Ten Reasons Why Liberals Hate Christians

I have liberal friends that are Christian's. I have conservative friends who aren't.

Paranoia is a wasted emotional effort.
Who are these liberal friends, and what do they believe in? If they are Kennedy liberals, I can believe what you say. But modern liberals cannot Christians.
They are older. We don't get into deep political discussions. I don't like their politics or their religious beliefs. Having said that I try to let others have their own beliefs without my judgment no matter how ridiculous I think they are.
I have no problem allowing people to have their own beliefs. What I have a problem with is when those people use government and the courts to infringe on MY beliefs. That is what liberalism is all about. They hate anyone they cannot control. So they hate Christians.
Do your 'beliefs' count more than the beliefs that run counter to them?
Doesn't matter. I don't try to tell others how to live their lives. Unlike liberals.

Except of course here in this thread you are telling others that they should live their lives based upon your believes.

Like a good little Contard.
I know liberals who are non-religious, and are good people. I know conservatives who are "Christians", and complete pieces of shit. Liberals and conservatives aren't the ones destroying this country. It's this us vs. them, black and white mentality.

eh, totally illogical .. christian conservatives and "complete pieces of shit"

Because there's never been a scandal in the Christian conservative community. EVER!
This guy really nailed it. I've never seen a clearer, Bible based description of why liberals hate Christians. It also explains the behavior of atheist liberals on this forum.

Ten Reasons Why Liberals Hate Christians | Worldview Weekend
I know one or two Liberals.
I can't think of any that hate Christians.
I know for a fact it's never come up in conversation.

I'm pretty sure, though, that they won't approve of pussy snowflakes of any stripe refusing to take responsibility for their own shortcomings, walking around with a chip on their shoulder from some manufactured grievance and blaming all their self-inflicted problems on imagined persecution.

I'll have to ask them.

I'll report back.
You didn't even read the article, did you. No one has even addressed what was in it. Typical.
Damn...ya got me there!
I know liberals who are non-religious, and are good people. I know conservatives who are "Christians", and complete pieces of shit. Liberals and conservatives aren't the ones destroying this country. It's this us vs. them, black and white mentality.

eh, totally illogical .. christian conservatives and "complete pieces of shit"

Because there's never been a scandal in the Christian conservative community. EVER!

Plenty of un-christian like scandal .. no doubt...
Real liberals have no issues with religion, real conservatives have no issue with atheism. The issue is the right and left wing nuts that shift with the wind depending on who is saying what. This board is full of those.

I have friends who are liberal and love their religious beliefs, I have friends that are conservatives and have no religious beliefs. I am good with people having their own beliefs and opinions, whether I agree with them or not.
You didn't even read the article, did you. No one has even addressed what was in it. Typical.
I'm guessing you're Christian?
As though we're going to bother trawling through interminable links to make an argument you can't be bothered expressing yourself.
That's reason number two.
Tax all religious institutions like businesses. Quit giving them a free ride for their delusional fantasies about supernatural Sky Daddies and some ancient hippie who knocked up his own mother and became his own father. Also, most sane people don't believe in talking snakes.
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Yet another jackwad 'finds God' , and everything is 'crystal clear' for him to interpret scripture into demonizing those with political agenda

Totally missing that Jesus was executed for his

Christianity is religion

religion does not necessarily equate to faith

in fact, many examples exist where they can be seen as mutually exclusive

like the OP

Hate Christians?
Most keep their faith private and are decent people

What I hate about some Christians..

I'm a liberal in the nonpolitical sense and I don't hate Christians I just feel better when they aren't around
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I too worship at a Christian church where the majority votes democrat. Does that make the liberals?
Yet another jackwad 'finds God' , and everything is 'crystal clear' for him to interpret scripture into demonizing those with political agenda

Totally missing that Jesus was executed for his

Try reading the OP. It's obvious you don't didnt.
Modern liberalism is incompatible with Christianity. I'm not saying that a liberal cannot be a Christian, but liberalism was created by the Devil and is against everything that Jesus taught.
You mean communism?

Liberalism is not what you are describing.

Anyway, I can say that, as a REAL liberal, I don't hate Christians, myself. I think they have fallen victim to a 2000+ year-old scam, but I don't hate them.

Also, "The Devil" was nothing more than an accuser or slanderer, and does not originate with Judaism. It's a pagan concept that Christians borrowed.

But, carry on.
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Real liberals have no issues with religion, real conservatives have no issue with atheism. The issue is the right and left wing nuts that shift with the wind depending on who is saying what. This board is full of those.

I have friends who are liberal and love their religious beliefs, I have friends that are conservatives and have no religious beliefs. I am good with people having their own beliefs and opinions, whether I agree with them or not.

Exactly- that is probably the situation for most Americans- except those in the far right or far right echo chambers.

I have very dear friends and family who are Christian- some liberals- some conservative- I probably get along with both of those sides better than they would with each other because their political points of view are so different.

And I have family and friends who are atheists or agnostics who are liberal and conservative.

We don't discuss religion unless someone insists- because we disagree and don't feel a need to 'win' at the expense of our friendship.

Only the whacked out right and left- like the OP- feels that anyone who doesn't believe what he/she/it believes- is her enemy.

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