Tennessee, another red state back to the dark ages

Leftists sure do like their fear-mongering.
From what I understand from here, this is more about the fears of anti-vax GOP representatives.
Leftists also hate people making their own decisions.
I don't always agree with the politicians in Tennessee, but the vast majority are GOP and are not what you would consider leftist. It is a decidedly red state, by anybody's standard. Heck, daveman, I thought you were from somewhere in East Tennessee. You got a lot of leftists out your way. I'm 89 miles from Memphis. There are leftists in Memphis, but they don't get in the way much in this state. This shutting down the teen outreach on Covid-19 vaccinations and the firing of the head of vaccinations and communicable disease at Tennessee Department of health is a GOP thing.


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The was not a 99.9999% survival rate for a child getting polio like there is for a child getting this flu.

All three of my grandkids tested positive for Covid when their parents got it. Hardly a sniffle between them.

The filthy government needs let the parents make the decision.


You keep thinking there will be some great awakening in the South at some point. It can't come too soon.

Its really quite unbelievable...

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The death rate among minors, when properly looked at, is 1 in 2 million. They have no need for these vaccines against COVID.
That is just mind numbingly stupid. Just so, so painfully stupid and an illustration that we are a country of morons.
Having worked in health care for 20 years and being married to a physician, let me share a common medical concept that rules most decisions: Risk vs Benefit. I was an MRI and X-Ray technologist and with X-Ray, the rule in physics was that there was no safe dose. NONE. Even an annual chest X-Ray was the equivalent of smoking cigarettes as a risk comparison. So, since that was accepted as fact, why do we use X-Ray? That amount of potential harm is FAR outweighed by the potential benefit of the procedure.

See post #5 commie, there's virtually no risk with children not taking the shot.
Lie. That's a stupid lie, you don't even understand it, and the only reason you parrot it is because you are a right wing nutjob still in service to the mentally ill orange loser.
Let’s make this goof run away again. Here’s the data from January 2020 through June 23, 2021. See those 324 TOTAL deaths? In about 18 months. And that’s just because Covid was listed on the death certificate. So the number is likely even lower. More panic porn from lefties who seem to want to ignore science and facts.

Seems little to no danger in avoiding this shot for high schoolers.
Its really quite unbelievable...
That's because you're so arrogant that you actually think we CARE WTF you people think. Why don't we just wait and see if "the children" begin dying en mass?

Its like deciding to forego putting a roof on your house because you want to wait to see if it's going to rain.

Red State=Stupid.

The J&J vaccine was just required to include warnings about Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Not something you want to get.

This is because our Governor is a tool. Same as Nashville's Mayor even though both are on opposite sides of the political spectrum.
TN has a strong anti vax and anti mask crowd.

Neither one of the two are true leaders. They run an opinion poll before any decision is made. Just like many people on this forum...they could care less about the truth...their poll numbers tell them what to do.
I like Tennessee a lot! sensible Patriots live there!!!

Bravo Tennessee! :clap:

Tucker Carlson Speaks with Victims of Pfizer COVID “Vaccine,” One a 17-Year-Old “Elite Athlete”​

My body my choice
Nobody suggested otherwise, or that anyone would be forced to do anything. You are as stupid as your avatar suggests.

Perhaps. Just finished high school and fuck college. I'm a working man, I don't claim to be Einstein. But you seem to not be that intelligent either. You started this complaining about the fact that kids weren't getting the vaccine. If you don't want it forced on kids like you say right now, then why are you whining about TN not doing it anymore?

In essence, You are whining that fried potatoes aren't going to be served at the picnic, but when they are eventually served, you don't like them.
My across the street neighbor, a late 40s woman in very good physical shape, had a very bad reaction to the second vaccine shot. Had to be taken to the emergency room and she was in the hospital for three days recovering.

I had a good buddy die of the Covid (age 73) and he had not been vaccinated.

The bottom line is if you feel you are at risk for dying from Covid then you should get the vaccine. If you don't think you are at risk then don't get one. Screw the government. Make your own decisions.
Ain't it grand how STOOPID people can be in some of these red states? So no reminders on second shots, and no push to inoculate even on the basics like the measles - Thanks Tennessee for infecting not only your own state, but the rest of the country as well.

And meanwhile, there are 12 kids in SE Missouri on life support with the Delta variant. Idiots :mad:
Remember, kids, 18-year-olds are too immature to own a rifle, but 14-year-olds should be able to get abortions without parental consent, 12-year-olds should be able to get vaccines without parental consent, and three-year-olds should be put on puberty blockers if they want to wear clothes from the other gender.
Why can't 18 year-olds own a rifle? Methinks thou has it screwed up!

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