Tennessee, another red state back to the dark ages


Yeah, let's just ignore the British study that showed a 99.995% survival rate among kids. It's amazing how you anti-science assholes accuse people that are following the science of being anti-science. Project much? :laughing0301:

/——/ How about the anti science liberal assholes who said the WTC was an inside job because steel don’t melt?

Anyone who's worked with steel knows different. But it doesn't have to reach anywhere close to the melting point to be structurally compromised.

See post #5 commie, there's virtually no risk with children not taking the shot.
Lie. That's a stupid lie, you don't even understand it, and the only reason you parrot it is because you are a right wing nutjob still in service to the mentally ill orange loser.
Let’s make this goof run away again. Here’s the data from January 2020 through June 23, 2021. See those 324 TOTAL deaths? In about 18 months. And that’s just because Covid was listed on the death certificate. So the number is likely even lower. More panic porn from lefties who seem to want to ignore science and facts.

Seems little to no danger in avoiding this shot for high schoolers.
Most students weren't in class during that time period so they had less exposure, right wing jerkoff.
Poor left wing cuck. You claim these children saw nobody and did nothing for 18 months. Yeah, you’re an idiot. Dismissed.


Yeah, let's just ignore the British study that showed a 99.995% survival rate among kids. It's amazing how you anti-science assholes accuse people that are following the science of being anti-science. Project much? :laughing0301:

/——/ How about the anti science liberal assholes who said the WTC was an inside job because steel don’t melt?

Anyone who's worked with steel knows different. But it doesn't have to reach anywhere close to the melting point to be structurally compromised.

/———/ Hard core Truthers will go to great lengths to argue otherwise. I stopped communicating with a childhood classmate who couldn’t be reasoned with on anything regarding 9/11.


Yeah, let's just ignore the British study that showed a 99.995% survival rate among kids. It's amazing how you anti-science assholes accuse people that are following the science of being anti-science. Project much? :laughing0301:

/——/ How about the anti science liberal assholes who said the WTC was an inside job because steel don’t melt?

Anyone who's worked with steel knows different. But it doesn't have to reach anywhere close to the melting point to be structurally compromised.

/———/ Hard core Truthers will go to great lengths to argue otherwise. I stopped communicating with a childhood classmate who couldn’t be reasoned with on anything regarding 9/11.

No need for that, just don't discuss it with them.

My body my choice usin' your own argument you son of a bitch.

From a proud 18 year old Virginian.
Someone ought to drill a hole in your head and fuck some brains into you.
You ought to take your nap, child.
Not a happy camper??,
You'll get over it.
No, not at all. My life's great. You can tell because I don't go around saying things like "Someone ought to drill a hole in your head and fuck some brains into you."

You're an angry child.
My body my choice usin' your own argument you son of a bitch.

From a proud 18 year old Virginian.
Someone ought to drill a hole in your head and fuck some brains into you.
You ought to take your nap, child.
Not a happy camper??,
You'll get over it.
No, not at all. My life's great. You can tell because I don't go around saying things like "Someone ought to drill a hole in your head and fuck some brains into you."

You're an angry child.

Neckbearded, Mt. Dew chugging, Doritos chomping, 350 lb. balding 45 year old virgin would be more accurate.
My body my choice usin' your own argument you son of a bitch.

From a proud 18 year old Virginian.
Someone ought to drill a hole in your head and fuck some brains into you.
You ought to take your nap, child.
Not a happy camper??,
You'll get over it.
No, not at all. My life's great. You can tell because I don't go around saying things like "Someone ought to drill a hole in your head and fuck some brains into you."

You're an angry child.

Nah. You're just another delusional Republican godbotherer.
My body my choice usin' your own argument you son of a bitch.

From a proud 18 year old Virginian.
Someone ought to drill a hole in your head and fuck some brains into you.
You ought to take your nap, child.
Not a happy camper??,
You'll get over it.
No, not at all. My life's great. You can tell because I don't go around saying things like "Someone ought to drill a hole in your head and fuck some brains into you."

You're an angry child.

Nah. You're just another delusional Republican godbotherer.

Who says I push my religion on people? Who said I was a republican?

And who is really the delusional one here? I don't tell people to have holes drilled into their heads so brains can be fucked into them.
My body my choice usin' your own argument you son of a bitch.

From a proud 18 year old Virginian.
Someone ought to drill a hole in your head and fuck some brains into you.
You ought to take your nap, child.
Not a happy camper??,
You'll get over it.
No, not at all. My life's great. You can tell because I don't go around saying things like "Someone ought to drill a hole in your head and fuck some brains into you."

You're an angry child.

Nah. You're just another delusional Republican godbotherer.

Who says I push my religion on people? Who said I was a republican?

And who is really the delusional one here? I don't tell people to have holes drilled into their heads so brains can be fucked into them.

I don't care what you say. I reiterate what I said and challenge to prove other wise.
You mightnt like me blowing your cover but you left yourself open.
You are what I described and you know it.
My body my choice usin' your own argument you son of a bitch.

From a proud 18 year old Virginian.
Someone ought to drill a hole in your head and fuck some brains into you.
You ought to take your nap, child.
Not a happy camper??,
You'll get over it.
No, not at all. My life's great. You can tell because I don't go around saying things like "Someone ought to drill a hole in your head and fuck some brains into you."

You're an angry child.

Nah. You're just another delusional Republican godbotherer.

Who says I push my religion on people? Who said I was a republican?

And who is really the delusional one here? I don't tell people to have holes drilled into their heads so brains can be fucked into them.

I don't care what you say. I reiterate what I said and challenge to prove other wise.
You mightnt like me blowing your cover but you left yourself open.
You are what I described and you know it.

1. You're a fucking old dude harrassing people on a forum. I don't want to hear any shit from you, cumwad.

download (2).jpg

2. I literally tag buildings with severed goat head graffiti and obscenities. Not a godbotherer.

3. I can't stand republicans or democrats.
My body my choice usin' your own argument you son of a bitch.

From a proud 18 year old Virginian.
Someone ought to drill a hole in your head and fuck some brains into you.
You ought to take your nap, child.
Not a happy camper??,
You'll get over it.
No, not at all. My life's great. You can tell because I don't go around saying things like "Someone ought to drill a hole in your head and fuck some brains into you."

You're an angry child.

Nah. You're just another delusional Republican godbotherer.

Who says I push my religion on people? Who said I was a republican?

And who is really the delusional one here? I don't tell people to have holes drilled into their heads so brains can be fucked into them.

I don't care what you say. I reiterate what I said and challenge to prove other wise.
You mightnt like me blowing your cover but you left yourself open.
You are what I described and you know it.

1. You're a fucking old dude harrassing people on a forum. I don't want to hear any shit from you, cumwad.

View attachment 514046

2. I literally tag buildings with severed goat head graffiti and obscenities. Not a godbotherer.

3. I can't stand republicans or democrats.

Is that the best you've got?
You are a liar and a godbothering Republican.
Is there anything you don't understand about that?

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