Tennessee, another red state back to the dark ages

Leftists hate the idea of parents making decisions for their kids.
Nobody was taking away the parents right to make the vaccine decisions or even trying to do so. If you have to invent a fantasy boogeyman to have a point, you should just stfu, because you don't have a point.
You should stop projecting your inability to live your own life on everyone else. I don't need the government to make decisions for me.
Maybe you should get off the couch and thin out the herd yourself.

Or, like most leftists, are you too lazy and prefer the government do your wholesale murder?
What are you, a psychopath? I want people to follow the advice of doctors not politicians and shysters.
Except the doctors who are questioning the Official Party Line, of course.

Meanwhile, you've adequately demonstrated you want people who you disagree with dead.
Leftists sure do like their fear-mongering.
From what I understand from here, this is more about the fears of anti-vax GOP representatives.
Leftists also hate people making their own decisions.
I don't always agree with the politicians in Tennessee, but the vast majority are GOP and are not what you would consider leftist. It is a decidedly red state, by anybody's standard. Heck, daveman, I thought you were from somewhere in East Tennessee. You got a lot of leftists out your way. I'm 89 miles from Memphis. There are leftists in Memphis, but they don't get in the way much in this state. This shutting down the teen outreach on Covid-19 vaccinations and the firing of the head of vaccinations and communicable disease at Tennessee Department of health is a GOP thing.
I'm in western KY. The TN GOP is letting parents make decisions about their kid' health care, as it should be.

Leftists hate that idea.
No. The law is the law. They can still be vaccinated, if they want to. They did not overturn a law on the books. They just shut down the teen outreach, quit offering vaccinations at high schools and fired the head of the head of vaccinations and infectious disease at the Tennessee State Board of Health. She is a Doctor, highly rated. She will be fine. The dumb asses gave no reason on her separation notice for termination. I suspect and pension and benefits owed her will be fine. Anybody can be fired for anything or nothing. If you expect it to be more than a statement and not cost you money, you just have to do it right. They didn't, so she'll be fine.
Hey, I was born in Paducah, Ky., and raised in Hendron, just outside of Paducah, in McCracken County. Wester Kentucky was a great place to be from.
Leftists sure do like their fear-mongering.
From what I understand from here, this is more about the fears of anti-vax GOP representatives.
Leftists also hate people making their own decisions.
I don't always agree with the politicians in Tennessee, but the vast majority are GOP and are not what you would consider leftist. It is a decidedly red state, by anybody's standard. Heck, daveman, I thought you were from somewhere in East Tennessee. You got a lot of leftists out your way. I'm 89 miles from Memphis. There are leftists in Memphis, but they don't get in the way much in this state. This shutting down the teen outreach on Covid-19 vaccinations and the firing of the head of vaccinations and communicable disease at Tennessee Department of health is a GOP thing.
I'm in western KY. The TN GOP is letting parents make decisions about their kid' health care, as it should be.

Leftists hate that idea.
No. The law is the law. They can still be vaccinated, if they want to. They did not overturn a law on the books. They just shut down the teen outreach, quit offering vaccinations at high schools and fired the head of the head of vaccinations and infectious disease at the Tennessee State Board of Health. She is a Doctor, highly rated. She will be fine. The dumb asses gave no reason on her separation notice for termination. I suspect and pension and benefits owed her will be fine. Anybody can be fired for anything or nothing. If you expect it to be more than a statement and not cost you money, you just have to do it right. They didn't, so she'll be fine.
Hey, I was born in Paducah, Ky., and raised in Hendron, just outside of Paducah, in McCracken County. Wester Kentucky was a great place to be from.
It's basic risk assessment.

The risk of a healthy individual under 50 dying of covid is minuscule...the risk of mDNA vaccination being the next asbestos?...Unknown.

A known risk that is extremely low versus an unknown risk that may manifest many years in the future...it's a tough call.

And the younger you are...the tougher it is...reduced covid risk to infinitesimal while increasing the length of time a risk of unforseen consequence of the vaccine...

...if I were younger and didn't have elderly parents that need my assistance...I would have taken my chances.
Here's an expert whose ass you'd lick clean ..... dumbed down progressives

Get your boosters !

So what? Children have to be vaccinated against childhood diseases before they can enter school, Trump twit.

How can you assholes even breathe with your head shoved up Trump's ass who started this anti Covid vaxx insanity?
See post #5 commie, there's virtually no risk with children not taking the shot.
Lie. That's a stupid lie, you don't even understand it, and the only reason you parrot it is because you are a right wing nutjob still in service to the mentally ill orange loser.
Let’s make this goof run away again. Here’s the data from January 2020 through June 23, 2021. See those 324 TOTAL deaths? In about 18 months. And that’s just because Covid was listed on the death certificate. So the number is likely even lower. More panic porn from lefties who seem to want to ignore science and facts.

Seems little to no danger in avoiding this shot for high schoolers.
Most students weren't in class during that time period so they had less exposure, right wing jerkoff.
Its really quite unbelievable...
That's because you're so arrogant that you actually think we CARE WTF you people think. Why don't we just wait and see if "the children" begin dying en mass?

Its like deciding to forego putting a roof on your house because you want to wait to see if it's going to rain.

Red State=Stupid.
See, White6? Leftists hate the idea of parents making decisions for their kids. They prefer Big Daddy Government raise people's kids.

I can guarantee you that every single person now in hospital suffering with the virus regrets not getting vaccinated. Every single one. And so will you & the rest of you idiots who bow at the feet of Trump, Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham & the rest of those ingrates. Every single one of them got the vaccine & you can take that to the bank.
See post #5 commie, there's virtually no risk with children not taking the shot.
Lie. That's a stupid lie, you don't even understand it, and the only reason you parrot it is because you are a right wing nutjob still in service to the mentally ill orange loser.
Let’s make this goof run away again. Here’s the data from January 2020 through June 23, 2021. See those 324 TOTAL deaths? In about 18 months. And that’s just because Covid was listed on the death certificate. So the number is likely even lower. More panic porn from lefties who seem to want to ignore science and facts.

Seems little to no danger in avoiding this shot for high schoolers.
Most students weren't in class during that time period so they had less exposure, right wing jerkoff.

You stupid commie fuck, kids that GOT COVID survived 99.995% of the time according to the study linked in post #5. Exposure is irrelevant, kind of like you ignorant assed commies. Another study found that kids wearing masks isn't healthy for them. They found that CO2 levels got really high at 28,000 ppm in a matter of minutes. Health standards for workers is 10,000 ppm over an 8 hour shift. So just keep steeping in your ignorance and swallowing the anti-science propaganda that's being used to control you. It looks really good on you submissive little commies.

Here's an expert whose ass you'd lick clean ..... dumbed down progressives

Get your boosters !

So what? Children have to be vaccinated against childhood diseases before they can enter school, Trump twit.

How can you assholes even breathe with your head shoved up Trump's ass who started this anti Covid vaxx insanity?
Wtf are you talking about ...im not really anti vax
Just maybe a fake one that's already killed more then every other vax in the last 30 years combined

You really are simplistic conformist morons

6 month old

Don't worry no one's pushing on kids

This winter Under 12 pile of bodies coming to a theater near you

Get your boosters progs
My body my choice usin' your own argument you son of a bitch.

From a proud 18 year old Virginian.
You're 18 & wet behind the ears. Grow up.

End up on a vent you'll be crying for your Mama.

If God wants to bring me home that way, who am I to say no?

This doesn't mean I'm a religious fanatic, but it does mean that I do not live by fear.

I have worn my mask in public for a year now, and I have avoided people for the most part. I did everything but take the vaccine. I think that's good enough.
Its really quite unbelievable...
That's because you're so arrogant that you actually think we CARE WTF you people think. Why don't we just wait and see if "the children" begin dying en mass?

Its like deciding to forego putting a roof on your house because you want to wait to see if it's going to rain.

Red State=Stupid.
See, White6? Leftists hate the idea of parents making decisions for their kids. They prefer Big Daddy Government raise people's kids.

I can guarantee you that every single person now in hospital suffering with the virus regrets not getting vaccinated. Every single one. And so will you & the rest of you idiots who bow at the feet of Trump, Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham & the rest of those ingrates. Every single one of them got the vaccine & you can take that to the bank.
That's nice. Go play.


Yeah, let's just ignore the British study that showed a 99.995% survival rate among kids. It's amazing how you anti-science assholes accuse people that are following the science of being anti-science. Project much? :laughing0301:

Not quite. Long COVID is putting children in wheelchairs, and middle-aged women are exhausted. The Delta variant is seriously assisting. Homo sapiens does not have all the answers to the sequelae from the pandemic, or what the virus can do.


Yeah, let's just ignore the British study that showed a 99.995% survival rate among kids. It's amazing how you anti-science assholes accuse people that are following the science of being anti-science. Project much? :laughing0301:

/——/ How about the anti science liberal assholes who said the WTC was an inside job because steel don’t melt?


Yeah, let's just ignore the British study that showed a 99.995% survival rate among kids. It's amazing how you anti-science assholes accuse people that are following the science of being anti-science. Project much? :laughing0301:

Not quite. Long COVID is putting children in wheelchairs, and middle-aged women are exhausted. The Delta variant is seriously assisting. Homo sapiens does not have all the answers to the sequelae from the pandemic, or what the virus can do.
Nor from the vaccines.


Yeah, let's just ignore the British study that showed a 99.995% survival rate among kids. It's amazing how you anti-science assholes accuse people that are following the science of being anti-science. Project much? :laughing0301:

Not quite. Long COVID is putting children in wheelchairs, and middle-aged women are exhausted. The Delta variant is seriously assisting. Homo sapiens does not have all the answers to the sequelae from the pandemic, or what the virus can do.

Love the link. :abgg2q.jpg:


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