Tell Me Why Profiling is WRONG and a BAD Law Enforcement Policy???


Apr 22, 2007
I know the PC response, not all black people are criminals, not all Hispanics are illegals, not all Muslims are terrorists etc. and they have some legitimacy, but it's doesn't defute the fact that profiling is necessary.

For instances, ask any Chicago Cop, if he sees a car full of white kids near Humbolt Park, he pulls them over immediately, because they are on their way to purchase drugs or have purchased drugs.

I talked to a cop buddy of mine who works in a bad part of the city. Nearly all black. Whites get pulled over immediately (doesn't matter how many in the car). A car full of blacks gets pulled over, because in his experience, 9 out of 10 times, he finds things above weed possession.

Now take a black youth in a white neighborhood looking like a thug, why wouldn't a cop or NEIGHBORHOOD watch personal view this person as suspicious. They don't need to arrest him, but they could question him. Heck even a thuggish or drug addict looking white person should be questioned!

Profiling is done for serial killers. First thing they profile is a middle aged white guy and then go from there.

Sorry Muslims, but you are the majority of terrorists in the WORLD at the moment, you should be viewed with extra scrutiny in terrorist cases and vulnerable areas.

Profiling isn't without it's victims, but it's a necessary evil in protecting one's community and law enforcement!
Profiling is necessary and will continue no matter how many protests there are against it. But it's not racial profiling, it's behavioral profiling. It's just that sometimes non whites have behavioral profiles that indicate they are criminals. You could not have law enforcement without profiling.
I know the PC response, not all black people are criminals, not all Hispanics are illegals, not all Muslims are terrorists etc. and they have some legitimacy, but it's doesn't defute the fact that profiling is necessary.

For instances, ask any Chicago Cop, if he sees a car full of white kids near Humbolt Park, he pulls them over immediately, because they are on their way to purchase drugs or have purchased drugs.

I talked to a cop buddy of mine who works in a bad part of the city. Nearly all black. Whites get pulled over immediately (doesn't matter how many in the car). A car full of blacks gets pulled over, because in his experience, 9 out of 10 times, he finds things above weed possession.

Now take a black youth in a white neighborhood looking like a thug, why wouldn't a cop or NEIGHBORHOOD watch personal view this person as suspicious. They don't need to arrest him, but they could question him. Heck even a thuggish or drug addict looking white person should be questioned!

Profiling is done for serial killers. First thing they profile is a middle aged white guy and then go from there.

Sorry Muslims, but you are the majority of terrorists in the WORLD at the moment, you should be viewed with extra scrutiny in terrorist cases and vulnerable areas.

Profiling isn't without it's victims, but it's a necessary evil in protecting one's community and law enforcement!

Like pulling over and searching cars with anti-abortion bumper stickers on them because all abortion terrorists are anti-abortion?
I know the PC response, not all black people are criminals, not all Hispanics are illegals, not all Muslims are terrorists etc. and they have some legitimacy, but it's doesn't defute the fact that profiling is necessary.

For instances, ask any Chicago Cop, if he sees a car full of white kids near Humbolt Park, he pulls them over immediately, because they are on their way to purchase drugs or have purchased drugs.

I talked to a cop buddy of mine who works in a bad part of the city. Nearly all black. Whites get pulled over immediately (doesn't matter how many in the car). A car full of blacks gets pulled over, because in his experience, 9 out of 10 times, he finds things above weed possession.

Now take a black youth in a white neighborhood looking like a thug, why wouldn't a cop or NEIGHBORHOOD watch personal view this person as suspicious. They don't need to arrest him, but they could question him. Heck even a thuggish or drug addict looking white person should be questioned!

Profiling is done for serial killers. First thing they profile is a middle aged white guy and then go from there.

Sorry Muslims, but you are the majority of terrorists in the WORLD at the moment, you should be viewed with extra scrutiny in terrorist cases and vulnerable areas.

Profiling isn't without it's victims, but it's a necessary evil in protecting one's community and law enforcement!

Like pulling over and searching cars with anti-abortion bumper stickers on them because all abortion terrorists are anti-abortion?

VIDEO: Race and Crime Report - C-SPAN Video Library

2005 numbers

Crime Rates
• Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
• When blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely than non-blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.
• Hispanics commit violent crimes at roughly three times the white rate, and Asians commit violent crimes at about one quarter the white rate.
• The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic.

Interracial Crime
• Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.
• Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty-five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black.
• Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a white than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.
• Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes against whites than vice versa.

• Only 10 percent of youth gang members are white.
• Hispanics are 19 times more likely than whites to be members of youth gangs. Blacks are 15 times more likely, and Asians are nine times more likely.

• Between 1980 and 2003 the US incarceration rate more than tripled, from 139 to 482 per 100,000, and the number of prisoners increased from 320,000 to 1.39 million.
• Blacks are seven times more likely to be in prison than whites. Hispanics are three times more likely.

How you should break it to future generations:

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The Conservative Hypocrisy:

1. We love the Constitution more than anyone else.

2. We love Profiling more than anyone else.

No one is saying to value one citizen over another. Simply use limited resources to go after criminals where we know they are. If a white neighborhoods crime rate is higher than that of a black neighborhood then I would have the same opinion. If there are 5 elderly people and a 25 year old around the scene of a crime involving an assault, which one would you profile? Is that ageism? Are you a bigot toward young people or do you have a bias in favor of the elderly? For starters my money would be on the 25 year old. Indeed, most people in our prison systems are under the age of 30. STOP THE ASSAULT ON OUR NATIONS YOUTH!? Must be systematic ageism inherent in the system huh? No, it's just common sense. Or perhaps is Elderly privilege? White Privilege? What about Asian Privilege? No, just common sense.
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Profiling is a difficult issue because it brings the bad old days back to the minds of Black people.

An innocent Black man does often see fear in a White woman when he is around her in a vulnerable situation, and he justifiably resents it. (Innocent Southerners also resent the regular profiling of them as illiterate rednecks and crackers. )

But the resentment to profiling by Black men doesn't account for the statistics.

About 5 percent of the population...Black males at a crime-committing age of about 15 to 45...commit almost 50 percent of the murders in this country. Its at a rate of around 10 times of Whites.

So is a White woman a racist for being 10 times more afraid of Black men....or is she prudent?
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"There are liars, damn liars and statistics"

Numbers don't tell the whole story, and can be used to 'prove' any point.

BTW, the link posted in #5 above doesn't work.
I know the PC response, not all black people are criminals, not all Hispanics are illegals, not all Muslims are terrorists etc. and they have some legitimacy, but it's doesn't defute the fact that profiling is necessary.

For instances, ask any Chicago Cop, if he sees a car full of white kids near Humbolt Park, he pulls them over immediately, because they are on their way to purchase drugs or have purchased drugs.

I talked to a cop buddy of mine who works in a bad part of the city. Nearly all black. Whites get pulled over immediately (doesn't matter how many in the car). A car full of blacks gets pulled over, because in his experience, 9 out of 10 times, he finds things above weed possession.

Now take a black youth in a white neighborhood looking like a thug, why wouldn't a cop or NEIGHBORHOOD watch personal view this person as suspicious. They don't need to arrest him, but they could question him. Heck even a thuggish or drug addict looking white person should be questioned!

Profiling is done for serial killers. First thing they profile is a middle aged white guy and then go from there.

Sorry Muslims, but you are the majority of terrorists in the WORLD at the moment, you should be viewed with extra scrutiny in terrorist cases and vulnerable areas.

Profiling isn't without it's victims, but it's a necessary evil in protecting one's community and law enforcement!

Like pulling over and searching cars with anti-abortion bumper stickers on them because all abortion terrorists are anti-abortion?

Typical. Ignore the MASSIVE problems within your own community while pointing to some other RARE problem.

YOU ARE part of the problem.
"There are liars, damn liars and statistics"

Numbers don't tell the whole story, and can be used to 'prove' any point.

BTW, the link posted in #5 above doesn't work.

How bout a personal anecdote?

The prison I was in in the 80's had a much larger population of blacks than whites. And just like me everyone of them I met deserved to be there. People bitch about the disproportionate number of blacks in prison but everyone of them I met IN REAL LIFE deserved their sentence.
There is an underlying reason for these problems and it isnt skin color. I never met a single black inmate who was convicted and sentenced to prison for being black.
"There are liars, damn liars and statistics"

Numbers don't tell the whole story, and can be used to 'prove' any point.

BTW, the link posted in #5 above doesn't work.

How bout a personal anecdote?

The prison I was in in the 80's had a much larger population of blacks than whites. And just like me everyone of them I met deserved to be there. People bitch about the disproportionate number of blacks in prison but everyone of them I met IN REAL LIFE deserved their sentence.
There is an underlying reason for these problems and it isnt skin color. I never met a single black inmate who was convicted and sentenced to prison for being black.

Culture has a lot to do with it. Skin has nothing to do with it. Funny though that the culture most likely to produce the most inmates is the same that is most likely to vote for a Democrat. That's got to tell ya somethin.
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The stats are alarming, but since the left refuses to look at the problem objectively, it will continue to get worse and they will continue to scream racism whenever anyone else discusses the facts.

The liberals and their need to indoctrinate all minorities into victimhood and build hatred for all whites isn't helping. The black families are broken down and liberals keep up the same rhetoric and policies that are at the root of it. They want fools to believe that by continuing the same, they will fix it. And the fact that they spend so much time trying to lay blame elsewhere means that they know the truth, but won't admit it. The liberal politicians would lose a lot if minorities left the plantation of dependency and victimhood, so they keep up the bullshit to try and keep their base ignorant and angry.

So, we have those crime rates as a result. The murder rates are not a figment of some racist's imagination and pointing them out is not racist.

The behavioral profiling, not race, will continue to focus more on minorities than non-blacks. If a person is up to no good, he/she will demonstrate certain behavior that police pick up on. You can't blame racism for the fact that more blacks will be looking suspicious because there are simply more criminals that happen to be black. Ignoring that fact and falsely accusing people of racism won't make the problem go away. It will only gin up more resentment and hatred among the indoctrinated dependents, who will continue being criminals to get even with the society that they feel wronged them. Liberals will continue to fan the flames. Crime will keep going up. We'll keep getting called racists for pointing out facts. It's a vicious cycle.
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"There are liars, damn liars and statistics"

Numbers don't tell the whole story, and can be used to 'prove' any point.

BTW, the link posted in #5 above doesn't work.

Too bad the federal data lines up perfectly with a national survey with a gigantic sample. Else you might have a point.
The stats are alarming, but since the left refuses to look at the problem objectively, it will continue to get worse and they will continue to scream racism whenever anyone else discusses the facts.

The liberals and their need to indoctrinate all minorities into victimhood and build hatred for all whites isn't helping. The black families are broken down and liberals keep up the same rhetoric and policies that are at the root of it. They want fools to believe that by continuing the same, they will fix it. And the fact that they spend so much time trying to lay blame elsewhere means that they know the truth, but won't admit it. The liberal politicians would lose a lot if minorities left the plantation of dependency and victimhood, so they keep up the bullshit to try and keep their base ignorant and angry.

So, we have those crime rates as a result. The murder rates are not a figment of some racist's imagination and pointing them out is not racist.

The behavioral profiling, not race, will continue to focus more on minorities than non-blacks. If a person is up to no good, he/she will demonstrate certain behavior that police pick up on. You can't blame racism for the fact that more blacks will be looking suspicious because there are simply more criminals that happen to be black. Ignoring that fact and falsely accusing people of racism won't make the problem go away. It will only gin up more resentment and hatred among the indoctrinated dependents, who will continue being criminals to get even with the society that they feel wronged them. Liberals will continue to fan the flames. Crime will keep going up. We'll keep getting called racism for pointing out facts. It's a vicious cycle.

I found this funny along those lines. The Talk: Nonblack Version - Taki's Magazine
"There are liars, damn liars and statistics"

Numbers don't tell the whole story, and can be used to 'prove' any point.

BTW, the link posted in #5 above doesn't work.

How bout a personal anecdote?

The prison I was in in the 80's had a much larger population of blacks than whites. And just like me everyone of them I met deserved to be there. People bitch about the disproportionate number of blacks in prison but everyone of them I met IN REAL LIFE deserved their sentence.
There is an underlying reason for these problems and it isnt skin color. I never met a single black inmate who was convicted and sentenced to prison for being black.

If there were, you'd never know it. Innocent black men have to be just as big and bad as the guilty ones.

I've seen many innocent black men sent to prison. Usually because they are black. Because they are black, they have to act out in the courtroom. They have to be a bad-ass. Take a black man completely innocent of assaulting a white woman. Then just as she is taking the stand, he makes a lunge at her from the defendant's table and screams out that she's a white bitch. All the exculpatory evidence shown to the jury is gone. They won't see anything but that lunge and won't hear anything except him calling her a white bitch. They will only feel secure when the bailiff chains him to the floor.

When he is finally sent away for years, his prison story is going to be that he whipped some white ho's ass.
The Conservative Hypocrisy:

1. We love the Constitution more than anyone else.

2. We love Profiling more than anyone else.

First, nice red herring small fry

Please explain your answer that the constitution is violated? If you are going to make a 14th amendment issue, then please explain it in detail. Don't just say the equal protection clause! Explain it.

Second, I am not your typical conservative. Some items I am conservative on, so I am not. I am fully for universial background checks, support gay marriage, am pro-choice in the first trimester, I support legalization of marijuana etc. There are other items I am conservative on, social security (I want the Chilean model), taxes, spending, government regulation and immigration!
"There are liars, damn liars and statistics"

Numbers don't tell the whole story, and can be used to 'prove' any point.

BTW, the link posted in #5 above doesn't work.

How bout a personal anecdote?

The prison I was in in the 80's had a much larger population of blacks than whites. And just like me everyone of them I met deserved to be there. People bitch about the disproportionate number of blacks in prison but everyone of them I met IN REAL LIFE deserved their sentence.
There is an underlying reason for these problems and it isnt skin color. I never met a single black inmate who was convicted and sentenced to prison for being black.

If there were, you'd never know it. Innocent black men have to be just as big and bad as the guilty ones.

I've seen many innocent black men sent to prison. Usually because they are black. Because they are black, they have to act out in the courtroom. They have to be a bad-ass. Take a black man completely innocent of assaulting a white woman. Then just as she is taking the stand, he makes a lunge at her from the defendant's table and screams out that she's a white bitch. All the exculpatory evidence shown to the jury is gone. They won't see anything but that lunge and won't hear anything except him calling her a white bitch. They will only feel secure when the bailiff chains him to the floor.

When he is finally sent away for years, his prison story is going to be that he whipped some white ho's ass.

If you bias your own jury I suppose you can blame no one but yourself. Indeed, you just proved the tendency of deviance of the defendant while likewise proving ignorance and the inability to control ones self in proven civil discourse. Indeed, the defendant just entered evidence on his own behalf in that scenario. I would probably convict him as well. We are such fallible beings in the face of unrelated but convincing evidence. The judge can only do so much to keep unrelated facts away from the eyes and ears of the jury. In the end it is up to the defendant to seek the fair trial. Ignorance is no excuse.
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I know the PC response, not all black people are criminals, not all Hispanics are illegals, not all Muslims are terrorists etc. and they have some legitimacy, but it's doesn't defute the fact that profiling is necessary.

For instances, ask any Chicago Cop, if he sees a car full of white kids near Humbolt Park, he pulls them over immediately, because they are on their way to purchase drugs or have purchased drugs.

I talked to a cop buddy of mine who works in a bad part of the city. Nearly all black. Whites get pulled over immediately (doesn't matter how many in the car). A car full of blacks gets pulled over, because in his experience, 9 out of 10 times, he finds things above weed possession.

Now take a black youth in a white neighborhood looking like a thug, why wouldn't a cop or NEIGHBORHOOD watch personal view this person as suspicious. They don't need to arrest him, but they could question him. Heck even a thuggish or drug addict looking white person should be questioned!

Profiling is done for serial killers. First thing they profile is a middle aged white guy and then go from there.

Sorry Muslims, but you are the majority of terrorists in the WORLD at the moment, you should be viewed with extra scrutiny in terrorist cases and vulnerable areas.

Profiling isn't without it's victims, but it's a necessary evil in protecting one's community and law enforcement!

Like pulling over and searching cars with anti-abortion bumper stickers on them because all abortion terrorists are anti-abortion?

If the person is near a clinic that performs abortions? Might be a good idea. Much in the same way a 420 bumper stick will get you pulled over every time.
i know the pc response, not all black people are criminals, not all hispanics are illegals, not all muslims are terrorists etc. And they have some legitimacy, but it's doesn't defute the fact that profiling is necessary.

For instances, ask any chicago cop, if he sees a car full of white kids near humbolt park, he pulls them over immediately, because they are on their way to purchase drugs or have purchased drugs.

I talked to a cop buddy of mine who works in a bad part of the city. Nearly all black. Whites get pulled over immediately (doesn't matter how many in the car). A car full of blacks gets pulled over, because in his experience, 9 out of 10 times, he finds things above weed possession.

Now take a black youth in a white neighborhood looking like a thug, why wouldn't a cop or neighborhood watch personal view this person as suspicious. They don't need to arrest him, but they could question him. Heck even a thuggish or drug addict looking white person should be questioned!

Profiling is done for serial killers. First thing they profile is a middle aged white guy and then go from there.

Sorry muslims, but you are the majority of terrorists in the world at the moment, you should be viewed with extra scrutiny in terrorist cases and vulnerable areas.

Profiling isn't without it's victims, but it's a necessary evil in protecting one's community and law enforcement!

like pulling over and searching cars with anti-abortion bumper stickers on them because all abortion terrorists are anti-abortion?

if the person is near a clinic that performs abortions? Might be a good idea. Much in the same way a 420 bumper stick will get you pulled over every time.


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