Tennessee store owner puts no gays allowed sign back up

You idiot bigots don't care about equal rights because you have never had to fight for them yourselves.
And you fascists don’t care about liberty for the same exact reason - you never had to fight for it (and you sure as hell didn’t sacrifice your life for it). It was handed to your sorry ass on a silver platter and because of that, you have absolutely no appreciation for it.
Are you a fallen veteran, because you didn't sacrifice your life either.
No, I didn’t. But unlike you, I have the deepest appreciation for those who did and the absolute highest regard for liberty.
Way off topic but...

When and where have I ever failed to be grateful for the blessings of liberty?
You being a control freak proves that you are not grateful for anything but politically correct behavior
As much I think anti-discrimination laws need to stand, I actually think the decision on the Colorado baker is harder than people on either side are willing to admit.
The very first sentence of the First Amendment is "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."
Then it continues "or abridging the freedom of speech" which the Court has over the years found to also mean freedom of expression, and is the argument that the baker in Colorado used.
So the argument is two warring principles from the very first sentence of the First Amendment.

Then there's the "all men are created equal" tenet that we try to live by as Americans, leading to the PA laws.

So I can see why the SC ducked and dived on this one. What a hell of a decision to have to make. I wish there was some way to find a compromise that would satisfy everyone.
There is no real freedom when you take personal choices away…
Wait until Jewish deli owners are forced to serve BLT's with delicious bacon.

You'll learn what makes America great.
Listen, idiot. IF you provide a service, you have to provide it to everyone equally. No one says you have to bake wedding cakes or serve bacon. That is your choice. If you DO sell bacon, you have to serve it to everyone equally.
No you dont. You are legally allowed to discriminate against anyone that isnt a protected class. YOU support that. YOU are a bigot. YOU support institutional discrimination.
I bet you miss jim crow and slavery, too
Stick it in your ear, troll.
Im not trolling.
Oops. I forgot. Logic in this place isnt consistent. Some of you dont mind throwing away intellectual honesty for agenda.
Some of you dont mind throwing away intellectual honesty for agenda.
There you go, basing opinions on what posters say here
When you’re a control freak you have no intellectual honesty whatsoever
Its hard to say. Im not for sure what kind of county Grainger is but i know its rural.
I believe the backlash could very well still hit the smallest of towns/counties.. but who knows

I have a feeling he ain't gonna lose much business.
He might not. Only half the state supports same sex marriage but this is different. I know i wouldnt go there.
So why aren't you yelling at Pop? HE doesn't think people in TN will boycott, either. Let's not be a hypocrite, TN.
Me and pop havent had a convo where he states that all people in TN are racists that ride around in their piece of shit mud trucks with rebel flags dragging ******* behind them at 55 mph. me and you have. I know where your opinion comes from.
all people in TN are racists that ride around in their piece of shit mud trucks with rebel flags dragging ******* behind them at 55 mph. me and you have. I know where your opinion comes from.
Out and out lying
Says a control freak
Im not trolling.
Oops. I forgot. Logic in this place isnt consistent. Some of you dont mind throwing away intellectual honesty for agenda.
When you start saying idiot shit like "I bet you miss jim crow and slavery, too" you most certainly are throwing miserable shit bombs that you are 100% certain are not true. Partisan trolling, which isn't all that like you.
What does this have to do with partisanship?
Of course i dont think you did/do. I was just being an asshole. But you do support institutional discrimination. Apparently, you dont give a shit about every other class thats not protected in this country or you wouldnt be calling it equality. Because it isnt. It outlaws discrimination against SOME people. That is truth.
TN, what do you need to be protected against as a healthy, hetero white man?

Race nationality and religion doesnt cover all bases. It only covers 3. IF you are in a state that adds gays as a protected class, you have 4.
Protected classes are federal and have been determined by SCOTUS. Sexual orientation is one of them. You can not discriminate on sexual orientation.
The right to refuse service to anybody is a personal choice why would you have a problem with that?
Wait until Jewish deli owners are forced to serve BLT's with delicious bacon.

You'll learn what makes America great.
Listen, idiot. IF you provide a service, you have to provide it to everyone equally. No one says you have to bake wedding cakes or serve bacon. That is your choice. If you DO sell bacon, you have to serve it to everyone equally.
No you dont. You are legally allowed to discriminate against anyone that isnt a protected class. YOU support that. YOU are a bigot. YOU support institutional discrimination.
I bet you miss jim crow and slavery, too
Stick it in your ear, troll.

Old Lady why are you being so nasty?

Drink some herbal tea, meditate and remember Harley is young and is the byproduct of the 1990's failed society...

Now let be honest and admit the old phart in Tennessee ( not Harley ) is a rare case and why give a damn about him?

You are making him into the victim when his bigotry will ruin him in time...
What I give a damn about is that TN thinks discrimination is hunky dory. He SAYS he wouldn't discriminate himself, but "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

I don't have THAT much faith in humankind, Bruce, to think that people will just suddenly stop discriminating when even WITH laws they still do and still want to. Ignoring it and saying it will go away because you shrug and say oh well and shut your eyes to it WILL NOT MAKE IT STOP.
hate the sin not the sinner
No you dont. You are legally allowed to discriminate against anyone that isnt a protected class. YOU support that. YOU are a bigot. YOU support institutional discrimination.
I bet you miss jim crow and slavery, too
Stick it in your ear, troll.
Im not trolling.
Oops. I forgot. Logic in this place isnt consistent. Some of you dont mind throwing away intellectual honesty for agenda.
When you start saying idiot shit like "I bet you miss jim crow and slavery, too" you most certainly are throwing miserable shit bombs that you are 100% certain are not true. Partisan trolling, which isn't all that like you.
What does this have to do with partisanship?
Of course i dont think you did/do. I was just being an asshole. But you do support institutional discrimination. Apparently, you dont give a shit about every other class thats not protected in this country or you wouldnt be calling it equality. Because it isnt. It outlaws discrimination against SOME people. That is truth.
TN, what do you need to be protected against as a healthy, hetero white man?
You white people, especially the guys are the most discriminated against people in this country...
America is a great country. One has so many 'rights'! It is wonderful to be 'free'. Of course, 'free' in a democracy and its subset republic has innate responsibility. It is, thus, bewildering that so few Americans avail themselves of the right to use their intelligence and recognize the extent of their responsibility.
Freedom of choice should be the first responsibility... like mind your own fucking business
Tennessee store puts 'No Gays Allowed' sign back up after Supreme Court cake ruling

Good for him! His business he should be allowed to say who he serves!
Ten bucks says he`s gay. Why else would he spend so much time thinking about them?

Not this lame shit again
He’s definitely a closeted faggot. Yanking his stub to gay boys on the internet while his wife is in bed. Then hating himself after he nuts into a sock. Fucking fags! Why do they make me do this?!
Who knows maybe… But it seems to be his business does it not? Why do you want to control people you disagree with?
When and where have I ever failed to be grateful for the blessings of liberty?
In every post that you claim the federal government should have the power to tell people who they can and cannot dislike, who they can and cannot do business with, etc.
Not who they dislike. A person is free to act as an asshole. But commerce is another kettle of fish.
No, only in the eyes of a fucked up control freak like yourself
You idiot bigots don't care about equal rights because you have never had to fight for them yourselves.
And you fascists don’t care about liberty for the same exact reason - you never had to fight for it (and you sure as hell didn’t sacrifice your life for it). It was handed to your sorry ass on a silver platter and because of that, you have absolutely no appreciation for it.
Are you a fallen veteran, because you didn't sacrifice your life either.

Liberty does not include the 'liberty' to discriminate in commerce with any individual who is not a criminal or making a disruption in your business.

You're justifying Jim Crow when you make that argument.

And never forget these two things; Americans of any part of the political spectrum appreciates the blessings of liberty, and we show that appreciation by making America a land where freedoms are distributed equally among its citizens.
Political correctness is the worst type of discrimination
Tennessee store puts 'No Gays Allowed' sign back up after Supreme Court cake ruling

Good for him! His business he should be allowed to say who he serves!

Yeah, no gays, no blacks, no Mexicans.

Make America HATE again.
Make America FREE Again

Time to get your nose out of your neighbors business

Wait, freedom is not telling other countries what to do? Like Trump in Singapore so he can tell Kim what to do?
The right to refuse service to anybody is a personal choice why would you have a problem with that?
Because fascists cannot accept personal choice or individuality. Everyone must be forced to Nazi goose-step in the exact same direction.
Wait, freedom is not telling other countries what to do? Like Trump in Singapore so he can tell Kim what to do?
One does not have the “freedom” to torture and brutally murder people. Stop with the desperate arguments and just admit you’re an idiot who was wrong.
You idiot bigots don't care about equal rights because you have never had to fight for them yourselves.
And you fascists don’t care about liberty for the same exact reason - you never had to fight for it (and you sure as hell didn’t sacrifice your life for it). It was handed to your sorry ass on a silver platter and because of that, you have absolutely no appreciation for it.
Are you a fallen veteran, because you didn't sacrifice your life either.

Liberty does not include the 'liberty' to discriminate in commerce with any individual who is not a criminal or making a disruption in your business.

You're justifying Jim Crow when you make that argument.

And never forget these two things; Americans of any part of the political spectrum appreciates the blessings of liberty, and we show that appreciation by making America a land where freedoms are distributed equally among its citizens.
Political correctness is the worst type of discrimination
Political correctness is merely good manners. Not insulting someone is something we were supposed to learn in kindergarten.

No one has the right to prevent commerce with another law abiding American because they think they're 'icky'.
No one has the right to prevent commerce with another law abiding American because they think they're 'icky'.
Yes, they do. You do not have the power to force commerce, no matter how much you wish you do.

Either cite the section of the U.S. Constitution that grants you the power over others to force them into commerce or shut the fuck up already. You sound like an idiot. Grow up for God sakes.
You idiot bigots don't care about equal rights because you have never had to fight for them yourselves.
And you fascists don’t care about liberty for the same exact reason - you never had to fight for it (and you sure as hell didn’t sacrifice your life for it). It was handed to your sorry ass on a silver platter and because of that, you have absolutely no appreciation for it.
Are you a fallen veteran, because you didn't sacrifice your life either.

Liberty does not include the 'liberty' to discriminate in commerce with any individual who is not a criminal or making a disruption in your business.

You're justifying Jim Crow when you make that argument.

And never forget these two things; Americans of any part of the political spectrum appreciates the blessings of liberty, and we show that appreciation by making America a land where freedoms are distributed equally among its citizens.
Political correctness is the worst type of discrimination
Political correctness is merely good manners. Not insulting someone is something we were supposed to learn in kindergarten.

No one has the right to prevent commerce with another law abiding American because they think they're 'icky'.
Na, political correctness is all about controlling people you disagree with... fact
You idiot bigots don't care about equal rights because you have never had to fight for them yourselves.
And you fascists don’t care about liberty for the same exact reason - you never had to fight for it (and you sure as hell didn’t sacrifice your life for it). It was handed to your sorry ass on a silver platter and because of that, you have absolutely no appreciation for it.
Are you a fallen veteran, because you didn't sacrifice your life either.

Liberty does not include the 'liberty' to discriminate in commerce with any individual who is not a criminal or making a disruption in your business.

You're justifying Jim Crow when you make that argument.

And never forget these two things; Americans of any part of the political spectrum appreciates the blessings of liberty, and we show that appreciation by making America a land where freedoms are distributed equally among its citizens.
Political correctness is the worst type of discrimination
Political correctness is merely good manners. Not insulting someone is something we were supposed to learn in kindergarten.

No one has the right to prevent commerce with another law abiding American because they think they're 'icky'.
Na, political correctness is all about controlling people you disagree with... fact

It's radically different than law though. Political correctness is just people speaking up for their values. It's no different than the baker refusing to bake a cake for something he doesn't believe in.

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