Tempest Over Obama's Tea Cup Salute

Already several threads on this.

Yes he is, most liberals not only don't care they use this as a reason to bash those who do.
Yes, after I posted it I saw the others. Still it will be sad to watch liberals make excuses for this disrespectful president.
I think another dozen or so threads on the exact same subject is in order. More outrage! Moar!
The saluting hand is otherwise empty. No one is saying you can't be carrying something in your other hand.
When this was posted yesterday, I said the RWs would post miles of whines about it. :crybaby:

You might want to read those other threads

Or not.




I don't see anything in his saluting hand. Your attempt to make an excuse for the failure in chief you support is a big failure.
Tempest over Obama's tea cup salute: Commander-in-chief sparks anger by saluting Marines with drink in his hand
  • President was exiting his Marine One helicopter after landing in New York City for speeches about global warming and fighting ISIS in Syria
  • Commander-in-chief is a military title that entitles Obama to a salute, and he's expected to return the gesture
  • On Tuesday he saluted two uniformed US Marines while holding a cup in his hand, a breach that won't win him fans among veterans or servicemen
  • Twitter erupted with the president's indignant detractors
  • The White House put a short video of his arrival in New York on its own Instagram page, creating a public gaffe that no photographer had shown

President Barack Obama saluted a pair of United States Marines on Tuesday while holding what appeared to be a styrofoam cup in his saluting hand, a breach of military regulations that won't win him fans among veterans and servicemen.

Obama is known for drinking tea, not coffee, when he travels, especially before delivering speeches.

His quasi-saluting gesture was an instant embarrassment for the White House, and not because his environmentally taboo drinkware clashed with the green-policy speech he was on his way to deliver at a UN Climate Summit.




Read more: Tempest over Obama s tea cup salute Daily Mail Online
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What an absolute disaster liberals are.
While his gesture was highly inappropriate, he really shouldn't have saluted at all. Despite holding the title, "Commander-in-Chief," a president is a civilian position and saluting is reserved for military. Even president Eisenhower, who achieved the notable rank of 5 star General while he served in the military, knew better than to salute once he became president.
Already several threads on this.

Yes he is, most liberals not only don't care they use this as a reason to bash those who do.
Yes, after I posted it I saw the others. Still it will be sad to watch liberals make excuses for this disrespectful president.

Where is outrage over those wanton acts of disrespect for our military? Doesn't fit the outage narrative does it? I think both instances are hardly worthy of pearl clutching. I am just looking for a little consistency. Still looking actually.
Tempest over Obama's tea cup salute: Commander-in-chief sparks anger by saluting Marines with drink in his hand
  • President was exiting his Marine One helicopter after landing in New York City for speeches about global warming and fighting ISIS in Syria
  • Commander-in-chief is a military title that entitles Obama to a salute, and he's expected to return the gesture
  • On Tuesday he saluted two uniformed US Marines while holding a cup in his hand, a breach that won't win him fans among veterans or servicemen
  • Twitter erupted with the president's indignant detractors
  • The White House put a short video of his arrival in New York on its own Instagram page, creating a public gaffe that no photographer had shown

President Barack Obama saluted a pair of United States Marines on Tuesday while holding what appeared to be a styrofoam cup in his saluting hand, a breach of military regulations that won't win him fans among veterans and servicemen.

Obama is known for drinking tea, not coffee, when he travels, especially before delivering speeches.

His quasi-saluting gesture was an instant embarrassment for the White House, and not because his environmentally taboo drinkware clashed with the green-policy speech he was on his way to deliver at a UN Climate Summit.




Read more: Tempest over Obama s tea cup salute Daily Mail Online
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What an absolute disaster liberals are.
While his gesture was highly inappropriate, he really shouldn't have saluted at all. Despite holding the title, "Commander-in-Chief," a president is a civilian position and saluting is reserved for military. Even president Eisenhower, who achieved the notable rank of 5 star General while he served in the military, knew better than to salute once he became president.
A CIC is not required to salute. You are correct. No CIC did it until Reagan. It is more from a position of respect than from a position of protocol.

Saluting is NOT reserved just for the military. There, you are incorrect.
Oh, how terrible.

He chews gum at important events, takes selfies at funerals, and salutes Marines with a cup in his hand.

Look folks, this guy does plenty of stuff that is disrespectful and just plain stupid. Let's not go overboard by criticizing petty stuff like this.
Stop listening to Bill O'Reilly.
So it's gone from the President shouldn't have anything in his hands when saluting to he has nothing in his saluting hand so it's okay. Wow, I wonder what the difference is? Could it be his party? Nah! lol
Oh, how terrible.

He chews gum at important events, takes selfies at funerals, and salutes Marines with a cup in his hand.

Look folks, this guy does plenty of stuff that is disrespectful and just plain stupid. Let's not go overboard by criticizing petty stuff like this.
Stop listening to Bill O'Reilly.
Are you saying that he did NOT take a selfie at the memorial service? He did NOT fail to put the cup in his other hand before saluting the Marines?

O'Reilly lied about it?
Barry Soetoro is just too cool be bothered with the trappings of the presidency. Here we see it with the "latte salute"....

  1. ht_obama_salute_kab_140923_16x9_992.jpg
Hey, 35% approval ratings don't grow on trees ya know. :eusa_snooty:
So it's gone from the President shouldn't have anything in his hands when saluting to he has nothing in his saluting hand so it's okay. Wow, I wonder what the difference is? Could it be his party? Nah! lol
Did you see the video of Obama walking right past a marine, then someone has to remind him to salute. He goes back and half ass salutes him. Acting like a baby.
Oh, how terrible.

He chews gum at important events, takes selfies at funerals, and salutes Marines with a cup in his hand.

Look folks, this guy does plenty of stuff that is disrespectful and just plain stupid. Let's not go overboard by criticizing petty stuff like this.
Stop listening to Bill O'Reilly.
I didn't watch O'Reilly last night.

I was getting lucky.
Don't forget...he wore a beige suite too! God he's so uppity.
A beige suit doesn't affect anyone but fashionistas.

Seeing as there is no rule about the CiC saluting troops, it would have shown more respect to not salute at all. Prior to Reagan, no CiC saluted the troops around his entourage.

For those that don't know, the salute is a sign of respect...and it goes both ways. A subordinate salutes, and the officer responds and the subordinate does not complete the salute until the officer completes hers/his.

Bear in mind, an officer can opt to NOT return the salute if he/she deems one not worthy; or if conditions don't allow...such as both hands occupied.

But a half assed salute is a true sign of disrespect. He would have shown more respect by not saluting at all.

But lets be real. We all know Obamas PR team. They have him do things to rile up the opposition...and then the PR team goes to work to make those riled up look like children.

And we feed into it.

Yup, better to just not salute, right Mr. Bush?

Already several threads on this.

Yes he is, most liberals not only don't care they use this as a reason to bash those who do.
Yes, after I posted it I saw the others. Still it will be sad to watch liberals make excuses for this disrespectful president.

Where is outrage over those wanton acts of disrespect for our military? Doesn't fit the outage narrative does it? I think both instances are hardly worthy of pearl clutching. I am just looking for a little consistency. Still looking actually.
Like when Bush92 put up a thread about how fat, lazy and how wrinkled BDU's were that he saw at a military base?
Tempest over Obama's tea cup salute: Commander-in-chief sparks anger by saluting Marines with drink in his hand
  • President was exiting his Marine One helicopter after landing in New York City for speeches about global warming and fighting ISIS in Syria
  • Commander-in-chief is a military title that entitles Obama to a salute, and he's expected to return the gesture
  • On Tuesday he saluted two uniformed US Marines while holding a cup in his hand, a breach that won't win him fans among veterans or servicemen
  • Twitter erupted with the president's indignant detractors
  • The White House put a short video of his arrival in New York on its own Instagram page, creating a public gaffe that no photographer had shown

President Barack Obama saluted a pair of United States Marines on Tuesday while holding what appeared to be a styrofoam cup in his saluting hand, a breach of military regulations that won't win him fans among veterans and servicemen.

Obama is known for drinking tea, not coffee, when he travels, especially before delivering speeches.

His quasi-saluting gesture was an instant embarrassment for the White House, and not because his environmentally taboo drinkware clashed with the green-policy speech he was on his way to deliver at a UN Climate Summit.




Read more: Tempest over Obama s tea cup salute Daily Mail Online
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What an absolute disaster liberals are.
While his gesture was highly inappropriate, he really shouldn't have saluted at all. Despite holding the title, "Commander-in-Chief," a president is a civilian position and saluting is reserved for military. Even president Eisenhower, who achieved the notable rank of 5 star General while he served in the military, knew better than to salute once he became president.

Now that I think about it, why he needed to carry a cup of anything while exiting Marine One in the first place. Don't they have coffee in reception at the Whitehouse?
A civilian president should not be saluting anyway

I have seen many an officer give a half-assed salute in return for an enlisted mans salute
Don't forget...he wore a beige suite too! God he's so uppity.
A beige suit doesn't affect anyone but fashionistas.

Seeing as there is no rule about the CiC saluting troops, it would have shown more respect to not salute at all. Prior to Reagan, no CiC saluted the troops around his entourage.

For those that don't know, the salute is a sign of respect...and it goes both ways. A subordinate salutes, and the officer responds and the subordinate does not complete the salute until the officer completes hers/his.

Bear in mind, an officer can opt to NOT return the salute if he/she deems one not worthy; or if conditions don't allow...such as both hands occupied.

But a half assed salute is a true sign of disrespect. He would have shown more respect by not saluting at all.

But lets be real. We all know Obamas PR team. They have him do things to rile up the opposition...and then the PR team goes to work to make those riled up look like children.

And we feed into it.

Yup, better to just not salute, right Mr. Bush?

At least he emptied his hand.

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