Temper Temper..

With Christie's latest uncontrolled outburst to shut up a heckler, he's raising even more questions than ever about his temper and his growing image as a bully. As president, this guy is going to have his finger on a button that could start a nuclear war.. Is his idea of diplomacy going to be telling diplomats to sit down and shut up, you don't know what you're talking about?

In his latest tirade today, he told a heckler "I'd be more than happy to have a debate with you any time you like, guy, 'cause somebody like you doesn't know a damn thing about what you're talking about except to stand up and show off when the cameras are here," Christie said. "I've been here when the cameras aren't here, buddy, and done the work." Christie went on: "So listen, you want to have the conversation later, I'm happy to have it, buddy. But until that time, sit down and shut up."

In 2012, he argued with a heckler on the Seaside Heights boardwalk, waving an ice cream cone and accusing the man of acting like a “big shot.” Last year, a teacher, Melissa Tomlinson, accused him of wagging his finger at her during a campaign stop and saying “I’m tired of you people,” an incident he later said was overblown.

His supporters may think what this country needs is a quick on the trigger, put'em in their place president, but I doubt that will go well in the debates or at the polls. In the selection of a president, nothing turns people off more than a candidate whose image is that of a hothead and a bully.


Christie Tells Sandy Heckler in Belmar to Sit Down and Shut Up - Businessweek

Christie is not on the ticket and never will be. Not what America needs to clean up Obama's mess. All Bush left Obama was a war and bailouts.Obama has done far more damage to this country than 2008 could of ever dreamed of

What about his statement is 'hot headed.'

I, for one, have absolutely zero issue with a politician telling it like it is rather than shoving a massive load of lip service and bullshit down our throats. It is a breath of fresh air when one simply confronts the situation DIRECTLY.

It is scary how allergic the public seems to be to directness.
He's from New Jersey. They're all like that. They're even more obnoxious than New Yorkers, hard as that is to believe.
I wouldn't vote for God if I found out he was living in Jersey.

As for voting for a morbidly obese pig who has attended 125+ Bruce Springsteen concerts, well, Christie will be pole-vaulting in the Olympics before that happens.
Fat ass blow hard ... Fucking turd always looks like he just ate thanksgiving dinner all by himself .
""The Cambridge police acted stupidly." ." A well thought out and insightful piece of presidential BS.

"If I had a son he would look like Trayvon." Again race baiting BS coming from the president.

"No, no. I have been practicing...I bowled a 129. It's like -- it was like Special Olympics, or something."

"Hold on one second, sweetie, we're going to do -- we'll do a press avail." and "You're likeable enough, Hillary."

"Why can't I just eat my waffle?"

"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

"Come on! I just answered, like, eight questions."

I don't blame Christie, the liberals are so damn obnoxious but Obama making statement that are both stupid, misogynistic and inflammatory and the left just shrugs?
the real question is will the GOP appreciate a hothead and give him the nomination it makes no difference what I think about Tubby.
Why would progressives dump on Christie when he is one of them?

Are they so ignorant as to think an R can't be a progressive/statist fool?

Must be the left wing elitist media brainwashing they endure every day. It takes a toll on their sanity.
Christie has always been like that.

In this case he shouted down a heckler, but he also takes that attitude with anyone who criticizes him or disagrees. He will be baited when he runs for President. I doubt if he can hold back
it would tickle the shit out of me if Tubby head-butted Pootn' and dropped him like a communist rock..

or Jebbie.

either way
Christie will not put up with crap from the far right reactionaries in the party, and he will be able to work with a Democratic Senate in 2017. Whether House remains GOP will remain to be seen.

Christie just put his screwed himself for any hopes of a 2016 run. Does anybody REALLY want someone like this in the White House?


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