Tennessee store owner puts no gays allowed sign back up

Freedom comes with some responsibilities. Like following the law.
Yes it does. And you people are not following the highest law in the land - the U.S. Constitution. Since you know that, why are you intentionally supporting not following the law?
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.
That is exactly right, OldLady. Which is why we would never allow the government to discriminate against them. But this store is not the government no matter how much you wish it were.
Why should the government have different requirements, based on such fundamental tenets, than individual citizens? I have heard this argument but I don't understand it.
Uh...because the government serves the people. The people do not serve the government (that’s communism).
Keep going.
If it is right and fitting for the government not to discriminate, why is it not right and fitting for individuals not to discriminate, is what I want to know.
Freedom comes with some responsibilities. Like following the law.
Yes it does. And you people are not following the highest law in the land - the U.S. Constitution. Since you know that, why are you intentionally supporting not following the law?
What in the U.S. Constitution are "we people" violating? Quote it, please.
If it is right and fitting for the government not to discriminate, why is it not right and fitting for individuals not to discriminate, is what I want to know.
I just explained it to you sweetie. In the most clear and simple terms. Don’t pretend like you didn’t understand because you’ve been proven wrong. And shame on you for even needing that explained to you.
What in the U.S. Constitution are "we people" violating? Quote it, please.
What haven’t you violated? You’ve violated the 1st Amendment, the 2nd Amendment, the 4th Amendment, the 10th Amendment, and a whole lot more. It’s sad that you need that explained to you. That means you’re either lying or you never read the U.S. Constitution. Either one is unacceptable.
What in the U.S. Constitution are "we people" violating? Quote it, please.
What haven’t you violated? You’ve violated the 1st Amendment, the 2nd Amendment, the 4th Amendment, the 10th Amendment, and a whole lot more. It’s sad that you need that explained to you. That means you’re either lying or you never read the U.S. Constitution. Either one is unacceptable.
So you believe the Supreme Court has been making bad decisions.
Don't blame me for that.
If it is right and fitting for the government not to discriminate, why is it not right and fitting for individuals not to discriminate, is what I want to know.
I just explained it to you sweetie. In the most clear and simple terms. Don’t pretend like you didn’t understand because you’ve been proven wrong. And shame on you for even needing that explained to you.
No, you really didn't and I am not following that "reasoning" at all. We don't work for the government. I understand that statement on its face, but it doesn't answer my question. It's okay. If you can't answer it, so be it. Maybe someone else can.
If it is right and fitting for the government not to discriminate, why is it not right and fitting for individuals not to discriminate, is what I want to know.

Because government is an entirely different entity than an individual or business. We have granted government power over us that we would never grant to another person or business. You can't ignore government. You can't boycott government. So we impose a number of restrictions on government to keep it from abusing its power (aka the Constitution). One of those is a requirement of equal treatment of the people it governs.

Individuals and businesses do not have the power that we grant to government. They are people, like you and me, and they are (or at least should be) entitled to their preferences and biases without having to justify them.
So you believe the Supreme Court has been making bad decisions. Don't blame me for that.
You’re the one who supports progressives like Barack Insane Obama who stacks the courts with political activists rather than actual justices. It’s squarely on your shoulders.
We don't work for the government. I understand that statement on its face
Nobody said anything about “work”. The fact that you have to resort to pretending to not understand speaks volumes.

Government serves the people...therefore it cannot discriminate against the citizens it serves. Private citizens do not serve the government. Private citizens have the liberty to hate anyone they want to hate. Period.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.
Even queer men, TN.

So you are saying Gandhi, Hitler and Mother Teresa were equal ...
Or were created equal and it's a completely different story after that, but they should be treated the same way in any case ... :dunno:

How DARE this man talk about Christianity. The religion of Jesus is not a filthy religion. He is not a Christian. He is just a filthy man full of hate for his fellow human beings. Seriously, these insults to Christianity need to stop.
To whomever rated my post as "funny." I have been all over this world, from Ephesus, to the Vatican, to Canterbury. You cannot destroy my faith i n God, no matter how hard you try.
How DARE this man talk about Christianity. The religion of Jesus is not a filthy religion. He is not a Christian. He is just a filthy man full of hate for his fellow human beings. Seriously, these insults to Christianity need to stop.
To whomever rated my post as "funny." I have been all over this world, from Ephesus, to the Vatican, to Canterbury. You cannot destroy my faith i n God, no matter how hard you try.

Don't get ahead of yourself ... If you are Christian ...
The man's sins and salvation are between him and God through Christ ... Has nothing to do with you ... :thup:

I don't know who funnied your first post ... But I am going to give you a hardy funny for the one above.


How DARE this man talk about Christianity. The religion of Jesus is not a filthy religion. He is not a Christian. He is just a filthy man full of hate for his fellow human beings. Seriously, these insults to Christianity need to stop.
To whomever rated my post as "funny." I have been all over this world, from Ephesus, to the Vatican, to Canterbury. You cannot destroy my faith i n God, no matter how hard you try.
If you click on the word "List" you will see who rated your post funny.
So why do people like this guy try to dirty our faith? The legacy of Jesus should not be dragged through the mud like this Amyx guy is doing. Why does he try to drag the legacy of Jesus into his sewer?
So why do people like this guy try to dirty our faith? The legacy of Jesus should not be dragged through the mud like this Amyx guy is doing. Why does he try to drag the legacy of Jesus into his sewer?
Why are you being such a Drama Queen? This man never said he speaks for Jesus. He believes homosexuality to be a sin as he understands the Bible. That’s all. Nothing less. Nothing more.
So why do people like this guy try to dirty our faith? The legacy of Jesus should not be dragged through the mud like this Amyx guy is doing. Why does he try to drag the legacy of Jesus into his sewer?
Your faith says homos are an abomination.

The question becomes, what kind of Christian defies their own God?
So why do people like this guy try to dirty our faith? The legacy of Jesus should not be dragged through the mud like this Amyx guy is doing. Why does he try to drag the legacy of Jesus into his sewer?
Your faith says homos are an abomination.

The question becomes, what kind of Christian defies their own God?

My faith says that all of us are the children of God. The sickness is in your own soul, your own weakness, and your insecurity over your sexuality, which you use to try to attack your fellow human beings.
idea. Either way I think ANY store owner should be allowed to deny service to WHOEVER they want. Don't want Trump supporters coming in? Fine its YOUR STORE you should have that right.
I honesty don't understand why this concept is so difficult for so many people to understand. Yes it's his business and yes it's his private property however when a private business owner opens his business to the PUBLIC then he's not allowed to discriminate against who he will serve, per the PUBLIC Accommodations Act.

And if you don't think it's fair that there even exists such a law that says he can't discriminate I can just about guaranteed you that it's passage was due to the continued actions of a bunch of racist bigots, if you really need someone to blame. The fact that there are STILL people engaged in said behavior in the year 2018 more than 50 years after the law was passed speaks volumes.

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