Ten Reasons Why Liberals Hate Christians

I have liberal friends that are Christian's. I have conservative friends who aren't.

Paranoia is a wasted emotional effort.
Who are these liberal friends, and what do they believe in? If they are Kennedy liberals, I can believe what you say. But modern liberals cannot Christians.
They are older. We don't get into deep political discussions. I don't like their politics or their religious beliefs. Having said that I try to let others have their own beliefs without my judgment no matter how ridiculous I think they are.
I have no problem allowing people to have their own beliefs. What I have a problem with is when those people use government and the courts to infringe on MY beliefs. That is what liberalism is all about. They hate anyone they cannot control. So they hate Christians.
Do your 'beliefs' count more than the beliefs that run counter to them?
Doesn't matter. I don't try to tell others how to live their lives. Unlike liberals.

So you're pro choice I assume?
Yet another jackwad 'finds God' , and everything is 'crystal clear' for him to interpret scripture into demonizing those with political agenda

Totally missing that Jesus was executed for his

Try reading the OP. It's obvious you don't didnt.

1) Liberals are relativists and hate Christians because Christians believe in absolute truth. What truth? That your johnny-come-lately religion it the real one?

2) Liberals do not want anyone to say that immorality is immoral. very very true

3) Liberals are selfish and are more interested in their "feelings" then they are with what is right for others. very very true

4) Liberals misunderstand what Christians really believe. doubt this, as you guys rarely shut up about what you believe.

5) Since liberals see themselves as the superior enlighten ones they do not recognize that taking a position against their position is not automatically hate. very very true

6) Liberals do not want to listen to what makes sense, they would rather listen to their senses. if you mean they want to live in an echo chamber, then yea, clearly.

7) Liberals ignore the clear evidence of the result of their philosophical positions influence on the last 40 years. It had been a social disaster and they do not want to hear it. Absolutely dead on.

8) They see Christians as intellectually inferior. very very true

9) Liberals see Christians as wanting to impose their religion on them when in truth it is the liberals who have used the courts system to impose their secular humanism religion on all of us. You do want to impose your religion, they are just better at it.

10) Liberals are spiritually lost and blind to the truth of the gospel. Consider the following bible verses:

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