Telling Differences between Reagan and Obama's Reaction to Jet's Being Shot Down


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Obama handles it with a fairly dignified break in his normal speaking engagement and calls it a tragedy.

Reagan held an evening telecast to all Americans that put the blame square on the Russians and noted that no other government in the world does this (not even the crazy North Koreans, though Reagan doesn't mention them).

FLASHBACK: Presidents Reagan & Obama Address America on Russians Shooting Down Passenger Airliners

The key differences are that 1) the recent jet incident was not involving an American aircraft, and 2) while Reagan holds the Russians accountable for their actions Obama does not. It is a tragedy as if Russians just cant help shooting down aircraft, like Democratic city mayors just can help being crooks and tied to gangs and Democrat President just help but be liars and frauds (with the notable exception of Jimmy Carter, God bless him).

What other differences are there that I have missed?
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Well, the two points you have made are both confusing if not wrong. The aircraft KAL 007 shoot down was not an American aircraft. It was Korean. The second point you make indicates you know for sure that the Russian government was responsible. That isn't known at this time. Are you claiming Pres. Obama had knowledge of this at the time of the speech?
Yeah, Reagan waited 4 days to say anything about KAL 007 and the Soviets had admitted to downing it by the time he did. How exactly did Reagan hold the Russian accountable for their actions?
Well, the two points you have made are both confusing if not wrong. The aircraft KAL 007 shoot down was not an American aircraft. It was Korean. The second point you make indicates you know for sure that the Russian government was responsible. That isn't known at this time. Are you claiming Pres. Obama had knowledge of this at the time of the speech?

It has been claimed Obama ok'd the attack, and Putin's gang in the Ukraine are offering access to the crash site. Putin's gang here in the US are now trying to distance themselves from their KGB hero.
Well, the two points you have made are both confusing if not wrong. The aircraft KAL 007 shoot down was not an American aircraft. It was Korean.

True, I meant to say it was an American flight, leaving New York and stopping off at Anchorage. Lots of Americans on board.

The second point you make indicates you know for sure that the Russian government was responsible. That isn't known at this time. Are you claiming Pres. Obama had knowledge of this at the time of the speech?

I think everyone knows it except for Dimbocrats. The Russian separatists who shot it down claimed responsibility while they thought it was an Ukrainian transport. Everyone knows that the Russians are sending in their own specialists and special forces to spear head this rump rebellion.

But I guess it still isn't a fact to libtards until they see it on MSNBC?
Well, the two points you have made are both confusing if not wrong. The aircraft KAL 007 shoot down was not an American aircraft. It was Korean. The second point you make indicates you know for sure that the Russian government was responsible. That isn't known at this time. Are you claiming Pres. Obama had knowledge of this at the time of the speech?

It has been claimed Obama ok'd the attack, and Putin's gang in the Ukraine are offering access to the crash site. Putin's gang here in the US are now trying to distance themselves from their KGB hero.

I seriously doubt that Obama OK'd this attack. Anyone that suggests such a thing is either a moron or a provocateur.
Yeah, Reagan waited 4 days to say anything about KAL 007 and the Soviets had admitted to downing it by the time he did. How exactly did Reagan hold the Russian accountable for their actions?

Take a reading comprehension class till you can figure it out, dumbass.
Yeah, Reagan waited 4 days to say anything about KAL 007 and the Soviets had admitted to downing it by the time he did. How exactly did Reagan hold the Russian accountable for their actions?

Take a reading comprehension class till you can figure it out, dumbass.

I'm comprehending just fine. Reagan never held the Russians accountable for shooting down KAL 007. He talked a good game but nothing was done about it.
Well, the two points you have made are both confusing if not wrong. The aircraft KAL 007 shoot down was not an American aircraft. It was Korean. The second point you make indicates you know for sure that the Russian government was responsible. That isn't known at this time. Are you claiming Pres. Obama had knowledge of this at the time of the speech?

It has been claimed Obama ok'd the attack, and Putin's gang in the Ukraine are offering access to the crash site. Putin's gang here in the US are now trying to distance themselves from their KGB hero.

I seriously doubt that Obama OK'd this attack. Anyone that suggests such a thing is either a moron or a provocateur.

Just couldn't fit that square peg in that round hole, could you?
Yeah, Reagan waited 4 days to say anything about KAL 007 and the Soviets had admitted to downing it by the time he did. How exactly did Reagan hold the Russian accountable for their actions?

Take a reading comprehension class till you can figure it out, dumbass.

I'm comprehending just fine. Reagan never held the Russians accountable for shooting down KAL 007. He talked a good game but nothing was done about it.

Yeah, he did nothing but set the events in motion that brought down the Soviet Empire, you stupid jack ass.
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It has been claimed Obama ok'd the attack, and Putin's gang in the Ukraine are offering access to the crash site. Putin's gang here in the US are now trying to distance themselves from their KGB hero.

I seriously doubt that Obama OK'd this attack. Anyone that suggests such a thing is either a moron or a provocateur.

Just couldn't fit that square peg in that round hole, could you?

It doesn't fit the facts; I know that is a tough concept for your libtards.

And you know what you can do with your round pegs.
Take a reading comprehension class till you can figure it out, dumbass.

I'm comprehending just fine. Reagan never held the Russians accountable for shooting down KAL 007. He talked a good game but nothing was done about it.

Yeah, he did nothing but set the events in motion that brought down the Soviet Empire, you stupid jack ass.

What specifically did he do to bring down the Soviet Empire? Be very clear.
I'm comprehending just fine. Reagan never held the Russians accountable for shooting down KAL 007. He talked a good game but nothing was done about it.

Yeah, he did nothing but set the events in motion that brought down the Soviet Empire, you stupid jack ass.

What specifically did he do to bring down the Soviet Empire? Be very clear.

I could easily answer your question, but since you never answer a damned one of mine, go take a hike.
Reagan being held up as a paragon of virtue in the face of Vlad Putin? Putin has armed and asisited paramilitaries in another country for his own political end who have killed a large number of civilians. And now Reagan is a hero because he would have stood up to this?

The same Reagan who during the Iran Contra affair armed the contras in Nicaragua who tortured and killed a large number of civilians? Or a different Reagan I don't know about?
The point remains that Reagan waited 4 days to say anything about KAL 007. The outrage from the far right would be off the charts if Obama waited 4 days to say anything MH 17.

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