Tennessee store owner puts no gays allowed sign back up

Political correctness is just people speaking up for their values. It's no different than the baker refusing to bake a cake for something he doesn't believe in.
Not true at all. The baker doesn’t insist that nobody bake the cake - he/she just insists that they won’t. With political correctness, progressives insist that everyone obey. It’s just a new tool in their toolkit of slavery.
It would be nice if we could pass a law extending the Civil Rights Act to include sexual preference and identity on a federal level, but alas, we have not yet. We're caught in that point of time where a certain right was extended to some but not others, similar to the 50-plus years when fresh-off-the-boat immigrant men could vote, but women couldn't. It was rectified, as this will be, steamrolling those of you who are entrenched in the thinking that gay people are somehow evil or a threat to your way of life.

In the meantime, as was pointed out on page one,
I seriously doubt a hardware-roofing store in Tenn is going to suffer much over that sign
No one has the right to prevent commerce with another law abiding American because they think they're 'icky'.
Yes, they do. You do not have the power to force commerce, no matter how much you wish you do.

Either cite the section of the U.S. Constitution that grants you the power over others to force them into commerce or shut the fuck up already. You sound like an idiot. Grow up for God sakes.
Amendments No. 9 and 14.
No one has the right to prevent commerce with another law abiding American because they think they're 'icky'.
Yes, they do. You do not have the power to force commerce, no matter how much you wish you do.

Either cite the section of the U.S. Constitution that grants you the power over others to force them into commerce or shut the fuck up already. You sound like an idiot. Grow up for God sakes.
Amendments No. 9 and 14.
You literally just proved yourself wrong. Thank you.
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people
The people have the right to “discriminate” against anyone they want, any time they want. They have the right to be a bigot, a racist, a homophobe, or anything else.
The SCOTUS ruling had nothing to do with "gay" or Public Accommodation Laws.

Who cares, I just want to be able to tell Asian midgets that they are not welcome in my business -- I can't fully appreciate what it means to be a patriotic American until I can deny services to a pregnant black woman

That is what makes America great!!
Wait until Jewish deli owners are forced to serve BLT's with delicious bacon.

You'll learn what makes America great.

Orthodox jewish people don't eat pork.

That doesn't mean that all jewish people don't eat pork.

Nor does it mean that orthodox jewish people can't cook pork to make a sandwich in their business.

They aren't eating the sandwich.

Plus if they don't serve pork to everyone no one is being discriminated. If it's not on their menu there's no problem.
I have a feeling he ain't gonna lose much business.
He might not. Only half the state supports same sex marriage but this is different. I know i wouldnt go there.
So why aren't you yelling at Pop? HE doesn't think people in TN will boycott, either. Let's not be a hypocrite, TN.
Me and pop havent had a convo where he states that all people in TN are racists that ride around in their piece of shit mud trucks with rebel flags dragging ******* behind them at 55 mph. me and you have. I know where your opinion comes from.
all people in TN are racists that ride around in their piece of shit mud trucks with rebel flags dragging ******* behind them at 55 mph. me and you have. I know where your opinion comes from.
Out and out lying
Says a control freak
You've just spent two pages spamming everyone with your "control freak" spam. Why don't you go dust your guns?
He looks like an angry creep. Ugh. Who would want to enter his store. I hope he goes bankrupt.


Ugly inside and outside. So this is a Christian, I so doubt it. He gives Christianity a bad name.

He looks gay.
Amazing how anti-Christlike these so called 'Christians' are yes?

They aren't Christians, they use that religion as Isis or the Taliban use Islam. As a front to legitimize biogtry and hatred.

They weaponize it.
He might not. Only half the state supports same sex marriage but this is different. I know i wouldnt go there.
So why aren't you yelling at Pop? HE doesn't think people in TN will boycott, either. Let's not be a hypocrite, TN.
Me and pop havent had a convo where he states that all people in TN are racists that ride around in their piece of shit mud trucks with rebel flags dragging ******* behind them at 55 mph. me and you have. I know where your opinion comes from.
all people in TN are racists that ride around in their piece of shit mud trucks with rebel flags dragging ******* behind them at 55 mph. me and you have. I know where your opinion comes from.
Out and out lying
Says a control freak
You've just spent two pages spamming everyone with your "control freak" spam. Why don't you go dust your guns?
The truth hurts?
The SCOTUS ruling had nothing to do with "gay" or Public Accommodation Laws.

Who cares, I just want to be able to tell Asian midgets that they are not welcome in my business -- I can't fully appreciate what it means to be a patriotic American until I can deny services to a pregnant black woman

That is what makes America great!!
Wait until Jewish deli owners are forced to serve BLT's with delicious bacon.

You'll learn what makes America great.

Orthodox jewish people don't eat pork.

That doesn't mean that all jewish people don't eat pork.

Nor does it mean that orthodox jewish people can't cook pork to make a sandwich in their business.

They aren't eating the sandwich.

Plus if they don't serve pork to everyone no one is being discriminated. If it's not on their menu there's no problem.
Then force them to make ham sandwiches. muslims, too.

The reason they don't serve pork is because it's against their religion, the same as decorating a gay cake is against their religion.

Explain why anyone should be forced to defy their God for some political movement.
Then force them to make ham sandwiches. muslims, too.

The reason they don't serve pork is because it's against their religion, the same as decorating a gay cake is against their religion.

Explain why anyone should be forced to defy their God for some political movement
That is the single best response on this topic I've read.
He looks like an angry creep. Ugh. Who would want to enter his store. I hope he goes bankrupt.


Ugly inside and outside. So this is a Christian, I so doubt it. He gives Christianity a bad name.

You sound totally inclusive of all people, or does that only count for people that think like you?

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