Tennessee Finally Has The Courage To Put The Homeless Where They Belong

Who exactly are the "Least Powerless... .", and by what measure?
Can you tell me the powerful homelessness lobbying groups that are paying off politicians in DC?

Because I can tell you plenty of them that are doing just that -- on behalf of powerful people....in fact, morons like you have probably opined about nefarious "powerful" entities, controlling Washington -- if not the world...

probably got fancy names for them too...like "Deep State" "Globalists"

But when I say that poor people are among the least powerless -- you clutch your pearls like a bitch..shut yo clown ass up
Texas and Florida are among the top 5 states in homelessness....are they blue states??

Or does it just make you feel better to just declare blue states as the blame...the other states are New York and California...

Do you know why these are the top 5 states? Because they are the top 5 most populous states, dunce...

Can you tell me what "conservative policies" prevent homelessness...not platitudes about freedom and jobs, but ACTUAL POLICIES ..then explain why none of those policies are in the current law in this OP??
Population has some play however California has almost 12% of the population in the US and has almost 28% of all homeless. New York is 4th in population and is second in homelessness. They have less than 6% of the US population and have over 15% of the homeless in the country. Texas has almost 9% of the population and under 5% of the homeless.

Number 5, which you conveniently didn’t name is Massachusetts 15th in population. Number 6 is Washington 13th in population. Number 7 is Oregon, the 27th most populated.

Population does have an effect however policies have a lot more to do with controlling homelessness as proved by the numbers.

I was in Portland two months ago and they allow tents to be pitched on the sidewalks in the downtown area, then whe you go to residential areas they allow the tents on the sidewalks of private homes.

Zoning laws drive up housing prices as it limits where and how homes are built which drives up housing costs and push more and more people out into not being able to afford a homes. Red states tend to have fewer regulations thus easier and cheaper to build. The social programs in red states tend to require the recipients to work or contribute, which many don’t, so their benefits are more limited. Blue states try to accommodate the recipients with social programs that require little to nothing.
Can you tell me the powerful homelessness lobbying groups that are paying off politicians in DC?

Because I can tell you plenty of them that are doing just that -- on behalf of powerful people....in fact, morons like you have probably opined about nefarious "powerful" entities, controlling Washington -- if not the world...

probably got fancy names for them too...like "Deep State" "Globalists"

But when I say that poor people are among the least powerless -- you clutch your pearls like a bitch..shut yo clown ass up
You failed to even attempt to answer the question so I'll repeat.

Who exactly are the "Least Powerless... .", and by what measure?
Calling people "trash" isn't going to fix anything. They need training so they can work a job that pays $30 per hour plus benefits otherwise they can't afford housing and food.
The issue is many don’t want training, hey don’t want a home and they want to be left alone. Many times money isn’t the motivator for the homeless.
Some cities are thriving, some are in decline.
All I did was point out the ridiculousness of the red state remark, followed by immediate aghast and outrage... :lol:

Yet all the time people call out blue states and ignore that they have vast areas of "red"
Yet all the time people call out blue states and ignore that they have vast areas of "red"
Not when you look at voting districts which are base on population rather than total land mass. Even in the most rural of states the populations are concentrated overwhelmingly in cities.
The vast majority of the homeless are in Democrat run cities, Democrat mayors, Democrat City Council. When homeless show up in the GOP run burbs they are not there long, they get tossed. The homeless hang out in Dem cities because you idiots support them.

“Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, my Father has blessed you! Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world. I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger, and you took me into your home. I needed clothes, and you gave me something to wear. I was sick, and you took care of me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’ “Then the people who have God’s approval will reply to him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you or see you thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you as a stranger and take you into our homes or see you in need of clothes and give you something to wear? When did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ “The king will answer them, ‘I can guarantee this truth: Whatever you did for one of my brothers or sisters, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did for me.’
Not when you look at voting districts which are base on population rather than total land mass. Even in the most rural of states the populations are concentrated overwhelmingly in cities.

Population has some play however California has almost 12% of the population in the US and has almost 28% of all homeless. New York is 4th in population and is second in homelessness. They have less than 6% of the US population and have over 15% of the homeless in the country. Texas has almost 9% of the population and under 5% of the homeless.

Number 5, which you conveniently didn’t name is Massachusetts 15th in population. Number 6 is Washington 13th in population. Number 7 is Oregon, the 27th most populated.

Population does have an effect however policies have a lot more to do with controlling homelessness as proved by the numbers.

I was in Portland two months ago and they allow tents to be pitched on the sidewalks in the downtown area, then whe you go to residential areas they allow the tents on the sidewalks of private homes.

Zoning laws drive up housing prices as it limits where and how homes are built which drives up housing costs and push more and more people out into not being able to afford a homes. Red states tend to have fewer regulations thus easier and cheaper to build. The social programs in red states tend to require the recipients to work or contribute, which many don’t, so their benefits are more limited. Blue states try to accommodate the recipients with social programs that require little to nothing.
I asked you to name policies, not speak in platitudes....this conservative habit of simply saying "fewer regulations" as if just cutting regulations for the fun of it -- is a solution... is not a solution...not without explaining what those regulations are...can you tell me which regulations caused rent to increase across the country for example?

"For Beadle, his situation is now untenable.His $1,500-a-month rent was already a struggle for him to pay, and if late on rent payments he incurs a $100 fee. With the latest rental increase of nearly $450, he worries about his future in Sarasota."

Last I checked, Sarasota is "Republican controlled" city in a state that is "Republican controlled" -- can you tell me what regulations caused rent to be increased by nearly 500 bucks?? Or isn't that just capitalism in action??

And the reason rural areas are cheaper is because LESS PEOPLE WANT TO LIVE THERE.....that is why when someone in one of those areas graduate high-school..their main goal is to LEAVE...and if more and more people moved to rural areas, guess what...they won't be rural anymore..and guess what? those people will demand more in terms of public services that wasn't needed when it was RURAL..that is how societies work
Homeless population in TN is served by privately funded Homeless programs. No state or federal dollars go into the rescue mission. Privately funds also go into unwed mothers and beaten housewives homes.

As such, all have excess funds and high salaries for administration. Including habitat for humanity and etc. Even the food banks are flush.

Which has attracted a lot of homeless people intent on staying homeless. So the various programs instituted programs to make being homeless uncomfortable...you had to begin working towards becoming a productive member of society.

Today those who are actively looking to become successful are a very very small number. A person who tries instantly gets tailored clothing, private bathroom and bedroom and a high quality of food cooked for them until they can cook for themselves with groceries provided.
All on the level of a middle class income would provide.

So this law will get them to leave one way or another.
Homeless population in TN is served by privately funded Homeless programs. No state or federal dollars go into the rescue mission. Privately funds also go into unwed mothers and beaten housewives homes.

As such, all have excess funds and high salaries for administration. Including habitat for humanity and etc. Even the food banks are flush.

Which has attracted a lot of homeless people intent on staying homeless. So the various programs instituted programs to make being homeless uncomfortable...you had to begin working towards becoming a productive member of society.

Today those who are actively looking to become successful are a very very small number. A person who tries instantly gets tailored clothing, private bathroom and bedroom and a high quality of food cooked for them until they can cook for themselves with groceries provided.
All on the level of a middle class income would provide.

So this law will get them to leave one way or another.
Again...how is making being homeless a felony, a solution??

Because there are many people who are "WORKING" and basically homeless....because wages aren't exactly going up with the cost of living..and it ain't due to "regulations" -- its due to late-stage capitalism without an adequate social safety net to deal with the people capitalism chews up and spits out..

..and simply saying "they aint working hard enough" isn't a reason.....not as much as I see well-off people complaining about inflation, rising costs etc....and no one just tells them "stop complaining and work harder" either
Again...how is making being homeless a felony, a solution??

Because there are many people who are "WORKING" and basically homeless....because wages aren't exactly going up with the cost of living..and it ain't due to "regulations" -- its due to late-stage capitalism without an adequate social safety net to deal with the people capitalism chews up and spits out..

..and simply saying "they aint working hard enough" isn't a reason.....not as much as I see well-off people complaining about inflation, rising costs etc....and no one just tells them "stop complaining and work harder" either
There may be some homeless people somewhere who are working.

In this video, the most visible example of research that resonates with me because I used to live in Seattle, the producers did the due diligence and determined that, at least in the sector of downtown Seattle, 100% of the homeless are also addicts and it can be assumed that their addiction is the major contributing factor to their homelessness.

Again...how is making being homeless a felony, a solution??

Because there are many people who are "WORKING" and basically homeless....because wages aren't exactly going up with the cost of living..and it ain't due to "regulations" -- its due to late-stage capitalism without an adequate social safety net to deal with the people capitalism chews up and spits out..

..and simply saying "they aint working hard enough" isn't a reason.....not as much as I see well-off people complaining about inflation, rising costs etc....and no one just tells them "stop complaining and work harder" either

There are one way bus tickets available free of charge to any homeless person wishing to go out of state. Again provided by private funds.

So there's that.
Tennessee has literally thousands of programs designed to help the poor and homeless no longer be poor or homeless.

And all you have to do is ask. This includes medical and psychological assistance inclusive of pharmaceutical needs. Of course there are jobs available here of all skill levels.

Or you can camp on a sidewalk and go to jail.
They do not want "taken in". The homeless have one thing in common with most who commit the mass shootings. Mental health issues. Why is it NO ONE is discussing how we can better address that?
There is a percentage of homeless people with mental issues.
What is the sense in pretending that people with obvious mental problems are capable of the same level of choice and judgement as others? What is the sense of allowing those who cannot choose sanely to inflict themselves upon everyone else? These people need care and protection, not tents for living on sidewalks in the middle of circulation. Camps and reservations where sanitation, health care and counseling can be provided would be humane. Permissiveness that infringes on everyone else is ridiculous.
What is the sense in pretending that people with obvious mental problems are capable of the same level of choice and judgement as others? What is the sense of allowing those who cannot choose sanely to inflict themselves upon everyone else? These people need care and protection, not tents for living on sidewalks in the middle of circulation. Camps and reservations where sanitation, health care and counseling can be provided would be humane. Permissiveness that infringes on everyone else is ridiculous.

You'd be surprised but a lot of these people are so Fd up in the head they prefer to be outside. We have homeless shelters here too, but still have people on the streets. Why is that? Because these places have requirements especially in regards to sobriety.

Several years ago I came across a few bucks and decided to give some to charity. My passion is with the homeless so I looked around for organizations that took care of them. I was disappointed in what I found. Finally I came across a church that had a homeless charity setup. They used the money to buy the homeless food, sleeping bags, tents and clothing. Their workers were parishioners that donated their time and went right to areas where the homeless were. That's where my money went to.
Again...how is making being homeless a felony, a solution??

Because there are many people who are "WORKING" and basically homeless....because wages aren't exactly going up with the cost of living..and it ain't due to "regulations" -- its due to late-stage capitalism without an adequate social safety net to deal with the people capitalism chews up and spits out..

..and simply saying "they aint working hard enough" isn't a reason.....not as much as I see well-off people complaining about inflation, rising costs etc....and no one just tells them "stop complaining and work harder" either

For people that don't have mental issues, they can get together and rent an apartment somewhere. Three or four incomes even at low wages can put a roof over their heads.

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