Tennessee abortion laws oppressing Allie Phillips and her unborn baby

We don’t kill folks just because they’re not doing well healthwise and might die soon.

I feel horrified that this even needs to be explained.
We don’t kill folks just because they’re not doing well healthwise and might die soon.

I feel horrified that this even needs to be explained.

"...not doing well healthwise"????

The doctors said the fetus was not compatible with life. That is far more than "not doing well healthwise".
Just to clarify I am Welsh not British.

So what? Welsh is just a subset of British. I'm given to understand that even among British, the Welsh are considered the lowest among them.

In any event, as a subject of the shithole nation that once tried to rule over us Americans, and was defeated in two wars to establish our sovereignty, you have no standing whatsoever to tell us Americans anything about how to run our country.
You have extremist views You are happy to see this woman put through hell to satisfy your stone age beliefs.

And you are delighted to see innocent children brutally murdered in cold blood, in order to promote your depraved agenda.

And you mostly seem interested in killing American children.

And where American children are not flat-out murdered, you advocate allowing depraved sexual perverts to groom and abuse them

Yet another reason why you should never be considered to have any standing whatsoever with any of America's business.

You are pure evil, to your very core.
Just to clarify I am Welsh not British.
The United States is more dynamic than the United Kingdom. You had issues with each other over many centuries and Northern Ireland is a prime example. People left your nation and came to the new world because they were oppressed. Of course, after a while some of them felt their shit didn't stink either. However, the U.K. had the Magna Carta and the Rule of Law. Which was more than most other nations had and helped to forge a new nation that eventually became the power of the world leading from the Western Hemisphere. The real issue is once power is gotten; it must be kept. Kept without destroying oneself from within. The U.K. did that in a simpler way in the 19th Century. Now we are doing it. Freedom has rules which may seem too not be free. Otherwise, we end up not free anymore. Even so, people of power can abuse others and peasants can overextend their bounds.
I understand that abortion is a polarizing issue. But to refuse this woman an abortion in the same way you refuse abortions to those using them as birth control is simply wrong.

Refusing this abortion is not saving the baby's life. It is prolonging the suffering and risking the mother's health and life.
It is nothing but senseless cruelty by people who place little value on the woman’s suffering or risks.
I understand that abortion is a polarizing issue. But to refuse this woman an abortion in the same way you refuse abortions to those using them as birth control is simply wrong.

Refusing this abortion is not saving the baby's life. It is prolonging the suffering and risking the mother's health and life.
What a load of shit.

If the baby is not viable it will be a natural miscarriage. So there is no need for an abortion.
At 16+ weeks a miscarriage is like giving birth, painful and potentially risky. There is an increased risk of excessive bleeding tissue or the dead fetus remaining in the womb.
You have extremist views You are happy to see this woman put through hell to satisfy your stone age beliefs.
Life happens, death happens. I'm not happy to see any innocent kid die; I'm even less happy to see one get killed for no goddamn reason.

You? You're happy when they're killed. You're garbage.

Abortion on demand is the archaic, monstrous belief.
"...not doing well healthwise"????

The doctors said the fetus was not compatible with life. That is far more than "not doing well healthwise".

Even having a terminal condition with a prognosis of a week or less of remaining life would not justify murdering someone. Sorry.

Forget a week, how about a theoretical prognosis of 10 minutes. 30 seconds?

If you murdered someone just because they were going to die in under 30 seconds, you'd still belong in prison.
We don’t kill folks just because they’re not doing well healthwise and might die soon.

I feel horrified that this even needs to be explained.
No, you leave them in the woman’s body until they die and put her life at risk, because she is of less value to you than fetus that is incompatible with life.
No, you leave them in the woman’s body until they die
Yeah, we don't believe in murdering an innocent human being - scum like you do.

and put her life at risk

because she is of less value to you than fetus that is incompatible with life.
All human beings have the same natural and unalienable human right to life; being doomed to die soon doesn't make it okay to murder you, and it never will.

Equality will never be a matter of "less value." You are a liar.

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