Tennessee Lawmakers could face expulsion

One Party to rule them all, one Party to find them, One Party to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them; In the Land of Mar A Lago, where the shadows lie.
My Apologies to Tolkien.
TN GOP....might as well hand out the swastika arm bands
TN GOP....might as well hand out the swastika arm bands
This is good for Republicans. They finally crossed the line and became like Progressives. They need to build on it. They broke the ice though. Come on Republicans. Keep doing it. So many corrupted and self-important Progs to take down.
The left set the bar with J6.

Hurts when they have to live within the law they used against the right.
I dunno...I'm totally in favor of the expulsions, I think we need more, on both sides. Santos comes to mind. Boebert....MTG? The breed of grandstanding politicos and egregious thieves needs culling. So the first to fall are Dems...cool...I'm sure that some Republican reps are just a bit uneasy over this.

Of course, I know that this is all political grandstanding of a different sort..but one must wonder, how do you think those districts that elected those reps fell about this? Mad?
What if they just return the ones kicked out..what message will that send?
This is good for Republicans. They finally crossed the line and became like Progressives. They need to build on it. They broke the ice though. Come on Republicans. Keep doing it. So many corrupted and self-important Progs to take down.
Young voters are watching.
Women voters are watching.
Minority voters are watching.
Parent voters are watching.
Wow, all of these African American Democrats are Christian as heck. You guilty white libs must hate how they preach.
I dont think Justin has a chance. He started singing In his defense and he has only been in office for 2 weeks.
Young voters are watching.
Women voters are watching.
Minority voters are watching.
Parent voters are watching.
You mean the same young voters you idiots feel should get gender reassignment. the same women voters you idiots are displacing with transgenders, the same minorities you idiots have been lying to for years, the same parents you idiots call domestic terrorists?
I feel kinda bad for this fool. He was sworn in 2 weeks ago.

Not that he should have used a bullhorn at the podium.

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