Tennessee 5-year-old detained after firing handgun in school cafeteria

I don't live in Tennessee. (Thank the gods)

OK then you're not goign to do anything but feign outrage and concern, like always. Thanks for clearing that up, Ming.

And btw, we dont want you here either.

Pray tell...what do I have the power TO do....above and beyond what anyone else here (including YOU) has the power to do?

Ah...you live in Tennessee? Explained.

And that's what makes it a non-issue.
Thanks for playing, Ming. Now go run in traffic.
OK then you're not goign to do anything but feign outrage and concern, like always. Thanks for clearing that up, Ming.

And btw, we dont want you here either.

Pray tell...what do I have the power TO do....above and beyond what anyone else here (including YOU) has the power to do?

Ah...you live in Tennessee? Explained.

And that's what makes it a non-issue.
Thanks for playing, Ming. Now go run in traffic.

Another one who says that a 5 year old bringing a loaded gun to school and it going off is a non-issue.
I believe only one person has said that should happen.....and that was not me.

That was the starting post of the thread which made those stupid requests THE TOPIC of the thread immediately.
Yet you jumped in with deflections immediately when LGS rightfully made fun of those idiotic rantings.
You never addressed the idiocy of those requests but attacked someone who had disputed them - therefore you must have agreed withose OP moronic rants.
So don't get all offended now :D

Nice try.....:lol: :lol:

I like your white flag of defeat and your acknowledgement you lost the argument :D
That was the starting post of the thread which made those stupid requests THE TOPIC of the thread immediately.
Yet you jumped in with deflections immediately when LGS rightfully made fun of those idiotic rantings.
You never addressed the idiocy of those requests but attacked someone who had disputed them - therefore you must have agreed withose OP moronic rants.
So don't get all offended now :D

Nice try.....:lol: :lol:

I like your white flag of defeat and your acknowledgement you lost the argument :D

Well, you can certainly tell yourself that is the case. And then pat yourself on the back for an awesome job on the Interwebz. :D
Nice try.....:lol: :lol:

I like your white flag of defeat and your acknowledgement you lost the argument :D

Well, you can certainly tell yourself that is the case. And then pat yourself on the back for an awesome job on the Interwebz. :D

No, I am talking strictly about you. You do not have any other methods to defend your deflection, so you change the subject.
Nothing new under the sun- typical libtadd tactic.
Before I head to the next thread, I'd just like to verify that nobody intends to actually address the situation involving the armed 5 y/o. Is that correct?

Seems like it. This is really bizarre. The issue here is parents who leave a loaded weapon out so a child of 5 can get a hold of it and take it to school. Also, if they have guns in the house, why aren't they teaching their child how dangerous it is? This thread is about responsible gun ownership and nothing else.
Before I head to the next thread, I'd just like to verify that nobody intends to actually address the situation involving the armed 5 y/o. Is that correct?

Seems like it. This is really bizarre. The issue here is parents who leave a loaded weapon out so a child of 5 can get a hold of it and take it to school. Also, if they have guns in the house, why aren't they teaching their child how dangerous it is? This thread is about responsible gun ownership and nothing else.

I think when we see more information about the parents and their pictures you will better understand this incident.

What do you want us to do? You can't inconvenience the parents by asking them to keep better control of their guns. They have a right to their guns and can do what they like in their own home. If their 5 year old can have free access to loaded firearms that is their right as parents. What is this? Nazi Germany?
Germany took away the guns and it led to the holocaust. Do you want that to happen here?

5 year olds with loaded guns helps keep us free
Pray tell...what do I have the power TO do....above and beyond what anyone else here (including YOU) has the power to do?

Ah...you live in Tennessee? Explained.

And that's what makes it a non-issue.
Thanks for playing, Ming. Now go run in traffic.

Another one who says that a 5 year old bringing a loaded gun to school and it going off is a non-issue.

OK, if it isn't a non issue what do you propose to do about it? You've already said nothing. So what is the issue, exactly, Ming?
Before I head to the next thread, I'd just like to verify that nobody intends to actually address the situation involving the armed 5 y/o. Is that correct?

Seems like it. This is really bizarre. The issue here is parents who leave a loaded weapon out so a child of 5 can get a hold of it and take it to school. Also, if they have guns in the house, why aren't they teaching their child how dangerous it is? This thread is about responsible gun ownership and nothing else.

Parents? How many cases of this have there been? I see only one case here. With a lot of unknown facts. And a lot of jumping to conclusions by the brain dead lefties here.
Westside Elementary School in Memphis, Tennessee (TN) - Test Results, Rating, Ranking, Grades, Scores, Classes, Enrollment, Teachers, Students, and Report Card





A 5 year old gains access to a firearm.
Just wondering, in what kind of household is that possible?
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We need more info on this. Was the 5 year old in a well organized militia?

No, but apparently this is now a racial issue. The parents are bad parents because they are black; at least that seems to be the implication of posting the information that this school is a predominantly black school. Of course, white parents are never irresponsble gun owners. :lame2:
We need more info on this. Was the 5 year old in a well organized militia?

What part of "The right to bear arms shall not be infringed" don't you understand? Our founding fathers said nothing about 5 year olds
We should not prejudge. Maybe the kid had a Conceal to Carry license. Was the school in a "gun free" zone, or had they taken the advice of the NRA and had canceled that?
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Tennessee 5-year-old detained after firing handgun in school cafeteria

Can we please, please, please arrest these parents and get the kid in foster care before it's too late??

Why are his parents names and pictures up on the news so they can be publicly shamed as the worst parents ever?

an idiot left wingnut in her typical hysteria.

she would jail the parents for something the kid did ( and what should be punished, but not by jailing, you idiot) and put the child in foster care :cuckoo:

to grow up a criminal. :rolleyes:

The parents made the gun available to the kid.

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