Teen gets away with murdering her child

Ohio Cheerleader Found Not Guilty of Murdering Her Newborn Baby

Yet another Progressive success story and proves that babies are not really people.

Kinda like trump not considering refugees real people. How many died? How many refugee parents not being united with their children yet? You and your right wing cohorts need to quit pretending you give a shit about human lives, especially young children. Even the red states in this country...mass poverty, kids with rotten teeth, on and on with republicans always trying to kick the poor off of food stamps, etc. Nothing but hate from you phony bastards.
Ohio Cheerleader Found Not Guilty of Murdering Her Newborn Baby

Yet another Progressive success story and proves that babies are not really people.
Ohio voted for fat donnie, right? It's a red state....with red cheerleaders...that's how she got away with it.....it's not illegal if Republicans do it.

Ohio passed the heart beat bill, but the courts just ignore it just like the courts ignored this.

The Left rules through the court system as they simply reinvent laws and the Constitution.
Trolls aren't even pretending they are making sense anymore. The left is in free fall.


That is about all they have now. Notice they have moved from saying Trump is a Putin puppet to just being a racist.
Kinda like trump not considering refugees real people. How many died? How many refugee parents not being united with their children yet?
I don't mean to sound cold hearted, but since when are them people any of his responsibility if they are not born in America? If the man can only take care of so many people at one time, please forgive him should putting American born people first be the wrong move to make. What excuse does that girl have? If she didn't want the baby, there is this thing called the adoption agency.

God bless you and those who can't have kids of their own and our homeland and the man who currently in charge of it always!!!

Ohio Cheerleader Found Not Guilty of Murdering Her Newborn Baby

Yet another Progressive success story and proves that babies are not really people.

Kinda like trump not considering refugees real people. How many died? How many refugee parents not being united with their children yet? You and your right wing cohorts need to quit pretending you give a shit about human lives, especially young children. Even the red states in this country...mass poverty, kids with rotten teeth, on and on with republicans always trying to kick the poor off of food stamps, etc. Nothing but hate from you phony bastards.

South American morons decide to drag their kids thousands of miles across tropical climates without the proper equipment and supplies to do so.... and that's Trump's fault? Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with your brain?
Ohio Cheerleader Found Not Guilty of Murdering Her Newborn Baby

Yet another Progressive success story and proves that babies are not really people.

Kinda like trump not considering refugees real people. How many died? How many refugee parents not being united with their children yet? You and your right wing cohorts need to quit pretending you give a shit about human lives, especially young children. Even the red states in this country...mass poverty, kids with rotten teeth, on and on with republicans always trying to kick the poor off of food stamps, etc. Nothing but hate from you phony bastards.
typical liberal '''logic'' = protecting America/American borders = hate
that's some very DUMBASS '''logic'''

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