Ten US Sailors released in Iran!

If so they could have simply escorted the ship out of Iranian waters.
maybe they were spy.maybe it was just mechanical problem
iran navy must investigate ......
A ten man crew on what is the updated version of a PT boat is highly unlikely to be a spy ship if you were going to be spying you would use a submarine like we did with Russia for years a mechanical problem could have been determined where the ship was intercepted. This was Iran making a statement for the region no one messes with us not even the United States.
yes.but iran navy have routine procedure and rule like usa navy
Yes and any naval commander also has some leeway to use their own judgement in situations like these.
Can you imagine the commander explaining to the Ayatollah that they had captured Americans in Iranian territory but he decided to let them go?
Did they gt the $150 billion yet?
Just another Victory for Obama as he prepares to leave office. GOTTA GALL YOU RW LUNATICS! :banana::beer:
Oh Yeah. Another victory. The Commander In Chief sends two boats filled with Special OPs and or Seals into disputed water tasked with some mission. They get caught and Bonobo's press secretary tells the world the boats broke down and drifted into disputed waters. Then Bonobo pays five million dollars in ransom per Seal to get them released so the DNC doesn't have the spectre of another bunch of US hostages being held, during election season, in Iran like happened during 'Mr. Peanuts' hilariously tepid/flaccid term.
And that is a "victory" for Bonobo?????????
One thing is sure. The Navy didn't just load up a couple of boats with ordinary seamen and send them out to go on a fucking fishing trip! Those ten men are 100% positive Seals and or Special Ops. All four diesel engines didn't suddenly break down like that pussy Obama's press secretary lied about. Their 'hardened' navigation systems didn't all fail.
The US Navy knew within a foot where these boats were. Had the boat's 'strayed' into disputed waters the war ship which sent the boats could have fucking cell phoned the boats: "You are crossing into disputed waters! Bring the fish you've caught back here and we'll have a nice BBQ". Ya fucking right!
These men were tasked with a mission and they were caught. Period!
we need a conspiracy theory rating button
I think the truth is they WERE on some sort of mission, Dannyboys is right. However, I think it was an operation that Obama wasn't involved in, it was just one of several operations around the globe. Obama does not even make it for his daily briefings! The men were not handled as friendlies and probably would not have been released if there wasn't $150 B at stake.

More might come out in the Iranian press of the specifics of the operations and conditions of the release and why they declined to prosecute.
One thing is sure. The Navy didn't just load up a couple of boats with ordinary seamen and send them out to go on a fucking fishing trip! Those ten men are 100% positive Seals and or Special Ops. All four diesel engines didn't suddenly break down like that pussy Obama's press secretary lied about. Their 'hardened' navigation systems didn't all fail.
The US Navy knew within a foot where these boats were. Had the boat's 'strayed' into disputed waters the war ship which sent the boats could have fucking cell phoned the boats: "You are crossing into disputed waters! Bring the fish you've caught back here and we'll have a nice BBQ". Ya fucking right!
These men were tasked with a mission and they were caught. Period!
Where is this press interview you keep talking about. Just your interpretation and word about it is not good enough. Your claims are consistently found to be bullshit and your rarely use links to back your stuff up. And even if you are even close to being on target with the press release, why wouldn't we try to give cover to our guys who just had gotten captured. So, even if your stuff is right, it doesn't mean anything. It is irrelevant.
One thing is sure. The Navy didn't just load up a couple of boats with ordinary seamen and send them out to go on a fucking fishing trip! Those ten men are 100% positive Seals and or Special Ops. All four diesel engines didn't suddenly break down like that pussy Obama's press secretary lied about. Their 'hardened' navigation systems didn't all fail.
The US Navy knew within a foot where these boats were. Had the boat's 'strayed' into disputed waters the war ship which sent the boats could have fucking cell phoned the boats: "You are crossing into disputed waters! Bring the fish you've caught back here and we'll have a nice BBQ". Ya fucking right!
These men were tasked with a mission and they were caught. Period!
Where is this press interview you keep talking about. Just your interpretation and word about it is not good enough. Your claims are consistently found to be bullshit and your rarely use links to back your stuff up. And even if you are even close to being on target with the press release, why wouldn't we try to give cover to our guys who just had gotten captured. So, even if your stuff is right, it doesn't mean anything. It is irrelevant.
You know from documentaries that cover cannot be given when special ops are involved. Especially with obvious spying operations.
Even if the Americans ventured in "Iranian waters" it isn't the norm to have them kneeling at gunpoint. The Iranians intentionally did this in humiliating fashion to appease their hardliners. And if the Iran deal plus 150 billion wasn't about to collapse because of this, they would never have agreed to release them so quickly.

Another public humiliation, thanks to Obama.
How naive some of you LIBs are.
The Iranians know the identity of EVERY member of the US military. The Chinese do. The Russians know also. These countries can hack US military files as easily as I can go to Google.
The mission was to snoop around the island to find out what the Iranians were doing there. These missions happen all the time. This time they got caught. Big fucking deal!
Bonobo's press secretary (fisting buddy) should have been told to say: "We are looking into the incident" The fucking end!
But NO there has to be a huge stinking stupid lie not even a fucking ten year old would believe. Typical of Bonobo.
Real Americans would be concerned with how Iran took our sailors hostage at will. That means they look at the US as a paper tiger, just like the Carter days.
They crossed into Iranian waters....are you saying we wouldn't seize an Iranian ship if it came into our territorial waters?
It wasn't Iranian waters.
amazing how you're the only person that has that information.

the rest of us are going off of statements from both governments that say it was, but I'm sure you know better
Iranian "claimed" waters is different than what is recognized internationally. Those waters are claimed by Iran and 4 other Arab nations.
According to you. nobody else is saying that
Nobody really "owns" the Persian Gulf, it's a body of water bordering Iran and many Arab states, and the world's most used route for oil tankers. It's been disputed over the hundreds of years, including even it's name. Technically anything beyond 12 nautical miles from the shore of a country is considered international waters, and the straight of Hormuz is in the Persian Gulf, where the sailors were captured, is about 20 miles wide.


Territorial waters or a territorial sea as defined by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,is a belt of coastal waters extending at most 12 nautical miles (22.2 km; 13.8 mi) from the baseline (usually the mean low-water mark) of a coastal state. The territorial sea is regarded as the sovereign territory of the state, although foreign ships (both military and civilian) are allowed innocent passage through it; this sovereignty also extends to the airspace over and seabed below. Adjustment of these boundaries is called, in international law, maritime delimitation.
WOW! How is The Stump going to slam O on this one? Oh, I am sure he will come up with another lie....
One thing is sure. The Navy didn't just load up a couple of boats with ordinary seamen and send them out to go on a fucking fishing trip! Those ten men are 100% positive Seals and or Special Ops. All four diesel engines didn't suddenly break down like that pussy Obama's press secretary lied about. Their 'hardened' navigation systems didn't all fail.
The US Navy knew within a foot where these boats were. Had the boat's 'strayed' into disputed waters the war ship which sent the boats could have fucking cell phoned the boats: "You are crossing into disputed waters! Bring the fish you've caught back here and we'll have a nice BBQ". Ya fucking right!
These men were tasked with a mission and they were caught. Period!
Where is this press interview you keep talking about. Just your interpretation and word about it is not good enough. Your claims are consistently found to be bullshit and your rarely use links to back your stuff up. And even if you are even close to being on target with the press release, why wouldn't we try to give cover to our guys who just had gotten captured. So, even if your stuff is right, it doesn't mean anything. It is irrelevant.
You know from documentaries that cover cannot be given when special ops are involved. Especially with obvious spying operations.
These stupid fucking LIBs in the Whitehouse go public with the dumbest lies imaginable.
Suuuuuure the US Navy sent out two boats manned by ten ordinary seamen to go on a sightseeing/fishing trip?Suuuuuuure both boats with two diesel engines each "broke down". Suuuuuure the 'hardened' most sophisticated navigation systems in the world BOTH boats had broke down. Suuuure!!!!!!!
WOW! How is The Stump going to slam O on this one? Oh, I am sure he will come up with another lie....
You have read from Dani's post thsat there was indeed an apology. I think actually that was best. Just get the men back. We know Obama is always apologizing anyway. Just get the
One thing is sure. The Navy didn't just load up a couple of boats with ordinary seamen and send them out to go on a fucking fishing trip! Those ten men are 100% positive Seals and or Special Ops. All four diesel engines didn't suddenly break down like that pussy Obama's press secretary lied about. Their 'hardened' navigation systems didn't all fail.
The US Navy knew within a foot where these boats were. Had the boat's 'strayed' into disputed waters the war ship which sent the boats could have fucking cell phoned the boats: "You are crossing into disputed waters! Bring the fish you've caught back here and we'll have a nice BBQ". Ya fucking right!
These men were tasked with a mission and they were caught. Period!
Where is this press interview you keep talking about. Just your interpretation and word about it is not good enough. Your claims are consistently found to be bullshit and your rarely use links to back your stuff up. And even if you are even close to being on target with the press release, why wouldn't we try to give cover to our guys who just had gotten captured. So, even if your stuff is right, it doesn't mean anything. It is irrelevant.
You know from documentaries that cover cannot be given when special ops are involved. Especially with obvious spying operations.
These stupid fucking LIBs in the Whitehouse go public with the dumbest lies imaginable.
Suuuuuure the US Navy sent out two boats manned by ten ordinary seamen to go on a sightseeing/fishing trip?Suuuuuuure both boats with two diesel engines each "broke down". Suuuuuure the 'hardened' most sophisticated navigation systems in the world BOTH boats had broke down. Suuuure!!!!!!!
I have to admit, the story Obama gave out is incredible. They do make up the worst excuses. We should all be sophisticated enough to know thew boats were out the intentionally.
They released...under the condition the The United States apologize.

That isn't diplomacy. That's chicken shit appeasement by a weak administration.
Now, if you could just show a link to your claim everyone could think of you as credible. Until then you have to be considered not credible. So, which is it? Do you have a link about this so-called apology?

The Iranians demanded an apology. The hostages were released. Do the math.

BTW, one of The hostages did, in fact, apologize.
Good news that they have been released but before you praise Obama for their release you might ask yourself why did Iran feel bold enough to take them to begin with.

They ventured into Iranian waters. The US will do the same thing.
If so they could have simply escorted the ship out of Iranian waters.
maybe they were spy.maybe it was just mechanical problem
iran navy must investigate ......
A ten man crew on what is the updated version of a PT boat is highly unlikely to be a spy ship if you were going to be spying you would use a submarine like we did with Russia for years a mechanical problem could have been determined where the ship was intercepted. This was Iran making a statement for the region no one messes with us not even the United States.
yes.but iran navy have routine procedure and rule like usa navy

What Iran did was commit an act of war and violate the Geneva Convention.
The fact is that when Trump is finally forced out of the race, he will be made to go home, build a wall around his estate, and he will have to pay for it.
So who is going to "force' Trump out of the race asshole. Be specific if you have the mental capacity.
The REP 'elite'? The 'Establishment'?
Trump craps bigger than those assholes. He knows it and the best thing he knows they know it.
Trump will be the next President. Of that even the most virulent opposition in both parties are now coming to terms with.
All that's left is the remaining soon to be drop outs to scramble for the few crumbs Trump will offer.
Daintyboy's sphincter is going to tighten after Iowa and then spasm in NH.
They ventured into Iranian waters. The US will do the same thing.
If so they could have simply escorted the ship out of Iranian waters.
maybe they were spy.maybe it was just mechanical problem
iran navy must investigate ......
A ten man crew on what is the updated version of a PT boat is highly unlikely to be a spy ship if you were going to be spying you would use a submarine like we did with Russia for years a mechanical problem could have been determined where the ship was intercepted. This was Iran making a statement for the region no one messes with us not even the United States.
yes.but iran navy have routine procedure and rule like usa navy

What Iran did was commit an act of war and violate the Geneva Convention.
They released...under the condition the The United States apologize.

That isn't diplomacy. That's chicken shit appeasement by a weak administration.
Now, if you could just show a link to your claim everyone could think of you as credible. Until then you have to be considered not credible. So, which is it? Do you have a link about this so-called apology?

The Iranians demanded an apology. The hostages were released. Do the math.

BTW, one of The hostages did, in fact, apologize.
If I'm holding you hostage I bet I can get you to say anything I tell you to.
Kerry the traitor piece of shit says he apologised. Biden said there was never an apology from Kerry.
Who would you believe?
One thing is sure. The Navy didn't just load up a couple of boats with ordinary seamen and send them out to go on a fucking fishing trip! Those ten men are 100% positive Seals and or Special Ops. All four diesel engines didn't suddenly break down like that pussy Obama's press secretary lied about. Their 'hardened' navigation systems didn't all fail.
The US Navy knew within a foot where these boats were. Had the boat's 'strayed' into disputed waters the war ship which sent the boats could have fucking cell phoned the boats: "You are crossing into disputed waters! Bring the fish you've caught back here and we'll have a nice BBQ". Ya fucking right!
These men were tasked with a mission and they were caught. Period!
Where is this press interview you keep talking about. Just your interpretation and word about it is not good enough. Your claims are consistently found to be bullshit and your rarely use links to back your stuff up. And even if you are even close to being on target with the press release, why wouldn't we try to give cover to our guys who just had gotten captured. So, even if your stuff is right, it doesn't mean anything. It is irrelevant.
You know from documentaries that cover cannot be given when special ops are involved. Especially with obvious spying operations.
The route they were on was a routine route used between the 5th Fleet Port in Bahrain and Kuwait. However, some kind of special mission is certainly a possibility. It makes little difference. I'm just seeing a lot of nonsense on the topic. From simple dopiness to hardcore lying, anything to bash Obama and the US military.
They released...under the condition the The United States apologize.

That isn't diplomacy. That's chicken shit appeasement by a weak administration.
Now, if you could just show a link to your claim everyone could think of you as credible. Until then you have to be considered not credible. So, which is it? Do you have a link about this so-called apology?

The Iranians demanded an apology. The hostages were released. Do the math.

BTW, one of The hostages did, in fact, apologize.
Honestly, I couldn't care less if someone made an apology if that is what it took to get our sailors back safe and as quickly as they did. It appears they were well treated and respected. I suppose we will have to wait for them to speak out, but it looks like they were given a nice place to hang out and a very nice meal.

Iran isn't even bothering to threaten Obama. It just slaps him around. Instead it uses his weakness to threaten Congress which it now considers stronger than Obama.
If so they could have simply escorted the ship out of Iranian waters.
maybe they were spy.maybe it was just mechanical problem
iran navy must investigate ......
A ten man crew on what is the updated version of a PT boat is highly unlikely to be a spy ship if you were going to be spying you would use a submarine like we did with Russia for years a mechanical problem could have been determined where the ship was intercepted. This was Iran making a statement for the region no one messes with us not even the United States.
yes.but iran navy have routine procedure and rule like usa navy

What Iran did was commit an act of war and violate the Geneva Convention.
They released...under the condition the The United States apologize.

That isn't diplomacy. That's chicken shit appeasement by a weak administration.
Now, if you could just show a link to your claim everyone could think of you as credible. Until then you have to be considered not credible. So, which is it? Do you have a link about this so-called apology?

The Iranians demanded an apology. The hostages were released. Do the math.

BTW, one of The hostages did, in fact, apologize.
If I'm holding you hostage I bet I can get you to say anything I tell you to.
Kerry the traitor piece of shit says he apologised. Biden said there was never an apology from Kerry.
Who would you believe?
Not you, slick.
They crossed into Iranian waters....are you saying we wouldn't seize an Iranian ship if it came into our territorial waters?
It wasn't Iranian waters.
amazing how you're the only person that has that information.

the rest of us are going off of statements from both governments that say it was, but I'm sure you know better
Iranian "claimed" waters is different than what is recognized internationally. Those waters are claimed by Iran and 4 other Arab nations.
According to you. nobody else is saying that
Nobody really "owns" the Persian Gulf, it's a body of water bordering Iran and many Arab states, and the world's most used route for oil tankers. It's been disputed over the hundreds of years, including even it's name. Technically anything beyond 12 nautical miles from the shore of a country is considered international waters, and the straight of Hormuz is in the Persian Gulf, where the sailors were captured, is about 20 miles wide.


Territorial waters or a territorial sea as defined by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,is a belt of coastal waters extending at most 12 nautical miles (22.2 km; 13.8 mi) from the baseline (usually the mean low-water mark) of a coastal state. The territorial sea is regarded as the sovereign territory of the state, although foreign ships (both military and civilian) are allowed innocent passage through it; this sovereignty also extends to the airspace over and seabed below. Adjustment of these boundaries is called, in international law, maritime delimitation.
and the reports are they were within 12 nautical miles - or what's commonly called within iranian waters
If so they could have simply escorted the ship out of Iranian waters.
maybe they were spy.maybe it was just mechanical problem
iran navy must investigate ......
A ten man crew on what is the updated version of a PT boat is highly unlikely to be a spy ship if you were going to be spying you would use a submarine like we did with Russia for years a mechanical problem could have been determined where the ship was intercepted. This was Iran making a statement for the region no one messes with us not even the United States.
yes.but iran navy have routine procedure and rule like usa navy

What Iran did was commit an act of war and violate the Geneva Convention.
They released...under the condition the The United States apologize.

That isn't diplomacy. That's chicken shit appeasement by a weak administration.
Now, if you could just show a link to your claim everyone could think of you as credible. Until then you have to be considered not credible. So, which is it? Do you have a link about this so-called apology?

The Iranians demanded an apology. The hostages were released. Do the math.

BTW, one of The hostages did, in fact, apologize.
If I'm holding you hostage I bet I can get you to say anything I tell you to.
Kerry the traitor piece of shit says he apologised. Biden said there was never an apology from Kerry.
Who would you believe?
Once again, your lack of credibility requires you to post a link supporting your claim that Kerry gave an apology.

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