Tennessee store owner puts no gays allowed sign back up

Old Lady why are you being so nasty?

Drink some herbal tea, meditate and remember Harley is young and is the byproduct of the 1990's failed society...

Now let be honest and admit the old phart in Tennessee ( not Harley ) is a rare case and why give a damn about him?

You are making him into the victim when his bigotry will ruin him in time...
What I give a damn about is that TN thinks discrimination is hunky dory. He SAYS he wouldn't discriminate himself, but "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

I don't have THAT much faith in humankind, Bruce, to think that people will just suddenly stop discriminating when even WITH laws they still do and still want to. Ignoring it and saying it will go away because you shrug and say oh well and shut your eyes to it WILL NOT MAKE IT STOP.

Well you just stated that even with laws it does not stop, so now you know humans are natural bigots and racists including you my dear...

Oh you will disagree but I promise you that I can dig it out of the most noble progressive and bam you realize bigotry is in the heart of all and the same for racism because it is natural like the blood that flows through our body...

Hell Harley is young and still crawling in life and by the time he hit my age or your age, well love let just say he will learn.

Now seeing laws have not work so well, then what is the solution?
Why do you keep referring to me as young? Is there something we are discussing that i am not understanding?


Just maybe...

Harley, the old phart is in your neck of the woods, so give your honest opinion of him and would you shop at his store?
Hell no i wouldnt shop there.
I dont support his actions. I support his right to do those actions.
I dont support the white racist to kick out the black guy out of his eatery. I support his right to do so.
I dont support the black guy to kick out the white guy from his barber shop. But i support his right to do so.
I believe in liberty, regardless. No amount of emotion or limp dick pleading will make my mind change.
Liberty is a human right.

Alright, just remember it swing every direction and remember this country has gone down this road many times with the end result being really bad but hey enjoy...

Really, I do not give a damn if he only sells to his family...
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No you dont. You are legally allowed to discriminate against anyone that isnt a protected class. YOU support that. YOU are a bigot. YOU support institutional discrimination.
I bet you miss jim crow and slavery, too
Stick it in your ear, troll.

Old Lady why are you being so nasty?

Drink some herbal tea, meditate and remember Harley is young and is the byproduct of the 1990's failed society...

Now let be honest and admit the old phart in Tennessee ( not Harley ) is a rare case and why give a damn about him?

You are making him into the victim when his bigotry will ruin him in time...
What I give a damn about is that TN thinks discrimination is hunky dory. He SAYS he wouldn't discriminate himself, but "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

I don't have THAT much faith in humankind, Bruce, to think that people will just suddenly stop discriminating when even WITH laws they still do and still want to. Ignoring it and saying it will go away because you shrug and say oh well and shut your eyes to it WILL NOT MAKE IT STOP.

Well you just stated that even with laws it does not stop, so now you know humans are natural bigots and racists including you my dear...

Oh you will disagree but I promise you that I can dig it out of the most noble progressive and bam you realize bigotry is in the heart of all and the same for racism because it is natural like the blood that flows through our body...

Hell Harley is young and still crawling in life and by the time he hit my age or your age, well love let just say he will learn.

Now seeing laws have not work so well, then what is the solution?
The laws are working fine. There are just still people whining about it, like here.
I work hard not to stereotype and to show respect. That's the best I can do. I don't think there's anything wrong with supporting people's right not to be discriminated against, either. Despite all your assurances that it does no good and is no big deal. That argument doesn't smell right to me, Bruce.

Tell you something I was accused of being racist when some little prick got upset he was denied service because he did not have proper ID...

Now when they accused me they were actually accusing my adopted brother that is Filipino and he threw out the guy because him and the woman he was with were more or less doing it in the lobby.

Now why was I accused?

Simple, I am white so they thought it was me tossing some Hispanic trash out but when they discovered it was not me, well of course no apology at all...

Also let me be clear I prefer not to do business with stupid people and all he has to do is ignore you while serving other customers and claim he did not notice you even with your marching band...

My point?

The laws are there but hardly enforced and there are many ways around it...

Is it fair?

In your eyes no but I refuse to give him the attention he craves...
I'm not sure how legal it it to refuse conventional service to sodomites but they can't force him to sell sex toys anyway.
Who cares, I just want to be able to tell Asian midgets that they are not welcome in my business -- I can't fully appreciate what it means to be a patriotic American until I can deny services to a pregnant black woman

That is what makes America great!!
Wait until Jewish deli owners are forced to serve BLT's with delicious bacon.

You'll learn what makes America great.
Listen, idiot. IF you provide a service, you have to provide it to everyone equally. No one says you have to bake wedding cakes or serve bacon. That is your choice. If you DO sell bacon, you have to serve it to everyone equally.
No you dont. You are legally allowed to discriminate against anyone that isnt a protected class. YOU support that. YOU are a bigot. YOU support institutional discrimination.
I bet you miss jim crow and slavery, too
Stick it in your ear, troll.
Im not trolling.
Oops. I forgot. Logic in this place isnt consistent. Some of you dont mind throwing away intellectual honesty for agenda.
Some of you dont mind throwing away intellectual honesty for agenda.
There you go, basing opinions on what posters say here
then why do we need pa laws, eminem?
My brilliant sarcasm has gone over your could be young head -- so I will explain it further --

Most conservatives and/or sociopaths believe that if it didn't happen to them personally, it doesn't exist; therefore anti-discrimination laws are useless.

Unless it is fantasized discrimination against conservatives -- then that is different.
I didnt say it doesnt exist. Sorry if i cant read your mind. 3/4 of what you say is facetious bullshit.
Wait until Jewish deli owners are forced to serve BLT's with delicious bacon.

You'll learn what makes America great.
Listen, idiot. IF you provide a service, you have to provide it to everyone equally. No one says you have to bake wedding cakes or serve bacon. That is your choice. If you DO sell bacon, you have to serve it to everyone equally.
No you dont. You are legally allowed to discriminate against anyone that isnt a protected class. YOU support that. YOU are a bigot. YOU support institutional discrimination.
I bet you miss jim crow and slavery, too
Stick it in your ear, troll.
Im not trolling.
Oops. I forgot. Logic in this place isnt consistent. Some of you dont mind throwing away intellectual honesty for agenda.
Some of you dont mind throwing away intellectual honesty for agenda.
There you go, basing opinions on what posters say here
LOL ummm that wasnt a blanket statement OL. I was referring to certain people. Not an entire state or region :rolleyes:
I wonder if his sales are going down, or going up?
Its hard to say. Im not for sure what kind of county Grainger is but i know its rural.
I believe the backlash could very well still hit the smallest of towns/counties.. but who knows

I have a feeling he ain't gonna lose much business.
He might not. Only half the state supports same sex marriage but this is different. I know i wouldnt go there.
So why aren't you yelling at Pop? HE doesn't think people in TN will boycott, either. Let's not be a hypocrite, TN.
Me and pop havent had a convo where he states that all people in TN are racists that ride around in their piece of shit mud trucks with rebel flags dragging ******* behind them at 55 mph. me and you have. I know where your opinion comes from.
all people in TN are racists that ride around in their piece of shit mud trucks with rebel flags dragging ******* behind them at 55 mph. me and you have. I know where your opinion comes from.
Out and out lying
Its hard to say. Im not for sure what kind of county Grainger is but i know its rural.
I believe the backlash could very well still hit the smallest of towns/counties.. but who knows

I have a feeling he ain't gonna lose much business.
He might not. Only half the state supports same sex marriage but this is different. I know i wouldnt go there.
So why aren't you yelling at Pop? HE doesn't think people in TN will boycott, either. Let's not be a hypocrite, TN.
Me and pop havent had a convo where he states that all people in TN are racists that ride around in their piece of shit mud trucks with rebel flags dragging ******* behind them at 55 mph. me and you have. I know where your opinion comes from.
all people in TN are racists that ride around in their piece of shit mud trucks with rebel flags dragging ******* behind them at 55 mph. me and you have. I know where your opinion comes from.
Out and out lying
It was paraphrased. Sorry if i didnt spend an hour trying to find the exact convo ;)
I didnt say it doesnt exist. Sorry if i cant read your mind. 3/4 of what you say is facetious bullshit.
75% of what I say is recycled conservative bullshit -- its only facetious because I already know its bullshit -- you on the other hand, its your belief system. Sad
Listen, idiot. IF you provide a service, you have to provide it to everyone equally. No one says you have to bake wedding cakes or serve bacon. That is your choice. If you DO sell bacon, you have to serve it to everyone equally.
No you dont. You are legally allowed to discriminate against anyone that isnt a protected class. YOU support that. YOU are a bigot. YOU support institutional discrimination.
I bet you miss jim crow and slavery, too
Stick it in your ear, troll.
Im not trolling.
Oops. I forgot. Logic in this place isnt consistent. Some of you dont mind throwing away intellectual honesty for agenda.
Some of you dont mind throwing away intellectual honesty for agenda.
There you go, basing opinions on what posters say here
LOL ummm that wasnt a blanket statement OL. I was referring to certain people. Not an entire state or region :rolleyes:
I've gone and done it, offended you, haven't I? I'll think about whether I'm sorry for it. You sure as hell don't worry about any garbage that comes out of your mouth.

My point, omitting using TN or any particular region as a target, stands. There are still plenty of people willing to discriminate in this country. Of course they're not only in TN. There are bigots up here, too. Doesn't make my point less salient. Without anti-discrimination laws, the market alone will not "solve the problem." In fact, it will send the message to everyone that it is alright to discriminate and that is NOT going to make discrimination go away. What society condones, society encourages.
Stick it in your ear, troll.

Old Lady why are you being so nasty?

Drink some herbal tea, meditate and remember Harley is young and is the byproduct of the 1990's failed society...

Now let be honest and admit the old phart in Tennessee ( not Harley ) is a rare case and why give a damn about him?

You are making him into the victim when his bigotry will ruin him in time...
What I give a damn about is that TN thinks discrimination is hunky dory. He SAYS he wouldn't discriminate himself, but "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

I don't have THAT much faith in humankind, Bruce, to think that people will just suddenly stop discriminating when even WITH laws they still do and still want to. Ignoring it and saying it will go away because you shrug and say oh well and shut your eyes to it WILL NOT MAKE IT STOP.

Well you just stated that even with laws it does not stop, so now you know humans are natural bigots and racists including you my dear...

Oh you will disagree but I promise you that I can dig it out of the most noble progressive and bam you realize bigotry is in the heart of all and the same for racism because it is natural like the blood that flows through our body...

Hell Harley is young and still crawling in life and by the time he hit my age or your age, well love let just say he will learn.

Now seeing laws have not work so well, then what is the solution?
The laws are working fine. There are just still people whining about it, like here.
I work hard not to stereotype and to show respect. That's the best I can do. I don't think there's anything wrong with supporting people's right not to be discriminated against, either. Despite all your assurances that it does no good and is no big deal. That argument doesn't smell right to me, Bruce.

Tell you something I was accused of being racist when some little prick got upset he was denied service because he did not have proper ID...

Now when they accused me they were actually accusing my adopted brother that is Filipino and he threw out the guy because him and the woman he was with were more or less doing it in the lobby.

Now why was I accused?

Simple, I am white so they thought it was me tossing some Hispanic trash out but when they discovered it was not me, well of course no apology at all...

Also let me be clear I prefer not to do business with stupid people and all he has to do is ignore you while serving other customers and claim he did not notice you even with your marching band...

My point?

The laws are there but hardly enforced and there are many ways around it...

Is it fair?

In your eyes no but I refuse to give him the attention he craves...
Who are you not giving attention to? The Hispanic dude you lawfully wouldn't serve because he didn't have ID or the shopkeeper in TN?
How is he going to know who is gay? They don't all walk around in short shorts and glitter
Maybe he'll appoint a Tiler who will stop everyone at the door and make sure they have the password and secret handshake of straight people.
I have a feeling he ain't gonna lose much business.
He might not. Only half the state supports same sex marriage but this is different. I know i wouldnt go there.
So why aren't you yelling at Pop? HE doesn't think people in TN will boycott, either. Let's not be a hypocrite, TN.
Me and pop havent had a convo where he states that all people in TN are racists that ride around in their piece of shit mud trucks with rebel flags dragging ******* behind them at 55 mph. me and you have. I know where your opinion comes from.
all people in TN are racists that ride around in their piece of shit mud trucks with rebel flags dragging ******* behind them at 55 mph. me and you have. I know where your opinion comes from.
Out and out lying
It was paraphrased. Sorry if i didnt spend an hour trying to find the exact convo ;)
You are confusing me with another smart, funny, attractive female poster, apparently.
Old Lady why are you being so nasty?

Drink some herbal tea, meditate and remember Harley is young and is the byproduct of the 1990's failed society...

Now let be honest and admit the old phart in Tennessee ( not Harley ) is a rare case and why give a damn about him?

You are making him into the victim when his bigotry will ruin him in time...
What I give a damn about is that TN thinks discrimination is hunky dory. He SAYS he wouldn't discriminate himself, but "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

I don't have THAT much faith in humankind, Bruce, to think that people will just suddenly stop discriminating when even WITH laws they still do and still want to. Ignoring it and saying it will go away because you shrug and say oh well and shut your eyes to it WILL NOT MAKE IT STOP.

Well you just stated that even with laws it does not stop, so now you know humans are natural bigots and racists including you my dear...

Oh you will disagree but I promise you that I can dig it out of the most noble progressive and bam you realize bigotry is in the heart of all and the same for racism because it is natural like the blood that flows through our body...

Hell Harley is young and still crawling in life and by the time he hit my age or your age, well love let just say he will learn.

Now seeing laws have not work so well, then what is the solution?
The laws are working fine. There are just still people whining about it, like here.
I work hard not to stereotype and to show respect. That's the best I can do. I don't think there's anything wrong with supporting people's right not to be discriminated against, either. Despite all your assurances that it does no good and is no big deal. That argument doesn't smell right to me, Bruce.

Tell you something I was accused of being racist when some little prick got upset he was denied service because he did not have proper ID...

Now when they accused me they were actually accusing my adopted brother that is Filipino and he threw out the guy because him and the woman he was with were more or less doing it in the lobby.

Now why was I accused?

Simple, I am white so they thought it was me tossing some Hispanic trash out but when they discovered it was not me, well of course no apology at all...

Also let me be clear I prefer not to do business with stupid people and all he has to do is ignore you while serving other customers and claim he did not notice you even with your marching band...

My point?

The laws are there but hardly enforced and there are many ways around it...

Is it fair?

In your eyes no but I refuse to give him the attention he craves...
Who are you not giving attention to? The Hispanic dude you lawfully wouldn't serve because he didn't have ID or the shopkeeper in TN?

1. It was my adopted brother that rejected the person and not me...

2. Either one because both are morons.

You try to fix every problem while making the store owner a martyr for those like the OP...
No you dont. You are legally allowed to discriminate against anyone that isnt a protected class. YOU support that. YOU are a bigot. YOU support institutional discrimination.
I bet you miss jim crow and slavery, too
Stick it in your ear, troll.
Im not trolling.
Oops. I forgot. Logic in this place isnt consistent. Some of you dont mind throwing away intellectual honesty for agenda.
Some of you dont mind throwing away intellectual honesty for agenda.
There you go, basing opinions on what posters say here
LOL ummm that wasnt a blanket statement OL. I was referring to certain people. Not an entire state or region :rolleyes:
I've gone and done it, offended you, haven't I? I'll think about whether I'm sorry for it. You sure as hell don't worry about any garbage that comes out of your mouth.

My point, omitting using TN or any particular region as a target, stands. There are still plenty of people willing to discriminate in this country. Of course they're not only in TN. There are bigots up here, too. Doesn't make my point less salient. Without anti-discrimination laws, the market alone will not "solve the problem." In fact, it will send the message to everyone that it is alright to discriminate and that is NOT going to make discrimination go away. What society condones, society encourages.
Of course you didnt offend me. You made me laugh though ;)
You said yourself you based a blanket statement on my state off of what "southerners" on this website believe.
Thats a load of horseshit.
Of course idc what comes out fo my mouth. If my words offend you, you probably need it.

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