Tennessee, another red state back to the dark ages

Remember, kids, 18-year-olds are too immature to own a rifle, but 14-year-olds should be able to get abortions without parental consent, 12-year-olds should be able to get vaccines without parental consent, and three-year-olds should be put on puberty blockers if they want to wear clothes from the other gender.
Here's an expert whose ass you'd lick clean ..... dumbed down progressives

Get your boosters !

Bullsshit it's being pushed everywhere
Not one single person of any import has suggested minors be forced to get vaccinated. Not one. You are a delusional cultist.

Get your boosters boomer
At least you have the good sense to laugh at yourself after being called out for your embarrassing lies. being able to laugh at yourself is an important trait and gives an indication that you are not completely lost to mental illness.
Bullsshit it's being pushed everywhere
Not one single person of any import has suggested minors be forced to get vaccinated. Not one. You are a delusional cultist.
Not a one? Perhaps you should avoid making such grand pronouncements.

Erwin Chemerinsky, dean and professor of law at the UC Berkeley School of Law, summed up this argument in a recent opinion piece for the Sacramento Bee:

It is time to focus on the duty we all have to protect each other and to end this pandemic. The government should require vaccinations as soon as vaccine supplies allow, and we should remind everyone that freedom does not include a right to endanger others.
Bullsshit it's being pushed everywhere
Not one single person of any import has suggested minors be forced to get vaccinated. Not one. You are a delusional cultist.

Get your boosters boomer
At least you have the good sense to laugh at yourself after being called out for your embarrassing lies. being able to laugh at yourself is an important trait and gives an indication that you are not completely lost to mental illness.
You just said not one person was calling for minors to get mrna therapy...why would you lie to yourself moron ?

Are ya that ignorant...is your iq that low

yes it is
Leftists sure do like their fear-mongering.
From what I understand from here, this is more about the fears of anti-vax GOP representatives.
Remember, kids, 18-year-olds are too immature to own a rifle, but 14-year-olds should be able to get abortions without parental consent, 12-year-olds should be able to get vaccines without parental consent, and three-year-olds should be put on puberty blockers if they want to wear clothes from the other gender.
In Tennessee, they can get a vaccination without permission, by state law. I owned weapons here in Tennessee, before I was 18. Always had to tell dad before I went hunting or shooting though, ownership and law be damned. Owning it and getting to use would be two different things. Dad was serious about weapons safety. So am I.
Remember, kids, 18-year-olds are too immature to own a rifle, but 14-year-olds should be able to get abortions without parental consent, 12-year-olds should be able to get vaccines without parental consent, and three-year-olds should be put on puberty blockers if they want to wear clothes from the other gender.
In Tennessee, they can get a vaccination without permission, by state law. I owned weapons here in Tennessee, before I was 18. Always had to tell dad before I went hunting or shooting though, ownership and law be damned. Owning it and getting to use would be two different things. Dad was serious about weapons safety. So am I.
That's good. Don't tell Michael Bloomberg.
Here's an expert whose ass you'd lick clean ..... dumbed down progressives

Get your boosters !

I would not mind a booster in early December before going skiing in January or February. I know from experience, Covid-19 will flat screw up a ski vacation. You are weak, off balance, out of breath, feverish, coughing. It's friggin dangerous is what it is and trying to rest and breath at night, sleeping at 9000 plus feet in a ski-in/ski-out totally blows and wastes your money fast. I only tried the slope one time after coming down with it and that was just because of the investment I had in the trip. Never fell that many times on one run in my life and that was a blue/green run. After getting down the run, I had to stop 4 times and put my head down on the last hundred yards, getting back to the house. If I had taken the black run, right to the back door, I would have probably killed myself getting down.
Yep, gimme the booster shot, right along with my annual flu, shot, pneumonia, shot and this year I think try the shingles shot. They are all free to me. Load me up. My dad had shingles in his late 60s or early 70s. It's no picnic, either.

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