerging on the back side of them, just as I said and just as you were too retarded to understand.

funny that the same people he was running from were there when he rounded the cars,,,so he was cornered
At the 1:22 mark on the video...Colin Noir is a lawyer...

He doesn't sound very optimistic about it.

I expect him to be in violation of this law.

If you look at the law you will see that it is so vague that any lawyer could drive a truck through it. Kyle has a dream team legal representation. Just ask Nick Sandmann how good they are. I contributed to his defense yesterday. All Americans should.

If he is somehow guilty of possessing a gun that he should have been carrying because of his age that "crime" sure as hell ain't murder. The killing of the Communists was clear cut self defense. He never should have been charge. The Moon Bat DA is an asshole for charging him. Shame on her!

What's vague about it? The law seems perfectly clear on that infraction. "Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor."

"that 'crime' sure as hell ain't murder"

Who said a class A misdemeanor is murder? Of course it's not the same thing. I think he's going to get a relatively light sentence of 9 months.

most likely just a fine and a slap on the wrist,,,
and then he can sue the city for allowing violent riots to happen unopposed,,,

And...with Nick Sandmann's lawyer...sue all of the news networks who called him a racist and white supremacist..........

Which networks called
Update: Here's the suspect:

It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Liability would be very high for police if found to be giving right-wing militia members the right to kill. But let's not rush to judgment.
Details should be revealed soon:
Geez...he is just a kid. And he is going to have to live with this the rest of his life. Where the hell were his parents?
More kids need to do what this kid did.. he’s a hero
Murder does make a hero.

No 17 year old should have been put in that position or allowed to bring a gun that to a protest, you sick ****! They are not mature, they do not have good judgement, he got in way over his head, and ended two lives and ruined his own forever. And from all accounts he doesn’t seem like a bad kid! Where in the hell were his parents? How did he get a gun?
If you had watched the videos and read the articles you would know the answers to those questions. He works In Kenosha was helping clean graffiti after work, he also had plans to provide medic assistance to protesters. He and friends were asked to guard the business he was at,and was provided the gun by his friend. He was targeted And attacked by the rioters because he was protecting a business they wanted to destroy.

At least 16 shots were fired during said attack not from his gun...including the first shot that started the whole thing.

I already pointed out he was carrying a medic bag. Like I said, I don't think he is a bad kid. But a lot of idiotic decisions were made by "adults". He should NOT have armed (that was illegal) and should not have been guarding a business. He's a minor.

And there are more questions.

There was a curfew. That is usually a pretty good tool in preventing riots.

Why were the demonstrators out there after the curfew?

Why were armed citizens out there after curfew?

Why were the police out there - doing nothing to disperse the crowd, but passing out water to this private militia?

Why did the police allow an armed suspect (and, if you watch one of the videos, it shows demonstrators calling to the police that Rittenhouse had just shot someone) - walk on past and go home?

There was a lot wrong here that could have easily been prevented if people did their jobs, and that doesn't even touch on what happened with Blake. Heads ought to roll.
you called him a murderer now youre calling him a good kid,,,

And you are overly literal when it suits you. I said from the start I don't think he was a bad kid, but killing those people should not have happened and he should not have been there. Your main tool in defending this is to shred the characters of the dead folks so as to justify killing.

Maybe if those criminals...and yes, at least two of them were convicted criminals...hadn't tried to attack him they would still be alive...that's on them, not him....

That's an unproven claim so far. One, from what I read (the first guy he shot who was unarmed) had a 2002 conviction for statutory rape. Do you have something more definite and provable, like maybe a mainstream (even Fox) article showing they were convicted criminals? Haven't seen it, so I'm asking seriously because there is a lot of fakery flying around.

When someone guns down a person what does a crowd usually do? Run and scream, go after the shooter, attempt to subdue the shooter (and it's noteworthy that the police appeared to be doing NOTHING other than letting him walk away).

If someone has any sort of criminal record, does that in and of itself make them a legitimate target in your eyes? Does political ideology in and of itself make them a legitimate target? (lots of accusations flying around calling them commies yada yada as if that means it's ok to kill).

back to twisting the facts I see,,,

Which "facts"?

he didnt gun someone down for starters,,,he killed a guy that was chasing him trying to take his gun and when he got cornered he fired in self defense,,,

same goes for the other two,,

now stop lying,,,

Stop lying. He wasn't cornered. He was running between parked cars.

You mean till he tripoed and one of them ran up and hit him in the head with a skakeboard and another tried to pull a gun as he was trapped on the ground----he didn't look like he was between cars to me. And don't even get me started on the first---the child didn't fire the first shots----who did is the question is who did. Was it the pedo midget who was the first killed, was it his buddy the skateboard dude, or was it the one armed bandit who was trying to hide the gun in his wasteband.......maybe dippy didn't realize how to aim gun which is likely since he couldn't even get the kid as he laid on the ground.

Try harder to pay attention -- we were talking about his first murder.

I've seen the video dozens of times. You're lying.

Slobbers the USMB fucking moron.

It all on video ... Rosenbaum chased across the front of a boarded up auto shop. The teen murderer ran in between 2 cars where Rosenbaum followed and got shot as he got near the teen murderer. It was then the teen murderer shot Rosenbaum and then continued walking between those same two cars, emerging past them and then circling around the car on the left. That shows he was not cornered. He just stopped running.

He was def cornered.. it’s a figure of speech .. don’t get hung up on speech .. it was self

Lying Russian troll, "cornered" means no other means of escape. He clearly had another means of escape as he continued walking between the cars, emerging on the back side of them, just as I said and just as you were too retarded to understand.

And if he couldn’t run any more , what other means did he have to avoid bodily harm? Asking for a friend hehe

Your idea of what men do is sucking cock in prison?? Thst's what that little terrorist is gonna be doing for the rest of his life.
You wish to see a 17 year old boy forced to suck cocks.
There are words I could use to describe what you promote and the loathing I feel, but I cannot use them here.
You must an imbecile if you don't know that's what goes on in prisons.
I'm not the one promoting the rape of children, here.

You are.
More nonsense. He'll be an adult when he goes to prison.
He's not going dear----------

The DA and cops in Illinois are protecting him and the charges are only meant to do so at this point.

secondly, do you really think Trump or the trumpers and soccer moms would allow the beasts to lock up this sweet boy who cleans up graffetti and carries around a med kit and wears patriotic clogs. HUn, the boy signals you goofy anti american communists/anarchists end----he is a rallying point now.
He killed people. And one of those people was a citizen trying to disarm a shooter, someone you normally support.

Creates an ethical dilemma a doesnt it? One person, wh would be considered an shooter shooting in self defense and another citizen trying to disarm an active shooter, gets killed.

If the politics were reversed, you would defend the citizen trying to take down a shooter. At the time no one could he wasnt just some militant nut.
you would think after you were so wrong about the mccloskeys you would know to keep your mouth shut until all the facts are out,,
sadly thats not the case,,,
Wut? Did the McClownskey prevail in their case?
The governor pardoned them. End of story.
the ag dropped the bogus charges,,,
Prove it ...

only you can prove youre a fucking idiot,,,

Imbecile, you claimed the AG dropped the charges. Can't you prove what you claim?
The skinny on Kyle Rittenhouse's involvment in Kenosha Wisconsin................the truth you have not heard elsewhere....certainly not from the MSM who are doing their best to assasinate his character.


So says his lawyer.

Meanwhile, despite his lawyer's claim the rifle was not his and not carried across state lines, there's video of the RW teen terrorist stating it was his rifle.

typical leftwinger....take something out of context and twist it to fit your fallacious allegation....and where is this video you refer to?
I twisted nothing. His lawyer is claiming it wasn't his gun but there's video of the kid saying it was his. WTF do you think I'm twisting?
Post a link to it.
Already did.
You're a lying weasel.

No, fucking moron, I'm not lying. I posted it here ...

Post #2148

"People are getting injured and our job is to protect this business. And my job also is to protect people. If someone is hurt, I’m running into harm’s way. That’s why I have my rifle; I’ve gotta' protect myself, obviously. But I also have my med kit."

... but I see now that video clip, which I transcribed, has since been taken down by youtube. Here it is again [for now] where someone else posted it...

"That's why I have my rifle" would be true if it was a rifle that someone loaned him. He never said he owned the weapon.

You're lying, as usual.

Fucking moron, if not his, he would have said, "a rifle," not "my rifle." As he continued to state "But I also have my med kit."

Imbecile. It was just explained to you that "my rifle" means only the rifle currently in your posession. It doesn't necessarily mean you are the legal owner.

its like a racecar driver saying my car when its not his car but just the car hes been given permission to drive,,,

FAUX will never admit he's wrong. He's regurgitating Dim talking points. Admitting they are bullshit isn't in the script
Slobbers the USMB fucking moron.

It all on video ... Rosenbaum chased across the front of a boarded up auto shop. The teen murderer ran in between 2 cars where Rosenbaum followed and got shot as he got near the teen murderer. It was then the teen murderer shot Rosenbaum and then continued walking between those same two cars, emerging past them and then circling around the car on the left. That shows he was not cornered. He just stopped running.
You can't tell that from the video. It's too shaky and too distant.

Fucking moron ... even the charging document that's been released describes what I just described is in the video....

The video shows that as they cross the parking lot, Rosenbaum appears to throw an object at the defendant. The object does not hit the defendant and a second video shows, based on where the object landed, that it was a plastic bag. Rosenbaum appears to be unarmed for the duration of this video. A review of the second video shows that the defendant and Rosenbaum continue to move across the parking lot and approach the front of a black car parked in the lot. A loud bang is heard on the video, then a male shouts, “Fuck you!”, then Rosenbaum appears to continue to approach the defendant and gets in near proximity to the defendant when 4 more loud bangs are heard. Rosenbaum then falls to the ground. The defendant then circles behind the black car and approaches Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum remains on the ground. McGinnis also approaches, removes his shirt, and attempts to render aid to Rosenbaum. The defendant appears to get on his cell phone and place a call. Another male approaches, and the defendant turns and begins to run away from the scene. As the defendant is running away, he can be heard saying on the phone, “I just killed somebody.”

There is something seriously wrong with your deformed brain that you deny what you see with your own eyes.
You can't see from the video that Kyle shot Rosenbaum. The police description doesn't say that because they couldn't tell either. It says four shots rang out, and then Rosenbaum then falls to the ground. It doesn't say Kyle shot Rosenbaum four times.

Once again, you lie.
Fucking moron, the teen murderer confessed on the spot...

"I just killed somebody." ~ Kyle Rittenhouse

Your idea of what men do is sucking cock in prison?? Thst's what that little terrorist is gonna be doing for the rest of his life.
You wish to see a 17 year old boy forced to suck cocks.
There are words I could use to describe what you promote and the loathing I feel, but I cannot use them here.
You must an imbecile if you don't know that's what goes on in prisons.
I'm not the one promoting the rape of children, here.

You are.
More nonsense. He'll be an adult when he goes to prison.
He's not going dear----------

The DA and cops in Illinois are protecting him and the charges are only meant to do so at this point.

secondly, do you really think Trump or the trumpers and soccer moms would allow the beasts to lock up this sweet boy who cleans up graffetti and carries around a med kit and wears patriotic clogs. HUn, the boy signals you goofy anti american communists/anarchists end----he is a rallying point now.
He killed people. And one of those people was a citizen trying to disarm a shooter, someone you normally support.

Creates an ethical dilemma a doesnt it? One person, wh would be considered an shooter shooting in self defense and another citizen trying to disarm an active shooter, gets killed.

If the politics were reversed, you would defend the citizen trying to take down a shooter. At the time no one could he wasnt just some militant nut.
you would think after you were so wrong about the mccloskeys you would know to keep your mouth shut until all the facts are out,,
sadly thats not the case,,,
Wut? Did the McClownskey prevail in their case?
The governor pardoned them. End of story.
the ag dropped the bogus charges,,,
Prove it ...

only you can prove youre a fucking idiot,,,

Imbecile, you claimed the AG dropped the charges. Can't you prove what you claim?
you ever heard of a person being wrong??
so thank you for bringing me up to date on it,,,
At the 1:22 mark on the video...Colin Noir is a lawyer...

He doesn't sound very optimistic about it.

I expect him to be in violation of this law.

If you look at the law you will see that it is so vague that any lawyer could drive a truck through it. Kyle has a dream team legal representation. Just ask Nick Sandmann how good they are. I contributed to his defense yesterday. All Americans should.

If he is somehow guilty of possessing a gun that he should have been carrying because of his age that "crime" sure as hell ain't murder. The killing of the Communists was clear cut self defense. He never should have been charge. The Moon Bat DA is an asshole for charging him. Shame on her!

What's vague about it? The law seems perfectly clear on that infraction. "Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor."

"that 'crime' sure as hell ain't murder"

Who said a class A misdemeanor is murder? Of course it's not the same thing. I think he's going to get a relatively light sentence of 9 months.

most likely just a fine and a slap on the wrist,,,
and then he can sue the city for allowing violent riots to happen unopposed,,,

And...with Nick Sandmann's lawyer...sue all of the news networks who called him a racist and white supremacist..........

Which networks called
Update: Here's the suspect:

It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Liability would be very high for police if found to be giving right-wing militia members the right to kill. But let's not rush to judgment.
Details should be revealed soon:
Geez...he is just a kid. And he is going to have to live with this the rest of his life. Where the hell were his parents?
More kids need to do what this kid did.. he’s a hero
Murder does make a hero.

No 17 year old should have been put in that position or allowed to bring a gun that to a protest, you sick ****! They are not mature, they do not have good judgement, he got in way over his head, and ended two lives and ruined his own forever. And from all accounts he doesn’t seem like a bad kid! Where in the hell were his parents? How did he get a gun?
If you had watched the videos and read the articles you would know the answers to those questions. He works In Kenosha was helping clean graffiti after work, he also had plans to provide medic assistance to protesters. He and friends were asked to guard the business he was at,and was provided the gun by his friend. He was targeted And attacked by the rioters because he was protecting a business they wanted to destroy.

At least 16 shots were fired during said attack not from his gun...including the first shot that started the whole thing.

I already pointed out he was carrying a medic bag. Like I said, I don't think he is a bad kid. But a lot of idiotic decisions were made by "adults". He should NOT have armed (that was illegal) and should not have been guarding a business. He's a minor.

And there are more questions.

There was a curfew. That is usually a pretty good tool in preventing riots.

Why were the demonstrators out there after the curfew?

Why were armed citizens out there after curfew?

Why were the police out there - doing nothing to disperse the crowd, but passing out water to this private militia?

Why did the police allow an armed suspect (and, if you watch one of the videos, it shows demonstrators calling to the police that Rittenhouse had just shot someone) - walk on past and go home?

There was a lot wrong here that could have easily been prevented if people did their jobs, and that doesn't even touch on what happened with Blake. Heads ought to roll.
you called him a murderer now youre calling him a good kid,,,

And you are overly literal when it suits you. I said from the start I don't think he was a bad kid, but killing those people should not have happened and he should not have been there. Your main tool in defending this is to shred the characters of the dead folks so as to justify killing.

Maybe if those criminals...and yes, at least two of them were convicted criminals...hadn't tried to attack him they would still be alive...that's on them, not him....

That's an unproven claim so far. One, from what I read (the first guy he shot who was unarmed) had a 2002 conviction for statutory rape. Do you have something more definite and provable, like maybe a mainstream (even Fox) article showing they were convicted criminals? Haven't seen it, so I'm asking seriously because there is a lot of fakery flying around.

When someone guns down a person what does a crowd usually do? Run and scream, go after the shooter, attempt to subdue the shooter (and it's noteworthy that the police appeared to be doing NOTHING other than letting him walk away).

If someone has any sort of criminal record, does that in and of itself make them a legitimate target in your eyes? Does political ideology in and of itself make them a legitimate target? (lots of accusations flying around calling them commies yada yada as if that means it's ok to kill).

back to twisting the facts I see,,,

Which "facts"?

he didnt gun someone down for starters,,,he killed a guy that was chasing him trying to take his gun and when he got cornered he fired in self defense,,,

same goes for the other two,,

now stop lying,,,

Stop lying. He wasn't cornered. He was running between parked cars.

against a wall,,,

Stop lying. He was standing between 2 cars -- which he continued to around one of them after shooting his victim. That is not the definition of "cornered." "Cornered" means he would have had no place else to go. He did. And Wisconsin doesn't have a stand-your-ground law. It was his duty to retreat if he felt threatened.

17 year old being attacked by what a 36 year old pedo---and you think that he shouldn't have shot to defend himself. The boy hid from the pedo all day--------and the pedo just kept going after him and then finally he snuck up on the boy so the boy had to defend himself.


You still have zero evidence he's a "pedo."

Are you defending a pedo lol what is this mambla?

What pedo?

The one with 4 bullets In his head lol

No one there had 4 bullets in their head. Thanks for admitting you were full of shit all along.
Slobbers the USMB fucking moron.

It all on video ... Rosenbaum chased across the front of a boarded up auto shop. The teen murderer ran in between 2 cars where Rosenbaum followed and got shot as he got near the teen murderer. It was then the teen murderer shot Rosenbaum and then continued walking between those same two cars, emerging past them and then circling around the car on the left. That shows he was not cornered. He just stopped running.
You can't tell that from the video. It's too shaky and too distant.

Fucking moron ... even the charging document that's been released describes what I just described is in the video....

The video shows that as they cross the parking lot, Rosenbaum appears to throw an object at the defendant. The object does not hit the defendant and a second video shows, based on where the object landed, that it was a plastic bag. Rosenbaum appears to be unarmed for the duration of this video. A review of the second video shows that the defendant and Rosenbaum continue to move across the parking lot and approach the front of a black car parked in the lot. A loud bang is heard on the video, then a male shouts, “Fuck you!”, then Rosenbaum appears to continue to approach the defendant and gets in near proximity to the defendant when 4 more loud bangs are heard. Rosenbaum then falls to the ground. The defendant then circles behind the black car and approaches Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum remains on the ground. McGinnis also approaches, removes his shirt, and attempts to render aid to Rosenbaum. The defendant appears to get on his cell phone and place a call. Another male approaches, and the defendant turns and begins to run away from the scene. As the defendant is running away, he can be heard saying on the phone, “I just killed somebody.”

There is something seriously wrong with your deformed brain that you deny what you see with your own eyes.
You can't see from the video that Kyle shot Rosenbaum. The police description doesn't say that because they couldn't tell either. It says four shots rang out, and then Rosenbaum then falls to the ground. It doesn't say Kyle shot Rosenbaum four times.

Once again, you lie.
Fucking moron, the teen murderer confessed on the spot...

"I just killed somebody." ~ Kyle Rittenhouse
doesnt mean he murdered them,,,
At the 1:22 mark on the video...Colin Noir is a lawyer...

He doesn't sound very optimistic about it.

I expect him to be in violation of this law.

If you look at the law you will see that it is so vague that any lawyer could drive a truck through it. Kyle has a dream team legal representation. Just ask Nick Sandmann how good they are. I contributed to his defense yesterday. All Americans should.

If he is somehow guilty of possessing a gun that he should have been carrying because of his age that "crime" sure as hell ain't murder. The killing of the Communists was clear cut self defense. He never should have been charge. The Moon Bat DA is an asshole for charging him. Shame on her!

What's vague about it? The law seems perfectly clear on that infraction. "Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor."

"that 'crime' sure as hell ain't murder"

Who said a class A misdemeanor is murder? Of course it's not the same thing. I think he's going to get a relatively light sentence of 9 months.

most likely just a fine and a slap on the wrist,,,
and then he can sue the city for allowing violent riots to happen unopposed,,,

And...with Nick Sandmann's lawyer...sue all of the news networks who called him a racist and white supremacist..........

Which networks called
Update: Here's the suspect:

It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Liability would be very high for police if found to be giving right-wing militia members the right to kill. But let's not rush to judgment.
Details should be revealed soon:
Geez...he is just a kid. And he is going to have to live with this the rest of his life. Where the hell were his parents?
More kids need to do what this kid did.. he’s a hero
Murder does make a hero.

No 17 year old should have been put in that position or allowed to bring a gun that to a protest, you sick ****! They are not mature, they do not have good judgement, he got in way over his head, and ended two lives and ruined his own forever. And from all accounts he doesn’t seem like a bad kid! Where in the hell were his parents? How did he get a gun?
If you had watched the videos and read the articles you would know the answers to those questions. He works In Kenosha was helping clean graffiti after work, he also had plans to provide medic assistance to protesters. He and friends were asked to guard the business he was at,and was provided the gun by his friend. He was targeted And attacked by the rioters because he was protecting a business they wanted to destroy.

At least 16 shots were fired during said attack not from his gun...including the first shot that started the whole thing.

I already pointed out he was carrying a medic bag. Like I said, I don't think he is a bad kid. But a lot of idiotic decisions were made by "adults". He should NOT have armed (that was illegal) and should not have been guarding a business. He's a minor.

And there are more questions.

There was a curfew. That is usually a pretty good tool in preventing riots.

Why were the demonstrators out there after the curfew?

Why were armed citizens out there after curfew?

Why were the police out there - doing nothing to disperse the crowd, but passing out water to this private militia?

Why did the police allow an armed suspect (and, if you watch one of the videos, it shows demonstrators calling to the police that Rittenhouse had just shot someone) - walk on past and go home?

There was a lot wrong here that could have easily been prevented if people did their jobs, and that doesn't even touch on what happened with Blake. Heads ought to roll.
you called him a murderer now youre calling him a good kid,,,

And you are overly literal when it suits you. I said from the start I don't think he was a bad kid, but killing those people should not have happened and he should not have been there. Your main tool in defending this is to shred the characters of the dead folks so as to justify killing.

Maybe if those criminals...and yes, at least two of them were convicted criminals...hadn't tried to attack him they would still be alive...that's on them, not him....

That's an unproven claim so far. One, from what I read (the first guy he shot who was unarmed) had a 2002 conviction for statutory rape. Do you have something more definite and provable, like maybe a mainstream (even Fox) article showing they were convicted criminals? Haven't seen it, so I'm asking seriously because there is a lot of fakery flying around.

When someone guns down a person what does a crowd usually do? Run and scream, go after the shooter, attempt to subdue the shooter (and it's noteworthy that the police appeared to be doing NOTHING other than letting him walk away).

If someone has any sort of criminal record, does that in and of itself make them a legitimate target in your eyes? Does political ideology in and of itself make them a legitimate target? (lots of accusations flying around calling them commies yada yada as if that means it's ok to kill).

back to twisting the facts I see,,,

Which "facts"?

he didnt gun someone down for starters,,,he killed a guy that was chasing him trying to take his gun and when he got cornered he fired in self defense,,,

same goes for the other two,,

now stop lying,,,

Stop lying. He wasn't cornered. He was running between parked cars.

You mean till he tripoed and one of them ran up and hit him in the head with a skakeboard and another tried to pull a gun as he was trapped on the ground----he didn't look like he was between cars to me. And don't even get me started on the first---the child didn't fire the first shots----who did is the question is who did. Was it the pedo midget who was the first killed, was it his buddy the skateboard dude, or was it the one armed bandit who was trying to hide the gun in his wasteband.......maybe dippy didn't realize how to aim gun which is likely since he couldn't even get the kid as he laid on the ground.

Try harder to pay attention -- we were talking about his first murder.

I've seen the video dozens of times. You're lying.

Slobbers the USMB fucking moron.

It all on video ... Rosenbaum chased across the front of a boarded up auto shop. The teen murderer ran in between 2 cars where Rosenbaum followed and got shot as he got near the teen murderer. It was then the teen murderer shot Rosenbaum and then continued walking between those same two cars, emerging past them and then circling around the car on the left. That shows he was not cornered. He just stopped running.

He was def cornered.. it’s a figure of speech .. don’t get hung up on speech .. it was self

Lying Russian troll, "cornered" means no other means of escape. He clearly had another means of escape as he continued walking between the cars, emerging on the back side of them, just as I said and just as you were too retarded to understand.

You also claimed Kyle shot Rosenbaum when there's no way you can see that in the video.

Fucking moron, the teen murderer says he killed him. Are you so deranged you think you know better than him?? :cuckoo:
At the 1:22 mark on the video...Colin Noir is a lawyer...

He doesn't sound very optimistic about it.

I expect him to be in violation of this law.

If you look at the law you will see that it is so vague that any lawyer could drive a truck through it. Kyle has a dream team legal representation. Just ask Nick Sandmann how good they are. I contributed to his defense yesterday. All Americans should.

If he is somehow guilty of possessing a gun that he should have been carrying because of his age that "crime" sure as hell ain't murder. The killing of the Communists was clear cut self defense. He never should have been charge. The Moon Bat DA is an asshole for charging him. Shame on her!

What's vague about it? The law seems perfectly clear on that infraction. "Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor."

"that 'crime' sure as hell ain't murder"

Who said a class A misdemeanor is murder? Of course it's not the same thing. I think he's going to get a relatively light sentence of 9 months.

most likely just a fine and a slap on the wrist,,,
and then he can sue the city for allowing violent riots to happen unopposed,,,

And...with Nick Sandmann's lawyer...sue all of the news networks who called him a racist and white supremacist..........

Which networks called
Update: Here's the suspect:

It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Liability would be very high for police if found to be giving right-wing militia members the right to kill. But let's not rush to judgment.
Details should be revealed soon:
Geez...he is just a kid. And he is going to have to live with this the rest of his life. Where the hell were his parents?
More kids need to do what this kid did.. he’s a hero
Murder does make a hero.

No 17 year old should have been put in that position or allowed to bring a gun that to a protest, you sick ****! They are not mature, they do not have good judgement, he got in way over his head, and ended two lives and ruined his own forever. And from all accounts he doesn’t seem like a bad kid! Where in the hell were his parents? How did he get a gun?
If you had watched the videos and read the articles you would know the answers to those questions. He works In Kenosha was helping clean graffiti after work, he also had plans to provide medic assistance to protesters. He and friends were asked to guard the business he was at,and was provided the gun by his friend. He was targeted And attacked by the rioters because he was protecting a business they wanted to destroy.

At least 16 shots were fired during said attack not from his gun...including the first shot that started the whole thing.

I already pointed out he was carrying a medic bag. Like I said, I don't think he is a bad kid. But a lot of idiotic decisions were made by "adults". He should NOT have armed (that was illegal) and should not have been guarding a business. He's a minor.

And there are more questions.

There was a curfew. That is usually a pretty good tool in preventing riots.

Why were the demonstrators out there after the curfew?

Why were armed citizens out there after curfew?

Why were the police out there - doing nothing to disperse the crowd, but passing out water to this private militia?

Why did the police allow an armed suspect (and, if you watch one of the videos, it shows demonstrators calling to the police that Rittenhouse had just shot someone) - walk on past and go home?

There was a lot wrong here that could have easily been prevented if people did their jobs, and that doesn't even touch on what happened with Blake. Heads ought to roll.
you called him a murderer now youre calling him a good kid,,,

And you are overly literal when it suits you. I said from the start I don't think he was a bad kid, but killing those people should not have happened and he should not have been there. Your main tool in defending this is to shred the characters of the dead folks so as to justify killing.

Maybe if those criminals...and yes, at least two of them were convicted criminals...hadn't tried to attack him they would still be alive...that's on them, not him....

That's an unproven claim so far. One, from what I read (the first guy he shot who was unarmed) had a 2002 conviction for statutory rape. Do you have something more definite and provable, like maybe a mainstream (even Fox) article showing they were convicted criminals? Haven't seen it, so I'm asking seriously because there is a lot of fakery flying around.

When someone guns down a person what does a crowd usually do? Run and scream, go after the shooter, attempt to subdue the shooter (and it's noteworthy that the police appeared to be doing NOTHING other than letting him walk away).

If someone has any sort of criminal record, does that in and of itself make them a legitimate target in your eyes? Does political ideology in and of itself make them a legitimate target? (lots of accusations flying around calling them commies yada yada as if that means it's ok to kill).

back to twisting the facts I see,,,

Which "facts"?

he didnt gun someone down for starters,,,he killed a guy that was chasing him trying to take his gun and when he got cornered he fired in self defense,,,

same goes for the other two,,

now stop lying,,,

Stop lying. He wasn't cornered. He was running between parked cars.

You mean till he tripoed and one of them ran up and hit him in the head with a skakeboard and another tried to pull a gun as he was trapped on the ground----he didn't look like he was between cars to me. And don't even get me started on the first---the child didn't fire the first shots----who did is the question is who did. Was it the pedo midget who was the first killed, was it his buddy the skateboard dude, or was it the one armed bandit who was trying to hide the gun in his wasteband.......maybe dippy didn't realize how to aim gun which is likely since he couldn't even get the kid as he laid on the ground.

Try harder to pay attention -- we were talking about his first murder.

I've seen the video dozens of times. You're lying.

Slobbers the USMB fucking moron.

It all on video ... Rosenbaum chased across the front of a boarded up auto shop. The teen murderer ran in between 2 cars where Rosenbaum followed and got shot as he got near the teen murderer. It was then the teen murderer shot Rosenbaum and then continued walking between those same two cars, emerging past them and then circling around the car on the left. That shows he was not cornered. He just stopped running.

He was def cornered.. it’s a figure of speech .. don’t get hung up on speech .. it was self

Lying Russian troll, "cornered" means no other means of escape. He clearly had another means of escape as he continued walking between the cars, emerging on the back side of them, just as I said and just as you were too retarded to understand.

funny that the same people he was running from were there when he rounded the cars,,,so he was cornered

Yeah, in front of and in between the cars to provide aid to Rosenbaum. The teen murderer emerged from behind the cars before moving around the car on the left. So he had a means to escape had he wanted.
At the 1:22 mark on the video...Colin Noir is a lawyer...

He doesn't sound very optimistic about it.

I expect him to be in violation of this law.

If you look at the law you will see that it is so vague that any lawyer could drive a truck through it. Kyle has a dream team legal representation. Just ask Nick Sandmann how good they are. I contributed to his defense yesterday. All Americans should.

If he is somehow guilty of possessing a gun that he should have been carrying because of his age that "crime" sure as hell ain't murder. The killing of the Communists was clear cut self defense. He never should have been charge. The Moon Bat DA is an asshole for charging him. Shame on her!

What's vague about it? The law seems perfectly clear on that infraction. "Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor."

"that 'crime' sure as hell ain't murder"

Who said a class A misdemeanor is murder? Of course it's not the same thing. I think he's going to get a relatively light sentence of 9 months.

most likely just a fine and a slap on the wrist,,,
and then he can sue the city for allowing violent riots to happen unopposed,,,

And...with Nick Sandmann's lawyer...sue all of the news networks who called him a racist and white supremacist..........

Which networks called
Update: Here's the suspect:

It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Liability would be very high for police if found to be giving right-wing militia members the right to kill. But let's not rush to judgment.
Details should be revealed soon:
Geez...he is just a kid. And he is going to have to live with this the rest of his life. Where the hell were his parents?
More kids need to do what this kid did.. he’s a hero
Murder does make a hero.

No 17 year old should have been put in that position or allowed to bring a gun that to a protest, you sick ****! They are not mature, they do not have good judgement, he got in way over his head, and ended two lives and ruined his own forever. And from all accounts he doesn’t seem like a bad kid! Where in the hell were his parents? How did he get a gun?
If you had watched the videos and read the articles you would know the answers to those questions. He works In Kenosha was helping clean graffiti after work, he also had plans to provide medic assistance to protesters. He and friends were asked to guard the business he was at,and was provided the gun by his friend. He was targeted And attacked by the rioters because he was protecting a business they wanted to destroy.

At least 16 shots were fired during said attack not from his gun...including the first shot that started the whole thing.

I already pointed out he was carrying a medic bag. Like I said, I don't think he is a bad kid. But a lot of idiotic decisions were made by "adults". He should NOT have armed (that was illegal) and should not have been guarding a business. He's a minor.

And there are more questions.

There was a curfew. That is usually a pretty good tool in preventing riots.

Why were the demonstrators out there after the curfew?

Why were armed citizens out there after curfew?

Why were the police out there - doing nothing to disperse the crowd, but passing out water to this private militia?

Why did the police allow an armed suspect (and, if you watch one of the videos, it shows demonstrators calling to the police that Rittenhouse had just shot someone) - walk on past and go home?

There was a lot wrong here that could have easily been prevented if people did their jobs, and that doesn't even touch on what happened with Blake. Heads ought to roll.
you called him a murderer now youre calling him a good kid,,,

And you are overly literal when it suits you. I said from the start I don't think he was a bad kid, but killing those people should not have happened and he should not have been there. Your main tool in defending this is to shred the characters of the dead folks so as to justify killing.

Maybe if those criminals...and yes, at least two of them were convicted criminals...hadn't tried to attack him they would still be alive...that's on them, not him....

That's an unproven claim so far. One, from what I read (the first guy he shot who was unarmed) had a 2002 conviction for statutory rape. Do you have something more definite and provable, like maybe a mainstream (even Fox) article showing they were convicted criminals? Haven't seen it, so I'm asking seriously because there is a lot of fakery flying around.

When someone guns down a person what does a crowd usually do? Run and scream, go after the shooter, attempt to subdue the shooter (and it's noteworthy that the police appeared to be doing NOTHING other than letting him walk away).

If someone has any sort of criminal record, does that in and of itself make them a legitimate target in your eyes? Does political ideology in and of itself make them a legitimate target? (lots of accusations flying around calling them commies yada yada as if that means it's ok to kill).

back to twisting the facts I see,,,

Which "facts"?

he didnt gun someone down for starters,,,he killed a guy that was chasing him trying to take his gun and when he got cornered he fired in self defense,,,

same goes for the other two,,

now stop lying,,,

Stop lying. He wasn't cornered. He was running between parked cars.

You mean till he tripoed and one of them ran up and hit him in the head with a skakeboard and another tried to pull a gun as he was trapped on the ground----he didn't look like he was between cars to me. And don't even get me started on the first---the child didn't fire the first shots----who did is the question is who did. Was it the pedo midget who was the first killed, was it his buddy the skateboard dude, or was it the one armed bandit who was trying to hide the gun in his wasteband.......maybe dippy didn't realize how to aim gun which is likely since he couldn't even get the kid as he laid on the ground.

Try harder to pay attention -- we were talking about his first murder.

I've seen the video dozens of times. You're lying.

Slobbers the USMB fucking moron.

It all on video ... Rosenbaum chased across the front of a boarded up auto shop. The teen murderer ran in between 2 cars where Rosenbaum followed and got shot as he got near the teen murderer. It was then the teen murderer shot Rosenbaum and then continued walking between those same two cars, emerging past them and then circling around the car on the left. That shows he was not cornered. He just stopped running.

He was def cornered.. it’s a figure of speech .. don’t get hung up on speech .. it was self

Lying Russian troll, "cornered" means no other means of escape. He clearly had another means of escape as he continued walking between the cars, emerging on the back side of them, just as I said and just as you were too retarded to understand.

You also claimed Kyle shot Rosenbaum when there's no way you can see that in the video.

Fucking moron, the teen murderer says he killed him. Are you so deranged you think you know better than him?? :cuckoo:

killing someone doesnt mean it was murder,,,
nor does it mean he was right and did kill them,,,
At the 1:22 mark on the video...Colin Noir is a lawyer...

He doesn't sound very optimistic about it.

I expect him to be in violation of this law.

If you look at the law you will see that it is so vague that any lawyer could drive a truck through it. Kyle has a dream team legal representation. Just ask Nick Sandmann how good they are. I contributed to his defense yesterday. All Americans should.

If he is somehow guilty of possessing a gun that he should have been carrying because of his age that "crime" sure as hell ain't murder. The killing of the Communists was clear cut self defense. He never should have been charge. The Moon Bat DA is an asshole for charging him. Shame on her!

What's vague about it? The law seems perfectly clear on that infraction. "Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor."

"that 'crime' sure as hell ain't murder"

Who said a class A misdemeanor is murder? Of course it's not the same thing. I think he's going to get a relatively light sentence of 9 months.

most likely just a fine and a slap on the wrist,,,
and then he can sue the city for allowing violent riots to happen unopposed,,,

And...with Nick Sandmann's lawyer...sue all of the news networks who called him a racist and white supremacist..........

Which networks called
Update: Here's the suspect:

It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Liability would be very high for police if found to be giving right-wing militia members the right to kill. But let's not rush to judgment.
Details should be revealed soon:
Geez...he is just a kid. And he is going to have to live with this the rest of his life. Where the hell were his parents?
More kids need to do what this kid did.. he’s a hero
Murder does make a hero.

No 17 year old should have been put in that position or allowed to bring a gun that to a protest, you sick ****! They are not mature, they do not have good judgement, he got in way over his head, and ended two lives and ruined his own forever. And from all accounts he doesn’t seem like a bad kid! Where in the hell were his parents? How did he get a gun?
If you had watched the videos and read the articles you would know the answers to those questions. He works In Kenosha was helping clean graffiti after work, he also had plans to provide medic assistance to protesters. He and friends were asked to guard the business he was at,and was provided the gun by his friend. He was targeted And attacked by the rioters because he was protecting a business they wanted to destroy.

At least 16 shots were fired during said attack not from his gun...including the first shot that started the whole thing.

I already pointed out he was carrying a medic bag. Like I said, I don't think he is a bad kid. But a lot of idiotic decisions were made by "adults". He should NOT have armed (that was illegal) and should not have been guarding a business. He's a minor.

And there are more questions.

There was a curfew. That is usually a pretty good tool in preventing riots.

Why were the demonstrators out there after the curfew?

Why were armed citizens out there after curfew?

Why were the police out there - doing nothing to disperse the crowd, but passing out water to this private militia?

Why did the police allow an armed suspect (and, if you watch one of the videos, it shows demonstrators calling to the police that Rittenhouse had just shot someone) - walk on past and go home?

There was a lot wrong here that could have easily been prevented if people did their jobs, and that doesn't even touch on what happened with Blake. Heads ought to roll.
you called him a murderer now youre calling him a good kid,,,

And you are overly literal when it suits you. I said from the start I don't think he was a bad kid, but killing those people should not have happened and he should not have been there. Your main tool in defending this is to shred the characters of the dead folks so as to justify killing.

Maybe if those criminals...and yes, at least two of them were convicted criminals...hadn't tried to attack him they would still be alive...that's on them, not him....

That's an unproven claim so far. One, from what I read (the first guy he shot who was unarmed) had a 2002 conviction for statutory rape. Do you have something more definite and provable, like maybe a mainstream (even Fox) article showing they were convicted criminals? Haven't seen it, so I'm asking seriously because there is a lot of fakery flying around.

When someone guns down a person what does a crowd usually do? Run and scream, go after the shooter, attempt to subdue the shooter (and it's noteworthy that the police appeared to be doing NOTHING other than letting him walk away).

If someone has any sort of criminal record, does that in and of itself make them a legitimate target in your eyes? Does political ideology in and of itself make them a legitimate target? (lots of accusations flying around calling them commies yada yada as if that means it's ok to kill).

back to twisting the facts I see,,,

Which "facts"?

he didnt gun someone down for starters,,,he killed a guy that was chasing him trying to take his gun and when he got cornered he fired in self defense,,,

same goes for the other two,,

now stop lying,,,

Stop lying. He wasn't cornered. He was running between parked cars.

You mean till he tripoed and one of them ran up and hit him in the head with a skakeboard and another tried to pull a gun as he was trapped on the ground----he didn't look like he was between cars to me. And don't even get me started on the first---the child didn't fire the first shots----who did is the question is who did. Was it the pedo midget who was the first killed, was it his buddy the skateboard dude, or was it the one armed bandit who was trying to hide the gun in his wasteband.......maybe dippy didn't realize how to aim gun which is likely since he couldn't even get the kid as he laid on the ground.

Try harder to pay attention -- we were talking about his first murder.

I've seen the video dozens of times. You're lying.

Slobbers the USMB fucking moron.

It all on video ... Rosenbaum chased across the front of a boarded up auto shop. The teen murderer ran in between 2 cars where Rosenbaum followed and got shot as he got near the teen murderer. It was then the teen murderer shot Rosenbaum and then continued walking between those same two cars, emerging past them and then circling around the car on the left. That shows he was not cornered. He just stopped running.

He was def cornered.. it’s a figure of speech .. don’t get hung up on speech .. it was self

Lying Russian troll, "cornered" means no other means of escape. He clearly had another means of escape as he continued walking between the cars, emerging on the back side of them, just as I said and just as you were too retarded to understand.

And if he couldn’t run any more , what other means did he have to avoid bodily harm? Asking for a friend hehe

Why couldn't he run anymore?
At the 1:22 mark on the video...Colin Noir is a lawyer...

He doesn't sound very optimistic about it.

I expect him to be in violation of this law.

If you look at the law you will see that it is so vague that any lawyer could drive a truck through it. Kyle has a dream team legal representation. Just ask Nick Sandmann how good they are. I contributed to his defense yesterday. All Americans should.

If he is somehow guilty of possessing a gun that he should have been carrying because of his age that "crime" sure as hell ain't murder. The killing of the Communists was clear cut self defense. He never should have been charge. The Moon Bat DA is an asshole for charging him. Shame on her!

What's vague about it? The law seems perfectly clear on that infraction. "Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor."

"that 'crime' sure as hell ain't murder"

Who said a class A misdemeanor is murder? Of course it's not the same thing. I think he's going to get a relatively light sentence of 9 months.

most likely just a fine and a slap on the wrist,,,
and then he can sue the city for allowing violent riots to happen unopposed,,,

And...with Nick Sandmann's lawyer...sue all of the news networks who called him a racist and white supremacist..........

Which networks called
Update: Here's the suspect:

It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Liability would be very high for police if found to be giving right-wing militia members the right to kill. But let's not rush to judgment.
Details should be revealed soon:
Geez...he is just a kid. And he is going to have to live with this the rest of his life. Where the hell were his parents?
More kids need to do what this kid did.. he’s a hero
Murder does make a hero.

No 17 year old should have been put in that position or allowed to bring a gun that to a protest, you sick ****! They are not mature, they do not have good judgement, he got in way over his head, and ended two lives and ruined his own forever. And from all accounts he doesn’t seem like a bad kid! Where in the hell were his parents? How did he get a gun?
If you had watched the videos and read the articles you would know the answers to those questions. He works In Kenosha was helping clean graffiti after work, he also had plans to provide medic assistance to protesters. He and friends were asked to guard the business he was at,and was provided the gun by his friend. He was targeted And attacked by the rioters because he was protecting a business they wanted to destroy.

At least 16 shots were fired during said attack not from his gun...including the first shot that started the whole thing.

I already pointed out he was carrying a medic bag. Like I said, I don't think he is a bad kid. But a lot of idiotic decisions were made by "adults". He should NOT have armed (that was illegal) and should not have been guarding a business. He's a minor.

And there are more questions.

There was a curfew. That is usually a pretty good tool in preventing riots.

Why were the demonstrators out there after the curfew?

Why were armed citizens out there after curfew?

Why were the police out there - doing nothing to disperse the crowd, but passing out water to this private militia?

Why did the police allow an armed suspect (and, if you watch one of the videos, it shows demonstrators calling to the police that Rittenhouse had just shot someone) - walk on past and go home?

There was a lot wrong here that could have easily been prevented if people did their jobs, and that doesn't even touch on what happened with Blake. Heads ought to roll.
you called him a murderer now youre calling him a good kid,,,

And you are overly literal when it suits you. I said from the start I don't think he was a bad kid, but killing those people should not have happened and he should not have been there. Your main tool in defending this is to shred the characters of the dead folks so as to justify killing.

Maybe if those criminals...and yes, at least two of them were convicted criminals...hadn't tried to attack him they would still be alive...that's on them, not him....

That's an unproven claim so far. One, from what I read (the first guy he shot who was unarmed) had a 2002 conviction for statutory rape. Do you have something more definite and provable, like maybe a mainstream (even Fox) article showing they were convicted criminals? Haven't seen it, so I'm asking seriously because there is a lot of fakery flying around.

When someone guns down a person what does a crowd usually do? Run and scream, go after the shooter, attempt to subdue the shooter (and it's noteworthy that the police appeared to be doing NOTHING other than letting him walk away).

If someone has any sort of criminal record, does that in and of itself make them a legitimate target in your eyes? Does political ideology in and of itself make them a legitimate target? (lots of accusations flying around calling them commies yada yada as if that means it's ok to kill).

back to twisting the facts I see,,,

Which "facts"?

he didnt gun someone down for starters,,,he killed a guy that was chasing him trying to take his gun and when he got cornered he fired in self defense,,,

same goes for the other two,,

now stop lying,,,

Stop lying. He wasn't cornered. He was running between parked cars.

You mean till he tripoed and one of them ran up and hit him in the head with a skakeboard and another tried to pull a gun as he was trapped on the ground----he didn't look like he was between cars to me. And don't even get me started on the first---the child didn't fire the first shots----who did is the question is who did. Was it the pedo midget who was the first killed, was it his buddy the skateboard dude, or was it the one armed bandit who was trying to hide the gun in his wasteband.......maybe dippy didn't realize how to aim gun which is likely since he couldn't even get the kid as he laid on the ground.

Try harder to pay attention -- we were talking about his first murder.

I've seen the video dozens of times. You're lying.

Slobbers the USMB fucking moron.

It all on video ... Rosenbaum chased across the front of a boarded up auto shop. The teen murderer ran in between 2 cars where Rosenbaum followed and got shot as he got near the teen murderer. It was then the teen murderer shot Rosenbaum and then continued walking between those same two cars, emerging past them and then circling around the car on the left. That shows he was not cornered. He just stopped running.

He was def cornered.. it’s a figure of speech .. don’t get hung up on speech .. it was self

Lying Russian troll, "cornered" means no other means of escape. He clearly had another means of escape as he continued walking between the cars, emerging on the back side of them, just as I said and just as you were too retarded to understand.

funny that the same people he was running from were there when he rounded the cars,,,so he was cornered

Yeah, in front of and in between the cars to provide aid to Rosenbaum. The teen murderer emerged from behind the cars before moving around the car on the left. So he had a means to escape had he wanted.

wheres your proof he murdered him???

remember that requires a court conviction
The skinny on Kyle Rittenhouse's involvment in Kenosha Wisconsin................the truth you have not heard elsewhere....certainly not from the MSM who are doing their best to assasinate his character.


So says his lawyer.

Meanwhile, despite his lawyer's claim the rifle was not his and not carried across state lines, there's video of the RW teen terrorist stating it was his rifle.

typical leftwinger....take something out of context and twist it to fit your fallacious allegation....and where is this video you refer to?
I twisted nothing. His lawyer is claiming it wasn't his gun but there's video of the kid saying it was his. WTF do you think I'm twisting?
Post a link to it.
Already did.
You're a lying weasel.

No, fucking moron, I'm not lying. I posted it here ...

Post #2148

"People are getting injured and our job is to protect this business. And my job also is to protect people. If someone is hurt, I’m running into harm’s way. That’s why I have my rifle; I’ve gotta' protect myself, obviously. But I also have my med kit."

... but I see now that video clip, which I transcribed, has since been taken down by youtube. Here it is again [for now] where someone else posted it...

"That's why I have my rifle" would be true if it was a rifle that someone loaned him. He never said he owned the weapon.

You're lying, as usual.

Fucking moron, if not his, he would have said, "a rifle," not "my rifle." As he continued to state "But I also have my med kit."

Imbecile. It was just explained to you that "my rifle" means only the rifle currently in your posession. It doesn't necessarily mean you are the legal owner.

its like a racecar driver saying my car when its not his car but just the car hes been given permission to drive,,,

FAUX will never admit he's wrong. He's regurgitating Dim talking points. Admitting they are bullshit isn't in the script


Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for you to prove your claim the governor pardoned the McClownskeys....
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