Tell us why any of you think the "US Intel community" has any credibility at all

Question : if the FBI is not credible , why do righties bitch about the Dnc not giving the FBI their servers ? Why would you give a shady department your computers ?
If you do not think the U.S. intel is credible, would you please infiltrate Al Queda, ISIS or the Taliban yourself and let us know what's going on with them?

While your at it, let us know what the state of the Russian military technology is? Chinese? North Korean?

Thanks, we'd really appreciate it, since obviously we can't rely on the U.S. intel agencies...
If you do not think the U.S. intel is credible, would you please infiltrate Al Queda, ISIS or the Taliban yourself and let us know what's going on with them?

While your at it, let us know what the state of the Russian military technology is? Chinese? North Korean?

Thanks, we'd really appreciate it, since obviously we can't rely on the U.S. intel agencies...
There is no end to what these people will do to discredit anyone who may testify against Trump
If you do not think the U.S. intel is credible, would you please infiltrate Al Queda, ISIS or the Taliban yourself and let us know what's going on with them?

While your at it, let us know what the state of the Russian military technology is? Chinese? North Korean?

Thanks, we'd really appreciate it, since obviously we can't rely on the U.S. intel agencies...

You're foolish if you don't think we already know. Our Satellites can see a pimple on your pecker.
Why would they not have credibility?

Good grief...

What have they done right???

They can't even find ISIS' servers and shut them down.

And, of course, they

failed to stop 911 (because they were 911)
put out lie after lie after lie to justify an invasion of Iraq
couldn't find OBL because OBL was one of them

Tell us, what did happen on 911?

Was that really a "757" that hit the Pentagon???

You apparently aren't paying much attention... they are heavily politicized.

politicized, treasonous, and 100% for the cause of GREATER ISRAEL...

The Intelligence Community Casts Its Vote for Hillary Clinton – emptywheel

Never before have we ever seen our "intel" come out in an election to support a candidate...

This is all about covering up 911 and related atrocities committed by the CIA/Mossad, which has been one and the same since Bill Clinton sold the CIA to Israel for money and favorable media coverage by appointing Zionist Traitor George Tenet to run it.
Themmore institutions,discredited by the Right, the less secure America becomes.

The Right will tell us that the media is evil, the intelligence community is evil, the political Left is evil, Islam is evil, homosexuals are evil, the poor are evil. And the evil piles up as in a bardyard.

All this discrediting means that the only credible institutions are the ones feeding the discrediting. Tear down all trust except for the trust you have in those warning you. And so all that trust gets concentrated in,charlatans like the celebrity Trump.

I,weep for the future because we lack intellectually curious people on the Right. All that's left are conspiracy theorists, political neophyte, philistines and the loud.
we lack intellectually curious people on the Right.

Are you claiming the Left is intellectually curious?


Why does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other??

Good grief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Left has precisely zero intellectual curiosity. All the Left cares about is the next government check....
Themmore institutions,discredited by the Right, the less secure America becomes.

The Right will tell us that the media is evil, the intelligence community is evil, the political Left is evil, Islam is evil, homosexuals are evil, the poor are evil. And the evil piles up as in a bardyard.

All this discrediting means that the only credible institutions are the ones feeding the discrediting. Tear down all trust except for the trust you have in those warning you. And so all that trust gets concentrated in,charlatans like the celebrity Trump.

I,weep for the future because we lack intellectually curious people on the Right. All that's left are conspiracy theorists, political neophyte, philistines and the loud.
the Russia story today proves the Intelligence community has nothing to be ashamed of. Trump is ... not putting America first.

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