Teen arrested for defending him self against the mob!

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Update: Here's the suspect:

It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Liability would be very high for police if found to be giving right-wing militia members the right to kill. But let's not rush to judgment.
Details should be revealed soon:
Update: Here's the suspect:

It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Liability would be very high for police if found to be giving right-wing militia members the right to kill. But let's not rush to judgment.
Details should be revealed soon:
He looks like one of those INCEL characters.

You know, I kinda thought the same thing. Especially when I saw that he was wearing Crocs. What kind of a gun owner would have a picture of them with their gun, wearing the most pussified type of footwear?

Quick question for you gun owners out there, would you be willing to have your picture taken of you holding your gun and wearing Crocs? Better question still, would any of you guys even own Crocs?
In his defense, they are very patriotic looking c
Obviously by my avatar, I have no problem being photoed with my gun. :auiqs.jpg:

Whether or not you would have a picture taken with your gun wasn't quite the question. The question is, would you have that picture taken while wearing Crocs? The follow up question to that was how many of you gun owners actually own Crocs?
Whats it like being void of rational points and having to resort to retarded leftist fag jargon to weasel into the conversation?
It’s very much like you assholes.
Update: Here's the suspect:

It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Liability would be very high for police if found to be giving right-wing militia members the right to kill. But let's not rush to judgment.
Details should be revealed soon:
Update: Here's the suspect:

It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Liability would be very high for police if found to be giving right-wing militia members the right to kill. But let's not rush to judgment.
Details should be revealed soon:
He looks like one of those INCEL characters.
Whats it like being void of rational points and having to resort to retarded leftist fag jargon to weasel into the conversation?
Right wing militias are fueling violence in our cities.
These communist democrats want us to believe that this 17 year old boy was shooting up a street full of peaceful strollers stopping to sing a verse of Lida Rose. They also want to pretend that the criminal now known as Gimpy didn't just brawl with the police and didn't have a warrant out for his arrest.

Sell that shit on a Beijing street corner

Point is, the guy drove up from Antioch to Kenosha (21.2 miles if anyone is interested) with an AR-15. That shows INTENT.

The fact the cops ignore this militia group is going to be kind of a big deal.
Point is. You are an enemy. You are a communist democrat enemy which is everything you do.
The point is, that Dimm's do not realize that they have already triggered Civil War 2.0!!!
I saw a video of a guy being chased and falling, he had an AR 15 (I think), or whatever you call it. He shot one person when on the ground, someone tried to take his weapon, he shot in the air when he got up. He had apparently killed at least one person and one had been shot when attacking him (not sure if he died or not).

The question has been about self defense. The people chasing him apparently did so because he shot someone who was breaking into a car and, he was apparently a citizen militia defending a gas station from attacks.

That's what I can glean from this story from quick reading online, anyone can correct me if I'm wrong.

What is startling to me though, is that this guy is 17. Can he own a guy like that and carry it at that age? If you ask me, no way someone that age should be in that position to begin with. Even a 19 year old hardly has his head working properly, nor even fully formed (I learned that from Hannity of all places). Having a juvenile run around with that weapon is asinine.
There was a time when a boy of 11 was expected to be proficient enough to hunt the family dinner.

This young man was doing the job the police refused to do. He is to be commended.

Many 17 yr. olds also fought in WWII.
My Dad, for example. He turned 17 in November 1943 and spent the next 19 months of his life on CV -19.
Listen Kid, you’re out of your league Here. He was charged with first degree murder because he shot someone in a parking lot then as he was fleeing the scene tripped and shot and killed again.

Witness accounts and video show that the shootings took place in two stages: The gunman first shot someone at a car lot, then jogged away, stumbled and fell in the street, and opened fire again as members of the crowd closed in him.
Well then... no need for a trial...let's hang him then...get on with it!
How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!
I don't mean to spoil your fun, but really? 17 year old kid is allowed to take a gun out of his home in Ohio to go to a riot in Wisconsin? The idiot kid is in big trouble. What the hell is the matter with his parents. I had a weapon at that age and access to other weapons, but there is no way my dad would have let me go to a riot in my state or especially out of state and even more emphatically would have absolutely refused my taking weapons (mine or his) out from under his roof if there was the most remote possibility I had intent to go armed to a riot. If caught in the attempt, he would have beat my ass (even at that age) with a big leather belt or possibly a fan belt. If I fought back against his justice and instruction, in my continuing education of what is and is not acceptable behavior for a well brought up son in our family, he would have punched my ass out. He was a very responsible, christian, conservative man with good parenting skills and intincts, whether I agreed with them all the time growing up or not. It is not for a child to agree. 17 years old is a child anywhere in this country unless and emancipated minor living outside the parental home.

Some parents these day are absolutely stupid to the bone in failing to exercise their responsibility to to properly raise their kids. Sometimes I figure some the posters on here would not only allow it, but would actually go themselves and take their kid with them.
This is essentially what is wrong with America today.
Looks like the parents raised a patriot, that can handle a gun from democrat terrorist to bad he didn’t take out more..
It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Details should be revealed soon:
Are militias typically full of kids in their rank and file?

Seems pretty far fetched to me. Anyone can "claim" anything. Doesn't make it so.

Either way the left have the blood of 30+ people on their hands.

If you are 17 and carrying a gun, you are already breaking the law even if you didn't shoot anybody.

In Texas a 17 year old can own one,he just cant purchase one.

Can they carry a concealed one in public? Our law is you can't get a CCW until the age of 21.
CCW's violate the 2nd amendment,,,

The Supreme Court didn't see it that way. According to the last ruling I read, government can regulate your right to firearms, but can't prohibit it, just regulate it. I think that decision was after the national assault gun ban, but don't quote me on that.
well thats just proof they cant read simple english,,,

and saying you cant carry one without their permission is prohibiting having one,,,
just like the back ground checks,,,

its funny how it took them 200 yrs to decide that though,,almost like it was a political decision not a constitutional one,,,
What a fucking mess.
When I saw that video I knew it was a kid. You could see it.
Just a kid.
Wait till the shooter is a grown man with military training. It won't be one dead. It will be many.
All because thugs and thieves hijack a shooting as an excuse to go out and terrorize the populace, burn down buildings and loot stores.
This kid would have most likely lived his life without ever hurting a soul.
He is a victim as much as anyone else.
Who do you think the other shooter was?
From the video he looked to be surrounded by other kids. So the other shooter was probably also a kid.
This is the kind of thing that develops in lawlessness. How many were wounded and killed again in the "autonomous zone"?
You notice, of course, those calling for the swift punishment for this kid, wasn't exactly so excited by the other 35 killed due to riots?
It is still unclear whether this is a right-wing militia member or a left-wing protester belonging to a group such as antifa.
Details should be revealed soon:
Are militias typically full of kids in their rank and file?

Seems pretty far fetched to me. Anyone can "claim" anything. Doesn't make it so.

Either way the left have the blood of 30+ people on their hands.

lol if only you applied this logic to BLM and antifa


Wow surprise it's almost like there is no national organizatino for any of this shit

Could poll the "members" and less than 5% could even name a single leader in the movement
The people marching for blm don't know shit about that which they support. 90% of the protesters, rioters, looters, arsonists don't give two shits about blacks. If they did they would have been in the inner cities decades ago trying to stop the genocide.

It's as vague as hope and change old man

Just like militia is a vague term

Why you so easily see the nuance with teh white kid but don't with the others I have no idea.

90% lol whole country would be burning not enough TV's to go around
Listen Kid, you’re out of your league Here. He was charged with first degree murder because he shot someone in a parking lot then as he was fleeing the scene tripped and shot and killed again.

Witness accounts and video show that the shootings took place in two stages: The gunman first shot someone at a car lot, then jogged away, stumbled and fell in the street, and opened fire again as members of the crowd closed in him.
Well then... no need for a trial...let's hang him then...get on with it!

All I wrote was that there were witness accounts and a video. It doesn‘t help his case that he absconded and fled the scene of the crime. Fleeing is evidence of guilt. There will be no dispute that he shot those individuals either. He is entitled to a jury of his peers. All I did was point out the evidence. The evidence against him looks strong.
Dimm Wisconsin officials better proceed carefully with this case.
The Country's mood has turned serious.
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