Tennessee store owner puts no gays allowed sign back up

idea. Either way I think ANY store owner should be allowed to deny service to WHOEVER they want. Don't want Trump supporters coming in? Fine its YOUR STORE you should have that right.
I honesty don't understand why this concept is so difficult for so many people to understand. Yes it's his business and yes it's his private property however when a private business owner opens his business to the PUBLIC then he's not allowed to discriminate against who he will serve, per the PUBLIC Accommodations Act.

And if you don't think it's fair that there even exists such a law that says he can't discriminate I can just about guaranteed you that it's passage was due to the continued actions of a bunch of racist bigots, if you really need someone to blame. The fact that there are STILL people engaged in said behavior in the year 2018 more than 50 years after the law was passed speaks volumes.

Let me correct your post......

I can just about guaranteed you that it's passage was due to the continued actions of a bunch of racist bigots, if you really need someone to blame.

I can just about guaranteed you that it's passage was due to the continued actions of a bunch of democrat racist bigots, if you really need someone to blame.

There, fixed that for you......
How is he going to know who is gay? They don't all walk around in short shorts and glitter
No idea. Either way I think ANY store owner should be allowed to deny service to WHOEVER they want. Don't want Trump supporters coming in? Fine its YOUR STORE you should have that right.

We know we know...you leftists LOVE to control EVERY aspect of someone's life including who they can live beside and who they can serve in THEIR business.
Yep, socialized medicine has never been about healthcare, gun control has never been about guns, climate change has never been about climate... They are all about control...
Maybe a gay surgeon (that he really needs) refuses him surgery. He'd probably sue. I wonder if he'd turn away a gay cop or a gay fireman. He needs to live in SA, can't go to Israel , too many gays there, Tel Aviv I read is a gay paradise.
If a gay guy did not want to perform surgery on me and refused... I’d be fine with that
How is he going to know who is gay? They don't all walk around in short shorts and glitter

They'll go off the rails.....gays can't help themselves
Right. Because everybody should just roll over whenever they are discriminated against.

You idiot bigots don't care about equal rights because you have never had to fight for them yourselves. You just sit back glibly and sneer oblivious to the anti-American sentiment you celebrate. Shameful.
Just because of my nationality does not make me special in anyway, if someone does not serve me because I am a minority... I don’t want to give them my business anyways I guess. That seems to be common sense
...But then again I’m not a control freak
How is he going to know who is gay? They don't all walk around in short shorts and glitter

They'll go off the rails.....gays can't help themselves
Right. Because everybody should just roll over whenever they are discriminated against.

You idiot bigots don't care about equal rights because you have never had to fight for them yourselves. You just sit back glibly and sneer oblivious to the anti-American sentiment you celebrate. Shameful.
You dont either, if you support certain classes or groups of people getting special rights. Or lose of human rights to private property
"Special Rights" has been a bigot's dog whistle for generations. Nobody is asking for "special rights". People are just asking for the same rights everyone is supposed to enjoy.

Rights are not a zero sum game. When all rights are extended to all citizens, others do not see their rights curtailed. Unless you consider the right to discriminate a protected right.
Wrong, political correctness fucks over millions of people
How is he going to know who is gay? They don't all walk around in short shorts and glitter

They'll go off the rails.....gays can't help themselves
Right. Because everybody should just roll over whenever they are discriminated against.

You idiot bigots don't care about equal rights because you have never had to fight for them yourselves. You just sit back glibly and sneer oblivious to the anti-American sentiment you celebrate. Shameful.

Nice...."you bigots"? GFY
What else should we call someone who believes law abiding citizens should be discriminated against?
You’re overreacting
Right. Because everybody should just roll over whenever they are discriminated against.

You idiot bigots don't care about equal rights because you have never had to fight for them yourselves. You just sit back glibly and sneer oblivious to the anti-American sentiment you celebrate. Shameful.
You dont either, if you support certain classes or groups of people getting special rights. Or lose of human rights to private property
"Special Rights" has been a bigot's dog whistle for generations. Nobody I saw asking for "special rights". People are just asking for the same rights everyone is supposed to enjoy.

Rights are not a zero sum game. When all rights are extended to all citizens, others do not see their rights curtailed. Unless you consider the right to discriminate a protected right.
So, you are saying that other people have rights to other peoples property? Seriously?
Other people have the right to patronize whatever busineythey wish so long as those patrons are law abiding citizens.

If you own a business, you also own a business license.

And that license can be taken away.
Under what grounds? Not being politically correct enough? Shut the fuck up
They'll go off the rails.....gays can't help themselves
Right. Because everybody should just roll over whenever they are discriminated against.

You idiot bigots don't care about equal rights because you have never had to fight for them yourselves. You just sit back glibly and sneer oblivious to the anti-American sentiment you celebrate. Shameful.

Nice...."you bigots"? GFY
What else should we call someone who believes law abiding citizens should be discriminated against?
What should we call people that dont support human rights and individuality?
Says a control freak...
You dont either, if you support certain classes or groups of people getting special rights. Or lose of human rights to private property
"Special Rights" has been a bigot's dog whistle for generations. Nobody I saw asking for "special rights". People are just asking for the same rights everyone is supposed to enjoy.

Rights are not a zero sum game. When all rights are extended to all citizens, others do not see their rights curtailed. Unless you consider the right to discriminate a protected right.
So, you are saying that other people have rights to other peoples property? Seriously?
Other people have the right to patronize whatever busineythey wish so long as those patrons are law abiding citizens.

If you own a business, you also own a business license.
Bullshit. Your social bedwetting doesnt trump human rights and individuality.
PA laws ARE discrimination. Why do you support institutional discrimination? I thought we had moved passed that with jim crow?
You support institutional discrimination, violations of human rights and individuality. You, sir, are a statist and a bigot.
Let me get this straight. You applaud a store owner putting a sign in his window that says "No Gays Allowed" and then say he is within his right to discriminate. Then you call me a bigot for calling his actions and your support of his actions bigoted.

That's some World Class rhetorical gymnastics there! Have you ever considered a class in Philosophy at a community college? You might find it illuminating.
You’re a control freak, that alone gives you no credibility
People may have bigotry in their hearts. But there is no right to express that bigotry in commerce.
There you go again being a control freak, you obviously have no credibility.
So shut the fuck up
People may have bigotry in their hearts. But there is no right to express that bigotry in commerce.
thanks for the 4-1-1 hitler
Would you see a "Whites Only" sign at a restaurant as anything other than bigoted? Would you see a sign that reads "No Women Need Apply" in the window of a convenience store as anything but sexist?

What crimes are Gays committing? What is the rationale for excluding them from a business?
Personal choice, that’s what this country is supposed to be about… But socialism fucks everything up it touches

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