Tennessee store owner puts no gays allowed sign back up

How is he going to know who is gay? They don't all walk around in short shorts and glitter

They'll go off the rails.....gays can't help themselves
Right. Because everybody should just roll over whenever they are discriminated against.

You idiot bigots don't care about equal rights because you have never had to fight for them yourselves. You just sit back glibly and sneer oblivious to the anti-American sentiment you celebrate. Shameful.

Nice...."you bigots"? GFY
Yes....you bigots. He didn't stutter.
How is he going to know who is gay? They don't all walk around in short shorts and glitter

They'll go off the rails.....gays can't help themselves
Right. Because everybody should just roll over whenever they are discriminated against.

You idiot bigots don't care about equal rights because you have never had to fight for them yourselves. You just sit back glibly and sneer oblivious to the anti-American sentiment you celebrate. Shameful.

Nice...."you bigots"? GFY
What else should we call someone who believes law abiding citizens should be discriminated against?
THe best thing to do, is for all gays in that area to go to his business and order a whole bunch of stuff/services....and when he gets it all lined up go..."Oops! You don't serve gays. Sorry. Have a nice day."
How is he going to know who is gay? They don't all walk around in short shorts and glitter

They'll go off the rails.....gays can't help themselves
Clearly you are the ones off the rails.

What is it about gays that terrifies you so?

Because they are smarter than you?

They look better than you?

Are more talented than you?

Don't get government support like you do?

You're talking to a sock....of someone who was in the closet for years.
So, you are saying that other people have rights to other peoples property? Seriously?
Other people have the right to patronize whatever busineythey wish so long as those patrons are law abiding citizens.

If you own a business, you also own a business license.
Bullshit. Your social bedwetting doesnt trump human rights and individuality.
PA laws ARE discrimination. Why do you support institutional discrimination? I thought we had moved passed that with jim crow?
You support institutional discrimination, violations of human rights and individuality. You, sir, are a statist and a bigot.
Let me get this straight. You applaud a store owner putting a sign in his window that says "No Gays Allowed" and then say he is within his right to discriminate. Then you call me a bigot for calling his actions and your support of his actions bigoted.

That's some World Class rhetorical gymnastics there! Have you ever considered a class in Philosophy at a community college? You might find it illuminating.
Do you know what bigotry is? Apparently not, or you think YOUR beliefs are exempt. Which wouldnt surprise me. Statists tend to think they know whats best for everyone.
He is a bigot too. Hell man, 99.7% of people on this planet are bigots. Why act like its such a big deal? Because its a social taboo? LOL grow up.
People have a right to be bigots. They have a right to discriminate as long as it doesnt impede on someone elses rights. No one has a right to my property except me. The govt shouldnt tell me how to run my business.
Of course, i may be biased. I am no fascist.

Everyone is bigoted against something...it's human nature. Hate Jews or even "Zionists"...you're a bigot. Hate republicans? You're a bigot
Oh...so it's ok then....because everyone is bigoted......good excuse making there, Mal.
How is he going to know who is gay? They don't all walk around in short shorts and glitter

They'll go off the rails.....gays can't help themselves
Right. Because everybody should just roll over whenever they are discriminated against.

You idiot bigots don't care about equal rights because you have never had to fight for them yourselves. You just sit back glibly and sneer oblivious to the anti-American sentiment you celebrate. Shameful.
You dont either, if you support certain classes or groups of people getting special rights. Or lose of human rights to private property
What special rights?
I can tell a person to fuck off because of a certain belief (not a god) or act but i cant if they believe in a god or the color of their skin?
Why does the christian or black guy get protections i dont?
Why does the christian get to tell a gay to fuck off in Colorado but an agnostic cant?
Simple logic.. To someone that can wipe their own ass.
You're the one opening the door for a Hitler.
freedom liberty and lack of govt regulation = a fascist state?
Are you drunk?
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.
Even queer men, TN.
Negro's were NOT considered men when that was written they were considered property and you know it.
Are Negroes men today?
Nope. Animals not far removed from Apes. Most vile of all races,at least Jews are human and smart...negroes aren't even that. Just stinky,vile trash I don't want anywhere around me or my family.
^ classic trumpanzee
a long time ago my sister and i got into a debate about something similar. only i asked her that if she found an apartment complex she loved and it was close to her and checked all her boxes, but she couldn't move on because she had a kid, would she consider that unfair? ie - the complex is "adult only". she was of course not happy and felt that would be discriminating.

according to our current laws that is true.

but what i never understood is why people can't choose their target audience when they go into business. if i'm an adult i'd love to know there are no kids who will be up early on the weekends and waking me up. or toys scattered over the property. i'd just prefer since i have no kids to live in that type of community.

why can't i?

i don't think there will ever be a good answer for that one.

as for the "no gays" sign up - may as well light your store on fire and burn it down yourself. you can't tell if people are gay in most instances and while we do have the flashy ones, that sure isn't all of 'em, no. most gay people i've known never really set off my "gaydar".

it's just another stupid LOOK AT ME argument the store owner is doing to get attention. but if he really doesn't want to serve gay people, why would gay people go there? do you really want people in the food industry FORCED to make your lunch?

you really gonna eat that?

i get the point and its' stupid and in the end i *do* feel it's his right to be that stupid. but it's my and everyone elses right to go next door and eat. most people will simply take business elsewhere and he's done.
a long time ago my sister and i got into a debate about something similar. only i asked her that if she found an apartment complex she loved and it was close to her and checked all her boxes, but she couldn't move on because she had a kid, would she consider that unfair? ie - the complex is "adult only". she was of course not happy and felt that would be discriminating.

according to our current laws that is true.

but what i never understood is why people can't choose their target audience when they go into business. if i'm an adult i'd love to know there are no kids who will be up early on the weekends and waking me up. or toys scattered over the property. i'd just prefer since i have no kids to live in that type of community.

why can't i?

i don't think there will ever be a good answer for that one.
This is America.
We are too progressive to live where we are comfortable and happy.
a long time ago my sister and i got into a debate about something similar. only i asked her that if she found an apartment complex she loved and it was close to her and checked all her boxes, but she couldn't move on because she had a kid, would she consider that unfair? ie - the complex is "adult only". she was of course not happy and felt that would be discriminating.

according to our current laws that is true.

but what i never understood is why people can't choose their target audience when they go into business. if i'm an adult i'd love to know there are no kids who will be up early on the weekends and waking me up. or toys scattered over the property. i'd just prefer since i have no kids to live in that type of community.

why can't i?

i don't think there will ever be a good answer for that one.
This is America.
We are too progressive to live where we are comfortable and happy.

we can't let people be happy doing what they want to do. we have to define what happiness is and tell people to go do that.

if in my example people don't want an all adult complex then they go out of business for making a bad call. simple as that. i understand people may feel discriminated against because they can't move in there, but why am i having to put up with their choices in life when i just want a quiet community with adults only to chill with?
Are you trying to say the constitution protects bigots?
Absolutely, positively, unquestionably, yes. It’s not even a debate. The constitution protects liberty - including the liberty to be racist, hateful, homophobic, xenophobic, claustrophobic, and anything else you fascists want to whine about.
But not the “liberty” to curtail the liberty of others. Hence anti discrimination laws.
When and where have I ever failed to be grateful for the blessings of liberty?
In every post that you claim the federal government should have the power to tell people who they can and cannot dislike, who they can and cannot do business with, etc.

In no post is he saying the government can tell people who to like, dislike or that they cannot express their inner bigot.
A person is free to act as an asshole.
Do you even hear yourself? The unimaginable arrogance. Anyone who doesn’t agree with you is an “asshole” :eusa_doh:

If someone wants to hate homosexuals, who cares? Let ‘em hate homosexuals. The fact that you truly believe that everyone must Nazi goose-step in the exact same direction as your idealism or else they are “assholes” is just more evidence of your disregard for liberty.
Correct. If someone wants to hate homosexuals it is their right. And if I want to call them an asshole for it that is my right. Or are these rights only one way?

However, what exercising my rights impinges on another’s liberty?
But not the “liberty” to curtail the liberty of others. .
Hey we agree!
What "liberty" of his, am i destroying, by telling him i wont sell him my private property?
It’s not exactly your private property. You have set up a business to serve the public, and have paid for and been granted a license to do so that grants you certain rights, protections and benefits right? And one of those is to sell to the public. The public includes gays.

Your liberty to refuse to sell impinges on his liberty to choose to purchase. If everyone in an area refuses to sell to him, then where is his liberty? It is back to Jim Crowe.
a long time ago my sister and i got into a debate about something similar. only i asked her that if she found an apartment complex she loved and it was close to her and checked all her boxes, but she couldn't move on because she had a kid, would she consider that unfair? ie - the complex is "adult only". she was of course not happy and felt that would be discriminating.

according to our current laws that is true.

but what i never understood is why people can't choose their target audience when they go into business. if i'm an adult i'd love to know there are no kids who will be up early on the weekends and waking me up. or toys scattered over the property. i'd just prefer since i have no kids to live in that type of community.

why can't i?

i don't think there will ever be a good answer for that one.
This is America.
We are too progressive to live where we are comfortable and happy.

we can't let people be happy doing what they want to do. we have to define what happiness is and tell people to go do that.

if in my example people don't want an all adult complex then they go out of business for making a bad call. simple as that. i understand people may feel discriminated against because they can't move in there, but why am i having to put up with their choices in life when i just want a quiet community with adults only to chill with?
But what if enough people in a community do not want to serve gays that restaraunts, hotels, movie theatres and stores refuse their service and are supported for it?
So let's review.....if queers turn your stomach with public acts of perversion, you're a "bigot" and have no right to keep them away from your normal customers. They are a protected class. Their "lifestyle" should be taught to 5 year olds as normal, and who cares about AIDS anyway? Oh and if you can't abide their disgusting practices, you're a secret queer yourself.... and they wonder how Trump got elected? :pout:
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But not the “liberty” to curtail the liberty of others. .
Hey we agree!
What "liberty" of his, am i destroying, by telling him i wont sell him my private property?
It’s not exactly your private property. You have set up a business to serve the public, and have paid for and been granted a license to do so that grants you certain rights, protections and benefits right? And one of those is to sell to the public. The public includes gays.

Your liberty to refuse to sell impinges on his liberty to choose to purchase. If everyone in an area refuses to sell to him, then where is his liberty? It is back to Jim Crowe.
Apparently we need to establish what liberty is.
Here is the definition
  1. 1.
    the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views. Agreed?

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