Tell Me Again...

Quaranteen if you have covid. Is that too much to ask?

Learn to fucking spell "quarantine". Is that too much to ask? For as much as you libs say conservatives are stupid, you sure do your level best to raise the bar.

I've had Covid twice: once over Thanksgiving of 2020 and once last July. I quarantined both times. The first quarantine was 17 days (when 14 days was recommended) and the second was 11 days (when ten days was recommended)...

You know ... If Dr Fauci and his cohorts in Government would stop lying about the shit they do, or don't know ...
Stop changing their story every time their bullshit comes home to roost ...
Stop trying to bury all the valid information and data that suggests there are options for prevention and treatment ...
And basically, own up to the fact that what we are experiencing is all because they were messing with shit they shouldn't have been ...
Then it's possible a lot more people would trust them and consider getting vaccinated.

Just Saying ... :thup:

Don't forget it was you cons who stormed the michigan capitol over this and then tried to kidnap our governor. Are you sure you'd be okay with the government trampling on your freedom to go out and infect the rest of us?

I didn't storm anything.

Let's do a forced national quarantine.

Let's have everyone, sick or not, go out and get everything they'll need to survive for two weeks without outside contact. The national guard will patrol the streets and arrest anyone breaking quarantine. If everything the left says is true, that should be sufficient to destroy the virus.

I would absolutely get behind that idea.

Would you?
Then don’t respond and while your at it, fuck off.

With every post you prove your innate inability to answer simple questions.

Were you routinely smacked in the head with a phonebook as a child? Horse kick you?

Why are you a retard?
But the virus didn;t morph into the variants here. That's the point. If we shut down our international airports and our borders, there's a fair chance neither variant would've been seen in the United States...

Okay? What if it did? Would I get it? Sure, if it could be demonstrated that it was effective in doing that.

That's not the case with the current vaccines or boosters...

The only Trump rally I've been to was in 2016, Chucklehead.

So, would you support tightening our grip on our borders? Would you support a 100% lock-down of illegal aliens so they can be tested and vaccinated (and then sent back to where they came from)? Would support a forced quarantine (oh, that's how you spell it, by the way) for anyone who gets the virus here? Would you support imprisoning those who flagrantly thumb their collective nose at mandates, like Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsome and AOC have done?

Neither side of the politcial coin would be all too happy if we did what truly needed to be done to eradicate this.

You're proving just how big a fucking idiot you are when you try to blame Republicans for what is a worldwide problem...

Are you saying that those who are vaccinated don't go to the hospital and don't die? Are you honestly saying that? Because if you're honestly saying that you're far more fucking stupid than I'd originally feared...

But what's it doing? I'll tell you what it's not doing:

- It doesn't keep people from getting the virus.

- It doesn't keep people from spreading the virus.

Hey, gotta' go sometime.

The fact is that far fewer people are dying across the board, and that's a good thing...
So you're going to get vaccinated?

“You are 17 times more likely to go to the hospital if you’re not vaccinated, 20 times more likely to die.”

  • October data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests unvaccinated people are 20 times more likely to die of COVID-19 than those who are vaccinated and boosted.
  • Researchers in Texas reached the same conclusion looking at September data.
  • CDC data from November also indicated that unvaccinated people were about 17 times more likely to be hospitalized due to COVID-19 than those who are vaccinated.
  • Data from the o
  • micron variant-fueled surge in December and January is preliminary and incomplete but early reports from New York City and Seattle suggest a continued and significant gap in the experiences between vaccinated and unvaccinated who become infected.
I didn't storm anything.

Let's do a forced national quarantine.

Let's have everyone, sick or not, go out and get everything they'll need to survive for two weeks without outside contact. The national guard will patrol the streets and arrest anyone breaking quarantine. If everything the left says is true, that should be sufficient to destroy the virus.

I would absolutely get behind that idea.

Would you?
It would be tough I have a dog. Can't i go walk him in the woods?

See? I'm already trying to bend the rules. LOL.
I didn't storm anything.

Let's do a forced national quarantine.

Let's have everyone, sick or not, go out and get everything they'll need to survive for two weeks without outside contact. The national guard will patrol the streets and arrest anyone breaking quarantine. If everything the left says is true, that should be sufficient to destroy the virus.

I would absolutely get behind that idea.

Would you?
Wait, no Tim Horton drivethru? Hmmm.
So you're going to get vaccinated?

“You are 17 times more likely to go to the hospital if you’re not vaccinated, 20 times more likely to die.”

  • October data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests unvaccinated people are 20 times more likely to die of COVID-19 than those who are vaccinated and boosted.
  • Researchers in Texas reached the same conclusion looking at September data.
  • CDC data from November also indicated that unvaccinated people were about 17 times more likely to be hospitalized due to COVID-19 than those who are vaccinated.
  • Data from the o
  • micron variant-fueled surge in December and January is preliminary and incomplete but early reports from New York City and Seattle suggest a continued and significant gap in the experiences between vaccinated and unvaccinated who become infected.
Crickets on this one cannon shooter
So you're going to get vaccinated?

“You are 17 times more likely to go to the hospital if you’re not vaccinated, 20 times more likely to die.”

  • October data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests unvaccinated people are 20 times more likely to die of COVID-19 than those who are vaccinated and boosted.
  • Researchers in Texas reached the same conclusion looking at September data.
  • CDC data from November also indicated that unvaccinated people were about 17 times more likely to be hospitalized due to COVID-19 than those who are vaccinated.
  • Data from the o
  • micron variant-fueled surge in December and January is preliminary and incomplete but early reports from New York City and Seattle suggest a continued and significant gap in the experiences between vaccinated and unvaccinated who become infected.

"Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests unvaccinated people are 20 times more likely to die of COVID-19 than those who are vaccinated and boosted."

No empirical evidence or hard proof to back that up.
Truth is, a vaccine was defined by it's ability to prevent you from getting what you were vaccinated against. The CDC changed the definition of vaccine since their spike protein serum doesn't prevent anything...

Did anybody here get a Polio vaccine? Did you end up with a milder case of Polio?
Just got off the phone with a friend of mine. She had Covid in December of 2020. She made a full recovery.

Since that time she has been vaccinated and has had one booster.

She called me this morning to tell me that she's tested positive once again.

So, tell me again what this vaccine is supposed to do?
Just Get the 'shots' As MANY as THEY Say..

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