Ten US Sailors released in Iran!

The fact is that when Trump is finally forced out of the race, he will be made to go home, build a wall around his estate, and he will have to pay for it.
So who is going to "force' Trump out of the race asshole. Be specific if you have the mental capacity.
The REP 'elite'? The 'Establishment'?
Trump craps bigger than those assholes. He knows it and the best thing he knows they know it.
Trump will be the next President. Of that even the most virulent opposition in both parties are now coming to terms with.
All that's left is the remaining soon to be drop outs to scramble for the few crumbs Trump will offer.
Iran released U.S. sailors in international waters

Thank you Secretary Kerry! If we had not a degree of diplomacy with Iran, these people may end up as the Iranian hostages of the 21st century.


Plus if romney or mccain was president we would be bombing Iran already.

The last thing we need is another war. Especially with Iran.

Diplomacy works. If Obama had not spent years in negotiations with Iran those Americans would still be held by Iran.
The Iranians still haven't finished laughing at Bonobo and his pet poodle Kerry.
The Iranians never had the slightest intention of 'honoring' the agreement. Anyone with a fucking brain knows that.
The Iranians used the paper Kerry signed to wipe their asses with even before the traitor Kerry got to the airport to go back to the crazy 'Pickle Lady's' mansion.
Bonobo is such a deckless coward.
The US won't allow the 'OJ jury' to block-vote in another 'AA' negro President in another thousand years.
There is that.
^nothing racist about that. just good old disagreement with bonobos negro policies, yep.
You said it asshole.
You've got your tongue so far up Bonobo's asshole you'll have to keep it there when he moves into his apartment above Boystown.
I'm not sure there has ever been such a concept of what constitutes a "negro policy" unless you mean their policy of failing globally as an entire race. Or their endemic global violence against each other.
There could have never have been a single White or Asian who ever existed on the planet and these bonobos would be busy exterminating the village in the next valley. "Because they were bored".

i thought i was on "permanent ignore", you foul-mouthed racist retard.
Need a breath mint sweetheart?
You've got something on your chin. It's brown BTW.
Compared with the GOP baby-genitalia desecraters(?)--foisting off legends of mounds and mounds of "Weapons of Mass Destruction," apparently in underground High Sierra Mountain ranges, extending outward from Baghdad--in contrast, the Democrats enabled Iran to not only rescue two boatloads of off-course U. S. Navy personnel, but enabled their rapid release, safely and timely.

US thanks Iran for swift release of 10 Navy sailors - BBC News

U. S. armed services personnel will now be allowed to keep their cajones intact, and keep "wherever," intact!

Iraq, with Democratic Partisan support,has taken back Ramadi, among other successes. The GOP do not want to be on board with that. No Military Use authorization is expected from their new brand.

Moslems are alleged tobe hated by the so-called, "Angry" of the young, less educated, males: Even according to the Governor of South Carolina, if not directly so-stated. The actual Republicans on TV during the Obama address: Supported the implied rebuke of Trump bashing Moslems, during the address--Even Speaker Ryan.

The Republicans have to be said to not be connecting all with who they perceive to be their base!

Anyone senses a genuine wide divide already emerging: Between whatever will appear at the top of the Republican ticket, and any Republicans actually running for local offices: Especially in the Red States!
"Angry" may not actually be descriptive of the Republican-supportive, polled responses. Showmanship may better describe the "Smackdown/Throwdown" type of appeal. It is fun to watch snobs actually not being snobbish. The better debate would be between Trump or Cruz and Fifties comedian like Jerry Lewis--who could physical, slapstick type of comedy. "Angry" is more likely "Amused," like a $2.00 lottery ticket is little more than a local joke entertainment form. Expectations are probably higher than will actually pan out.

And then everyone goes off and does something else. There is no major career in playing the lottery, or voting or being identified: With the top of the Republican Party national ticket.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes maybe expecting: Turquoise from Heaven--Not Even on Lands of Many Nations(?)!)
So, does this prove that Iran is friendly to the US? How do the Iranian people feel about Americans?

most iranian love america and your culture.
holywood and usa music is in our culture.
iranian always cheering usa in olympic against china or russia
The Iran We Don't See: A Tour of the Country Where People Love Americans

The Iran We Don't See: A Tour of the Country Where People Love Americans


Message from Iran: Tell All Americans We Love Them
Message from Iran: Tell All Americans We Love Them
And the huge crowds of animals chanting death to America?

it is huge crowd:
this people never chanting death to america



"enabled Iran to not only 'rescue' two boatloads of 'off-course' U. S. Navy personnel"

Here are the 'off-course' sailors being 'rescued' by the friendly, always-willing-to-help Iranians (who during negotiations of the deal with Obama practiced dropping bombs and sinking US aircraft carriers'...)

You CAN NOT make this shit UP!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
I'm just glad those ten men are safe and sound.

The Iranians acted wisely and an apology never killed anyone.
Geaux, sorry, another Republican war avoided through diplomacy. Halliburton's profits will be down again in 2016.
Halliburton has done very well during BO's shitty presidency... But I suspect you don't know this because the left media has failed to inform you.
Good news that they have been released but before you praise Obama for their release you might ask yourself why did Iran feel bold enough to take them to begin with.
Good question. Maybe they`re mad at Obama for killing Bin Laden? At this point we don`t really know what happened. Check with your right wing masters and get back to us.

I am pleased as well as amazed that Obama allowed the US Navy Seals to do what they had been trained to do during the Bush Administration. And lay off the bullshit that "Obama killed bin Laden." The Navy Seals took him out once his location was found.

But if W had sobered up and made the order, 'HE would have been the Hero." Right?

Wrong, dipshit. If Bush had know where he was he would have given the order.
This shows that even a minimal degree of diplomacy and communications between countries can be a deterrent to conflict and/or military responses. I am sure Trump was ready to "bomb the Hell out of them."

You have to be joking. Iran captured 10 of our guys to make the administration look weak.
Did you say the same thing when the Chinese held 24 Navy crew members for over 10 days? The Chinese also charged us and the Bush Administration paid the Chinese $34k for food and lodging.
Real Americans are very unhappy the Islamonazi, Iranian, mullahs took our people to embarrass the United States:slap:
Real Americans are glad the sailors are safe, nothing more.

And Roudy the anti-human tells lies.

Real Americans would be concerned with how Iran took our sailors hostage at will. That means they look at the US as a paper tiger, just like the Carter days.
They crossed into Iranian waters....are you saying we wouldn't seize an Iranian ship if it came into our territorial waters?
It wasn't Iranian waters.
amazing how you're the only person that has that information.

the rest of us are going off of statements from both governments that say it was, but I'm sure you know better
Iranian "claimed" waters is different than what is recognized internationally. Those waters are claimed by Iran and 4 other Arab nations.
The difference between liberal Obama cum slurpers and the rest of us:

Obama cum slurpers: "They released the prisoners within 24 hours!"

The rest of America: Mad as hell that they were taken prisoner in the first place!

YOU must undrestand it.all nation isnt your dog like arabian .
aryan isnt arabian.aryan have dignity

+your lovely dog arabs are raping christian white in west .
But then again, the same Arabs invaded Iran.
barbarian always did it in history.like omar and chengiz khan or hanibal
but we arent in barbarian age now
Iran is ruled by Islamic barbarians who are imposing the "Arab" culture, language, and religion upon it's people.
Compared with the GOP baby-genitalia desecraters(?)--foisting off legends of mounds and mounds of "Weapons of Mass Destruction," apparently in underground High Sierra Mountain ranges, extending outward from Baghdad--in contrast, the Democrats enabled Iran to not only rescue two boatloads of off-course U. S. Navy personnel, but enabled their rapid release, safely and timely.

US thanks Iran for swift release of 10 Navy sailors - BBC News

U. S. armed services personnel will now be allowed to keep their cajones intact, and keep "wherever," intact!

Iraq, with Democratic Partisan support,has taken back Ramadi, among other successes. The GOP do not want to be on board with that. No Military Use authorization is expected from their new brand.

Moslems are alleged tobe hated by the so-called, "Angry" of the young, less educated, males: Even according to the Governor of South Carolina, if not directly so-stated. The actual Republicans on TV during the Obama address: Supported the implied rebuke of Trump bashing Moslems, during the address--Even Speaker Ryan.

The Republicans have to be said to not be connecting all with who they perceive to be their base!

Anyone senses a genuine wide divide already emerging: Between whatever will appear at the top of the Republican ticket, and any Republicans actually running for local offices: Especially in the Red States!
"Angry" may not actually be descriptive of the Republican-supportive, polled responses. Showmanship may better describe the "Smackdown/Throwdown" type of appeal. It is fun to watch snobs actually not being snobbish. The better debate would be between Trump or Cruz and Fifties comedian like Jerry Lewis--who could physical, slapstick type of comedy. "Angry" is more likely "Amused," like a $2.00 lottery ticket is little more than a local joke entertainment form. Expectations are probably higher than will actually pan out.

And then everyone goes off and does something else. There is no major career in playing the lottery, or voting or being identified: With the top of the Republican Party national ticket.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes maybe expecting: Turquoise from Heaven--Not Even on Lands of Many Nations(?)!)
Are you stoned? How about having the class to at least put quotation marks around what you have C&Ped?
I have no patience with the likes of you and your drunk ramblings. Permanent Ignore!
first, i hadn't heard they did, but all could stop if they ran out of fuel, which was a possibility.
you might be.
There is no possibility two US Navy rigid inflatables ran out of fuel. Never in a million years would that happen. Never!
There is no possibility eight outboard engines all broke down at the same time.
Each boat has four outboards. Each outboard operates 100% independent of the other engines. That means each engine has it own set of independent controls AND an independent fuel supply system. The reasons should be obvious even to a fucking dummy like you.
and again, i don't think anyone is claiming that happened.

maybe you can cite that claim
Go ahead and Google it yourself.
The White house claims one boat broke down and the other boat was towing it when it also broke down. Fucking did not happen!
The Iranians claim they were told the US Navy boats 'navigation systems broke down' Ya fucking right! BOTH ultra 'hardened' navigation systems broke down so the boats 'got lost'. Ya fucking right. Here's what really happened. As the Iranians claimed the US Navy boats were 'snooping on the Iranians and got caught in the process. Period!
And that is not out of the ordinary. Countries do that all the time. Remember Gary Powers, the u-2 pilot that was caught while spying for the US?
Of course Obama is going to make all sorts of bull shit stories up.
These sailors weren't even your basic sailors of course. Who in their right mind believes the US Navy is going to load up a couple of boats with ordinary sailors? Then send them out to do what? Go on on a fucking fishing trip? The 'sailors' taken were Seals or Special Ops. or some of each. They were tasked with a specific mission.
They got caught. Period.
Obama and Hillary will do a press conference and blame the capture of our sailors on an "anti-Islam youtube video". Ha ha ha.
Even if the Americans ventured in "Iranian waters" it isn't the norm to have them kneeling at gunpoint. The Iranians intentionally did this in humiliating fashion to appease their hardliners. And if the Iran deal plus 150 billion wasn't about to collapse because of this, they would never have agreed to release them so quickly.

Another public humiliation, thanks to Obama.
Real Americans are glad the sailors are safe, nothing more.

And Roudy the anti-human tells lies.

Real Americans would be concerned with how Iran took our sailors hostage at will. That means they look at the US as a paper tiger, just like the Carter days.
They crossed into Iranian waters....are you saying we wouldn't seize an Iranian ship if it came into our territorial waters?
It wasn't Iranian waters.
amazing how you're the only person that has that information.

the rest of us are going off of statements from both governments that say it was, but I'm sure you know better
Iranian "claimed" waters is different than what is recognized internationally. Those waters are claimed by Iran and 4 other Arab nations.
According to you. nobody else is saying that
Even if the Americans ventured in "Iranian waters" it isn't the norm to have them kneeling at gunpoint. The Iranians intentionally did this in humiliating fashion to appease their hardliners. And if the Iran deal plus 150 billion wasn't about to collapse because of this, they would never have agreed to release them so quickly.

Another public humiliation, thanks to Obama.
which part was humiliating?
One thing is sure. The Navy didn't just load up a couple of boats with ordinary seamen and send them out to go on a fucking fishing trip! Those ten men are 100% positive Seals and or Special Ops. All four diesel engines didn't suddenly break down like that pussy Obama's press secretary lied about. Their 'hardened' navigation systems didn't all fail.
The US Navy knew within a foot where these boats were. Had the boat's 'strayed' into disputed waters the war ship which sent the boats could have fucking cell phoned the boats: "You are crossing into disputed waters! Bring the fish you've caught back here and we'll have a nice BBQ". Ya fucking right!
These men were tasked with a mission and they were caught. Period!

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