Terrorism is not a threat to our survival.

xen said:
GunnyL, im sorry if i offended you. Ill try to give you the respect you deserve.
You must have protected our boys on the field, something i may need to do someday.

I do not expect you to run out and enlist, nor have I asked for any special respect for my rank in the Marine Corps. What I think is a little more thought should go into your accusations before you make them.

For instance you said you have friends in Iraq in one post, and in another that "we" (which would be in actuality your friends in Iraq) are murdering innocent civilians.

So WHAT is it you are actually saying?

You don't have to respond. Just think about it.
xen said:
I am currently infiltrating the democratic party. Wish to kick out the DLC.
Trying to create the country and world our founding fathers hoped for, and restore the legacy FDR left for us.

Well...........this sounds plausible, however, you still haven't given me specific details of what you are doing so I can make the choice about whether to support you or not.
GunnyL said:
For instance you said you have friends in Iraq in one post, and in another that "we" (which would be in actuality your friends in Iraq) are murdering innocent civilians.

So WHAT is it you are actually saying?

Its their job to do what they do. I cannot blame them for the nature of war.
xen said:
Its their job to do what they do. I cannot blame them for the nature of war.
And the nature of what they 'do' is dangerous. You do get that?
I don't support anyone in particular. The rules of our government have changed so much that for anyone to be elected, they must be sell-outs.

How about laws or my beliefs? I support the sherman act for one.
xen said:
I don't support anyone in particular. The rules of our government have changed so much that for anyone to be elected, they must be sell-outs.

How about laws or my beliefs? I support the sherman act for one.
You mean, Zaqwari, Taliban, US Marines, and Al Queda are one in the same?
Dear Troll Candidate,

Thank you for your troll. Your troll has been evaluated by our panel of experts. Here are the results of our tests.

We found that your troll was...
[x] Incomprehensible
[x] Offensive
[x] Just plain stupid
[x] Without merit
[x] Grammatically incorrect
[x] Laced with spelling and punctuation errors
[x] Laden with circular reasoning
[x] Laced with misunderstandings of basic scientific principles
[x] Somewhat too revealing of your minimal mental abilities
[x] Too similar to other trolls submitted by candidates in the past.

You could improve your troll considerably by...
[x] Including a few actual facts.
[x] Taking remedial English lessons
[x] Mentioning NPR more.
[ ] Mentioning Memory Sticks more.
[x] Mentioning that you are a professional.
[x] Stating more falsehoods as facts than you already have.
[x] Swearing more.
[x] Including more colorful personal insults.
[x] Using the phrases "you people" or "those people" more.
[x] Modifying your insults to cover larger groups of people at once.
[ ] Ranting incoherently.
[x] Using religious or racial slurs.
[x] Using the words "junk", "crap", "garbage", "quagmire", "flimsy" and "Professional" more frequently.
[x] Using childish taunts.
[x] Including fake laughter such as "ha ha ha" or "har de har de har".
[ ] Focusing on just one outrageous topic will give your troll more punch.
[x] Ignoring any facts, and using more absolutes in your troll.
[x] Using all capital letters.
[x] Focusing more on those areas in which "your" opinion is better than "their" opinion.
[x] Exaggerate more, you need not be limited by facts. Examples: Say that you only used the camera for 10 seconds. Say that it was garbage. Say that the viewfinder was invisible. Say that the grip was unholdable. Say that the shutter was unpressable. Say that the colors were all wrong. Say that you could tell it was garbage by just looking at it. Say that the controls are all in the wrong places. Say that the camera color is wrong. Say that it is too heavy or light or too much or too little plastic or say that it was made by Sanyo or even elves; it dosen't matter what you say. Just say anything that pops into your head, you can do it. Think stream of consciousness.

Please get a...
[x] life
[x] grip
[x] job
[x] clue
[x] book on basic politics
[x] note from your mom

You should...
[x] Have someone who can read review your postings.
[ ] Save your postings out and think later if you really want to send them.
[x] Take your meds.
[x] Not have "one for the road" next time.
[x] Stay in school.
[x] Go think whatever you want, we don't care.
[ ] Think about other people's feelings before you post.
[x] Get your ego boost some other way.
[ ] Realize that by trolling a group you hurt everyone, not just the people you are mad at.
[x] Go away so we can talk about politics.
[x] Put up a web site with your great opinions on it to show the world.
[ ] Take down your web site, your photos are horrible.

Suggested other activities besides trolling.
[x] Posting something constructive.
[x] Doing actual thinking.
[x] Helping someone else.
[x] Spending some time with your family instead of your computer.
[x] Working off that big pot belly.
[x] Get your ego boost instead by helping out at a local hospital.
[x] Consider another hobby that does not require contact with other humans such as wood burning, breeding flowers, painting or mortuary science.

Thanks for your submission.

You have [ ] passed [x] passed with honors [ ] failed.

Kathianne ,
Oops, princess wanted to know who/what i supported.
xen said:
I don't support anyone in particular. The rules of our government have changed so much that for anyone to be elected, they must be sell-outs.

How about laws or my beliefs? I support the sherman act for one.

Once again xen.......help me understand how I can support you in your beliefs. Tell me specifically what you are doing to support your beliefs. Just telling me you support something doesn't help me understand what I need to do to help you in your belief.

Example: I can say I believe every child deserves a hot lunch.

So what? What do I do to support this belief OTHER than saying I support it? I donate money to our local elementary school and once a month I volunteer in the cafeteria.

Do you understand the difference between talk and action? I have continually asked you to tell me what it is that you do to support your beliefs, so I can determine if I'm willing to do the same thing to help support your beliefs......I'm still unclear exactly what it is you do to support anything you've espoused here.
I signed the petition to have the Ben franklin true patriot act protect us from the expansive power of the patriot act. cant say it does the same w/ patriot act II, and victory act.
Its a good stuff though, the true patriot act, very straight forward.
xen said:
I signed the petition to have the Ben franklin true patriot act protect us from the expansive power of the patriot act. cant say it does the same w/ patriot act II, and victory act.
Its a good stuff though, the true patriot act, very straight forward.

Alright xen..........now you're talking. This is what I mean by specifically what have you done to support your beliefs. Good for you.

I don't think I ever saw that petition. Did you sign the petition in person, or was it one of those on-line petitions? Can you point me to a link where I can read the petition and follow up on the status?

I duno princess, was in 2001..since obviously the patriot act was introduced, 100% complete in one week after 9/11. You know what i mean...was created before the fact.
It was online though, but was probly one of those petitions that got carted in by the truckload.

Introduced 2003.
xen said:
I duno princess, was in 2001..since obviously the patriot act was introduced, 100% complete in one week after 9/11. You know what i mean...was created before the fact.
It was online though, but was probly one of those petitions that got carted in by the truckload.

Introduced 2003.

Well, if you ever find it again be sure to let me know. I'd really be interested in researching to see what the original petition said and follow the history on it.

Thanks for replying.
xen said:
Its their job to do what they do. I cannot blame them for the nature of war.

Dude, that is a cop out answer right out of the "We support the troops but not the war" handbook.

Your friends are the ones squeezing the triggers and making live bodies into dead ones. If the war is unjust, then their actions are immoral. And THAT is the message you and those like you send EVERY TIME you make such statements. THAT is the message received.

Troops aren't concened with your political extremism, and/or one-sided points of view. They're actually pretty quick to pick up on things. One being that by calling the war unjust, you are in fact calling them murderers.

You cherish your right to dissent so much, but with that right comes the responsibility of your actions.

If you put even ONE doubt in the mind of even ONE troop that what he is doing is immoral, that causes him to hesitate for even one second, either he or someone depending on him is DEAD, and you have surely killed him just as if you pulled the trigger yourself.
GunnyL said:
Dude, that is a cop out answer right out of the "We support the troops but not the war" handbook.

Your friends are the ones squeezing the triggers and making live bodies into dead ones. If the war is unjust, then their actions are immoral. And THAT is the message you and those like you send EVERY TIME you make such statements. THAT is the message received.

Troops aren't concened with your political extremism, and/or one-sided points of view. They're actually pretty quick to pick up on things. One being that by calling the war unjust, you are in fact calling them murderers.

You cherish your right to dissent so much, but with that right comes the responsibility of your actions.

If you put even ONE doubt in the mind of even ONE troop that what he is doing is immoral, that causes him to hesitate for even one second, either he or someone depending on him is DEAD, and you have surely killed him just as if you pulled the trigger yourself.
Surely you don't expect any antiwar person to accept the responsibility you indiccate here???
CSM said:
Surely you don't expect any antiwar person to accept the responsibility you indiccate here???

Well, SgtMajor .... the way I see it, if I can get even ONE of these individuals to think beyond the political extremism someone has filled them with to SEE the possible consequences of their actions, I may indeed accomplish something.

But you're more than likely right. :bang3:
GunnyL said:
Well, SgtMajor .... the way I see it, if I can get even ONE of these individuals to think beyond the political extremism someone has filled them with to SEE the possible consequences of their actions, I may indeed accomplish something.

But you're more than likely right. :bang3:

The first assumption that these individuals 'think' is your downfall...if they did that, they wouldn't be liberals.

I sometimes wonder if the people who spout the Michael Moore moronics are just saying these things because they really don't want to think. It is much easier to let someone else examine, analyze, and critique the issues and then repeat whatever they produce as fact.
CSM said:
The first assumption that these individuals 'think' is your downfall...if they did that, they wouldn't be liberals.

I sometimes wonder if the people who spout the Michael Moore moronics are just saying these things because they really don't want to think. It is much easier to let someone else examine, analyze, and critique the issues and then repeat whatever they produce as fact.

Well, we can't just take them out back and "explain" the error of their ways anymore. :laugh:

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