Tennessee store owner puts no gays allowed sign back up

He might not. Only half the state supports same sex marriage but this is different. I know i wouldnt go there.
So why aren't you yelling at Pop? HE doesn't think people in TN will boycott, either. Let's not be a hypocrite, TN.
Me and pop havent had a convo where he states that all people in TN are racists that ride around in their piece of shit mud trucks with rebel flags dragging ******* behind them at 55 mph. me and you have. I know where your opinion comes from.
all people in TN are racists that ride around in their piece of shit mud trucks with rebel flags dragging ******* behind them at 55 mph. me and you have. I know where your opinion comes from.
Out and out lying
It was paraphrased. Sorry if i didnt spend an hour trying to find the exact convo ;)
You are confusing me with another smart, funny, attractive female poster, apparently.
Nope. It was you.
I still love ya though ;)
I serve everybody in my business.

Heck, I even sell to an ugly little gnome who festoons his car with all sorts of stupid Pallywood shit and runs around in a cap adorned with any number of anti-Israel pins.

Anybody who knows me knows how I feel about that.

I have all sorts of gay customers, including many of my favorites. It would be foolish for me to alienate people unnecessarily.
freedom liberty and lack of govt regulation = a fascist state?
Are you drunk?
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.
Even queer men, TN.
Negro's were NOT considered men when that was written they were considered property and you know it.
So what? It's still an abiding foundation of what America stands for, and you know that.
You aren't following here. How would blacks be considered equal if they weren't even considered MEN when that was written!? If you go back and READ everything the founders wrote by MEN they meant WHITE men. Period. Read the naturalization acts of the 1790's they make it quite clear.
Those gays were white men.
Homosexuality is a mental illness that is not allowed to be treated anymore. There were no homosexual founding fathers.
Tennessee store puts 'No Gays Allowed' sign back up after Supreme Court cake ruling

Good for him! His business he should be allowed to say who he serves!
"In a narrow 7-2 decision" :lmao:

Btw, they used to have "Whites only" signs up. I bet you can't wait to see those signs make a comeback and pop up all over the place.
Yep! I enjoy freedom. I don't care if its blacks only,hispanics only,whites only,etc etc don't care! Thankfully here negro's stick out like a sore thumb...they ain't welcome here and they know it. We are a fairly white county with for some reason an influx of illegal mexican SHIT that we are slowly running out of town because they can't afford it here anymore. The whiter the better here,our community our choice.
So riddle me this, if you are gay and an establishment does not want you there, don't you want to know or find out the hard way as they spit in your food and put God only knows what in your cloudy drink.
So why aren't you yelling at Pop? HE doesn't think people in TN will boycott, either. Let's not be a hypocrite, TN.
Me and pop havent had a convo where he states that all people in TN are racists that ride around in their piece of shit mud trucks with rebel flags dragging ******* behind them at 55 mph. me and you have. I know where your opinion comes from.
all people in TN are racists that ride around in their piece of shit mud trucks with rebel flags dragging ******* behind them at 55 mph. me and you have. I know where your opinion comes from.
Out and out lying
It was paraphrased. Sorry if i didnt spend an hour trying to find the exact convo ;)
You are confusing me with another smart, funny, attractive female poster, apparently.
Nope. It was you.
I still love ya though ;)
You are lying and I do take offense to that.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.
Even queer men, TN.
Negro's were NOT considered men when that was written they were considered property and you know it.
So what? It's still an abiding foundation of what America stands for, and you know that.
You aren't following here. How would blacks be considered equal if they weren't even considered MEN when that was written!? If you go back and READ everything the founders wrote by MEN they meant WHITE men. Period. Read the naturalization acts of the 1790's they make it quite clear.
Those gays were white men.
Homosexuality is a mental illness that is not allowed to be treated anymore. There were no homosexual founding fathers.
Tennessee store puts 'No Gays Allowed' sign back up after Supreme Court cake ruling

Good for him! His business he should be allowed to say who he serves!
"In a narrow 7-2 decision" :lmao:

Btw, they used to have "Whites only" signs up. I bet you can't wait to see those signs make a comeback and pop up all over the place.
Yep! I enjoy freedom. I don't care if its blacks only,hispanics only,whites only,etc etc don't care! Thankfully here negro's stick out like a sore thumb...they ain't welcome here and they know it. We are a fairly white county with for some reason an influx of illegal mexican SHIT that we are slowly running out of town because they can't afford it here anymore. The whiter the better here,our community our choice.
FYI, here's the Founding Faggots info. 15 Gay Founding Fathers and Mothers
As much I think anti-discrimination laws need to stand, I actually think the decision on the Colorado baker is harder than people on either side are willing to admit.
The very first sentence of the First Amendment is "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."
Then it continues "or abridging the freedom of speech" which the Court has over the years found to also mean freedom of expression, and is the argument that the baker in Colorado used.
So the argument is two warring principles from the very first sentence of the First Amendment.

Then there's the "all men are created equal" tenet that we try to live by as Americans, leading to the PA laws.

So I can see why the SC ducked and dived on this one. What a hell of a decision to have to make. I wish there was some way to find a compromise that would satisfy everyone.
Me and pop havent had a convo where he states that all people in TN are racists that ride around in their piece of shit mud trucks with rebel flags dragging ******* behind them at 55 mph. me and you have. I know where your opinion comes from.
all people in TN are racists that ride around in their piece of shit mud trucks with rebel flags dragging ******* behind them at 55 mph. me and you have. I know where your opinion comes from.
Out and out lying
It was paraphrased. Sorry if i didnt spend an hour trying to find the exact convo ;)
You are confusing me with another smart, funny, attractive female poster, apparently.
Nope. It was you.
I still love ya though ;)
You are lying and I do take offense to that.
Do you not remember you saying how the south was a bunch of rebel flag sporting racists and i returned with "well the north is full of assholes and bitches" out of spite?
We talked for a while. After i brought you out of the stone age, we had a decent convo.
It hurts you dont remember :/
Negro's were NOT considered men when that was written they were considered property and you know it.
So what? It's still an abiding foundation of what America stands for, and you know that.
You aren't following here. How would blacks be considered equal if they weren't even considered MEN when that was written!? If you go back and READ everything the founders wrote by MEN they meant WHITE men. Period. Read the naturalization acts of the 1790's they make it quite clear.
Those gays were white men.
Homosexuality is a mental illness that is not allowed to be treated anymore. There were no homosexual founding fathers.
Tennessee store puts 'No Gays Allowed' sign back up after Supreme Court cake ruling

Good for him! His business he should be allowed to say who he serves!
"In a narrow 7-2 decision" :lmao:

Btw, they used to have "Whites only" signs up. I bet you can't wait to see those signs make a comeback and pop up all over the place.
Yep! I enjoy freedom. I don't care if its blacks only,hispanics only,whites only,etc etc don't care! Thankfully here negro's stick out like a sore thumb...they ain't welcome here and they know it. We are a fairly white county with for some reason an influx of illegal mexican SHIT that we are slowly running out of town because they can't afford it here anymore. The whiter the better here,our community our choice.
FYI, here's the Founding Faggots info. 15 Gay Founding Fathers and Mothers
I hope they didn't forget Eleanor Roosevelt. She was awesome.
As much I think anti-discrimination laws need to stand, I actually think the decision on the Colorado baker is harder than people on either side are willing to admit.
The very first sentence of the First Amendment is "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."
Then it continues "or abridging the freedom of speech" which the Court has over the years found to also mean freedom of expression, and is the argument that the baker in Colorado used.
So the argument is two warring principles from the very first sentence of the First Amendment.

Then there's the "all men are created equal" tenet that we try to live by as Americans, leading to the PA laws.

So I can see why the SC ducked and dived on this one. What a hell of a decision to have to make. I wish there was some way to find a compromise that would satisfy everyone.
Its not supposed to be about compromise. Its supposed to be about the Constitution.
Compromise comes through legislation and amendments.
The SC is SUPPOSED to be impartial and not political hacks like it has been for generations.
all people in TN are racists that ride around in their piece of shit mud trucks with rebel flags dragging ******* behind them at 55 mph. me and you have. I know where your opinion comes from.
Out and out lying
It was paraphrased. Sorry if i didnt spend an hour trying to find the exact convo ;)
You are confusing me with another smart, funny, attractive female poster, apparently.
Nope. It was you.
I still love ya though ;)
You are lying and I do take offense to that.
Do you not remember you saying how the south was a bunch of rebel flag sporting racists and i returned with "well the north is full of assholes and bitches" out of spite?
We talked for a while. After i brought you out of the stone age, we had a decent convo.
It hurts you dont remember :/
I honestly don't remember that; it doesn't even sound like me. I still think you're either remembering it wrong or have me confused with someone else. You'd best not be gaslighting me, or I'll pop you one.
As much I think anti-discrimination laws need to stand, I actually think the decision on the Colorado baker is harder than people on either side are willing to admit.
The very first sentence of the First Amendment is "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."
Then it continues "or abridging the freedom of speech" which the Court has over the years found to also mean freedom of expression, and is the argument that the baker in Colorado used.
So the argument is two warring principles from the very first sentence of the First Amendment.

Then there's the "all men are created equal" tenet that we try to live by as Americans, leading to the PA laws.

So I can see why the SC ducked and dived on this one. What a hell of a decision to have to make. I wish there was some way to find a compromise that would satisfy everyone.
Its not supposed to be about compromise. Its supposed to be about the Constitution.
Compromise comes through legislation and amendments.
The SC is SUPPOSED to be impartial and not political hacks like it has been for generations.
Fine, your side heard from again. Not paying any attention to my point. I imagine that will be the response from everyone.
It was paraphrased. Sorry if i didnt spend an hour trying to find the exact convo ;)
You are confusing me with another smart, funny, attractive female poster, apparently.
Nope. It was you.
I still love ya though ;)
You are lying and I do take offense to that.
Do you not remember you saying how the south was a bunch of rebel flag sporting racists and i returned with "well the north is full of assholes and bitches" out of spite?
We talked for a while. After i brought you out of the stone age, we had a decent convo.
It hurts you dont remember :/
I honestly don't remember that; it doesn't even sound like me. I still think you're either remembering it wrong or have me confused with someone else. You'd best not be gaslighting me, or I'll pop you one.
Lol no!
IDK why you would think that, you did the same thing in this thread a couple hours ago lol
Negro's were NOT considered men when that was written they were considered property and you know it.
So what? It's still an abiding foundation of what America stands for, and you know that.
You aren't following here. How would blacks be considered equal if they weren't even considered MEN when that was written!? If you go back and READ everything the founders wrote by MEN they meant WHITE men. Period. Read the naturalization acts of the 1790's they make it quite clear.
Those gays were white men.
Homosexuality is a mental illness that is not allowed to be treated anymore. There were no homosexual founding fathers.
Tennessee store puts 'No Gays Allowed' sign back up after Supreme Court cake ruling

Good for him! His business he should be allowed to say who he serves!
"In a narrow 7-2 decision" :lmao:

Btw, they used to have "Whites only" signs up. I bet you can't wait to see those signs make a comeback and pop up all over the place.
Yep! I enjoy freedom. I don't care if its blacks only,hispanics only,whites only,etc etc don't care! Thankfully here negro's stick out like a sore thumb...they ain't welcome here and they know it. We are a fairly white county with for some reason an influx of illegal mexican SHIT that we are slowly running out of town because they can't afford it here anymore. The whiter the better here,our community our choice.
FYI, here's the Founding Faggots info. 15 Gay Founding Fathers and Mothers
Yes yes a faggot website is such a REAL source of information.
As much I think anti-discrimination laws need to stand, I actually think the decision on the Colorado baker is harder than people on either side are willing to admit.
The very first sentence of the First Amendment is "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."
Then it continues "or abridging the freedom of speech" which the Court has over the years found to also mean freedom of expression, and is the argument that the baker in Colorado used.
So the argument is two warring principles from the very first sentence of the First Amendment.

Then there's the "all men are created equal" tenet that we try to live by as Americans, leading to the PA laws.

So I can see why the SC ducked and dived on this one. What a hell of a decision to have to make. I wish there was some way to find a compromise that would satisfy everyone.
Its not supposed to be about compromise. Its supposed to be about the Constitution.
Compromise comes through legislation and amendments.
The SC is SUPPOSED to be impartial and not political hacks like it has been for generations.
Fine, your side heard from again. Not paying any attention to my point. I imagine that will be the response from everyone.
I did, but when i saw "compromise" i had to pick the bottom of my mouth back up. Distracting. Sorry.
As much I think anti-discrimination laws need to stand, I actually think the decision on the Colorado baker is harder than people on either side are willing to admit.
The very first sentence of the First Amendment is "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."
Then it continues "or abridging the freedom of speech" which the Court has over the years found to also mean freedom of expression, and is the argument that the baker in Colorado used.
So the argument is two warring principles from the very first sentence of the First Amendment.

Then there's the "all men are created equal" tenet that we try to live by as Americans, leading to the PA laws.

So I can see why the SC ducked and dived on this one. What a hell of a decision to have to make. I wish there was some way to find a compromise that would satisfy everyone.
Its not supposed to be about compromise. Its supposed to be about the Constitution.
Compromise comes through legislation and amendments.
The SC is SUPPOSED to be impartial and not political hacks like it has been for generations.
I don't think the fact that you don't agree with their decisions makes them political hacks.
You idiot bigots don't care about equal rights because you have never had to fight for them yourselves.
And you fascists don’t care about liberty for the same exact reason - you never had to fight for it (and you sure as hell didn’t sacrifice your life for it). It was handed to your sorry ass on a silver platter and because of that, you have absolutely no appreciation for it.

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