Teen arrested for defending him self against the mob!

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This gets to core of the issue. Citizens stopped policing their own neighborhoods when as a society we went with professional police forces. Now these terribly irresponsible city and state leaders are preventing their police from responding, because these elected leaders are of the same political faction as the rioters, but, if the armed citizen returns to the streets, bodies start dropping.

One 17 year old dropped 3 in a manner of minutes, would 10 have dropped 30? Will a Jury want to green-light this? If they overcharge him, he'll get off. If he is modestly charged, and has a clean background, a hung jury is a likely outcome, but his folks will have mortgaged their house, their college fund for him and spent their own retirement funds on attorney fees trying to keep him out of prison, and even if they manage that, a felony record remains a real possibility.

Lin Wood is taking the case pro bono.

As are the McCloskey's.
Who are they?
He is the one getting these settlements for Sandmann
This gets to core of the issue. Citizens stopped policing their own neighborhoods when as a society we went with professional police forces. Now these terribly irresponsible city and state leaders are preventing their police from responding, because these elected leaders are of the same political faction as the rioters, but, if the armed citizen returns to the streets, bodies start dropping.

One 17 year old dropped 3 in a manner of minutes, would 10 have dropped 30? Will a Jury want to green-light this? If they overcharge him, he'll get off. If he is modestly charged, and has a clean background, a hung jury is a likely outcome, but his folks will have mortgaged their house, their college fund for him and spent their own retirement funds on attorney fees trying to keep him out of prison, and even if they manage that, a felony record remains a real possibility.

Lin Wood is taking the case pro bono.

As are the McCloskey's.
Who are they?
He is the one getting these settlements for Sandmann

Yep...and they're more famous for being the couple who protected their property from the rioters in Missouri.
Just to emphasize how disgusting the Trump fascists here are ... skateboard guy attacked the Trump cult shooter _after_ that terrorist had shot someone. _After_.
who gave skateboard guy that authority? if the kid didn't have it, how did skateboard guy get it?
They had the right to enforce a citizen's arrest on a person who just shot someone else.

Does that give skateboard guy the right to brandish a Glock .40 at the kid? How'd that work out for him?
Skateboard guy didn't brandish a firearm.


View attachment 381255

You're dazed and confused.

No sir...Although I do love me some Led Zepplin....

But his actions could not have worked out worse for him.

So, you agree that it was stupid for these people to attack a guy with a weapon, who was willing to use it....So, why are you defending stupid?
The guy with the handgun is not the guy with a skateboard.

Ok, you're right....it was another attacker with the handgun....Here's another pic showing clearly another attacker with the gun....

View attachment 381263

The skateboard assailant is to the right in frame, and the man with the handgun to the left of Rittenhouse....Both were dumbasses, and both got shot for their attacks...

Like I said, you're dazed & confused.

Look, we are having a conversation so you can drop the dumb shit name calling ok?

And yes, it was incredibly stupid for those people to try and disarm him.

Again, glad you agree with me....
The guy with his hands up in surrender but got shot anyway. Not self defense on the part of the little terrorist.
How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!
What was the "child" doing with a gun?
Defending himself against the terrorists in BLM....
You all have the strangest concept of self-defense. You're not defending yourself if you grab a gun, drive 20 miles to the melee in order to insert yourself into a volatile situation where you then use your weapon that you're not old enough to have to defend private property that's not even your own.

From my perspective that makes him the terrorist. It's questionable whether he could legally be in possession of the weapon he was carrying since he's not yet 18 and if he was indeed committing a crime by having it then everything that happened afterwards happened while he was in the commission of a crime.
I see it as someone who was trained with a rifile since he was a baby, going to protect business and elderly from getting attacked from the democrat mob. And did a great job, the new shot heard round the world.
Still illegal for him to be in possession of a firearm in Wisconsin.
And what does that have to do with this thread?
It's a pity you don't understand, comrade.
He was charged with murder that’s what we’re talking about are you saying he doesn’t have a right to self-defense because he’s 17 answer the question dude what are you afraid of?

This has been addressed. We will have to wait for everything to sort itself out but you generally can not claim self defense while committing a crime.
Are you saying the shootees checked his ID? Was there a ID check to get in the riot? Lol

You understand what I'm saying.
No I don’t, You’re saying he was attacked because he was 17 and caring a weapon and that is a crime how did they know he was 17 how do you know they were aware of that law how do you know they checked his ID please provide some information

He was attacked while committing a crime. The odds are not good that he will be able to claim self defense.

I think that someone in the protest shot those people, then blamed it on the kid...

So, there you have it. More left wing communists killing each other...

That will be easy enough to determine.

There will have to be an investigation, and not some demand for a rush...There are reports that a rioter drew down on him before he shot anyone, so let's see.

They might have. It very well might not matter though if it was determined that what he did was in the midst of committing a crime.

The New York Times is reporting that he may have been the victim...

Here are key excerpts from the story, “Tracking the Suspect in the Fatal Kenosha Shootings,” in which Times reporters stitch together a timeline from several videos, and with my highlights:

In most of the footage The Times has reviewed from before the shootings, Mr. Rittenhouse is around this area. He also offers medical assistance to protesters.

About 15 minutes before the first shooting, police officers drive past Mr. Rittenhouse, and the other armed civilians who claim to be protecting the dealership, and offer water out of appreciation.

Mr. Rittenhouse walks up to a police vehicle carrying his rifle and talks with the officers.

He eventually leaves the dealership and is barred by the police from returning. Six minutes later footage shows Mr. Rittenhouse being chased by an unknown group of people into the parking lot of another dealership several blocks away.
While Mr. Rittenhouse is being pursued by the group, an unknown gunman fires into the air, though it’s unclear why. The weapon’s muzzle flash appears in footage filmed at the scene.

Mr. Rittenhouse turns toward the sound of gunfire as another pursuer lunges toward him from the same direction. Mr. Rittenhouse then fires four times, and appears to shoot the man in the head. . .

As Mr. Rittenhouse is running, he trips and falls to the ground. He fires four shots as three people rush toward him.

One person appears to be hit in the chest and falls to the ground. Another, who is carrying a handgun, is hit in the arm and runs away.

Mr. Rittenhouse’s gunfire is mixed in with the sound of at least 16 other gunshots that ring out during this time.

As this happens, police vehicles just one block away remain stationary during the gunfire.
Mr. Rittenhouse walks with his hands up toward the police vehicles. Bystanders call out to the officers that he had just shot people.
The police drive by him without stopping, on their way to assist the victims.

The left is making a big deal about the supposed “white privilege” of Rittenhouse because the police initially drove past him even though he had his hands up. But as this story makes clear, the police were heading to aid victims, which is surely sound police procedure, not yet knowing that Rittenhouse was the shooter.

Simply having and carrying the gun was a crime for him.
Please cite the statute.

Minimum Age to Purchase & Possess in Wisconsin | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

Ok, so what's your point? It's a misdemeanor.....So, he'll pay a fine and get on with life...
Class A misdemeanor can also include up to 9 months in jail...
(3) Penalties for misdemeanors are as follows:​
(a) For a Class A misdemeanor, a fine not to exceed $10,000 or imprisonment not to exceed 9 months, or both.​

Would you be satisfied with that?
For that crime? Sure. For the crime of first degree murder... life in prison with no chance of parole.
There weren't any murders, dumbfuck.

Tell that to the little RW teen terrorist who's in jail now on first degree murder charges. I'm sure your voice will comfort him.

That's because the chief of police is a political hack. No jury will convict him.
That remains to be seen. But the judge will still instruct the jury, if it gets that far, that self defense cannot be considered because the defendant himself was in tbe commission of a crime when he fired his weapon.
ROFL! Here's the "jaywalking is murder" line of reasoning. He was not committing any crime when they started chasing him. He had the right to shoot them the minute they took after him.
Of course he was committing a crime. It was illegal for him to be in possession of a firearm.

Slobbers the fucking moron whose evidence was ... Wikipedia

Just to emphasize how disgusting the Trump fascists here are ... skateboard guy attacked the Trump cult shooter _after_ that terrorist had shot someone. _After_.
who gave skateboard guy that authority? if the kid didn't have it, how did skateboard guy get it?
They had the right to enforce a citizen's arrest on a person who just shot someone else.

Does that give skateboard guy the right to brandish a Glock .40 at the kid? How'd that work out for him?
Skateboard guy didn't brandish a firearm.


View attachment 381255

You're dazed and confused.

No sir...Although I do love me some Led Zepplin....

But his actions could not have worked out worse for him.

So, you agree that it was stupid for these people to attack a guy with a weapon, who was willing to use it....So, why are you defending stupid?
The guy with the handgun is not the guy with a skateboard.

Ok, you're right....it was another attacker with the handgun....Here's another pic showing clearly another attacker with the gun....

View attachment 381263

The skateboard assailant is to the right in frame, and the man with the handgun to the left of Rittenhouse....Both were dumbasses, and both got shot for their attacks...

Like I said, you're dazed & confused.

Look, we are having a conversation so you can drop the dumb shit name calling ok?

And yes, it was incredibly stupid for those people to try and disarm him.

Again, glad you agree with me....
The guy with his hands up in surrender but got shot anyway. Not self defense on the part of the little terrorist.

Must have missed that one.
At what point in the video did this happen?
How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!
What was the "child" doing with a gun?
Defending himself against the terrorists in BLM....
You all have the strangest concept of self-defense. You're not defending yourself if you grab a gun, drive 20 miles to the melee in order to insert yourself into a volatile situation where you then use your weapon that you're not old enough to have to defend private property that's not even your own.

From my perspective that makes him the terrorist. It's questionable whether he could legally be in possession of the weapon he was carrying since he's not yet 18 and if he was indeed committing a crime by having it then everything that happened afterwards happened while he was in the commission of a crime.
I see it as someone who was trained with a rifile since he was a baby, going to protect business and elderly from getting attacked from the democrat mob. And did a great job, the new shot heard round the world.
Still illegal for him to be in possession of a firearm in Wisconsin.
And what does that have to do with this thread?
It's a pity you don't understand, comrade.
He was charged with murder that’s what we’re talking about are you saying he doesn’t have a right to self-defense because he’s 17 answer the question dude what are you afraid of?

This has been addressed. We will have to wait for everything to sort itself out but you generally can not claim self defense while committing a crime.
Are you saying the shootees checked his ID? Was there a ID check to get in the riot? Lol

You understand what I'm saying.
No I don’t, You’re saying he was attacked because he was 17 and caring a weapon and that is a crime how did they know he was 17 how do you know they were aware of that law how do you know they checked his ID please provide some information

He was attacked while committing a crime. The odds are not good that he will be able to claim self defense.

I think that someone in the protest shot those people, then blamed it on the kid...

So, there you have it. More left wing communists killing each other...

That will be easy enough to determine.

There will have to be an investigation, and not some demand for a rush...There are reports that a rioter drew down on him before he shot anyone, so let's see.

They might have. It very well might not matter though if it was determined that what he did was in the midst of committing a crime.

The New York Times is reporting that he may have been the victim...

Here are key excerpts from the story, “Tracking the Suspect in the Fatal Kenosha Shootings,” in which Times reporters stitch together a timeline from several videos, and with my highlights:

In most of the footage The Times has reviewed from before the shootings, Mr. Rittenhouse is around this area. He also offers medical assistance to protesters.

About 15 minutes before the first shooting, police officers drive past Mr. Rittenhouse, and the other armed civilians who claim to be protecting the dealership, and offer water out of appreciation.

Mr. Rittenhouse walks up to a police vehicle carrying his rifle and talks with the officers.

He eventually leaves the dealership and is barred by the police from returning. Six minutes later footage shows Mr. Rittenhouse being chased by an unknown group of people into the parking lot of another dealership several blocks away.
While Mr. Rittenhouse is being pursued by the group, an unknown gunman fires into the air, though it’s unclear why. The weapon’s muzzle flash appears in footage filmed at the scene.

Mr. Rittenhouse turns toward the sound of gunfire as another pursuer lunges toward him from the same direction. Mr. Rittenhouse then fires four times, and appears to shoot the man in the head. . .

As Mr. Rittenhouse is running, he trips and falls to the ground. He fires four shots as three people rush toward him.

One person appears to be hit in the chest and falls to the ground. Another, who is carrying a handgun, is hit in the arm and runs away.

Mr. Rittenhouse’s gunfire is mixed in with the sound of at least 16 other gunshots that ring out during this time.

As this happens, police vehicles just one block away remain stationary during the gunfire.
Mr. Rittenhouse walks with his hands up toward the police vehicles. Bystanders call out to the officers that he had just shot people.
The police drive by him without stopping, on their way to assist the victims.

The left is making a big deal about the supposed “white privilege” of Rittenhouse because the police initially drove past him even though he had his hands up. But as this story makes clear, the police were heading to aid victims, which is surely sound police procedure, not yet knowing that Rittenhouse was the shooter.

Simply having and carrying the gun was a crime for him.
Please cite the statute.

Minimum Age to Purchase & Possess in Wisconsin | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

Ok, so what's your point? It's a misdemeanor.....So, he'll pay a fine and get on with life...
Class A misdemeanor can also include up to 9 months in jail...
(3) Penalties for misdemeanors are as follows:​
(a) For a Class A misdemeanor, a fine not to exceed $10,000 or imprisonment not to exceed 9 months, or both.​

Would you be satisfied with that?
For that crime? Sure. For the crime of first degree murder... life in prison with no chance of parole.
There weren't any murders, dumbfuck.

Tell that to the little RW teen terrorist who's in jail now on first degree murder charges. I'm sure your voice will comfort him.

That's because the chief of police is a political hack. No jury will convict him.
That remains to be seen. But the judge will still instruct the jury, if it gets that far, that self defense cannot be considered because the defendant himself was in tbe commission of a crime when he fired his weapon.
ROFL! Here's the "jaywalking is murder" line of reasoning. He was not committing any crime when they started chasing him. He had the right to shoot them the minute they took after him.
Of course he was committing a crime. It was illegal for him to be in possession of a firearm.

Slobbers the fucking moron whose evidence was ... Wikipedia

Says a person that wants a innocent men in jail
For life because they think differently than you
Just to emphasize how disgusting the Trump fascists here are ... skateboard guy attacked the Trump cult shooter _after_ that terrorist had shot someone. _After_.
who gave skateboard guy that authority? if the kid didn't have it, how did skateboard guy get it?
They had the right to enforce a citizen's arrest on a person who just shot someone else.

Does that give skateboard guy the right to brandish a Glock .40 at the kid? How'd that work out for him?
Skateboard guy didn't brandish a firearm.


View attachment 381255

You're dazed and confused.

No sir...Although I do love me some Led Zepplin....

But his actions could not have worked out worse for him.

So, you agree that it was stupid for these people to attack a guy with a weapon, who was willing to use it....So, why are you defending stupid?
The guy with the handgun is not the guy with a skateboard.

Ok, you're right....it was another attacker with the handgun....Here's another pic showing clearly another attacker with the gun....

View attachment 381263

The skateboard assailant is to the right in frame, and the man with the handgun to the left of Rittenhouse....Both were dumbasses, and both got shot for their attacks...

Like I said, you're dazed & confused.

Look, we are having a conversation so you can drop the dumb shit name calling ok?

And yes, it was incredibly stupid for those people to try and disarm him.

Again, glad you agree with me....
The guy with his hands up in surrender but got shot anyway. Not self defense on the part of the little terrorist.
you missed the photo of him holding the gun against the kids face. missed that one conveniently huh? What happened most likely is he wasn't expecting the kid to fire at him. You think? but there is a photo with that gun in the kids face after the kid was hit with the skateboard. but fk, you don't care that he got hit by one guy and attacked with a gun by another. he was just supposed to sit there and accept the bullies outrage at him. ahhhhhhh I see.,
How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!
What was the "child" doing with a gun?
Defending himself against the terrorists in BLM....
You all have the strangest concept of self-defense. You're not defending yourself if you grab a gun, drive 20 miles to the melee in order to insert yourself into a volatile situation where you then use your weapon that you're not old enough to have to defend private property that's not even your own.

From my perspective that makes him the terrorist. It's questionable whether he could legally be in possession of the weapon he was carrying since he's not yet 18 and if he was indeed committing a crime by having it then everything that happened afterwards happened while he was in the commission of a crime.
I see it as someone who was trained with a rifile since he was a baby, going to protect business and elderly from getting attacked from the democrat mob. And did a great job, the new shot heard round the world.
Still illegal for him to be in possession of a firearm in Wisconsin.
And what does that have to do with this thread?
It's a pity you don't understand, comrade.
He was charged with murder that’s what we’re talking about are you saying he doesn’t have a right to self-defense because he’s 17 answer the question dude what are you afraid of?

This has been addressed. We will have to wait for everything to sort itself out but you generally can not claim self defense while committing a crime.
Are you saying the shootees checked his ID? Was there a ID check to get in the riot? Lol

You understand what I'm saying.
No I don’t, You’re saying he was attacked because he was 17 and caring a weapon and that is a crime how did they know he was 17 how do you know they were aware of that law how do you know they checked his ID please provide some information

He was attacked while committing a crime. The odds are not good that he will be able to claim self defense.

I think that someone in the protest shot those people, then blamed it on the kid...

So, there you have it. More left wing communists killing each other...

That will be easy enough to determine.

There will have to be an investigation, and not some demand for a rush...There are reports that a rioter drew down on him before he shot anyone, so let's see.

They might have. It very well might not matter though if it was determined that what he did was in the midst of committing a crime.

The New York Times is reporting that he may have been the victim...

Here are key excerpts from the story, “Tracking the Suspect in the Fatal Kenosha Shootings,” in which Times reporters stitch together a timeline from several videos, and with my highlights:

In most of the footage The Times has reviewed from before the shootings, Mr. Rittenhouse is around this area. He also offers medical assistance to protesters.

About 15 minutes before the first shooting, police officers drive past Mr. Rittenhouse, and the other armed civilians who claim to be protecting the dealership, and offer water out of appreciation.

Mr. Rittenhouse walks up to a police vehicle carrying his rifle and talks with the officers.

He eventually leaves the dealership and is barred by the police from returning. Six minutes later footage shows Mr. Rittenhouse being chased by an unknown group of people into the parking lot of another dealership several blocks away.
While Mr. Rittenhouse is being pursued by the group, an unknown gunman fires into the air, though it’s unclear why. The weapon’s muzzle flash appears in footage filmed at the scene.

Mr. Rittenhouse turns toward the sound of gunfire as another pursuer lunges toward him from the same direction. Mr. Rittenhouse then fires four times, and appears to shoot the man in the head. . .

As Mr. Rittenhouse is running, he trips and falls to the ground. He fires four shots as three people rush toward him.

One person appears to be hit in the chest and falls to the ground. Another, who is carrying a handgun, is hit in the arm and runs away.

Mr. Rittenhouse’s gunfire is mixed in with the sound of at least 16 other gunshots that ring out during this time.

As this happens, police vehicles just one block away remain stationary during the gunfire.
Mr. Rittenhouse walks with his hands up toward the police vehicles. Bystanders call out to the officers that he had just shot people.
The police drive by him without stopping, on their way to assist the victims.

The left is making a big deal about the supposed “white privilege” of Rittenhouse because the police initially drove past him even though he had his hands up. But as this story makes clear, the police were heading to aid victims, which is surely sound police procedure, not yet knowing that Rittenhouse was the shooter.

Simply having and carrying the gun was a crime for him.
Please cite the statute.

Minimum Age to Purchase & Possess in Wisconsin | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

Ok, so what's your point? It's a misdemeanor.....So, he'll pay a fine and get on with life...
Class A misdemeanor can also include up to 9 months in jail...
(3) Penalties for misdemeanors are as follows:​
(a) For a Class A misdemeanor, a fine not to exceed $10,000 or imprisonment not to exceed 9 months, or both.​

Would you be satisfied with that?
For that crime? Sure. For the crime of first degree murder... life in prison with no chance of parole.
There weren't any murders, dumbfuck.

Tell that to the little RW teen terrorist who's in jail now on first degree murder charges. I'm sure your voice will comfort him.

That's because the chief of police is a political hack. No jury will convict him.
That remains to be seen. But the judge will still instruct the jury, if it gets that far, that self defense cannot be considered because the defendant himself was in tbe commission of a crime when he fired his weapon.
ROFL! Here's the "jaywalking is murder" line of reasoning. He was not committing any crime when they started chasing him. He had the right to shoot them the minute they took after him.
Of course he was committing a crime. It was illegal for him to be in possession of a firearm.

The real crime was the chickenshit cops enlisting teenagers to do their dirty work.
Can you show where the police asked him to aid? Did they deputize him? You have a link for that?
Just to emphasize how disgusting the Trump fascists here are ... skateboard guy attacked the Trump cult shooter _after_ that terrorist had shot someone. _After_.
who gave skateboard guy that authority? if the kid didn't have it, how did skateboard guy get it?
They had the right to enforce a citizen's arrest on a person who just shot someone else.

Does that give skateboard guy the right to brandish a Glock .40 at the kid? How'd that work out for him?
Skateboard guy didn't brandish a firearm.


View attachment 381255

You're dazed and confused.

No sir...Although I do love me some Led Zepplin....

But his actions could not have worked out worse for him.

So, you agree that it was stupid for these people to attack a guy with a weapon, who was willing to use it....So, why are you defending stupid?
The guy with the handgun is not the guy with a skateboard.

Ok, you're right....it was another attacker with the handgun....Here's another pic showing clearly another attacker with the gun....

View attachment 381263

The skateboard assailant is to the right in frame, and the man with the handgun to the left of Rittenhouse....Both were dumbasses, and both got shot for their attacks...

Like I said, you're dazed & confused.

Look, we are having a conversation so you can drop the dumb shit name calling ok?

And yes, it was incredibly stupid for those people to try and disarm him.

Again, glad you agree with me....
The guy with his hands up in surrender but got shot anyway. Not self defense on the part of the little terrorist.

You mean the guy that was shown to you a still right before this one, where he was rushing in gun, (still in his hand) pointed at him, has his hands raised when he realizes that the kid has a much more powerful weapon and acts in self preservation? That guy?
How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!
What was the "child" doing with a gun?
Defending himself against the terrorists in BLM....
You all have the strangest concept of self-defense. You're not defending yourself if you grab a gun, drive 20 miles to the melee in order to insert yourself into a volatile situation where you then use your weapon that you're not old enough to have to defend private property that's not even your own.

From my perspective that makes him the terrorist. It's questionable whether he could legally be in possession of the weapon he was carrying since he's not yet 18 and if he was indeed committing a crime by having it then everything that happened afterwards happened while he was in the commission of a crime.
I see it as someone who was trained with a rifile since he was a baby, going to protect business and elderly from getting attacked from the democrat mob. And did a great job, the new shot heard round the world.
Still illegal for him to be in possession of a firearm in Wisconsin.
And what does that have to do with this thread?
It's a pity you don't understand, comrade.
He was charged with murder that’s what we’re talking about are you saying he doesn’t have a right to self-defense because he’s 17 answer the question dude what are you afraid of?

This has been addressed. We will have to wait for everything to sort itself out but you generally can not claim self defense while committing a crime.
Are you saying the shootees checked his ID? Was there a ID check to get in the riot? Lol

You understand what I'm saying.
No I don’t, You’re saying he was attacked because he was 17 and caring a weapon and that is a crime how did they know he was 17 how do you know they were aware of that law how do you know they checked his ID please provide some information

He was attacked while committing a crime. The odds are not good that he will be able to claim self defense.

I think that someone in the protest shot those people, then blamed it on the kid...

So, there you have it. More left wing communists killing each other...

That will be easy enough to determine.

There will have to be an investigation, and not some demand for a rush...There are reports that a rioter drew down on him before he shot anyone, so let's see.

They might have. It very well might not matter though if it was determined that what he did was in the midst of committing a crime.

The New York Times is reporting that he may have been the victim...

Here are key excerpts from the story, “Tracking the Suspect in the Fatal Kenosha Shootings,” in which Times reporters stitch together a timeline from several videos, and with my highlights:

In most of the footage The Times has reviewed from before the shootings, Mr. Rittenhouse is around this area. He also offers medical assistance to protesters.

About 15 minutes before the first shooting, police officers drive past Mr. Rittenhouse, and the other armed civilians who claim to be protecting the dealership, and offer water out of appreciation.

Mr. Rittenhouse walks up to a police vehicle carrying his rifle and talks with the officers.

He eventually leaves the dealership and is barred by the police from returning. Six minutes later footage shows Mr. Rittenhouse being chased by an unknown group of people into the parking lot of another dealership several blocks away.
While Mr. Rittenhouse is being pursued by the group, an unknown gunman fires into the air, though it’s unclear why. The weapon’s muzzle flash appears in footage filmed at the scene.

Mr. Rittenhouse turns toward the sound of gunfire as another pursuer lunges toward him from the same direction. Mr. Rittenhouse then fires four times, and appears to shoot the man in the head. . .

As Mr. Rittenhouse is running, he trips and falls to the ground. He fires four shots as three people rush toward him.

One person appears to be hit in the chest and falls to the ground. Another, who is carrying a handgun, is hit in the arm and runs away.

Mr. Rittenhouse’s gunfire is mixed in with the sound of at least 16 other gunshots that ring out during this time.

As this happens, police vehicles just one block away remain stationary during the gunfire.
Mr. Rittenhouse walks with his hands up toward the police vehicles. Bystanders call out to the officers that he had just shot people.
The police drive by him without stopping, on their way to assist the victims.

The left is making a big deal about the supposed “white privilege” of Rittenhouse because the police initially drove past him even though he had his hands up. But as this story makes clear, the police were heading to aid victims, which is surely sound police procedure, not yet knowing that Rittenhouse was the shooter.

Simply having and carrying the gun was a crime for him.
Please cite the statute.

Minimum Age to Purchase & Possess in Wisconsin | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

Ok, so what's your point? It's a misdemeanor.....So, he'll pay a fine and get on with life...

He's in jail.
yep, so what? he isn't guilty of anything is he?

Not yet .
so what then? just stating the obvious, huh mr. obvious?

Are you insinuating he was free game for the mob? fk his business saving ass hole?

I'm saying there will be people who will determine the situation. We aren't them.
We are allowed to make our own judgements. You just admitted that you believe the mob was entitled to kill him.

Lol....surely you can do better than this.
So the mob wasn't allowed to assault him?

In general no one is allowed to assault anyone.

Oh really? Because that's exactly what dumbass #1 did to start the whole thing...
That’s not what procedural law is.

Illegally carrying a firearm is what is known as criminal law.

CCP Troll, two of the three klansmen shot had handguns.

Yet law distortion decided not to enforce laws during the sanctioned riots.
I don’t think you understand what you’re talking about. Were those people carrying handguns illefally?
This gets to core of the issue. Citizens stopped policing their own neighborhoods when as a society we went with professional police forces. Now these terribly irresponsible city and state leaders are preventing their police from responding, because these elected leaders are of the same political faction as the rioters, but, if the armed citizen returns to the streets, bodies start dropping.

One 17 year old dropped 3 in a manner of minutes, would 10 have dropped 30? Will a Jury want to green-light this? If they overcharge him, he'll get off. If he is modestly charged, and has a clean background, a hung jury is a likely outcome, but his folks will have mortgaged their house, their college fund for him and spent their own retirement funds on attorney fees trying to keep him out of prison, and even if they manage that, a felony record remains a real possibility.

Lin Wood is taking the case pro bono.
That's great but isn't that guy a civil attorney?
Kids needs a criminal defense attorney who specializes in self defense cases, and that's a pretty small pool.

Truth is, most legal cases where self defense is claimed are bullshit..... it's a last ditch attempt to avoid jail time by someone who knows he is guilty of assault, or it's a misunderstanding of basic law by someone who was engaged in mutual combat. So the claim of self defense is most often greeted with disbelief and scorn by DAs. (And that's DAs that don't have a political axe to grind against free people who carry guns; my wife worked for a DAs office in TN a few years ago and everyone in that office carried pistols, everyday.)
A legitimate self defense claim that meets all legal standards as an affirmative defense is often discounted and disregarded by disbelieving prosecutors, or the essential elements that prove it to be justified are not brought to investigators attention, and thus not to the prosecutors and court's attention, or not effectively explained by the victim when he or she is being interviewed by responding officers. The victim is usually in shock, and will be coming down off a chemical and hormonal cocktail of adrenaline and other things that are released into their systems when their life is threatened, and they generally are not tracking well, and they get a case of motor mouth.
Many criminal defense attornies have no idea how to present an affirmative defense in a self defense case, and most have never done so. Further muddying the waters, street mutts will lie their asses off and claim they were the victims, in order to jam you up with the Man.

I'm glad the kid has an attorney, but does he have the right attorney?
Even if the kid doesn't currently have the right attorney (as you put it), he still has the ability to fire him and get another. And, you can bet, that with as high profile as this case is, there are probably several really good lawyers that would be willing to represent this kid pro bono, as the publicity they would get if they won would be phenomenal. And, even if they lose, they still get their name out there, and it's still good publicity.
This gets to core of the issue. Citizens stopped policing their own neighborhoods when as a society we went with professional police forces. Now these terribly irresponsible city and state leaders are preventing their police from responding, because these elected leaders are of the same political faction as the rioters, but, if the armed citizen returns to the streets, bodies start dropping.

One 17 year old dropped 3 in a manner of minutes, would 10 have dropped 30? Will a Jury want to green-light this? If they overcharge him, he'll get off. If he is modestly charged, and has a clean background, a hung jury is a likely outcome, but his folks will have mortgaged their house, their college fund for him and spent their own retirement funds on attorney fees trying to keep him out of prison, and even if they manage that, a felony record remains a real possibility.

Lin Wood is taking the case pro bono.
That's great but isn't that guy a civil attorney?
Kids needs a criminal defense attorney who specializes in self defense cases, and that's a pretty small pool.

Truth is, most legal cases where self defense is claimed are bullshit..... it's a last ditch attempt to avoid jail time by someone who knows he is guilty of assault, or it's a misunderstanding of basic law by someone who was engaged in mutual combat. So the claim of self defense is most often greeted with disbelief and scorn by DAs. (And that's DAs that don't have a political axe to grind against free people who carry guns; my wife worked for a DAs office in TN a few years ago and everyone in that office carried pistols, everyday.)
A legitimate self defense claim that meets all legal standards as an affirmative defense is often discounted and disregarded by disbelieving prosecutors, or the essential elements that prove it to be justified are not brought to investigators attention, and thus not to the prosecutors and court's attention, or not effectively explained by the victim when he or she is being interviewed by responding officers. The victim is usually in shock, and will be coming down off a chemical and hormonal cocktail of adrenaline and other things that are released into their systems when their life is threatened, and they generally are not tracking well, and they get a case of motor mouth.
Many criminal defense attornies have no idea how to present an affirmative defense in a self defense case, and most have never done so. Further muddying the waters, street mutts will lie their asses off and claim they were the victims, in order to jam you up with the Man.

I'm glad the kid has an attorney, but does he have the right attorney?
I had the same concerns. Now the McCloskeys do handle criminal defense and just got done defending themselves against weapons charges, but, your points are dead on.
Even if the kid doesn't currently have the right attorney (as you put it), he still has the ability to fire him and get another. And, you can bet, that with as high profile as this case is, there are probably several really good lawyers that would be willing to represent this kid pro bono, as the publicity they would get if they won would be phenomenal. And, even if they lose, they still get their name out there, and it's still good publicity.
Most screw ups occur early, it's better to get it right, each step of the way. This kid needs to keep his mouth shut and only open it when he is being counseled by the right attorney for the case.
The filthy ass Left is putting out disinformation about Kyle on Facebook. They are saying that Kyle has a criminal record. Where are Facebook's fact checkers?

They are using the record of a different Kyle Rittenhouse to smear our hero. Shame!

This Kyle is much older and has a different middle name but that didn't stop the hateful lying Left. I hope Kyle's lawyers sue the shitheads.


snip (more lies)

I didn't know his mommy drove him to Kenosha. She should be charged too then for aiding and abetting a crime.
So if you get a speeding ticket, you deserve to be killed?
Fucking moron, no one said the teen domestic terrorist deserved to be killed for carrying a gun illegally.
That's the logical conclusion of your claims, moron. According to you, if you shoot someone in self defence, but commit some misdemeanor in the process, then you are guilty of first degree murder.
Fucking moron, all you do with comments like that is prove you have no ability to think logically. You have no proof anyone was trying to kill the teen terrorist before he committed murder. Right there, your piss-poor analogy crumbles.
Sorry, turd, but the defendant doesn't have to prove his assailants where trying to kill him. All he has to prove is that he had a reasonable fear that he would be killed or injured by the attackers. In fact, he doesn't even have to prove that to a jury. Most of these cases never see a jury.

You keep calling me a moron, but you keep proving you know jack shit about the law.
That’s not what procedural law is.

Illegally carrying a firearm is what is known as criminal law.

CCP Troll, two of the three klansmen shot had handguns.

Yet law distortion decided not to enforce laws during the sanctioned riots.
I don’t think you understand what you’re talking about. Were those people carrying handguns illefally?
Legal or not, they still represented a deadly threat to Rittenhouse.
How do arrest someone for self defense!? If we don’t get this child out of jail we are doing to let them
Arrest all of us! We need to fight back!
What was the "child" doing with a gun?
Defending himself against the terrorists in BLM....
You all have the strangest concept of self-defense. You're not defending yourself if you grab a gun, drive 20 miles to the melee in order to insert yourself into a volatile situation where you then use your weapon that you're not old enough to have to defend private property that's not even your own.

From my perspective that makes him the terrorist. It's questionable whether he could legally be in possession of the weapon he was carrying since he's not yet 18 and if he was indeed committing a crime by having it then everything that happened afterwards happened while he was in the commission of a crime.
I see it as someone who was trained with a rifile since he was a baby, going to protect business and elderly from getting attacked from the democrat mob. And did a great job, the new shot heard round the world.
Still illegal for him to be in possession of a firearm in Wisconsin.
And what does that have to do with this thread?
It's a pity you don't understand, comrade.
He was charged with murder that’s what we’re talking about are you saying he doesn’t have a right to self-defense because he’s 17 answer the question dude what are you afraid of?

This has been addressed. We will have to wait for everything to sort itself out but you generally can not claim self defense while committing a crime.
Are you saying the shootees checked his ID? Was there a ID check to get in the riot? Lol

You understand what I'm saying.
No I don’t, You’re saying he was attacked because he was 17 and caring a weapon and that is a crime how did they know he was 17 how do you know they were aware of that law how do you know they checked his ID please provide some information

He was attacked while committing a crime. The odds are not good that he will be able to claim self defense.

I think that someone in the protest shot those people, then blamed it on the kid...

So, there you have it. More left wing communists killing each other...

That will be easy enough to determine.

There will have to be an investigation, and not some demand for a rush...There are reports that a rioter drew down on him before he shot anyone, so let's see.

They might have. It very well might not matter though if it was determined that what he did was in the midst of committing a crime.

The New York Times is reporting that he may have been the victim...

Here are key excerpts from the story, “Tracking the Suspect in the Fatal Kenosha Shootings,” in which Times reporters stitch together a timeline from several videos, and with my highlights:

In most of the footage The Times has reviewed from before the shootings, Mr. Rittenhouse is around this area. He also offers medical assistance to protesters.

About 15 minutes before the first shooting, police officers drive past Mr. Rittenhouse, and the other armed civilians who claim to be protecting the dealership, and offer water out of appreciation.

Mr. Rittenhouse walks up to a police vehicle carrying his rifle and talks with the officers.

He eventually leaves the dealership and is barred by the police from returning. Six minutes later footage shows Mr. Rittenhouse being chased by an unknown group of people into the parking lot of another dealership several blocks away.
While Mr. Rittenhouse is being pursued by the group, an unknown gunman fires into the air, though it’s unclear why. The weapon’s muzzle flash appears in footage filmed at the scene.

Mr. Rittenhouse turns toward the sound of gunfire as another pursuer lunges toward him from the same direction. Mr. Rittenhouse then fires four times, and appears to shoot the man in the head. . .

As Mr. Rittenhouse is running, he trips and falls to the ground. He fires four shots as three people rush toward him.

One person appears to be hit in the chest and falls to the ground. Another, who is carrying a handgun, is hit in the arm and runs away.

Mr. Rittenhouse’s gunfire is mixed in with the sound of at least 16 other gunshots that ring out during this time.

As this happens, police vehicles just one block away remain stationary during the gunfire.
Mr. Rittenhouse walks with his hands up toward the police vehicles. Bystanders call out to the officers that he had just shot people.
The police drive by him without stopping, on their way to assist the victims.

The left is making a big deal about the supposed “white privilege” of Rittenhouse because the police initially drove past him even though he had his hands up. But as this story makes clear, the police were heading to aid victims, which is surely sound police procedure, not yet knowing that Rittenhouse was the shooter.

Simply having and carrying the gun was a crime for him.
Please cite the statute.

Minimum Age to Purchase & Possess in Wisconsin | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

Ok, so what's your point? It's a misdemeanor.....So, he'll pay a fine and get on with life...
Class A misdemeanor can also include up to 9 months in jail...
(3) Penalties for misdemeanors are as follows:​
(a) For a Class A misdemeanor, a fine not to exceed $10,000 or imprisonment not to exceed 9 months, or both.​

Would you be satisfied with that?
For that crime? Sure. For the crime of first degree murder... life in prison with no chance of parole.
There weren't any murders, dumbfuck.

Tell that to the little RW teen terrorist who's in jail now on first degree murder charges. I'm sure your voice will comfort him.

That's because the chief of police is a political hack. No jury will convict him.
That remains to be seen. But the judge will still instruct the jury, if it gets that far, that self defense cannot be considered because the defendant himself was in tbe commission of a crime when he fired his weapon.
Even criminals have a right to self defense you commie
Of course they do; just so long as they are not in the commission of committing a crime when they kill someone.
Just to emphasize how disgusting the Trump fascists here are ... skateboard guy attacked the Trump cult shooter _after_ that terrorist had shot someone. _After_.
who gave skateboard guy that authority? if the kid didn't have it, how did skateboard guy get it?
They had the right to enforce a citizen's arrest on a person who just shot someone else.

Does that give skateboard guy the right to brandish a Glock .40 at the kid? How'd that work out for him?
Skateboard guy didn't brandish a firearm.


View attachment 381255

You're dazed and confused.

No sir...Although I do love me some Led Zepplin....

But his actions could not have worked out worse for him.

So, you agree that it was stupid for these people to attack a guy with a weapon, who was willing to use it....So, why are you defending stupid?
The guy with the handgun is not the guy with a skateboard.

Ok, you're right....it was another attacker with the handgun....Here's another pic showing clearly another attacker with the gun....

View attachment 381263

The skateboard assailant is to the right in frame, and the man with the handgun to the left of Rittenhouse....Both were dumbasses, and both got shot for their attacks...

Like I said, you're dazed & confused.

Look, we are having a conversation so you can drop the dumb shit name calling ok?

And yes, it was incredibly stupid for those people to try and disarm him.

Again, glad you agree with me....
The guy with his hands up in surrender but got shot anyway. Not self defense on the part of the little terrorist.

Must have missed that one.
At what point in the video did this happen?
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