Tennessee abortion laws oppressing Allie Phillips and her unborn baby

Hey Tommy. Where in Tennessee have you been?

Nashville? I have
Gatlinburg? Yep
Chattanooga? Oh yep
Knoxville? Yep, great town, lots to do

The Smokey Mountains are beautiful.

Why are you always posting about places you have never been and will never go?
This fails as a red herring fallacy, a cowardly and failed attempt to deflect.

It comes as no surprise that conservatives lack the courage and integrity to address the thread topic.
Yeah, we don't believe in murdering an innocent human being - scum like you do.


Given you consider innocent human beings as little more than birthing machines without feelings or rights, even when their health or lives are in danger, your comments are laughable.

All human beings have the same natural and unalienable human right to life; being doomed to die soon doesn't make it okay to murder you, and it never will.

Equality will never be a matter of "less value." You are a liar.
You have consistently placed her life in the category of ”less than” what she carries.
Yeah, we don't believe in murdering an innocent human being
This is a lie – abortion is not ‘murder.’

Conservatives do believe in more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

Conservatives do believe in forcing women to give birth against their will through force of law even if it endangers the health and life of the woman.

Women know best how to conduct their private lives, not the state – and certainly not the neo-fascist authoritarian right.
This is a lie – abortion is not ‘murder.’
It is premeditated homicide (a killing of a human being with malice aforethought) that is always aggressive (the target is helpless and innocent, cannot employ force to defend themselves, let alone attack anyone), and is thus unjustified.

Gussy it up how you will, play semantics games - the above is indisputable fact and in all other cases premeditated unjustified homicide is prosecuted as first degree murder.

Conservatives do believe in more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

Conservatives do believe in forcing women to give birth against their will
Who gives a shit about "your will?" All "your will" does in this case is establish that you have motive and intent to kill someone else for your own gain.

Parents shouldn't kill their kids. Pregnancy will naturally end in birth or miscarriage. If you don't "will" to give birth, don't get pregnant, duh.
Objectively false, unsupportable, and stupid. Malicious trolling.

Objectively false.
Not at all.

A woman carrying a fetus that is dying inside her can’t get an abortion until it is dead and she is sick enough (septic) that she is literally in a life threatening emergency. (Yes, that is how some of the new laws work).

Her life has less value to you if you are willing to risk it to support the short life of a fetus that is dying Inside her.

In forcing her to carry to term or miscarriage, a baby with defects that are incompatible with life, you are willing to put HER life at increased risk of dying or being severely damaged, in order to maintain what is left of the life inside her.

You oppose anything that will put the life inside her at risk, yet do not apply tbe same standard to her.

You are completely callous to the emotional toll this takes on the mother, whether it is having to carry a dying baby or the fear and pain of a miscarriage that could happen far from a hospital.

Some women can and want to carry it to term, even knowing it will die. Others can’t and shouldn’t be forced to.

But then again, you support forced pregnancies.

Truth, not trolling.
It is premeditated homicide (a killing of a human being with malice aforethought) that is always aggressive (the target is helpless and innocent, cannot employ force to defend themselves, let alone attack anyone), and is thus unjustified.

Gussy it up how you will, play semantics games - the above is indisputable fact and in all other cases premeditated unjustified homicide is prosecuted as first degree murder.


Who gives a shit about "your will?" All "your will" does in this case is establish that you have motive and intent to kill someone else for your own gain.

Parents shouldn't kill their kids. Pregnancy will naturally end in birth or miscarriage. If you don't "will" to give birth, don't get pregnant, duh.

It is typically not safe for a woman to wait for the pregnancy to deliver on its own with a second trimester loss. There is a high chance of having significant bleeding when a pregnancy in the second trimester delivers on its own at home. In the case of fetal demise, a dead fetus that has been in the uterus for 4 weeks can cause changes in the body’s clotting system. These changes can put a woman at a much higher chance of significant bleeding if she waits for a long time after the fetal demise to deliver the pregnancy.
Life happens, death happens. I'm not happy to see any innocent kid die; I'm even less happy to see one get killed for no goddamn reason.

You? You're happy when they're killed. You're garbage.

Abortion on demand is the archaic, monstrous belief.

And denial of a medically necessary abortion is monstrous and cruel. I am not talking about open abortions on demand. I am talking about an abortion to remove a dead fetus.
Even having a terminal condition with a prognosis of a week or less of remaining life would not justify murdering someone. Sorry.

Forget a week, how about a theoretical prognosis of 10 minutes. 30 seconds?

If you murdered someone just because they were going to die in under 30 seconds, you'd still belong in prison.

As has been said, the pregnancy will likely end in a miscarriage. Which will also potentially leave bits of the baby to rot inside the mother.
Yeah, we don't believe in murdering an innocent human being - scum like you do.


All human beings have the same natural and unalienable human right to life; being doomed to die soon doesn't make it okay to murder you, and it never will.

Equality will never be a matter of "less value." You are a liar.

The choice comes down to removing a fetus that, as doctors have said, is incompatible with life, or causing the mother irreparable harm.

The baby's brain did not differentiate into the various hemispheres. There is no frontal lobe
Not at all.
Exactly the case.

A woman carrying a fetus that is dying inside her can’t get an abortion until it is dead
While we certainly object to terminology choice that conflates and obfuscates, no one objects to removing a deceased kid from the mom, hurting no one.

Any moral person disagrees with the homicide of the innocent whether it’s elective abortion, other contract killing, or just in general.

It’s patently ridiculous to even have to explain something this basic to someone. If this isn’t trolling, that’s kind of worse.

and she is sick enough (septic) that she is literally in a life threatening emergency. (Yes, that is how some of the new laws work).
I don’t believe you. No one objects to the removal of a dead kid. You cannot harm the dead.
Her life has less value to you
Wrong, liar. I wouldn’t allow anyone to attack and kill the innocent. Same value. Equality.

In forcing her to carry to term or miscarriage, a baby with defects that are incompatible with life
Let me translate that into decent human being, which you don’t speak:

“In having a mother refrain from needless violence against her own son or daughter”

you are willing to put HER life at increased risk of dying
“a mother may have some increased risk, which of course mere risk cannot possibly justify violence against the innocent.

You oppose anything that will put the life inside her at risk
“I oppose intentional malicious harm like having an another human being killed.”

You are completely callous to the emotional toll this takes on the mother
“Some deranged hysterical people may opine that if they don’t kill someone else, this may make them sad, but we of course don’t indulge this crazy and dangerous nonsense.”

But then again, you support forced pregnancies.
Insane defamatory lie.

Who is forcing pregnancy? No one.

Only possibly relevant if you squint at it and really labor the point in the context of rape, which, guess what, is illegal and should be prosecuted more harshly. And even then, emergency contraception can most likely prevent fertilization.

But you’re saying not letting someone kill their kid is forcing them to have a kid. Nah. You already have a kid, you absolute dumbfuck - that’s what sex does.
And denial of a medically necessary abortion is monstrous and cruel.
No one objects to medically necessary emergency medical triage. No law in any state objects.

Every law must be crystal clear about what that means though - medical necessity.

Furthermore, literally no one objects to removal of a corpse, and only pro-aborts would call that an elective abortion or refer to it in those terms. You cannot harm or kill the dead - remove them and give them a proper cremation or burial.

If the kid is alive and mom is medically stable, you do not remotely have an emergency. You do NOT have medical necessity by definition.

If you advocate for unnecessary violence against the innocent, then you are being monstrous. You are being cruel.

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