Tennessee to require unwed men take DNA Test before signing birth certificates!

OK them too. But the wealthy have support. They dont need the taxpayers to cover all they can have by whomever?

The point is its good to have facts on each child......a lot can change over 18 years.
They will still go after the poor sap for a kid not made by them. Probably, women are more likely to name the wealthiest man possible as the father. Should a man get stuck with child support just because he is wealthy? Is it right ? That is kinda how the state has looked at it . Stick one poor sap so it is nit spread across the many.
Not unwed men. Unwed men who have allegedly fathered children and are responsible for them. Sounds like a good idea. Speaking of Tennessee, why doesn't the state government release the trannie terrorist manifest?
They will still go after the poor sap for a kid not made by them. Probably, women are more likely to name the wealthiest man possible as the father. Should a man get stuck with child support just because he is wealthy? Is it right ? That is kinda how the state has looked at it . Stick one poor sap so it is nit spread across the many.

I thought each kid would have a father identified (99.99% certainty) or no one would be listed? They can't go after the wrong one then?

What say you on this issue? Can't sign the birth certificate until a DNA test is performed so it is known for sure you are the father before getting stuck with child support.
I am more concerned with it being used to create a DNA data base for the government,,

in a case like this it only matters if and when child support or paternity is in question,,
If every wed or unwed man never fathered a child the nation would be so much better off. No more arguing, abortion, kids to take care of.
I thought each kid would have a father identified (99.99% certainty) or no one would be listed? They can't go after the wrong one then?
That is the hope. I would imagine there will be those that the woman will not be able to name unfortunately. There will also be men that are named incapable of supporting a child. Those cases are why the support system is the way it has been. It has allowed the women to name the most likely to support and support well and get away with it. We will likely end up with more women on assistance this way. Or who knows maybe women will be more careful. Lol
I can't tell what the law does. They can't issue a birth certifcate without a DNA test?
I think, that parents should, in all cases, be responsible for their children. We have the means to define the liability without a doubt.. I say go for it.
Talk about right for the unborn..here's our chance to pin down the financial responsibility, once and for all.
But ideally, applied to ALL prospective Father's.

Yeah, I get it that the OP sees the obvious benefit of eliminating fraud and false accusation by the Mother--but I think it could go far beyond that~
Point on this doll where the bad woman refused to touch you.
I can't tell what the law does. They can't issue a birth certifcate without a DNA test?

Point on this doll where the bad woman refused to touch you.
Not exactly sure just where that came from..but hey, I'm sure it means something very insightful, to you?
Perhaps you might explain why you feel establishing paternity beyond a doubt is a bad thing?

the law in the OP is all about not allowing the current practice of allowing the mother to name a father without proof..but rather requiring a DNA test of the putative Father.
Lol, you are kidding yourself if you think it is only happening in the lower class. I live and work in a tourist area that serves the wealthy. Believe me when I say wealthy women play around also.
But they don't stick taxpayers with the bill.
As long as the expense is 100% paid for by the state, I have no issues with it. DNA testing is not cheap.
I second this. To me, a test shouldn't be paid for by the person who is getting it until they are the person who wants it.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. My only question is should this testing issue still be done on guys who know good and well that they are not the biological father of the baby, especially if the biological father will not be around to do his part because he is either dead or in jail?
But they don't stick taxpayers with the bill.
Well we hope not but it is human nature to put money I'm their pockets any way they can. I would not be surprised to find out even the wealthy find ways of getting the honest man's tax dollars in their pockets.

What say you on this issue? Can't sign the birth certificate until a DNA test is performed so it is known for sure you are the father before getting stuck with child support.
Great idea. They should also check the DNA database to see if they can determine who the real father is. And, they should also take dna samples of all convicted of crimes.
Great idea. They should also check the DNA database to see if they can determine who the real father is. And, they should also take dna samples of all convicted of crimes.
Guys like Chad and Tyrone, who are serial impregnators, will feel the weight of their liaisons...might not be able to afford their gym membership anymore...much less drinks at the club.
Guys like Chad and Tyrone, who are serial impregnators, will feel the weight of their liaisons...might not be able to afford their gym membership anymore...much less drinks at the club.
Reminds me of something from when I used to live in Minnesota. I dated this one woman once who worked in social services. She went into work one day on her day off to have lunch with a friend who also worked there. Her and her child sat on a bench waiting for her friend to get off and a black lady sat down next to her, not knowing she worked there, and started spilling the beans to her, giving her all kinds of advice on how to lie and beat the system to get the most welfare.

That wasn't really the funny part but this girlfriend told me there was a running joke between all of them that many times single mothers would come in to claim benefits and when asked who the father of the child or children were, the standard response was some guy named Dave from Canada and that they didn't know where he was or lived, other than that he was from Canada. I also noticed that often times these people would be collecting benefits and the father actually lived with them, earning money under the table while his baby's mama was collecting welfare, claiming she didn't know who the father was.
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I like it. I'd like it better if this was required for married men, as well.
How about all of the teenage girls that get pregnant. Most have no father and they do not divulge the father of their children. Also. Technically that is rape. Correct.

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