Tennessee and 16 other states join Texas in election fraud lawsuit.

I can't understand where our news agencies are on this...this is historic....never happened before....
They can't be any where, because there is no where for them to go. Trump lost. Biden 2020 is the winner.
Not so fast tard.....
LOL! It's over doofus.

Four more years for you!

Bless President Trump....Bless all Patriots!:clap:

I can't understand where our news agencies are on this...this is historic....never happened before....
They can't be any where, because there is no where for them to go. Trump lost. Biden 2020 is the winner.
Not so fast tard.....
LOL! It's over doofus.
No its not...its just getting uncovered....
"It's" doesn't exist. How do we know? Because you can't tell us what "IT" is. If there was an "IT", you'd already have a case. You never did. You're nothing more than a liar. Pitiful people! You all spend your days telling nothing but lies.
I can't understand where our news agencies are on this...this is historic....never happened before....
They can't be any where, because there is no where for them to go. Trump lost. Biden 2020 is the winner.
Not so fast tard.....
LOL! It's over doofus.

Four more years for you!

Bless President Trump....Bless all Patriots!:clap:

View attachment 427203
Bless a loser and a criminal heading to jail you mean.
History may record this as the low water mark of the Republican Party.

A time when 17 Republican Attorney Generals, men sworn to uphold the law, advocated that the courts overturn the votes of 10 million Americans and award the Presidency to a man who was badly beaten in the election.
Every state should join. Each state has to follow the law and if they don’t they don’t get their electoral votes counted.

What a terribly inconvenient place to be in!
  • For weeks the Leftist media have told the public THERE IS NOTHING TO SEE HERE! Now they can't ignore 17 states! How are they going to report on a "new" story that is two weeks old?
  • For weeks the Left have laughed at Trump's appeals. Now half the nation has joined in the fight!
  • What's the SC to do. If they pass on this now, they'll just give the matter even bigger legs!
  • For weeks the world has laughed, looked on and welcomed Joe back to their cliche, now half his country is appealing his election!
  • Can you imagine the Democrats and Joe sitting around right now: Trump has not gone away, he has not conceded, and now he's on the door of the SC with 17 states fighting the outcome as Kamela picks the color of the drapes for the VP office?
  • Joe's wanted for crimes.
  • Hunter's being investigated by the Feds.
  • All the networks are embarrassed on how to cover a news story they said was all wrapped up a nothingburger long ago?


The battle for election integrity just GROWS AND GROWS AND GROWS.


They fucked with the wrong guy.
History may record this as the low water mark of the Republican Party.

A time when 17 Republican Attorney Generals, men sworn to uphold the law, advocated that the courts overturn the votes of 10 million Americans and award the Presidency to a man who was badly beaten in the election.
It's a low point for a lot of people, but in this case not many Republicans except the never-Trumpers .
17 States File Brief Backing Texas Election Lawsuit Against GA, MI, PA, WI

17 States File Brief Backing Texas Election Lawsuit Against GA, MI, PA, WI | The Daily Wire
9 Dec 2020 ~~ By Tim Pierce

Seventeen states, led by Missouri, filed documents with the Supreme Court on Wednesday in support of a lawsuit by Texas against a handful of battleground states over alleged violations of election laws.
Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and West Virginia joined with Missouri to file an amicus brief supporting Texas. The lawsuit seeks to bar Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania from voting in the electoral college, asserting their elections were illegitimate due to violations of voting laws.
“First, the States have a strong interest in safeguarding the separation of powers among state actors in the regulation of Presidential elections,” the amicus states. “Second, amici States have a strong interest in ensuring that the votes of their own citizens are not diluted by the unconstitutional administration of elections in other States. When non-legislative actors in other States encroach on the authority of the ‘Legislature thereof’ in that State to administer a Presidential election, they threaten the liberty, not just of their own citizens, but of every citizen of the United States who casts a lawful ballot in that election—including the citizens of amici States.”
“Third, for similar reasons, amici States have a strong interest in safeguarding against fraud in voting by mail during Presidential elections,” the filing says.
“By ignoring both state and federal law, these states have not only tainted the integrity of their own citizens’ vote, but of Texas and every other state that held lawful elections,” he added. “Their failure to abide by the rule of law casts a dark shadow of doubt over the outcome of the entire election. We now ask that the Supreme Court step in to correct this egregious error.”
“Elections for federal office must comport with federal constitutional standards. For presidential elections, each state must appoint its electors to the electoral college in a manner that complies with the Constitution,” Paxton said. “The Electors Clause requirement that only state legislatures may set the rules governing the appointment of electors and elections and cannot be delegated to local officials. The majority of the rushed decisions, made by local officials, were not approved by the state legislatures, thereby circumventing the Constitution.”

It should, as a minimum, be a major slap in the face of the charged states. They made a mockery of our elections and they know it. The other states calling them out are 100% correct. My guess is the court will find in favor of Texas.
Even the Progressive Marxost/DSA left's 'science hero' Fauci said PRIOR to the election that voting in person was no problem as long as protocols were taken- masks, distance. The flooding of these states with mail-in ballots was TOTALLY planned and direct action to illegally elect Biden. What thePM/DSA Democrat Leftists have accomplished is to ensured citizens have no faith in future elections.
At best SCOTUS may call for a special presidential election within those states in violation of their own Constitutions. The worst scenario would be at admit the unconstitutional and illegal acts of the states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and allow the votes to stand.

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