Teen arrested for defending him self against the mob!

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What really happen:

  • Early in day, Kyle is spotted as part of a group cleaning up BLM graffiti.
  • Night fall, Kyle is with Libertarian group composed of white and black individuals who explain they support the protesters right to protest and target the government, but not destroy private property.
  • Video shows Kyle and group of Libertarians communicating with police, being thanked, receiving water from police.
  • Kyle is interviewed explaining he has been pepper sprayed, is here to protect the car lot, is an EMT and is providing medical assistance, interview is cut short when he runs to assist someone.
  • Libertarian group on film at a gas station a couple blocks from the car lot being confronted by angry bald man in red shirt (pedo dwarf) accompanied by lurch (skateboarding woman beater).
  • Independent journalist films people destroying the cars on the car lot for fun. Breaking out windows on all the vehicles with bats, hammers and stones.
  • Kyle being chased from a public roadway onto the car lot by pedo dwarf who has moved his red shirt onto his head as a mask. Gun shots from off to the side a short distance away. Pedo dwarf chucks an object. Kyle turns, fires, downing pedo dwarf instantly. Circles around to the back side. Pulls his phone, calls someone, says "I just killed someone", then turns and flees back towards the gas station and the police line.
  • Kyle running up the center of the road way, large crowd in pursuit. Punched once in the back of the head by an un-identified white male, maintains his balance and keeps running. Stumbles and falls in the middle of the road. Un-identified black male attempts a jump kick, Kyle fires towards him, believed the individual was not hit (has not been included in any injury reports, no video/pictures of him wounded). Skateboarding woman beater comes in with a flopping swing of the skateboard towards Kyle's head, striking his back/shoulder. Kyle fires point blank into the man's torso. Felon with a gun comes into view, stops, holds his hands up. Kyle refrains from firing. Felon with a gun then steps towards Kyle, dropping his arms, drawing/holding a gun. Shot point blank in the arm. Kyle refrains from firing again. Kyle gets up and begins walking up the roadway. Gun shots are repeatedly heard in the distance.
  • Kyle approaches gas station and police line. Raises his hands up, walks calmly toward the police, while most of the police pass Kyle up headed down the street towards where the incidents all occurred.

Awesome... sounds totally guilty to me... let's go to trial.

He killed two people. No issue here.

You always are confused about things like this.

You can kill a fucking felon Commie if he is trying to bash you over the head or chasing after you with a Glock.

It is called self defense. I shit you not. Go look it up.
How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!
It will be up to a jury of his peers. Was he justified, or was he looking for trouble?
I think a proper judge will dismiss it at arrangement
yeah, that would certainly require some kind of arrangement.
video is very clear. the engaging parties were the bullies, they attacked him, the kid. clear as glass. I just want folks like you to deny that. why the kid was there is immaterial. he has every right as the bullies had to be there. Unless of course you think they own the street?

He may have a right to be there. He does not have the right to be in possession of a rifle at 17 years old. Federal Law prohibits it.
Are you sure that isn't Fake News? Cite the Federal statute.
It's not. There is no age requirement in federal law about being in possession of a rifle.
This thread has nothing to do with being under the age to own a race all it has to do with a mob attacking a citizen, and in self defense he acted Accordingly to his civil rights
Jizzy, read the thread title a few more times until you understand it...

Teen arrested for defending him self against the mob!​

... you should know it since you wrote it. Unfortunately for the teen murderer, his age is a factor in a self defense claim.
Lin Wood is defending Kyle for free.

Wood was on Richard Jewel's defense team. He will rip that filthy ass prosecutor a new asshole.
What really happen:

  • Early in day, Kyle is spotted as part of a group cleaning up BLM graffiti.
  • Night fall, Kyle is with Libertarian group composed of white and black individuals who explain they support the protesters right to protest and target the government, but not destroy private property.
  • Video shows Kyle and group of Libertarians communicating with police, being thanked, receiving water from police.
  • Kyle is interviewed explaining he has been pepper sprayed, is here to protect the car lot, is an EMT and is providing medical assistance, interview is cut short when he runs to assist someone.
  • Libertarian group on film at a gas station a couple blocks from the car lot being confronted by angry bald man in red shirt (pedo dwarf) accompanied by lurch (skateboarding woman beater).
  • Independent journalist films people destroying the cars on the car lot for fun. Breaking out windows on all the vehicles with bats, hammers and stones.
  • Kyle being chased from a public roadway onto the car lot by pedo dwarf who has moved his red shirt onto his head as a mask. Gun shots from off to the side a short distance away. Pedo dwarf chucks an object. Kyle turns, fires, downing pedo dwarf instantly. Circles around to the back side. Pulls his phone, calls someone, says "I just killed someone", then turns and flees back towards the gas station and the police line.
  • Kyle running up the center of the road way, large crowd in pursuit. Punched once in the back of the head by an un-identified white male, maintains his balance and keeps running. Stumbles and falls in the middle of the road. Un-identified black male attempts a jump kick, Kyle fires towards him, believed the individual was not hit (has not been included in any injury reports, no video/pictures of him wounded). Skateboarding woman beater comes in with a flopping swing of the skateboard towards Kyle's head, striking his back/shoulder. Kyle fires point blank into the man's torso. Felon with a gun comes into view, stops, holds his hands up. Kyle refrains from firing. Felon with a gun then steps towards Kyle, dropping his arms, drawing/holding a gun. Shot point blank in the arm. Kyle refrains from firing again. Kyle gets up and begins walking up the roadway. Gun shots are repeatedly heard in the distance.
  • Kyle approaches gas station and police line. Raises his hands up, walks calmly toward the police, while most of the police pass Kyle up headed down the street towards where the incidents all occurred.

Awesome... sounds totally guilty to me... let's go to trial.

He killed two people. No issue here.

You always are confused about things like this.

You can kill a fucking felon Commie if he is trying to bash you over the head or chasing after you with a Glock.

It is called self defense. I shit you not. Go look it up.
It's not self defense when folks are trying to disarm a murderer.
Looks like it was on fire, it would be interesting to see what it was View attachment 380720
That's the light from behind it. You've already been shown it was just a plastic bag on the ground, not burned up; and you were shown it was not lit as it was thrown.

Of course, I'm pointing this out to the liar who falsely claimed the victim called the shooter the n-word.
One lie at a time.. are you saying “ it’s just a bag” can you throw a empty plastic bag that far?

and you admit he said the n world?Right?
No, there's something in the bag. It's visible, though not identifiable, since the bag is transparent. But the bag was not on fire.

And yes, he used the n-word, but not at the teen-murderer as you falsely claimed. You lied.
Was the object thrown meant for bodily harm? And how do you know who he was talking to since the camera doesn’t show who he was shouting at
"how do you know who he was talking to since the camera doesn’t show who he was shouting at"


Shouldn't you be asking yourself that since you claimed he was talking to the teen murderer? :lol:
I don’t really care, I’m more concerned about his language.. many assume he was shouting at the hero. Doent really matter the video shows a racist democrat attacking a teen. Hehe
Well I care that you bald-faced lied. That's why I asked you to post the video because I knew you were lying. I knew what he said and I knew who he said it to and I knew it wasn't the teen murderer.

You lie. That's what you do.
You can’t say it isn’t, but it’s circulating on the Internet that he was talking to the boy, these are coming from witnesses that were there.. but that’s not the issue, the issue is the democrat using the N word.. than trying to hurt the boy ..
Dumbfuck, he's in the guy's face at about the 0:18 mark for pointing his gun at him. That guy gets pulled back and out of the frame of the camera but the guy in the red shirt continues yelling at him for pointing his gun at him.
Are you a psychic?
Dumbfuck, it's on the video. He's seen getting in the guy's face for pointing a gun at him.

Are you still claiming he was yelling at the teen murderer, who's never seen in that video, for pointing his gun at the guy in the red shirt?
So your guessing? Do you have a link?
How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!
It will be up to a jury of his peers. Was he justified, or was he looking for trouble?
I think a proper judge will dismiss it at arrangement
yeah, that would certainly require some kind of arrangement.
video is very clear. the engaging parties were the bullies, they attacked him, the kid. clear as glass. I just want folks like you to deny that. why the kid was there is immaterial. he has every right as the bullies had to be there. Unless of course you think they own the street?

He may have a right to be there. He does not have the right to be in possession of a rifle at 17 years old. Federal Law prohibits it.
Are you sure that isn't Fake News? Cite the Federal statute.
It's not. There is no age requirement in federal law about being in possession of a rifle.
This thread has nothing to do with being under the age to own a race all it has to do with a mob attacking a citizen, and in self defense he acted Accordingly to his civil rights
Jizzy, read the thread title a few more times until you understand it...

Teen arrested for defending him self against the mob!​

... you should know it since you wrote it. Unfortunately for the teen murderer, his age is a factor in a self defense claim.
He still has the right to defend him self lol sad boy we aren’t communist yet
I'm still hazy on what happened with the first shooting. That could easily change things.

I think there's a lot of grey in this incident. I can see a final ruling landing somewhere in the middle of both extremes. On one hand, he shouldn't have even been there and this is why we don't let kids play with guns. On the other hand, the second and third shootings were clearly self-defense.

And frankly, I'm not big on the protests for Jacob Blake either, at least with the evidence I've seen so far.
Nope, not self defense. He was fleeing from a felony murder. He did not have the law on his side to kill others attempting to effect a citizen's arrest.

If he really did shoot the first guy in the head, then he's automatically guilty and he compounded his punishment.

I'm just not sure what happened with the first shooting.
He was being chased by the guy in the red shirt at the gas station. Possibly because the guy in the red shirt was pissed because people were pointing their guns at him, though the motive has not yet been established. He chased him to where some cars were parked, at which point, the teen murderer spun around and unloaded on him, fatally hitting him in the head. He then walks around a vehicle and goes back to see what he did. Then on his cell phone, informs someone, "I just killed someone." At which point, he takes off running.
wow sounds like you dont know your ass from a hole in the ground...just saying
You couldn't refute a word I said. Noted.
and you have no facts, so DEFLECT

Pictures Show Young Rittenhouse Shot At
Least Two BLM Rioters in Self Defense, One
Rioter Was Carrying a Gun and Is a Convicted Felon


Attacker with a skateboard versus someone carrying an AR-15?
- Never bring a skateboard to a gun fight!


'It may be the last thing the skateboard carrier ever did. It appears this man was shot right after attacking the young Rittenhouse with a skateboard. After that he fell to the ground and didn’t move.'

No sympathy here for the violent attackers / terrorists who chose the wrong victim to attack, one carrying an AR-15.

I love how you think the skateboarder is a wuss yet the guy with an AR-15 is somehow tough simply because he has an AR-15. Maybe if this stupid kid opted for pocketknife instead you’d have a point. You gun nuts are such morons lol
The guy with the skateboard is just plain stupid.
Oh yeah he went up against a guy with a semi automatic rifle! THAT guy is the tough one no doubt! After all, a rifle somehow makes a guy tough regardless of how much of a pussy they are without it!

Pictures Show Young Rittenhouse Shot At
Least Two BLM Rioters in Self Defense, One
Rioter Was Carrying a Gun and Is a Convicted Felon


Attacker with a skateboard versus someone carrying an AR-15?
- Never bring a skateboard to a gun fight!


'It may be the last thing the skateboard carrier ever did. It appears this man was shot right after attacking the young Rittenhouse with a skateboard. After that he fell to the ground and didn’t move.'

No sympathy here for the violent attackers / terrorists who chose the wrong victim to attack, one carrying an AR-15.

I guess it doesn't matter to you that a 17 year old who is carrying a long gun in public is in violation of WI gun laws
Rioting and assault is not ?
To many questions... But I'll start here,

Why was Rittenhouse running down the street with an AR-15?

OK, I just read a few articles. As far as I can tell this kid wasn't protecting his own property. He showed up at the riots to protect other businesses. He's not a cop. It sounds like a self-appointed vigilante that took the law into his own hands.

So the question is, what is Wisconsin law? Was he allowed to stand out there with an AR-15 and appoint himself to protect someone else's property? If yes, then he may get off. If no, then he's in serious legal trouble. But, his vigilante actions may have nothing to do with the shooting as well. So it could still be self defense.
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