Tennessee Lawmakers could face expulsion

You are the one who is channeling your inner Stalin and Mao Tse Tung. Getting rid of rabid animals like you should be done.
Oh ... I thought you were opposed to Nazis. The above men were woke Communists. More in line with your Democrat ideology.
None of the three were from my district, so I don't care. I expect a higher level of self-discipline and decorum from elected representative, but that's just me. I have read the local Nashville papers and seen the Nashville news broadcasts. This whole story of "storming the capital BS" is overblown by what national news attention it got for national news partisan entertainment.
So is J6.
You are another Trump fascist. Youi right wing Nazis are the ones we should get rid of. You animals should be in straitjackets.
Yeah but ... all of the recent mass shooters have been queers and/or Democrats. What about them?
You are another Trump fascist. Youi right wing Nazis are the ones we should get rid of. You animals should be in straitjackets.
All of the recent mass shooters have either been lunatic queers or Democrats. No straightjackets for them?
So is J6.
That was a national thing, written up the day it happened by local DC media and papers as well as national media and papers, as actually a violent event. It was a thing. This one had no violence, destruction, injury or death. This protest was just legal protest. It was nothing, except for three asshole representatives, that thought one of them could bring a bullhorn to the state house floor to make their point. The Speaker of the House, Cameron basically said that sht won't fly here in Tennessee, not in my house, and we might just kick your ass out, if you don't know how to act on the house floor when the house is in session. Personally, I'll be surprised if the bullhorn asshole representative, still has a seat in the house next week.
That was a national thing, written up the day it happened by local DC media and papers as well as national media and papers, as actually a violent event. It was a thing. This one had no violence, destruction, injury or death. This protest was just legal protest. It was nothing, except for three asshole representatives, that thought one of them could bring a bullhorn to the state house floor to make their point. The Speaker of the House, Cameron basically said that sht won't fly here in Tennessee, not in my house, and we might just kick your ass out, if you don't know how to act on the house floor when the house is in session. Personally, I'll be surprised if the bullhorn asshole representative, still has a seat in the house next week.
Yup..looks like they're out. I have to say, that if we deplore a takeover of the US House..we must also deplore a takeover of a Statehouse.
If we deplore Trump rooting his minions on..the same goes for those on the left..no matter how righteous we find their causes.

Republicans who control the Tennessee House of Representatives will vote on Thursday on whether to expel three Democratic members for their role in a gun control demonstration at the statehouse last week.
Last Friday's protest saw hundreds of demonstrators flood into the statehouse, four days after a Nashville school shooting ended with three 9-year-old children and three school staff members dead.

Three Democratic lawmakers stood on the House floor and used a bullhorn to lead protesters in chanting demands for stricter gun laws. In the resolutions calling for their expulsion, Republicans accused the three of engaging in "disorderly behavior" and said they "did knowingly and intentionally bring disorder and dishonor to the House of Representatives through their individual and collective actions."
Republicans have no interest in stopping school shootings.
They are the ones who want armed security in schools.....it's the tooth fairy dems who don't, so who has no interest in stopping school shootings.
I have not seen anyone who supports the killing of children in schools, do you have a link to some who do?
Try the radical tranny crowd who made a martyr of the chick without a dick who murdered six innocents.
Republicans give no solutions. Just more guns.

Give schools the same armed protection that mayors and judges get
Just like the Supreme Court justices?
They are the ones who want armed security in schools.....it's the tooth fairy dems who don't, so who has no interest in stopping school shootings.

Try the radical tranny crowd who made a martyr of the chick without a dick who murdered six innocents.


Just like the Supreme Court justices?
Practically everyone in government

Judges and elected officials surround themselves with armed guards while children are left unprotected
What's your solution?
Honestly...i don't believe there is one. Period. Violence is hard-wired into our culture.
After all, the Tree of Liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of children and innocents, right?

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