Tennessee school district bans all flags, including American Flag

you are divorced from reality. you cannot possibly believe that a group fighting against their own country in order to preserve slavery was not a group of racists and traitors.

They weren't fighting to preserve slavery. They were patriots repelling an enemy invasion into their sovereign country and fighting for the right of self determination.....exactly like the patriots in 1776.
again, divorced from reality.
why do you want to make heroes out of traitors and racists?

you have an odd definition of patriot.

Not really..All true patriots will fight when their country is invaded.
Were the colonists in 1776 patriots or traitors?
they were traitors. and during the civil war there was no invasion of a country.
you really did fail history, didn't you?
They weren't fighting to preserve slavery. They were patriots repelling an enemy invasion into their sovereign country and fighting for the right of self determination.....exactly like the patriots in 1776.
again, divorced from reality.
why do you want to make heroes out of traitors and racists?

you have an odd definition of patriot.

Not really..All true patriots will fight when their country is invaded.
Were the colonists in 1776 patriots or traitors?
they were traitors. and during the civil war there was no invasion of a country.
you really did fail history, didn't you?
The colonists in 1776 were traitors?

type less. read more. I'm correct about the war of northern aggression.
again, divorced from reality.
why do you want to make heroes out of traitors and racists?

you have an odd definition of patriot.

Not really..All true patriots will fight when their country is invaded.
Were the colonists in 1776 patriots or traitors?
they were traitors. and during the civil war there was no invasion of a country.
you really did fail history, didn't you?
The colonists in 1776 were traitors?

type less. read more. I'm correct about the war of northern aggression.
by definition they were traitors.
and you prove your idiocy by using the ignorant term "war of northern aggression"
there was nothing aggressive in the north's actions.
Again, you illustrate the problem of propagation over education.
please, show a time when that flag didn't represent traitors or racism.
On the battlefield when it represented soldiers and every single time it was displayed in honor of those soldiers.
you mean the traitors fighting for slavery? so that example fails.
No. Soldiers.
right. soldiers fighting against their own country. traitors.
No, they were fighting for their own country just like American revolutionary soldiers.
It never represented racism or "traitors".
you can't be serious. that's all it's ever represented

public schools, huh?
Read some history.
history says - always, 100% of the time,that flag represented traitors and racism.

no it doesn't
got an example of time it wasn't representing racism and/or traitors?
You need to learn the difference between secessionist and traitor.
you can't be serious. that's all it's ever represented

public schools, huh?
Read some history.
history says - always, 100% of the time,that flag represented traitors and racism.

no it doesn't
got an example of time it wasn't representing racism and/or traitors?
You need to learn the difference between secessionist and traitor.
attempted secessionist. and either way they're traitors.
please, show a time when that flag didn't represent traitors or racism.
On the battlefield when it represented soldiers and every single time it was displayed in honor of those soldiers.
you mean the traitors fighting for slavery? so that example fails.
No. Soldiers.
right. soldiers fighting against their own country. traitors.
No, they were fighting for their own country just like American revolutionary soldiers.
no, they weren't. they were fighting against their own country - and so were the american revolutionary soldiers.
you have an odd definition of patriot.

Not really..All true patriots will fight when their country is invaded.
Were the colonists in 1776 patriots or traitors?
they were traitors. and during the civil war there was no invasion of a country.
you really did fail history, didn't you?
The colonists in 1776 were traitors?

type less. read more. I'm correct about the war of northern aggression.
by definition they were traitors.
and you prove your idiocy by using the ignorant term "war of northern aggression"
there was nothing aggressive in the north's actions.

an invasion is "aggression".
1. How lost is the USA when PC takes over and the American flag is banned from the school? Liberal policies are winning out turning our schools and communities into areas full of hatred.

Dickson County, TN- a Tennessee school district is banning all flags, including Old Glory.

School leaders in Dickson County decided, after a summer of controversy surrounding the Confederate flag, the wise thing to do would be to ban all flags and banners.

Some students are angry as they feel their patriotism is being compromised.

School leaders said there is a right and wrong way to show American pride:

"It's not an unpatriotic act by any means because we have a number of ways in which students do learn how to be patriotic and express American pride."

One student said, "I just think that's a right...it's freedom of expression and I don't think you should be able to take that away from us."

Tennessee school district bans all flags, including American Flag

That's Nashville.........bunch of idiots.

Homeless are all of the sudden everywhere.
you have an odd definition of patriot.

Not really..All true patriots will fight when their country is invaded.
Were the colonists in 1776 patriots or traitors?
they were traitors. and during the civil war there was no invasion of a country.
you really did fail history, didn't you?
The colonists in 1776 were traitors?

type less. read more. I'm correct about the war of northern aggression.
by definition they were traitors.
and you prove your idiocy by using the ignorant term "war of northern aggression"
there was nothing aggressive in the north's actions.

an invasion is "aggression".
a country can't invade itself.
On the battlefield when it represented soldiers and every single time it was displayed in honor of those soldiers.
you mean the traitors fighting for slavery? so that example fails.
No. Soldiers.
right. soldiers fighting against their own country. traitors.
No, they were fighting for their own country just like American revolutionary soldiers.
no, they weren't. they were fighting against their own country - and so were the american revolutionary soldiers.
So by your own (il)logic, that makes you a traitor.
On the battlefield when it represented soldiers and every single time it was displayed in honor of those soldiers.
you mean the traitors fighting for slavery? so that example fails.
No. Soldiers.
right. soldiers fighting against their own country. traitors.
No, they were fighting for their own country just like American revolutionary soldiers.
no, they weren't. they were fighting against their own country - and so were the american revolutionary soldiers.

They tried to peacefully secede.

Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world.Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people, that can may revolutionize and make their own of so many of the territory as they inhabit."

Abraham Lincoln

Jan 12, 1848

First inaugural address;

......Apprehension seems to exist among the people of the Southern States, that by the accession of a Republican Administration, their property, and their peace, and personal security, are to be endangered. There has never been any reasonable cause for such apprehension. Indeed, the most ample evidence to the contrary has all the while existed, and been open to their inspection. It is found in nearly all the published speeches of him who now addresses you. I do but quote from one of those speeches when I declare that "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so." Those who nominated and elected me did so with full knowledge that I had made this, and many similar declarations, and had never recanted them. And more than this, they placed in the platform, for my acceptance, and as a law to themselves, and to me, the clear and emphatic resolution which I now read:

"Resolved, That the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the States, and especially the right of each State to order and control its own domestic institutions according to its own judgment exclusively, is essential to that balance of power on which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric depend; and we denounce the lawless invasion by armed force of the soil of any State or Territory, no matter under what pretext, as among the gravest of crimes."

I now reiterate these sentiments: and in doing so, I only press upon the public attention the most conclusive evidence of which the case is susceptible, that the property, peace and security of no section are to be in anywise endangered by the now incoming Administration.

When the south tried to peacefully secede lincoln sent troops to resupply and reinforce ft sumter...knowing it wasn't legal as S.C HAD legally seceded after a legal vote by the legislature...Lincoln hoped to provoke trouble so it would, in his mind, be a casus belli

Really, man..go read some real history and turn off the damned "history" channel
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They weren't fighting to preserve slavery. They were patriots repelling an enemy invasion into their sovereign country and fighting for the right of self determination.....exactly like the patriots in 1776.
again, divorced from reality.
why do you want to make heroes out of traitors and racists?

you have an odd definition of patriot.

Not really..All true patriots will fight when their country is invaded.
Were the colonists in 1776 patriots or traitors?
they were traitors. and during the civil war there was no invasion of a country.
you really did fail history, didn't you?

Did you attend Dunbar, DuBois or MLK?
Not really..All true patriots will fight when their country is invaded.
Were the colonists in 1776 patriots or traitors?
they were traitors. and during the civil war there was no invasion of a country.
you really did fail history, didn't you?
The colonists in 1776 were traitors?

type less. read more. I'm correct about the war of northern aggression.
by definition they were traitors.
and you prove your idiocy by using the ignorant term "war of northern aggression"
there was nothing aggressive in the north's actions.

an invasion is "aggression".
a country can't invade itself.

that is correct.

The southern states had legally seceded after legally holding a legal vote in their legally elected legislatures.
The north invaded a sovereign country
you mean the traitors fighting for slavery? so that example fails.
No. Soldiers.
right. soldiers fighting against their own country. traitors.
No, they were fighting for their own country just like American revolutionary soldiers.
no, they weren't. they were fighting against their own country - and so were the american revolutionary soldiers.
So by your own (il)logic, that makes you a traitor.
I'm not fighting against my country
No. Soldiers.
right. soldiers fighting against their own country. traitors.
No, they were fighting for their own country just like American revolutionary soldiers.
no, they weren't. they were fighting against their own country - and so were the american revolutionary soldiers.
So by your own (il)logic, that makes you a traitor.
I'm not fighting against my country
You just said England was your country.
they were traitors. and during the civil war there was no invasion of a country.
you really did fail history, didn't you?
The colonists in 1776 were traitors?

type less. read more. I'm correct about the war of northern aggression.
by definition they were traitors.
and you prove your idiocy by using the ignorant term "war of northern aggression"
there was nothing aggressive in the north's actions.

an invasion is "aggression".
a country can't invade itself.

that is correct.

The southern states had legally seceded after legally holding a legal vote in their legally elected legislatures.
The north invaded a sovereign country
No, they hadn't. Secession isn't and wasn't legal
but to be clear..you think the colonists in 1776 in the american revolution were traitors? Is that correct?
right. soldiers fighting against their own country. traitors.
No, they were fighting for their own country just like American revolutionary soldiers.
no, they weren't. they were fighting against their own country - and so were the american revolutionary soldiers.
So by your own (il)logic, that makes you a traitor.
I'm not fighting against my country
You just said England was your country.
Please, provide the quote.
The colonists in 1776 were traitors?

type less. read more. I'm correct about the war of northern aggression.
by definition they were traitors.
and you prove your idiocy by using the ignorant term "war of northern aggression"
there was nothing aggressive in the north's actions.

an invasion is "aggression".
a country can't invade itself.

that is correct.

The southern states had legally seceded after legally holding a legal vote in their legally elected legislatures.
The north invaded a sovereign country
No, they hadn't. Secession isn't and wasn't legal

Go ahead and post your source for that one.

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