Tennessee 5-year-old detained after firing handgun in school cafeteria

Tennessee 5-year-old detained after firing handgun in school cafeteria

Can we please, please, please arrest these parents and get the kid in foster care before it's too late??

A 5-year-old kindergartener has reportedly been detained at a school in Tennessee after a handgun discharged in the cafeteria.

Shawn Pachucki with Shelby County Schools told WMCT that police were called to Westside Elementary School following a gunshot that happened in the cafeteria at around 7:30 a.m. Pachucki said that the child brought the gun to school in a backpack and it accidentally discharged.

“This morning at Westside Elementary School, a Kindergarten student brought a firearm to school in his backpack,” a statement from Shelby County Schools said. “While waiting for the opening bell in the cafeteria, the firearm discharged accidentally inside the child’s backpack. Nobody was injured, and staff immediately took possession of the backpack.”

The statement added: “SCS Security and the Memphis Police Department responded quickly, and the matter is now under investigation. There is no evidence at this time of harmful intent; however, weapons of any kind are prohibited on campuses, and this student will be disciplined in accordance with the state’s zero tolerance policy.”

Reports said that the child was being held inside the principal’s office.

Why are his parents names and pictures up on the news so they can be publicly shamed as the worst parents ever?

Gun nuts will say this was an accident and that no harm was intended.
Name and shame the parents, what kind of losers allow a loaded gun to be in reach of a five year old, and don't even notice it is missing?
tennessee 5-year-old detained after firing handgun in school cafeteria

can we please, please, please arrest these parents and get the kid in foster care before it's too late??

a 5-year-old kindergartener has reportedly been detained at a school in tennessee after a handgun discharged in the cafeteria.

Shawn pachucki with shelby county schools told wmct that police were called to westside elementary school following a gunshot that happened in the cafeteria at around 7:30 a.m. Pachucki said that the child brought the gun to school in a backpack and it accidentally discharged.

“this morning at westside elementary school, a kindergarten student brought a firearm to school in his backpack,” a statement from shelby county schools said. “while waiting for the opening bell in the cafeteria, the firearm discharged accidentally inside the child’s backpack. Nobody was injured, and staff immediately took possession of the backpack.”

the statement added: “scs security and the memphis police department responded quickly, and the matter is now under investigation. There is no evidence at this time of harmful intent; however, weapons of any kind are prohibited on campuses, and this student will be disciplined in accordance with the state’s zero tolerance policy.”

reports said that the child was being held inside the principal’s office.

why are his parents names and pictures up on the news so they can be publicly shamed as the worst parents ever?

gun nuts will say this was an accident and that no harm was intended.
Name and shame the parents, what kind of losers allow a loaded gun to be in reach of a five year old, and don't even notice it is missing?
you would be a racist if you did that to a single black mother.
Tennessee 5-year-old detained after firing handgun in school cafeteria

Can we please, please, please arrest these parents and get the kid in foster care before it's too late??

A 5-year-old kindergartener has reportedly been detained at a school in Tennessee after a handgun discharged in the cafeteria.

Shawn Pachucki with Shelby County Schools told WMCT that police were called to Westside Elementary School following a gunshot that happened in the cafeteria at around 7:30 a.m. Pachucki said that the child brought the gun to school in a backpack and it accidentally discharged.

“This morning at Westside Elementary School, a Kindergarten student brought a firearm to school in his backpack,” a statement from Shelby County Schools said. “While waiting for the opening bell in the cafeteria, the firearm discharged accidentally inside the child’s backpack. Nobody was injured, and staff immediately took possession of the backpack.”

The statement added: “SCS Security and the Memphis Police Department responded quickly, and the matter is now under investigation. There is no evidence at this time of harmful intent; however, weapons of any kind are prohibited on campuses, and this student will be disciplined in accordance with the state’s zero tolerance policy.”

Reports said that the child was being held inside the principal’s office.

Why are his parents names and pictures up on the news so they can be publicly shamed as the worst parents ever?

Gun nuts will say this was an accident and that no harm was intended.
Name and shame the parents, what kind of losers allow a loaded gun to be in reach of a five year old, and don't even notice it is missing?

How would that stop anything. You are named and shamed on a daily basis here and you just keep coming back like a bad penny.
tennessee 5-year-old detained after firing handgun in school cafeteria

can we please, please, please arrest these parents and get the kid in foster care before it's too late??

why are his parents names and pictures up on the news so they can be publicly shamed as the worst parents ever?

gun nuts will say this was an accident and that no harm was intended.
Name and shame the parents, what kind of losers allow a loaded gun to be in reach of a five year old, and don't even notice it is missing?
you would be a racist if you did that to a single black mother.

Noomi hasn't a clue about Memphis. (Or much of anything else.) If I lived in Memphis I would have an arsenal well within reach. Memphis, right behind Detroit, is the second biggest ghetto on the planet. (Of course Australia is the asshole of the planet. What was your first clue?)

IMO this little kid has been hurt or threatened at school, but now he is the culprit. That's usually the way it works. And yes, child and m other are likely black. That's just Memphis.

**And race baiter please note: No one has said the family should not be allowed to have a gun because they are likely black.
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No charges after gun goes off in Tenn. school

No charges have been filed against a Tennessee kindergartner or his mother after a gun discharged inside the child's backpack in a school cafeteria, but the shooting has led to metal-detecting wands being provided to the district's elementary schools, officials said Friday.


Sounds like a single mom, raises the odds the child is black. What was she doing with a gun in her closet where could get at it anyway? And why were they released with no charges filed?

Just another non-issue in the South, I guess.
No charges after gun goes off in Tenn. school

No charges have been filed against a Tennessee kindergartner or his mother after a gun discharged inside the child's backpack in a school cafeteria, but the shooting has led to metal-detecting wands being provided to the district's elementary schools, officials said Friday.


Sounds like a single mom, raises the odds the child is black. What was she doing with a gun in her closet where could get at it anyway? And why were they released with no charges filed?

Just another non-issue in the South, I guess.

Why do you hate black people, especially black single mothers, that you want to see them jailed? Aren't there enough black people in jails for you?
No charges after gun goes off in Tenn. school

No charges have been filed against a Tennessee kindergartner or his mother after a gun discharged inside the child's backpack in a school cafeteria, but the shooting has led to metal-detecting wands being provided to the district's elementary schools, officials said Friday.


Sounds like a single mom, raises the odds the child is black. What was she doing with a gun in her closet where could get at it anyway? And why were they released with no charges filed?

Just another non-issue in the South, I guess.

Why do you hate black people, especially black single mothers, that you want to see them jailed? Aren't there enough black people in jails for you?

Just another non-issue in the South, I guess......and what does this have to do with black people?
Tennessee 5-year-old detained after firing handgun in school cafeteria

Can we please, please, please arrest these parents and get the kid in foster care before it's too late??

A 5-year-old kindergartener has reportedly been detained at a school in Tennessee after a handgun discharged in the cafeteria.

Shawn Pachucki with Shelby County Schools told WMCT that police were called to Westside Elementary School following a gunshot that happened in the cafeteria at around 7:30 a.m. Pachucki said that the child brought the gun to school in a backpack and it accidentally discharged.

“This morning at Westside Elementary School, a Kindergarten student brought a firearm to school in his backpack,” a statement from Shelby County Schools said. “While waiting for the opening bell in the cafeteria, the firearm discharged accidentally inside the child’s backpack. Nobody was injured, and staff immediately took possession of the backpack.”

The statement added: “SCS Security and the Memphis Police Department responded quickly, and the matter is now under investigation. There is no evidence at this time of harmful intent; however, weapons of any kind are prohibited on campuses, and this student will be disciplined in accordance with the state’s zero tolerance policy.”

Reports said that the child was being held inside the principal’s office.

Why are his parents names and pictures up on the news so they can be publicly shamed as the worst parents ever?

Gun nuts will say this was an accident and that no harm was intended.
Name and shame the parents, what kind of losers allow a loaded gun to be in reach of a five year old, and don't even notice it is missing?

I refrained from attacking the parents until I knew more about the situation (ie, where the gun came from) To find out he pulled it out of a closet at home makes the parent (since they arrested the child and the mom, I'm assuming she's a single parent) responsible for his getting his hands on the gun.

They were both released with no charges filed. No pictures of child or mother, so it's difficult to shame her publicly.
gun nuts will say this was an accident and that no harm was intended.
Name and shame the parents, what kind of losers allow a loaded gun to be in reach of a five year old, and don't even notice it is missing?
you would be a racist if you did that to a single black mother.

Noomi hasn't a clue about Memphis. (Or much of anything else.) If I lived in Memphis I would have an arsenal well within reach. Memphis, right behind Detroit, is the second biggest ghetto on the planet. (Of course Australia is the asshole of the planet. What was your first clue?)

IMO this little kid has been hurt or threatened at school, but now he is the culprit. That's usually the way it works. And yes, child and m other are likely black. That's just Memphis.

**And race baiter please note: No one has said the family should not be allowed to have a gun because they are likely black.

No but the mother shouldn't be allowed to have a gun because she has shown herself to be irresponsible with it. At the very least a probationary period and gun lessons before she gets her gun back.
No charges after gun goes off in Tenn. school

No charges have been filed against a Tennessee kindergartner or his mother after a gun discharged inside the child's backpack in a school cafeteria, but the shooting has led to metal-detecting wands being provided to the district's elementary schools, officials said Friday.


Sounds like a single mom, raises the odds the child is black. What was she doing with a gun in her closet where could get at it anyway? And why were they released with no charges filed?

Just another non-issue in the South, I guess.

Why do you hate black people, especially black single mothers, that you want to see them jailed? Aren't there enough black people in jails for you?

I do not know the race of this mother and child. I suspect, but I do not know. What I can tell you is that the mother was irresponsible in letting her child get his hands on a loaded gun. At the very least, her gun should be taken away for a probationary period and she should have to take classes on gun safety before she gets her gun back. What would have happened if the gun had killed someone? And I say the gun, not the child because according to the story, the gun went off in his backpack. It's not like he took it out and aimed it at someone. Ultimately, the fault lies with the mother her left a loaded gun where her son could get it. Unless of course, she had a boyfriend who left it there and she didn't know about it, in which case HE should be the one being punished.
you would be a racist if you did that to a single black mother.

Noomi hasn't a clue about Memphis. (Or much of anything else.) If I lived in Memphis I would have an arsenal well within reach. Memphis, right behind Detroit, is the second biggest ghetto on the planet. (Of course Australia is the asshole of the planet. What was your first clue?)

IMO this little kid has been hurt or threatened at school, but now he is the culprit. That's usually the way it works. And yes, child and m other are likely black. That's just Memphis.

**And race baiter please note: No one has said the family should not be allowed to have a gun because they are likely black.

No but the mother shouldn't be allowed to have a gun because she has shown herself to be irresponsible with it. At the very least a probationary period and gun lessons before she gets her gun back.
I'm a big supporter of mandatory training before you can buy a gun, most in the gun community doesn't like my belief. seems Tennessee only requires you have the training if you carry.
To obtain a handgun carry permit in Tennessee, you must first successfully complete a Handgun Safety
Course offered by a handgun safety school that is certified by the Department of Safety. Tennessee will now
accept two forms used by the Military which capture combat pistol training (CG-3029, DD-2586, DA-88-R
and AF-522). These forms can now be used to verify military handgun training.
Noomi hasn't a clue about Memphis. (Or much of anything else.) If I lived in Memphis I would have an arsenal well within reach. Memphis, right behind Detroit, is the second biggest ghetto on the planet. (Of course Australia is the asshole of the planet. What was your first clue?)

IMO this little kid has been hurt or threatened at school, but now he is the culprit. That's usually the way it works. And yes, child and m other are likely black. That's just Memphis.

**And race baiter please note: No one has said the family should not be allowed to have a gun because they are likely black.

No but the mother shouldn't be allowed to have a gun because she has shown herself to be irresponsible with it. At the very least a probationary period and gun lessons before she gets her gun back.
I'm a big supporter of mandatory training before you can buy a gun, most in the gun community doesn't like my belief. seems Tennessee only requires you have the training if you carry.
To obtain a handgun carry permit in Tennessee, you must first successfully complete a Handgun Safety
Course offered by a handgun safety school that is certified by the Department of Safety. Tennessee will now
accept two forms used by the Military which capture combat pistol training (CG-3029, DD-2586, DA-88-R
and AF-522). These forms can now be used to verify military handgun training.

I think it should be required in high school for everyone. I took archery in junior high, why not fire arms training in high school?
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As a faux news watching, tea bagging, racist, birther, inbred nazi (or whatever liberals would like to call me), I think this would be under the laws of child endangerment and should be conducted as any other child endangerment case. If I were in charge of the world (i.e. we lived in a perfect world) I would propose the parents to pay a large fine, take parent classes along with gun safety classes. If this incident would happen again, then I might consider taking the child away from the parents.

I have to admit John, I am impressed on how you didn't get detoured into a debate on race and only stuck to the information that was available at the time. Now that more evidence has come out I have to admit that you are a wise and insightful person who makes the world a better place to live in.
No but the mother shouldn't be allowed to have a gun because she has shown herself to be irresponsible with it. At the very least a probationary period and gun lessons before she gets her gun back.
I'm a big supporter of mandatory training before you can buy a gun, most in the gun community doesn't like my belief. seems Tennessee only requires you have the training if you carry.
To obtain a handgun carry permit in Tennessee, you must first successfully complete a Handgun Safety
Course offered by a handgun safety school that is certified by the Department of Safety. Tennessee will now
accept two forms used by the Military which capture combat pistol training (CG-3029, DD-2586, DA-88-R
and AF-522). These forms can now be used to verify military handgun training.

I think it should be required in high school for everyone. I took archery in junior high, why not fire arms training in high school?

I would support any such program.
I oppose mandatory anything about firearms until there is mandatory voter education.

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