Ten most jaw dropping statements from Cohen's leaked testimony today....

The 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Lines From Michael Cohen's Leaked Testimony | HuffPost

This will not change the opinion of mindless trumpettes....They will just look past the truth and continue to hump their Great Leader's leg....

All the while he gives a brutal murderer the advantage of acting like a leader on the world stage....I hear Kim will dedicate his next flame thrower execution to trump.....
Not a single one of those is objective proof, it's all stuff cohen says he heard......What planet are you lefties from?
AOC is now grilling Cohen. She just got six names from him who the committee will now probably subpoena.

Three are from the National Enquirer who have knowledge of what other stories they have buried for Trump. Three are people who know about Trump's falsification of asset valuations submitted to insurance companies.

All of her questions are aimed at actual fraud committed by Trump.
Who cares?
You don't care about fraud?

Be very careful about what moral benchmarks you tards are setting.
I thought Trump colluded with Putin to steal the 2016 election from HIllary Clinton.

What happened with that thing, you know....the one that the Dimms and MSM talked about 24/7 for 2years?

You guys just moving on to the next thing, huh?
Be patient; Mueller's on top of it!!!

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Now AOC is reading a statement....accusing Trump of IRS fraud.
Based off of wild assumptions.
This is what Democrats do.
They lie in Congress and it's up to us to prove they lied.
They commit fraud and it's up to us to prove they committed fraud.

And when we do.....they ignore the facts.....then quickly change the subject...moving on their next false accusation.
AOC did not read a statement. She asked Cohen direct questions.

Trump has valued his assets at one amount with insurance companies, and valued the same assets at different amounts with the government.

That's fraud. And that is what AOC is going to look into. She was getting names from Cohen of individuals who would have knowledge and records of that fraud.
REMEMBER: Cohen is testifying under OATH. Therefore, Trump has no credibility to call Cohen a liar - unless Trump also testifies under OATH.

Reason Cohen is going to jail is because he already lied under oath.

Based on that, everybody can call him a liar, including president.
(1). You say that Donald Trump was aware (through Roger Stone) that Wikileaks was going to release a massive dump of DNC e-mails that would be embarrassing to candidate Clinton at a strategically important time during the 2016 campaign, and that candidate Trump was happy about that. So what? Wouldn't Secretary Clinton have been equally joyful if the situation had been reversed? So what? What is your point?

(2). Are you aware that the source of the DNC e-mail dump is still in dispute? WikiLeaks continues to maintain that Russian operatives were not the source. Although the Mueller team claims Russian sources, his suspicions have never been tested in court.

(3). Is it your claim that Donald Trump knew that the e-mail dump originated with Russian operatives? How do you know that?

(4). Are you aware of any conspiracy between Mr. Trump or anyone connected with his campaign and anyone connected to the Government of the Russian Federation to "fix" the 2016 election? If so, why haven't you gone public with this information?

(5). Do you know the meaning of the word, "negotiations"? After many, many months of discussions with various persons in Russia, it appears that they were not even able to identify a plot of land on which the Trump Tower in Moscow could be erected. In "negotiations" there are at least two parties and they are discussing details of an actual transaction or project. These appear to have been nothing more than exploratory discussions. Do you still maintain that you were in "negotiations" with "the Russians," and that Mr. Trump was "directly involved" in negotiations? What, exactly, was being negotiated? Price? Terms? Schedule? Financing?

(6). To your knowledge, prior to entering into the 2016 Presidential contest, did Mr. Trump ever pay money to quash a "Bimbo Eruption"? [Yes].

(7). You have testified that the payments to the Bimbos were "illegal campaign contributions." Has it occurred to you that these payments may have been made to avoid marital strife? To avoid personal embarrassment to Mrs. Trump and their children? In your mind, is it possible that a trier of fact (judge or jury) might find that the payments were primarily for personal and not political reasons? And if they were for personal reasons, wouldn't that make the payments perfectly legal and part of a legal contractual transaction? Why do you continue to publicly describe these payments as "illegal," when that is entirely a question to be decided by a trier of fact? Were you asleep in law school?

(8). You have stated categorically that Mr. Trump is a "racist," based on a couple of off-hand comments over the years. In your 10+ years of carrying his water, have you ever personally witnessed Mr. Trump taking any action against an individual African American because of his race? An Asian? A Mexican? A Muslim? Aside from "horn-dog" episodes, have you ever witnessed Mr. Trump taking any harmful action against a woman because of her gender? A gay person because of their sexual orientation? What would you say about a person who calls someone a "racist" on such flimsy grounds? A lying, unethical ass-hole?

(9). It has been reported that you billed either the President or his company a grossly "grossed-up" amount to pay for the Daniels Bimbo Eruption (multiples of the $130 thousand settlement amount), plus an additional couple hundred thousand dollars, IN ADDITION TO your retainer. This was when you still considered yourself to be acting in Mr. Trump's best interests. Did you think of the Trump organization as your personal, unlimited ATM machine?

(10). You have produced a copy of a letter to one of Mr. Trump's educational institutions in which he threatened to sue them if they divulged his confidential academic information without his consent. Does Mr. Trump have the right to keep this information private, as did his predecessor? You imply that Trump was a bad person because of the threat to sue, but you wrote the letter. As an attorney, could you not have simply reminded them of their LEGAL OBLIGATION of confidentiality, and remind them that Mr. Trump is not averse to using litigation to address violations of his rights and interests?

(11). You have described President Trump as a "Con Man." Can you distinguish his "deplorable" methods from those of, say, Bernie Sanders, who advocates things that he knows are absurd and would be disastrous if implemented by law?

(12). What special considerations did the U.S. Attorney in New York offer you to slander Mr. Trump?

(13). Although you have been very forthcoming about your "lies" to Congress, you didn't seem interested in mentioning the fraud, theft, etc., that your cab business was involved in, in New York. Is there any "deal" in the works on those crimes?
In a court of law, Cohen's testimony would be worthless because of his previous lies. However, this is the court of public opinion which certainly has an effect on election outcomes.

Although his actual testimony may not be of value in a court, it will certainly have value to investigators looking for evidence that corroborates his statements.

No comment here, everything stays as is.

For anyone who is really familiar with the life of Donald Trump, Cohen's description of him is not uprising. Trump's comments about race is exactly what many Trump supporters might say themselves such as:

You're projecting. Name "anyone" who is really familiar with his life that can confirm that.

“While we were once driving through a struggling neighborhood in Chicago, he commented that only black people could live that way.

What way?

“And, he told me that black people would never vote for him because they were too stupid.”

You can't say they're educated. Or you can, since they're educated just enough to vote Democrat.

“He once asked me if I could name a country run by a black person that wasn’t a ‘shithole.’

How many countries Cohen named?

And as far as Vietnam, the following statement was not uncommon at the time. He finished the conversation with the following comment. ‘You think I’m stupid, I wasn’t going to Vietnam.’

He's in Vietnam now. PERJURY!!!

These opinions are not what we expect of a man occupying the highest office in the land, the person that represents all Americans to the world, and the man who will become an icon for others to emulate.

Trump, and most of his supporters don't care what you expect from him. He's leftist antidote, and he's behaving exactly opposite of what you want him to behave. Do you think we liked how Barry behaved?
REMEMBER: Cohen is testifying under OATH. Therefore, Trump has no credibility to call Cohen a liar - unless Trump also testifies under OATH.

Reason Cohen is going to jail is because he already lied under oath.

Based on that, everybody can call him a liar, including president.
Cohen lied under oath on behalf of the president.

The president is a gigantic coward for smearing the guy who lied for him.

Here's the Liar in Chief:

Trump called Cohen a rat. that's the worst thing we can call someone. WE'RE BETTER THAN THAT!

this is not the first hearing. the first hearing was about big pharma. PEOPLE DIED! the 2nd hearing was about voting rights. we can do more than one thing at once. come on now.

honestly, Mike should be POTUS and the Trump should be going to jail.

hopefully Mike will learn from this and it will lead to a better Mike and a better Trump and a better america.

"this is an orgy of anti-trump" - Gutfeld
Poor Trump. It must have been killing him not to be able to listen in on Cohen's testimony on the Armed Forces Network as he bungled through the Vietnamese jungle with his bone spur acting up.

"Charlie's in the wire!"
this is the Cohen hearing presented by Lannis Davis. he choreographed the whole darn thing. the Clintons best friend, loyalist, operative, Lanny Davis put this all together!
My Socialist, Communist, Fascist, Stalinist Progressive USMB friends, if you believe Cohens testimony will get Trump impeached, please put suiside prevention on speed dial

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