Tell Me Again...

I didn't storm anything.

Let's do a forced national quarantine.

Let's have everyone, sick or not, go out and get everything they'll need to survive for two weeks without outside contact. The national guard will patrol the streets and arrest anyone breaking quarantine. If everything the left says is true, that should be sufficient to destroy the virus.

I would absolutely get behind that idea.

Would you?
Your side would not have been happy

A key figure in an alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer told an undercover FBI agent that he wanted to restrain the “tyrant” on a table then pose for a photo “like we just made the biggest drug bust,” according to a secret recording played for jurors Thursday.

Fox told him he was part of a "very covert" group called the Wolverine Watchmen, and that "they’re not very well liked in this state."

During their meeting in the vacuum shop basement, Fox also talked about Whitmer, whom he referred to as "the oppressor."

" 'I want her charged, I want her f------ charged," Fox is heard telling the agent in a recording that was played for the jury.

Jurors also heard for the first time Fox talking about hog-tying the governor — a conversation that also was captured in the vacuum basement.

"We just want the b----, we want the tyrant b----," Fox is heard saying. "I want to have the governor hog-tied, laid out on a table while we all pose around like we just made the world's biggest goddamn drug bust, bro."
I've had Covid twice.

The first time I thought I was gonna' die. The second time it was little more than a sniffle. I am not vaccinated.

My vaccinated friend's second go-round with Covid is, according to her, pretty severe.

When I was a little kid, I got a polio vaccine. You know what? I never got polio.

That's how a vaccine is supposed to work...
The vaccines are supposed to reduce the spread and the severity of COVID. And they do. They don't eliminate it. But no intelligent person ever expected that.

The problem here is that you're stupid, not that vaccines don't work.
The vaccines are supposed to reduce the spread and the severity of COVID. And they do. They don't eliminate it. But no intelligent person ever expected that.

The problem here is that you're stupid, not that vaccines don't work.
And they reduced it how? You could still get it and still spread it. Same viral liods as the Dreaded unvxxed
And they reduced it how? You could still get it and still spread it. Same viral liods as the Dreaded unvxxed
Again, it's the ignorance that is the problem here. Do some reading.

Lemme guess - you think evolution is fake because there are still apes?
Again, it's the ignorance that is the problem here. Do some reading.

Lemme guess - you think evolution is fake because there are still apes?
Only retarded one here is you. mRNA do not train your immune system. They get the virus and can spread it.

Anyone who doesnt know that by now has been Lobotomised by the media
Your side would not have been happy

A key figure in an alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer told an undercover FBI agent that he wanted to restrain the “tyrant” on a table then pose for a photo “like we just made the biggest drug bust,” according to a secret recording played for jurors Thursday.

Fox told him he was part of a "very covert" group called the Wolverine Watchmen, and that "they’re not very well liked in this state."

During their meeting in the vacuum shop basement, Fox also talked about Whitmer, whom he referred to as "the oppressor."

" 'I want her charged, I want her f------ charged," Fox is heard telling the agent in a recording that was played for the jury.

Jurors also heard for the first time Fox talking about hog-tying the governor — a conversation that also was captured in the vacuum basement.

"We just want the b----, we want the tyrant b----," Fox is heard saying. "I want to have the governor hog-tied, laid out on a table while we all pose around like we just made the world's biggest goddamn drug bust, bro."

My "side"?

I don't have a "side", dipshit...
The vaccines are supposed to reduce the spread and the severity of COVID. And they do. They don't eliminate it. But no intelligent person ever expected that.

The problem here is that you're stupid, not that vaccines don't work.

And, yet, those who are vaccinated can still get, and spread, the virus.

How does that equate to the vaccine working?

No, the problem is not that I'm stupid, it's that I'm foolish enough to think that an intelligent conversation can be had with a brain-washed ignoramus like you...
And, yet, those who are vaccinated can still get, and spread, the virus.

How does that equate to the vaccine working?
Maybe I need to type it more slowly: The vaccines are supposed to reduce the spread and the severity of COVID. And they do. They don't eliminate it. But no intelligent person ever expected that.

Clearly, you are "no intelligent person".
Maybe I need to type it more slowly: The vaccines are supposed to reduce the spread and the severity of COVID. And they do. They don't eliminate it. But no intelligent person ever expected that.

Clearly, you are "no intelligent person".

See, when I was a kid, I got a polio vaccine. Guess what? Never once did I got polio.

Or how about smallpox? It was a worldwide immunization program which eradicated smallpox. When was the last time you heard of anyone getting the mumps, or rubella?

That's what successful vaccines do, dumbass...
Just got off the phone with a friend of mine. She had Covid in December of 2020. She made a full recovery.

Since that time she has been vaccinated and has had one booster.

She called me this morning to tell me that she's tested positive once again.

So, tell me again what this vaccine is supposed to do?
Go look up the word "variant"
The look around at the fools who refused vaccination, refused to wear masks, refused social distancing
Consider that your friend is probably alive today but got sick BECAUSE your fellows are so stupid they don't understand what variant means.
Also consider your friend may be live today BECAUE she was vaccinated.

I know I am.
Go look up the word "variant"
The look around at the fools who refused vaccination, refused to wear masks, refused social distancing
Consider that your friend is probably alive today but got sick BECAUSE your fellows are so stupid they don't understand what variant means.
Also consider your friend may be live today BECAUE she was vaccinated.

I know I am.

And therein lies the problem.

I heard the other day that a fourth booster was going to be necessary. A fourth! And you know who was saying that? Not Biden or Fauci; certainly no one from the CDC. No, it was none other than Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer. Only the truly ignorant would accept that, from him, at face value. But the fact of the matter is that there are idiots out there who will get a fourth for no other reason that Bourla, who's company will reap the benefits of these boosters, tells them they should.

As for being alive, I'm sure you might believe you're alive because of the vaccine, but the simple truth is that you can't say that with absolute certainty. Maybe you wouldn't gotten Covid at all. Maybe you'd have gotten it and, like millions of other people on this planet, would've simply recovered from it.

I've had Covid twice. The first time, around day three, I didn't know it was possible to feel that shitty and not die. The second time? I had a sniffle.

I am unvaccinated.

Oh, and if you're going to try to call people "stupid", you'd be well served to not put your own stupidity on display...
In the Two-Part Death Spiral™, EVERYTHING is about sides.
On Covid there are 2 sides.......yup............who's side are you on?

The side that locks us the hell down and tries to get you fired if you don't take the jab?
The side that attacks anyone who proposes cheap drugs for off label use to treat the cytokine storm?
The side that used vaccine passports or you can't go anywhere?

WHO'S SIDE ARE YOU ON? I'm against that BS
Go look up the word "variant"
The look around at the fools who refused vaccination, refused to wear masks, refused social distancing
Consider that your friend is probably alive today but got sick BECAUSE your fellows are so stupid they don't understand what variant means.
Also consider your friend may be live today BECAUE she was vaccinated.

I know I am.
BS. People like you are why people died here. You are tools of the Gov't. We have the worst stats on planet earth because of people like you.

Early treatment protocols used all over the world are NIGHT AND DAY BETTER THAN US.

Africa hardly vaxxed at all and have minimal per population deaths in the entire continent. Most deaths there were WHERE???????? The highest vaxxed areas.

On Covid there are 2 sides.......yup............who's side are you on?
That's a perfect example of what I'm talking about. There is absolutely nothing partisan about Covid. But you idiot motherfuckers just had to turn it into a partisan pissing match, ensuring that our response to the pandemic turned into political clusterfuck. Just like you do with every single problem facing society.

Fuck you very much. Seriously, you're destroying the USA.
That's a perfect example of what I'm talking about. There is absolutely nothing partisan about Covid. But you idiot motherfuckers just had to turn it into a partisan pissing match, ensuring that our response to the pandemic turned into political clusterfuck. Just like you do with every single problem facing society.

Fuck you very much. Seriously, you're destroying the USA.
People like you are the problem..........People DIED BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU........

The treatments WORK...........WORKED ALL OVER THE WORLD..........Much lower fatalities............But the medical doctors and nurses were attacked for using it............EARLY TREATMENT.

That site has over 1400 STUDIES FROM PROFESSIONALS..........

You ARE A GOV'T PARROT.........We have the worst stats on planet earth because of people like you.


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