Tennessee store owner puts no gays allowed sign back up

He claims to be a Christian

He says Religion is under attack

He thinks that Gays are a part of that attack and does not want to profit from them.

What am I missing here?

He isn't baking wedding cakes. He's not signing marriage licenses. He sells beer bong parts to teenagers. He's not exactly some bold patriot. He being an asshole to be an asshole.

And you are posting to be an asshole, which is your right.

What am I missing here?
People may have bigotry in their hearts. But there is no right to express that bigotry in commerce.
You desperately want to believe that businesses are just an extension of the government. They are not. Private citizens engaging in private transactions on private property have every right to “express bigotry in commerce”.
You're unfamiliar with Public Accommodation law.

Tennessee has no such law
You idiot bigots don't care about equal rights because you have never had to fight for them yourselves.
And you fascists don’t care about liberty for the same exact reason - you never had to fight for it (and you sure as hell didn’t sacrifice your life for it). It was handed to your sorry ass on a silver platter and because of that, you have absolutely no appreciation for it.
Are you a fallen veteran, because you didn't sacrifice your life either.
No, I didn’t. But unlike you, I have the deepest appreciation for those who did and the absolute highest regard for liberty.
You idiot bigots don't care about equal rights because you have never had to fight for them yourselves.
And you fascists don’t care about liberty for the same exact reason - you never had to fight for it (and you sure as hell didn’t sacrifice your life for it). It was handed to your sorry ass on a silver platter and because of that, you have absolutely no appreciation for it.
Are you a fallen veteran, because you didn't sacrifice your life either.
No, I didn’t. But unlike you, I have the deepest appreciation for those who did and the absolute highest regard for liberty.
Way off topic but...

When and where have I ever failed to be grateful for the blessings of liberty?
Are you trying to say the constitution protects bigots?
Absolutely, positively, unquestionably, yes. It’s not even a debate. The constitution protects liberty - including the liberty to be racist, hateful, homophobic, xenophobic, claustrophobic, and anything else you fascists want to whine about.
And never forget these two things; Americans of any part of the political spectrum appreciates the blessings of liberty
Bullshit. The entire left has zero respect or desire for liberty. Zero. You guys are all about power & control.
The argument, as far as I'm concerned, and speaking as a person who holds left of center views, is defending the liberty of any law abiding American citizen who is not making a scene or problem for any American business NOT to be discriminated against without just cause.
Are you trying to say the constitution protects bigots?
Absolutely, positively, unquestionably, yes. It’s not even a debate. The constitution protects liberty - including the liberty to be racist, hateful, homophobic, xenophobic, claustrophobic, and anything else you fascists want to whine about.
Where in the constitution does it say it is a protected right to discriminate in commerce?
When and where have I ever failed to be grateful for the blessings of liberty?
In every post that you claim the federal government should have the power to tell people who they can and cannot dislike, who they can and cannot do business with, etc.
Not who they dislike. A person is free to act as an asshole. But commerce is another kettle of fish.
You're unfamiliar with Public Accommodation law.
That’s ok - you’re completely unfamiliar with the U.S. Constitution. And since the U.S. Constitution is the highest law of the land in the U.S., it trumps “public accommodation” law.
Point out where the constitution says it's a protected right to discriminate in business.
Where in the constitution does it say it is a protected right to discriminate in commerce?
Literally every part of every section. Especially the 10th Amendment which states that the federal government is explicitly restricted to the 18 enumerated powers outlined and that anything beyond that is a right of the people.

And guess what? The power to control “discrimination in commerce” is not one of the 18 enumerated powers. You really should try a night course on the U.S. Constitution at your local community college.
But commerce is another kettle of fish.
Uh...no...it’s not. At all. You want so badly to believe that businesses are merely an extension of government and thus answers to the people like government. That is not the case at all no matter how desperately you want it to be.
A person is free to act as an asshole.
Do you even hear yourself? The unimaginable arrogance. Anyone who doesn’t agree with you is an “asshole” :eusa_doh:

If someone wants to hate homosexuals, who cares? Let ‘em hate homosexuals. The fact that you truly believe that everyone must Nazi goose-step in the exact same direction as your idealism or else they are “assholes” is just more evidence of your disregard for liberty.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.
That is exactly right, OldLady. Which is why we would never allow the government to discriminate against them. But this store is not the government no matter how much you wish it were.
Why should the government have different requirements, based on such fundamental tenets, than individual citizens? I have heard this argument but I don't understand it.
You idiot bigots don't care about equal rights because you have never had to fight for them yourselves.
And you fascists don’t care about liberty for the same exact reason - you never had to fight for it (and you sure as hell didn’t sacrifice your life for it). It was handed to your sorry ass on a silver platter and because of that, you have absolutely no appreciation for it.
Are you a fallen veteran, because you didn't sacrifice your life either.
No, I didn’t. But unlike you, I have the deepest appreciation for those who did and the absolute highest regard for liberty.
Freedom comes with some responsibilities. Like following the law.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.
That is exactly right, OldLady. Which is why we would never allow the government to discriminate against them. But this store is not the government no matter how much you wish it were.
Why should the government have different requirements, based on such fundamental tenets, than individual citizens? I have heard this argument but I don't understand it.
Uh...because the government serves the people. The people do not serve the government (that’s communism).

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