Tennessee abortion laws oppressing Allie Phillips and her unborn baby

The choice comes down to removing a fetus that, as doctors have said, is incompatible with life, or causing the mother irreparable harm.

The baby's brain did not differentiate into the various hemispheres. There is no frontal lobe
So the kid will die a natural death shortly after birth due to disability.

The reaper doesn’t need any help here, as much as you’re trying to help do his job.
“Most likely.”

So the kid isn’t dead. You lied or at least were misleading when you implied otherwise. Got it.

If the baby isn't dead it will be soon. The brain is not differentiated into the hemispheres. The heart has only 2 chambers. The kidneys are not functioning.

If the baby is alive it is only because of the blood coming from the mother. You seem to be willfully ignoring the doctors saying the fetus was incompatible with life.

But the mother is alive and, so far, healthy.
Exactly the case.

While we certainly object to terminology choice that conflates and obfuscates, no one objects to removing a deceased kid from the mom, hurting no one.

The term I used was dying. As long as there is a heartbeat, you refuse to remove. For example, if a woman has a premature rupture of her membranes and loses amniotic fluid. This will never be a viable pregnancy. The baby doesn’t die right away, it takes some time and there is still a heartbeat. In that time there is an opening for infection to set in. Infections in those basically closed environments are extremely serious, life threatening and can go south very rapidly.

So, according to you, she has no options but to wait.

Any moral person disagrees with the homicide of the innocent whether it’s elective abortion, other contract killing, or just in general.

Any moral person also disagrees with forced pregnancies and recognizes a woman’s right to save her life.

Wrong, liar. I wouldn’t allow anyone to attack and kill the innocent. Same value. Equality.
Balony. You won’t allow a woman to make a decision to preserve her own life.

Let me translate that into decent human being, which you don’t speak:

“In having a mother refrain from needless violence against her own son or daughter”
Preserving her life or health is not needless violence.

“a mother may have some increased risk, which of course mere risk cannot possibly justify violence against the innocent.
In other words, she needs to be in septicemia before you will allow her to preserve her life even though the fetus is going to die.

“I oppose intentional malicious harm like having an another human being killed.”

But you are willing to let another being go untreated to the point of “emergency medical triage”.

“Some deranged hysterical people may opine that if they don’t kill someone else, this may make them sad, but we of course don’t indulge this crazy and dangerous nonsense.”

No one is opining that. Your inhumane indifference to suffering is duly noted (and you have the audacity to talk about “decent human beings”.)

Insane defamatory lie.

Who is forcing pregnancy? No one.

Only possibly relevant if you squint at it and really labor the point in the context of rape, which, guess what, is illegal and should be prosecuted more harshly. And even then, emergency contraception can most likely prevent fertilization.

Every time you insist a rape victim must keep the pregnancy against her will, you are supporting a forced pregnancy.
If the kid is alive and mom is medically stable, you do not remotely have an emergency. You do NOT have medical necessity by definition.

If you advocate for unnecessary violence against the innocent, then you are being monstrous. You are being cruel.

If the kid is dying or going to die in utero, then waiting for it to reach the point of a medical emergency is choose to put her at far greater risk of dying.

THAT is monstrous.
No one objects to medically necessary emergency medical triage. No law in any state objects.

Every law must be crystal clear about what that means though - medical necessity.

Furthermore, literally no one objects to removal of a corpse, and only pro-aborts would call that an elective abortion or refer to it in those terms. You cannot harm or kill the dead - remove them and give them a proper cremation or burial.

If the kid is alive and mom is medically stable, you do not remotely have an emergency. You do NOT have medical necessity by definition.

If you advocate for unnecessary violence against the innocent, then you are being monstrous. You are being cruel.

It is funny you should mention triage. Do you know what it means?
If the baby isn't dead it will be soon. The brain is not differentiated into the hemispheres. The heart has only 2 chambers. The kidneys are not functioning.

If the baby is alive it is only because of the blood coming from the mother. You seem to be willfully ignoring the doctors saying the fetus was incompatible with life.

But the mother is alive and, so far, healthy.
How is it you feel I am ignoring the fatal disability?

Just because I don’t agree with culling the disabled?
And how does the mother fare between now and then? Does that matter to you at all?
From a medical / healthcare perspective she is no different than any other pregnant lady at this time. Pregnancy is not a disease or malady. She is not in danger because her kid has a fatal disability and will die shortly after birth.
The term I used was dying. As long as there is a heartbeat, you refuse to remove. For example, if a woman has a premature rupture of her membranes and loses amniotic fluid. This will never be a viable pregnancy. The baby doesn’t die right away, it takes some time and there is still a heartbeat. In that time there is an opening for infection to set in. Infections in those basically closed environments are extremely serious, life threatening and can go south very rapidly.
Again, if we reach the point of emergency medical triage, you save the one you can save.


So, according to you, she has no options but to wait.
No sane, moral, or legal alternatives, no.

We do not kill someone just because they are going to die.

Any moral person also disagrees with forced pregnancies
No moral person is a pro-abort. You lot are amoral at best, but most of you can’t reach that high bar.

and recognizes a woman’s right to save her life.

No one objects to emergency medical triage.

Balony. You won’t allow a woman to make a decision to preserve her own life.
Liar. See above.

Preserving her life or health is not needless violence.
Attacking and killing her helpless kid just because the kid will die is objectively needless violence.

It is tragically insane comedy that you think that the imminent and certain demise of this disabled kid makes it MORE necessary to kill him for the mother’s selfish benefit.

No one is opining that. Your inhumane indifference to suffering is duly noted (and you have the audacity to talk about “decent human beings”.)
Yes. In contrast to scum like you who want to cull the disabled, I am quite comfortable condemning your relative decency.

Every time you insist a rape victim must keep the pregnancy against her will, you are supporting a forced pregnancy.

Don’t give anyone this line of bullshit. You don’t care about rape or if rape was a factor - they’re all “forced pregnancies,” rape or no rape.
How is it you feel I am ignoring the fatal disability?

Just because I don’t agree with culling the disabled?

Disabled? You make it sound like the fetus has Downs Syndrome or will be in a wheelchair. It will not live. A 2 chambered heart, undifferentiated brain, and faulty kidneys does not make it handicapped. It makes it so that it cannot live.

And there are serious health risks to the mother if the pregnancy continues to term.
From a medical / healthcare perspective she is no different than any other pregnant lady at this time. Pregnancy is not a disease or malady. She is not in danger because her kid has a fatal disability and will die shortly after birth.

If the fetus dies the mother will face serious dangers. And a miscarriage in the 2nd or 3rd trimester carries serious health risks as well. If it happens and she is not close to a hospital, she could very easily bleed out. Why would you require her to take those risks for a baby that will absolutely not survive?
Disabled? You make it sound like the fetus has Downs Syndrome or will be in a wheelchair. It will not live. A 2 chambered heart, undifferentiated brain, and faulty kidneys does not make it handicapped. It makes it so that it cannot live.

And there are serious health risks to the mother if the pregnancy continues to term.

Not fake new, junior. Facts.
If the fetus dies the mother will face serious dangers. And a miscarriage in the 2nd or 3rd trimester carries serious health risks as well. If it happens and she is not close to a hospital, she could very easily bleed out. Why would you require her to take those risks for a baby that will absolutely not survive?

Again, not fake news. Facts.
And you are delighted to see innocent children brutally murdered in cold blood, in order to promote your depraved agenda.

And you mostly seem interested in killing American children.

And where American children are not flat-out murdered, you advocate allowing depraved sexual perverts to groom and abuse them

Yet another reason why you should never be considered to have any standing whatsoever with any of America's business.

You are pure evil, to your very core.
So you need to see this woman suffer.

Its hard to grasp the absolute brutal cruelty involved in this case.

This sort of atrocity is what you would expect in somewhere like Afghanistan .Its easy to see why this place was a slave state. No humanity on display here.
She could have easily driven to another state to get the procedure done.

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