Tell me liberals .. Why is it racist to ask for an ID for voting but not for

getting welfare, hospital care, ride on a plane, write a check, go to the doctors, buy a beer , buy a car, buy or rent a house, If the so called poor people cant afford an ID or a car to get the voting booths do they have those problems to go to the grocery store? Go to the doctors office or hospital?
What about the handicapped? People who can't walk, or go to the store, or go to DMV? They have a right to vote.

These voter ID laws are for the sole purpose of suppressing the voting rights of people who usually vote democrat. The Republican Party can't come up with anything worth voting for, so they try to create a problem from thin air. Voter fraud is almost non-existent. It makes no sense spending time and money trying to prevent something that rarely occurs.

“My question to those who support absolutely zero barriers to voting is this: Why not insure that the process is as sterile as possible; that "one man, one vote" is enforced; just not hoped for?'

No one advocates “absolutely zero barriers to voting.”

Indeed, it is perfectly appropriate for the state to require a citizen to verify his citizenship when first registering to vote – that's not at issue.

At issue is requiring citizens who are currently and lawfully registered to vote, who have been voting consistently for the last 30 or 40 years, who have maintained their registration and eligibility to vote during that entire time, now being compelled to 'prove' that they're not attempting to commit 'fraud' absent any evidence of wrong-doing.

For many voters requiring new state-issued IDs manifests as a considerable hardship because their documents of identity may no longer be valid, or were never promulgated at the time of issuance – this is particularly true of older African-Americans born in certain jurisdictions during segregation.

Moreover, given the fact that incidents of 'voter fraud' are statistically nonexistent, there is no legal justification to place such an undue burden on the fundamental right to vote, where the responsibility rests solely with the state to produce the evidence of potential 'voter fraud,' as it's not the responsibility of the citizen voter to 'prove' he is innocent.

The states remain at liberty to combat 'voter fraud' on a case by case basis, where if sufficient evidence exists that a given voter may have indeed attempted 'fraud' would be subject to prosecution; but absent such evidence, so-called 'voter ID laws' are devoid of merit and consequently un-Constitutional.
Not sure why you need an i.d. to vote .

Once your name is crossed off the list as having voted at the polling place, you cant vote again. (Unless the polling place is breaking the law).

So the i.d. thing isnt completely necessary because the registered voters would be able to file a grievance of their vote was taken and it wasnt them doing it.

The real problem is updating the registry to exclude deceased people and things like that.

There have been widespread studies on voter fraud. Not much is abrewing.
Because in the past DEAD people voted that is why. ILLEGALS have voted That is is why
Thats not an i.d. issue. Thats a municipal issue with the registration process
The registration process is meaningless unless you can positively ID the person claiming to be someone on the voter roll.
No, because the same registrant twice.
So when that happens: boom. Grievance, investigation, hopeful conviction.
Meanwhile, an illegal ballot was cast, and you lost our right to vote, because the state had no way to tell that the guy that said he was you was not.
Moreover, given the fact that incidents of 'voter fraud' are statistically nonexistent, there is no legal justification to place such an undue burden on the fundamental right to vote, where the responsibility rests solely with the state to produce the evidence of potential 'voter fraud,' as it's not the responsibility of the citizen voter to 'prove' he is innocent.
Funny how you have the exact opposite stance on guns and background checks.
Folks, do you honestly believe in your hearts, that Sha Na Na and Tyrone is that bold and brave to stand in line for hours on end, to fraudulently vote for a candidate, they can neither spell or pronounce, just to get a democrat in office? I mean, this bullshit about voter fraud is enough to make a 2 year old scream, WTF? Requesting ID is not a crime and anyone making a damned big deal out of this shit, need to get a hobby, ie conservatives!!

I equate it to those people who drive a Prius or incessantly turn off things they are not using in the name of saving the earth. You're not doing anything that will prolong the earth. are saving yourself some $$$ both in terms of not purchasing gas or kilowatt hours so why not do it anyway?

That is pretty much were I come down on ID laws. No major election will ever turn on fraud but why leave the possibility open? Those, in general, who favor such laws do so because the Democratic party enjoys a broad range of support from immigrants and they see this as a way of cutting into that support. I get that.

But the bottom line is that they want to do the right thing...for all the wrong reasons but it is still the right thing.

HOW will voter ID laws stop voter fraud that is non existent of voters impersonating others at the polls???
Simple, you upgrade the VRC to a photo ID. The poll worker looks at the ID then at the person's face and voila...if they match the person gets to vote. If not, provisional ballots, other forms of ID, etc... come into play.

As for your "non existent" allegation....There is some level of fraud in every election. What that means is that there is some level of irregularity; whether intended or non intended. District lines change every so often, polling places change, and yes people do try to vote with expired credentials.

As stated there will never be a major election that turns on fraud.

My question to those who support absolutely zero barriers to voting is this: Why not insure that the process is as sterile as possible; that "one man, one vote" is enforced; just not hoped for?

A new nationwide analysis of 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal, and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually non-existent.
In-person voter-impersonation fraud is rare. The database shows 207 cases of other types of fraud for every case of voter impersonation. “The fraud that matters is the fraud that is organized. That's why voter impersonation is practically non-existent because it is difficult to do and it is difficult to pull people into conspiracies to do it,”

There is more fraud in absentee ballots and voter registration than any other categories. The analysis shows 491 cases of absentee ballot fraud and 400 cases of registration fraud. A required photo ID at the polls would not have prevented these cases.
New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations

If I wanted to, I could present myself as person X at the polls tomorrow and vote (if there were an election)...true or false?

"Simple, you upgrade the VRC to a photo ID. The poll worker looks at the ID then at the person's face and voila...if they match the person gets to vote. If not, provisional ballots, other forms of ID, etc... come into play. "

YET NOT ONE OF THE 37 STATES, ALL GOP LED, HAVE DONE THAT, IN FACT MAKING IT MORE DIFFICULT TO VOTE! Weird right? Stop playing "moderate", your BS isn't flying, THERE IS AND HAS BEEN NO NEED FOR VOTER ID LAWS, NONE, as I've repeatedly shown you. The ONLY real reason is to suppress voters, which is what the GOP voter ID laws are about!!!

"If I wanted to, I could present myself as person X at the polls tomorrow and vote (if there were an election)...true or false?"


Roxanne Rubin, Nevada Republican, Accepts Plea Deal After Committing Voter Fraud

A Nevada Republican arrested for voter fraud in the 2012 election, after claiming she was trying to test the system's integrity, pled guilty and accepted a plea deal Thursday, forcing her to pay almost $2,500 and promise to stay out of trouble.

Rubin said that she was trying to show how easy it would be to commit voter fraud with just a signature. "This has always been an issue with me. I just feel the system is flawed," she told the AP Thursday. "If we’re showing ID for everything else, why wouldn’t we show our ID in order to vote?”

Rubin, like many Republicans, claim that the threat from voter fraud -- which is close to non-existent -- is why voter ID laws need to be in place. But Nevada has no voter ID law -- other than for first-time voters who didn't show ID when they registered to vote -- and she was caught anyway.

Roxanne Rubin Nevada Republican Accepts Plea Deal After Committing Voter Fraud

The Challenge of Obtaining Voter Identification Brennan Center for Justice
Not sure why you need an i.d. to vote .

Once your name is crossed off the list as having voted at the polling place, you cant vote again. (Unless the polling place is breaking the law).

So the i.d. thing isnt completely necessary because the registered voters would be able to file a grievance of their vote was taken and it wasnt them doing it.

The real problem is updating the registry to exclude deceased people and things like that.

There have been widespread studies on voter fraud. Not much is abrewing.
That's a really dumb post. How do they know which of you is you and which one is pretending to be you?

Not sure why you need an i.d. to vote .

Once your name is crossed off the list as having voted at the polling place, you cant vote again. (Unless the polling place is breaking the law).

So the i.d. thing isnt completely necessary because the registered voters would be able to file a grievance of their vote was taken and it wasnt them doing it.

The real problem is updating the registry to exclude deceased people and things like that.

There have been widespread studies on voter fraud. Not much is abrewing.
Because in the past DEAD people voted that is why. ILLEGALS have voted That is is why
Thats not an i.d. issue. Thats a municipal issue with the registration process
The registration process is meaningless unless you can positively ID the person claiming to be someone on the voter roll.
No, because the same registrant twice.
So when that happens: boom. Grievance, investigation, hopeful conviction.
Meanwhile, an illegal ballot was cast, and you lost our right to vote, because the state had no way to tell that the guy that said he was you was not.

Versus tens of thousands rights who are restricted by voter ID laws. Weird

Voter ID laws and the evidence: A report from the Government Accountability Office -

GAO Study Finds Voter ID Laws Reduced Turnout in Tennessee Kansas - Washington Wire - WSJ

GAO does note that the Department of Justice has stated in a recent court filing that, after a review of its databases and other records, there were “no apparent cases of in-person voter impersonation charged by DOJ’s Criminal Division or by U.S. Attorney’s offices anywhere in the United States, from 2004 through July 3, 2014.” -

Not sure why you need an i.d. to vote .

Once your name is crossed off the list as having voted at the polling place, you cant vote again. (Unless the polling place is breaking the law).

So the i.d. thing isnt completely necessary because the registered voters would be able to file a grievance of their vote was taken and it wasnt them doing it.

The real problem is updating the registry to exclude deceased people and things like that.

There have been widespread studies on voter fraud. Not much is abrewing.
That's a really dumb post. How do they know which of you is you and which one is pretending to be you?
Thats a really dumb post. If someone pretended to be you, you would file a grievance and there would be an investigation.
Not sure why you need an i.d. to vote .

Once your name is crossed off the list as having voted at the polling place, you cant vote again. (Unless the polling place is breaking the law).

So the i.d. thing isnt completely necessary because the registered voters would be able to file a grievance of their vote was taken and it wasnt them doing it.

The real problem is updating the registry to exclude deceased people and things like that.

There have been widespread studies on voter fraud. Not much is abrewing.
That's a really dumb post. How do they know which of you is you and which one is pretending to be you?
Thats a really dumb post. If someone pretended to be you, you would file a grievance and there would be an investigation.
Even dumber post.
And an ID requirement would make the need for that investigation moot.
Not sure why you need an i.d. to vote .

Once your name is crossed off the list as having voted at the polling place, you cant vote again. (Unless the polling place is breaking the law).

So the i.d. thing isnt completely necessary because the registered voters would be able to file a grievance of their vote was taken and it wasnt them doing it.

The real problem is updating the registry to exclude deceased people and things like that.

There have been widespread studies on voter fraud. Not much is abrewing.
That's a really dumb post. How do they know which of you is you and which one is pretending to be you?
Thats a really dumb post. If someone pretended to be you, you would file a grievance and there would be an investigation.
Even dumber post.
And an ID requirement would make the need for that investigation moot.
That investigation would make someone a felon, which is the crime's deterrent in the first place.
The states are also at liberty to request a form of ID that doesn't manifest as an undue burden to the fundamental right to vote, such as a utility bill, paycheck stub, or letter addressed to the voter by a government agency.
YET NOT ONE OF THE 37 STATES, ALL GOP LED, HAVE DONE THAT, IN FACT MAKING IT MORE DIFFICULT TO VOTE! Weird right? Stop playing "moderate", your BS isn't flying, THERE IS AND HAS BEEN NO NEED FOR VOTER ID LAWS, NONE, as I've repeatedly shown you. The ONLY real reason is to suppress voters, which is what the GOP voter ID laws are about!!!

I'll make a deal with you. Learn to use the quote function like a good little boy and I'll let you think you've shown me something. In point and fact, you've shown nothing. The total amount of fraud is not known from one election to another. Reliance upon self-reporting of negative factors is notoriously inaccurate. For example, SADD reports that 72% of students have tried alcohol by the end of high school. Anyone who has gone through a public high school can tell you that the figure is much closer to 95%. In some districts, it's near 100%. Where does the 72% come from? Self reporting by teens who are breaking the law.

Please try to wrap your head around the fact that if there is fraud in district X, it is in the official's best interest to either call it something else, or not report it all together.

Again, you haven't answered the question; why not make the process as sterile as possible?


Perhaps I just want you to not vote. Perhaps there is a race on the ballot that is polling at 50/50 for county treasurer or something like that. Perhaps I'm known as John A. Doe and you're known as Johnny A. Doe and there is an honest mix-up at the polls. Perhaps I'm not registered and really want to vote.

Seriously, you're not helping yourself by refusing to engage in the conversation. In fact, you're actually highlighting the reasons why voting ID is a good idea.
YET NOT ONE OF THE 37 STATES, ALL GOP LED, HAVE DONE THAT, IN FACT MAKING IT MORE DIFFICULT TO VOTE! Weird right? Stop playing "moderate", your BS isn't flying, THERE IS AND HAS BEEN NO NEED FOR VOTER ID LAWS, NONE, as I've repeatedly shown you. The ONLY real reason is to suppress voters, which is what the GOP voter ID laws are about!!!

I'll make a deal with you. Learn to use the quote function like a good little boy and I'll let you think you've shown me something. In point and fact, you've shown nothing. The total amount of fraud is not known from one election to another. Reliance upon self-reporting of negative factors is notoriously inaccurate. For example, SADD reports that 72% of students have tried alcohol by the end of high school. Anyone who has gone through a public high school can tell you that the figure is much closer to 95%. In some districts, it's near 100%. Where does the 72% come from? Self reporting by teens who are breaking the law.

Please try to wrap your head around the fact that if there is fraud in district X, it is in the official's best interest to either call it something else, or not report it all together.

Again, you haven't answered the question; why not make the process as sterile as possible?


Perhaps I just want you to not vote. Perhaps there is a race on the ballot that is polling at 50/50 for county treasurer or something like that. Perhaps I'm known as John A. Doe and you're known as Johnny A. Doe and there is an honest mix-up at the polls. Perhaps I'm not registered and really want to vote.

Seriously, you're not helping yourself by refusing to engage in the conversation. In fact, you're actually highlighting the reasons why voting ID is a good idea.

Got it, you'll pretend to be "moderate" still AS you fight for the GOP suppression laws. Shocking Bubba

So now you'll ignore LOGIC about why someone attempting to steal an election, one vote at a time is ridiculous! lol

GOP Official Resigns After Saying Purpose Of Voter ID Is To Suppress Votes Of Democrats, ‘Lazy Blacks’

Until Thursday, Don Yelton was a precinct chair in the Buncombe County, North Carolina Republican Party. That ended after a Daily Show interview riddled with racism and candid admissions about the purpose of a voter suppression bill enacted by Republican lawmakers in his state. Over the course of the interview Yelton admitted that he supports requiring voters to show ID, in addition to the other, many voter suppression provisions included in the North Carolina law, because “the law is going to kick the Democrats in the butt.” He also denied that the law is racist during the course of an interview where he both used a particular racial slur that begins with the letter “n” and claimed that he is not racist because he “one my best friends is black.”

Yelton also offered several other reasons why he supports the voter suppression law. Among them, f it hurts a bunch of college kids that’s too lazy to get up off their bohunkus [sic] and get a photo ID, so be it,” and “if it hurts a bunch of lazy blacks that wants the government to give them everything, so be it.”

Paul Weyrich, "father" of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority and various other groups

"Now many of our Christians have what I call the goo-goo syndrome — good government. They want everybody to vote. I don't want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people, they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."

6 Other Times Republicans Admitted Voting Restrictions Are Just About Disenfranchising Democrats

6 Other Times Republicans Admitted Voting Restrictions Are Just About Disenfranchising Democrats - The National Memo
YET NOT ONE OF THE 37 STATES, ALL GOP LED, HAVE DONE THAT, IN FACT MAKING IT MORE DIFFICULT TO VOTE! Weird right? Stop playing "moderate", your BS isn't flying, THERE IS AND HAS BEEN NO NEED FOR VOTER ID LAWS, NONE, as I've repeatedly shown you. The ONLY real reason is to suppress voters, which is what the GOP voter ID laws are about!!!

I'll make a deal with you. Learn to use the quote function like a good little boy and I'll let you think you've shown me something. In point and fact, you've shown nothing. The total amount of fraud is not known from one election to another. Reliance upon self-reporting of negative factors is notoriously inaccurate. For example, SADD reports that 72% of students have tried alcohol by the end of high school. Anyone who has gone through a public high school can tell you that the figure is much closer to 95%. In some districts, it's near 100%. Where does the 72% come from? Self reporting by teens who are breaking the law.

Please try to wrap your head around the fact that if there is fraud in district X, it is in the official's best interest to either call it something else, or not report it all together.

Again, you haven't answered the question; why not make the process as sterile as possible?


Perhaps I just want you to not vote. Perhaps there is a race on the ballot that is polling at 50/50 for county treasurer or something like that. Perhaps I'm known as John A. Doe and you're known as Johnny A. Doe and there is an honest mix-up at the polls. Perhaps I'm not registered and really want to vote.

Seriously, you're not helping yourself by refusing to engage in the conversation. In fact, you're actually highlighting the reasons why voting ID is a good idea.

Got it, you'll pretend to be "moderate" still AS you fight for the GOP suppression laws. Shocking Bubba

So now you'll ignore LOGIC about why someone attempting to steal an election, one vote at a time is ridiculous! lol
As long as you ignore simple questions like "Why not have a sterile process when it's so easy to have a sterile process", I guess I'll play into your fantasy about my being a conservative hero.

Nobody ever said that the GOP wasn't motivated by keeping people away from the polls dumbass...just like nobody can point out why this is "racist" when you're requiring 100% of all voters to present the same credentials.

Feel free to try.
YET NOT ONE OF THE 37 STATES, ALL GOP LED, HAVE DONE THAT, IN FACT MAKING IT MORE DIFFICULT TO VOTE! Weird right? Stop playing "moderate", your BS isn't flying, THERE IS AND HAS BEEN NO NEED FOR VOTER ID LAWS, NONE, as I've repeatedly shown you. The ONLY real reason is to suppress voters, which is what the GOP voter ID laws are about!!!

I'll make a deal with you. Learn to use the quote function like a good little boy and I'll let you think you've shown me something. In point and fact, you've shown nothing. The total amount of fraud is not known from one election to another. Reliance upon self-reporting of negative factors is notoriously inaccurate. For example, SADD reports that 72% of students have tried alcohol by the end of high school. Anyone who has gone through a public high school can tell you that the figure is much closer to 95%. In some districts, it's near 100%. Where does the 72% come from? Self reporting by teens who are breaking the law.

Please try to wrap your head around the fact that if there is fraud in district X, it is in the official's best interest to either call it something else, or not report it all together.

Again, you haven't answered the question; why not make the process as sterile as possible?


Perhaps I just want you to not vote. Perhaps there is a race on the ballot that is polling at 50/50 for county treasurer or something like that. Perhaps I'm known as John A. Doe and you're known as Johnny A. Doe and there is an honest mix-up at the polls. Perhaps I'm not registered and really want to vote.

Seriously, you're not helping yourself by refusing to engage in the conversation. In fact, you're actually highlighting the reasons why voting ID is a good idea.

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed

A new nationwide analysis of 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal, and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually non-existent.

In an exhaustive public records search, reporters from the investigative reporting projecdt News21 sent thousands of requests to elections officers in all 50 states, asking for every case of fraudulent activity including registration fraud, absentee ballot fraud, vote buying, false election counts, campaign fraud, casting an ineligible vote, voting twice, voter impersonation fraud and intimidation.
New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations

"Our democracy is under siege from an enemy so small it could be hiding anywhere," joked Stephen Colbert.

Indeed, between 2000 and 2007, there were 32,299 UFO sightings in the United States, 352 deaths caused by lightning, but only nine cases of voter impersonation

Yet conservatives continue to hype the extremely rare occurrence of election fraud as if it were something that happens every day and is somehow responsible for the election of Obama and Democratic candidates across the map.

The Voter Fraud Fraud The Nation
YET NOT ONE OF THE 37 STATES, ALL GOP LED, HAVE DONE THAT, IN FACT MAKING IT MORE DIFFICULT TO VOTE! Weird right? Stop playing "moderate", your BS isn't flying, THERE IS AND HAS BEEN NO NEED FOR VOTER ID LAWS, NONE, as I've repeatedly shown you. The ONLY real reason is to suppress voters, which is what the GOP voter ID laws are about!!!

I'll make a deal with you. Learn to use the quote function like a good little boy and I'll let you think you've shown me something. In point and fact, you've shown nothing. The total amount of fraud is not known from one election to another. Reliance upon self-reporting of negative factors is notoriously inaccurate. For example, SADD reports that 72% of students have tried alcohol by the end of high school. Anyone who has gone through a public high school can tell you that the figure is much closer to 95%. In some districts, it's near 100%. Where does the 72% come from? Self reporting by teens who are breaking the law.

Please try to wrap your head around the fact that if there is fraud in district X, it is in the official's best interest to either call it something else, or not report it all together.

Again, you haven't answered the question; why not make the process as sterile as possible?


Perhaps I just want you to not vote. Perhaps there is a race on the ballot that is polling at 50/50 for county treasurer or something like that. Perhaps I'm known as John A. Doe and you're known as Johnny A. Doe and there is an honest mix-up at the polls. Perhaps I'm not registered and really want to vote.

Seriously, you're not helping yourself by refusing to engage in the conversation. In fact, you're actually highlighting the reasons why voting ID is a good idea.

New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed

A new nationwide analysis of 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal, and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually non-existent.

In an exhaustive public records search, reporters from the investigative reporting projecdt News21 sent thousands of requests to elections officers in all 50 states, asking for every case of fraudulent activity including registration fraud, absentee ballot fraud, vote buying, false election counts, campaign fraud, casting an ineligible vote, voting twice, voter impersonation fraud and intimidation.
New database of US voter fraud finds no evidence that photo ID laws are needed - Investigations

"Our democracy is under siege from an enemy so small it could be hiding anywhere," joked Stephen Colbert.

Indeed, between 2000 and 2007, there were 32,299 UFO sightings in the United States, 352 deaths caused by lightning, but only nine cases of voter impersonation

Yet conservatives continue to hype the extremely rare occurrence of election fraud as if it were something that happens every day and is somehow responsible for the election of Obama and Democratic candidates across the map.

The Voter Fraud Fraud The Nation
Wow, another cut and paste....
YET NOT ONE OF THE 37 STATES, ALL GOP LED, HAVE DONE THAT, IN FACT MAKING IT MORE DIFFICULT TO VOTE! Weird right? Stop playing "moderate", your BS isn't flying, THERE IS AND HAS BEEN NO NEED FOR VOTER ID LAWS, NONE, as I've repeatedly shown you. The ONLY real reason is to suppress voters, which is what the GOP voter ID laws are about!!!

I'll make a deal with you. Learn to use the quote function like a good little boy and I'll let you think you've shown me something. In point and fact, you've shown nothing. The total amount of fraud is not known from one election to another. Reliance upon self-reporting of negative factors is notoriously inaccurate. For example, SADD reports that 72% of students have tried alcohol by the end of high school. Anyone who has gone through a public high school can tell you that the figure is much closer to 95%. In some districts, it's near 100%. Where does the 72% come from? Self reporting by teens who are breaking the law.

Please try to wrap your head around the fact that if there is fraud in district X, it is in the official's best interest to either call it something else, or not report it all together.

Again, you haven't answered the question; why not make the process as sterile as possible?


Perhaps I just want you to not vote. Perhaps there is a race on the ballot that is polling at 50/50 for county treasurer or something like that. Perhaps I'm known as John A. Doe and you're known as Johnny A. Doe and there is an honest mix-up at the polls. Perhaps I'm not registered and really want to vote.

Seriously, you're not helping yourself by refusing to engage in the conversation. In fact, you're actually highlighting the reasons why voting ID is a good idea.

Got it, you'll pretend to be "moderate" still AS you fight for the GOP suppression laws. Shocking Bubba

So now you'll ignore LOGIC about why someone attempting to steal an election, one vote at a time is ridiculous! lol
As long as you ignore simple questions like "Why not have a sterile process when it's so easy to have a sterile process", I guess I'll play into your fantasy about my being a conservative hero.

Nobody ever said that the GOP wasn't motivated by keeping people away from the polls dumbass...just like nobody can point out why this is "racist" when you're requiring 100% of all voters to present the same credentials.

Feel free to try.

Sterile process? lol


GAO report: Voter ID laws stunted turnout

Voter ID laws helped contribute to lower voter turnout in Kansas and Tennessee in 2012, according a new study by the Government Accountability Office.

Congress’s research arm blamed the two states’ laws requiring that voters show identification on a dip in turnout in 2012 — about 2 percentage points in Kansas and between 2.2 and 3.2 percentage points in Tennessee. Those declines were greater among younger and African-American voters, when compared to turnout in other states.

GAO report Voter ID laws stunted turnout TheHill


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