Tennessee 5-year-old detained after firing handgun in school cafeteria

You specifically claimed she deflected and as I pointed out and as anyone with critical thinking skills can see by reading the posts she did no such thing.

she did, your lying, what else is new.
How about turning this thread into shit about something stupid, you comment on the fact a 5 year old brought a gun to school and move on you hack.

I expect no better from someone that obviously never finished school. But Bodey was a naval Commander, she MUST have critical thinking skills and so her knee jerk response is because she despises the particular poster.

Once again Nutzo claimed the parents should be publicly shamed and the child taken away from them based on nothing more then a simple report of what happened at the school. A response to that claim is IN FACT responding to the thread.

LGS deflected and nothing more to another story.

You can't spin your way out of this no matter how hard you try.

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